Code Error While Using SQL Output and ASP.NET -

I have the below stored procedure in SQL Server 2008 which is not generating any errors in SQL, but is generating one in the web application which states "'GetGenInfo_Delete01_01_22' expects parameter '#FPath', which was not supplied". I am fairly novice at SQL, but what I am trying to do is return a field to VB.NET before the row is deleted. Any suggestions would be very helpful.
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[GetGenInfo_Delete01_01_22]
#IDX int,
#FPath varchar(100) OUTPUT
SELECT #FPath = (SELECT FilePath FROM GenInfo_E1_01_22 Where ID=#IDX)
FROM GenInfo_E1_01_22
Here is the VB code calling the stored proc
Using con As New SqlConnection(connstr)
Using cmd As New SqlCommand()
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "GetGenInfo_Delete01_01_22"
cmd.Parameters.Add("IDX", ID)
Dim returnParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("#FPath", SqlDbType.VarChar)
returnParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
cmd.Connection = con
GridView1.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader()
End Using
End Using

You're creating parameter returnParameter, but you're not adding it to the parameters collection. Use cmd.Parameters.Add(returnParameter) prior to DB Call.

You could add an FPath parameter to cmd. Do it like this:
SqlParameter fpath = new SqlParameter();
fpath.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
fpath.ParameterName = "#FPATH";


Get User Collection Type Object (Table) as Out Parameter from Oracle stored procedure

I need to get back from an Oracle stored procedure (inside a package) an output parameter defined as user collection type object (a table).
Procedure GetCon (DataRif IN VARCHAR2,Results OUT my_collectiontype)
select my_ObjectType(Col1,Col2)
bulk collect into Results
TABLE(PMS.myfunc(DataRif ,'31-12-2019');
The Function PMS.myfunc returns a my_collectiontype object
In my code ( 4.0 VB.NET with Oracle ManagedDataAccess Drivers), I've tried
strConn = "Data Source=XE.WORK;User Id=PMS;Password=xxxx"
Dim con As New OracleConnection(strConn)
Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable()
Dim da As OracleDataAdapter = New OracleDataAdapter()
Dim cmd As New OracleCommand()
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "MySchema.MyPackage.GetCon"
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.Add("DataRif", OracleDbType.Varchar2,"23-07-2019", ParameterDirection.Input)
cmd.Parameters.Add("Results", OracleDbType.RefCursor).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
da.SelectCommand = cmd
I get this error
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GETCONT'
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored"
Sure the out parameter is not a ref cursor but I can't find the right object.
I need to use a stored procedure because I know it's possible execute something like this as simple view
SELECT * FROM TABLE (PMS.myfunc('01-01-2019', '31-12-2019')
but this solution is not the best at the moment.
Thanks in advance.
Solved in this following way that permits to receive a cursor and put it in a dataset.
Create Stored Procedure in Oracle like this
OPEN p_recordset FOR
FROM TABLE(fn_GetDataFunction('01-01-2019','31-12-2019','15-09-2019'));
END get_emp_rs;
Public Function TestCursor() As DataSet
Dim strConn As String = "Data Source=MYSOURCE;User Id=MYID;Password=xxxxx"
Dim dsReturn As DataSet = Nothing
Using con As New OracleConnection(strConn)
Using sda As New OracleDataAdapter()
Dim cmd As New OracleCommand()
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "get_emp_rs"
cmd.Parameters.Add("p_recordset", OracleDbType.RefCursor).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
sda.SelectCommand = cmd
Using ds As New System.Data.DataSet("results")
sda.Fill(ds, "MyTableName")
Return ds
End Using
End Using
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function

Get Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleClob instead of actual value

I'm having an issue, I'm calling a procedure on oracle 11g, the prucedure receives a clob and responds with a different CLOB, a VARCHAR2 and a Number. The procedure is called from a ASP.NET (on Visual Basic) webpage using oracle data provider (ODP.NET), I can call the procedure successfully, view the VARCHAR2 and NUMBER returned values, but when I try to see the returned value of the returning CLOB all I get is "Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleClob" instead of a expecting XML
I know the returned XML is generated because on the store procedure I create a txt file where it shows the expected result
My code it's pretty simple right now:
Function Index() As String 'ActionResult
Dim xml_message As String
Dim oradb As String = "Data Source=;User Id=id;Password=pass;"
Dim conn As New OracleConnection(oradb)
Dim oracleDataAdapter As New OracleDataAdapter
oracleDataAdapter = New OracleDataAdapter()
Dim cmd As New OracleCommand
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "Common.GetDriverPoints"
cmd.BindByName = True
Dim driver_input As New OracleParameter()
driver_input = cmd.Parameters.Add("p_driver", OracleDbType.Clob)
driver_input.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
driver_input.Value = <THE_SENDED_XML_VALUE>
Dim driver_output As New OracleParameter()
driver_output = cmd.Parameters.Add("p_output", OracleDbType.Clob)
driver_output.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim error_flag As New OracleParameter()
error_flag = cmd.Parameters.Add("p_Return", OracleDbType.Int16)
error_flag.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim error_desc As New OracleParameter()
error_desc = cmd.Parameters.Add("p_ReturnDesc", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 100)
error_desc.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
Dim output As String
output = driver_output.Value.ToString() 'This only returns Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleClob
Return output
End Function
Also, the generated xml is around 55Kb, sometimes it's bigger
Thank you
I manage to find the answer, In case someone have the same problem, basically what has to be done is create another clob, used only on for, that clob will receive the value of the parameter output from the procedure, then cast to a string variable the local clob.
Dim output As String
Dim myOracleClob As OracleClob = driver_output.Value
output = System.Convert.ToString(myOracleClob.Value)
Now the "output" variable holds the actual message of the clob.
Hope this helps anybody with the same problem.

SQL OUTPUT Parameter Not Assigning

I have the following SQL Statement written in SQL Server 2008 which isn't returning a value for the OUTPUT Parameter even though there is data in the table. I added static values and ran the query alone and it produced a record so I am not sure if it has something to do with my Stored Procedure or my VB.NET Code.
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[GetGenInfo_Delete01_01_22]
#IDX int,
#FPath varchar(100) OUTPUT
FROM GenInfo_E1_01_22
My VB Code
Using con As New SqlConnection(connstr)
Using cmd As New SqlCommand()
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "GetGenInfo_Delete01_01_22"
cmd.Parameters.Add("IDX", ID)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#FPath", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100)
cmd.Parameters("#FPath").Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
cmd.Connection = con
GridView1.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader()
End Using
End Using
An output parameter does not show up in the result set. So you can't read it with ExecuteReader().
You can read it like:
Dim result as String = cmd.Parameters("#FPath").Value

ASP.NET - Could not find stored procedure

I've been searching the depths of the internet and all the solutions I found did not solve this problem.
I am using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express with SQL Server 2008, using VB.
I am trying to execute a stored procedure to insert some data coming from a textbox control to a database, if the id doesn't exist it inserts both the id given in the textbox and the current date (time_scanned_in), if the id exists already, it will insert the current datetime in the [time_scanned_out] column, if all 3 fields in the db are full, it will return #message = 1.
Here is the sql stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.InsertDateTime
#barcode_id nchar(20),
#message char(1) = 0 Output
if not exists(select * from tblWork where barcode_id = #barcode_id)
INSERT INTO [tblWork] ([barcode_id], [time_scanned]) VALUES (#barcode_id, GetDate())
else if exists(select * from tblWork where barcode_id = #barcode_id AND time_scanned_out IS NOT NULL )
SET #message=1
else if exists(select * from tblWork where barcode_id = #barcode_id AND time_scanned_out IS NULL)
UPDATE [tblWork] SET [time_scanned_out] = GetDate() WHERE [barcode_id] = #barcode_id
RETURN #message
If I execute this (by right clicking on the SP), it works flawlessly and returns the values when all fields have been filled.
But when executed through the vb code, no such procedure can be found, giving the error in the title.
Here is the vb code:
Dim opconn As String = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True"
Dim sqlConnection1 As New SqlConnection(opconn)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim returnValue As Object
cmd.CommandText = "InsertDateTime"
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Connection = sqlConnection1
With cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("#barcode_id", TextBox.Text))
End With
With cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("#message", SqlDbType.Char, 1, Label3.Text))
End With
returnValue = cmd.ExecuteScalar()
Note, I haven't done the code for the return part yet, will do that once I get it to locate the SP.
Tried listing all objects with the for each of the databases in a gridview, it listed everything but the stored procedure I want.
Why is this, any ideas? Would be much appreciated, spent hours trying to find a solution.
If anyone needs any more code or information feel free to ask.
try cmd.parameters.clear() first and then start adding parameters in cmd object. also instead of cmd.executescaler(), try cmd.executenonquery or cmd.executeReader()
Try this
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#barcode_id", TextBox.Text)
SqlParameter prmOut = cmd.Parameters.Add("#message",SqlDbType.Char, 1)
prmOut.Value = Label3.Text
prmOut.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput
returnValue = prmOut.Value.ToString()
Recreated the whole project with a whole new database, copied all the same code, and now it all works flawlessly! Still have no idea what was wrong, but thank you all, you were all prompt and knowledgable.
Here was the final VB code for anyone who's interested:
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(opconn)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand()
Dim myReader As SqlDataReader
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Connection = myConnection
cmd.CommandText = "InsertTimes"
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#message", OleDbType.Integer)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#barcode_id", TextBox.Text)
cmd.Parameters("#message").Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
Dim returnMessage As String = cmd.Parameters("#message").Value
If returnMessage = 1 Then
label_confirmation.Text = "Record successfully submitted!"
TextBox.Text = ""
ElseIf returnMessage = 2 Then
label_confirmation.Text = "A finish time already exists for the record '" & TextBox.Text & "', would you like to override the finish time anyway?"
button_yes.Visible = True
button_no.Visible = True
ElseIf returnMessage = 3 Then
label_confirmation.Text = "Record submitted, work operation status complete!"
TextBox.Text = ""
End If
Catch ex As Exception
label_confirmation.Text = ex.ToString()
End Try

how to run two queries using the code snippet below?

How to Run two Update Sql Queries using this Sql Snippet ?
The code mentioned below is updating values only in one table .... i want to update data in two different tables using the code mentioned below :
can anybody reedit this code ?
Using conn = New SqlConnection(constr)
Using cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
Dim sql As String =
"UPDATE a1_ticket
SET Ticket_no =#ticketNo,
BANK = #bank,
PAID = #paid,
BID = #bid
WHERE ITC = #ticketNo"
cmd.CommandText = sql
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#bank", Literal20.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#paid", Label1.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#bid", Literal21.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ticketNo", Literal3.Text)
End Using
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Create a Stored Procedure that updates the two tables and execute it using a StoredProcedure Command...
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.CommandText = "UpdateTheTwoTables";
Modify the SQL statement to update the two tables.
Using a Stored Procedure is the cleanest way code wise. If you don't feel comfortable doing it like that, I'm sure you can do it like this:
Using conn = New SqlConnection(constr)
Using cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
Dim sql As String = "UPDATE a1_ticket SET Ticket_no =#ticketNo, BANK = #bank, PAID = #paid, BID = #bid WHERE ITC = #ticketNo"
cmd.CommandText = sql
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#bank", Literal20.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#paid", Label1.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#bid", Literal21.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ticketNo", Literal3.Text)
End Using
Using cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
Dim sql As String = "UPDATE a2_ticket SET Ticket_no =#ticketNo, BANK = #bank, PAID = #paid, BID = #bid WHERE ITC = #ticketNo"
cmd.CommandText = sql
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#bank", Literal20.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#paid", Label1.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#bid", Literal21.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ticketNo", Literal3.Text)
End Using
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
It's a sketch of what I'm trying to say, you may want to change a few things here and there, but the point is you can just update your two tables one after the other. It's not possible in one update statement afaik.
you can also use
Dim sql As String = # "Query for first update;
Query for second update;";
Well as you havent said anything about the second table, or the data you're sending it. I havent put this through the compiler to verify it, but the concept I'd suggest would be
You could do:
void UpdateDB(String sql, String[][] params)
SqlConnection conn = New SqlConnection(constr);
SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = sql;
for(int i=0; i<params.length; i++)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(params[i,0] params[i,1]);
Catch (Exception ex)
eg send the SQL and the parameters to the function and have it do all the work..
