Apache CXF WebClient multiple requests with www-authenticate header - http

I got simple JAX-RS resource and I'm using Apache CXF WebClient as a client. I'm using HTTP basic authentication. When it fails on server, typical 401 UNAUTHORIZED response is sent along with WWW-Authenticate header.
The strange behavior happens with WebClient when this (WWW-Auhenticate) header is received. The WebClient (internally) repeats the same request multiple times (20 times) and than fails.
WebClient webClient = WebClientFactory.newClient("http://myserver/auth");
try {
// inside GET, 20 HTTP GET requests are invoked
} catch (ServerWebApplicationException ex) {
// data are present when WWW-authenticate header is not sent from server
// if header is present, unmarshalling fails
AuthError err = ex.toErrorObject(webClient, AuthError.class);

I found the same problem in CXF 3.1.
In my case for all async http rest request if response came 401/407, then thread is going in infinite loop and printing WWW-Authenticate is not set in response.
What I analysed the code I found that :
In case of Asynchronous call Control flow from HttpConduit.handleRetransmits-> processRetransmit-> AsyncHTTPConduit.authorizationRetransmit
which return true and in HttpConduit the code is
int maxRetransmits = getMaxRetransmits();
int nretransmits = 0;
while ((maxRetransmits < 0 || nretransmits < maxRetransmits) && processRetransmit()) {
If maxRetransmits = -1 and processRetransmit() return true then thread going in infinite loop.
So to overcome this issue we pass maxRetransmitValue as 0 in HttpConduit.getClient().
Hope it will others.

This has been fixed in the latest versions of CXF:


Widevine DRM Content on Exoplayer 2.0

I am trying to play Widevine encrypted content on an Android TV application using Exoplayer. I have my video URL which is served from a CDN and acquired with a ticket. I have my widevine license URL, a ticket and a auth token for the license server.
I am creating a drmSessionManager, putting the necessary headers needed by the license server as follows:
mediaDrm = FrameworkMediaDrm.newInstance(drmSchemeUuid);
static final String USER_AGENT = "user-agent";
HttpMediaDrmCallback drmCallback = new HttpMediaDrmCallback("my-license-server", new DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory(USER_AGENT));
keyRequestProperties.put("ticket-header", ticket);
keyRequestProperties.put("token-header", token);
drmCallback.setKeyRequestProperty("ticket-header", ticket);
drmCallback.setKeyRequestProperty("token-header", token);
new DefaultDrmSessionManager(drmSchemeUuid, mediaDrm, drmCallback, keyRequestProperties)
After this Exoplayer handles most of the stuff, the following breakpoints are hit.
response = callback.executeKeyRequest(uuid, (KeyRequest) request);
in class DefaultDrmSession
return executePost(dataSourceFactory, url, request.getData(), requestProperties) in HttpMediaDrmCallback
I can observe that everything is fine till this point, the URL is correct, the headers are set fine.
in the following piece of code, I can observe that the dataSpec is fine, trying to POST a request to the license server with the correct data, but when making the connection the response code returns 405.
in class : DefaultHttpDataSource
in method : public long open(DataSpec dataSpec)
this.dataSpec = dataSpec;
this.bytesRead = 0;
this.bytesSkipped = 0;
try {
connection = makeConnection(dataSpec);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HttpDataSourceException("Unable to connect to " + dataSpec.uri.toString(), e,
dataSpec, HttpDataSourceException.TYPE_OPEN);
try {
responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
responseMessage = connection.getResponseMessage();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HttpDataSourceException("Unable to connect to " + dataSpec.uri.toString(), e,
dataSpec, HttpDataSourceException.TYPE_OPEN);
When using postman to make a request to the URL, a GET request returns the following body with a response code of 405.
"Message": "The requested resource does not support http method 'GET'." }
a POST request also returns response code 405 but returns an empty body.
In both cases the following header is also returned, which I suppose the request must be accepting GET and POST requests.
Access-Control-Allow-Methods →GET, POST
I have no access to the configuration of the DRM server, and my contacts which are responsible of the DRM server tells me that POST requests must be working fine since there are clients which have managed to get the content to play from the same DRM server.
I am quite confused at the moment and think maybe I am missing some sort of configuration in exoplayer since I am quite new to the concept of DRMs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
We figured out the solution. The ticket supplied for the DRM license server was wrong. This works as it is supposed to now and the content is getting played. Just in case anyone somehow gets the same problem or is in need of a basic Widevine content playing code, this works fine at the moment.
Best regards.

Simulating response timeouts with ASP.NET Web API

Suppose I have a client that continually requests streams from a service, and I want automate testing it. So, as part of the test, I create a service that returns a stream. The following code snippet constructs the response and returns it:
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
response.Content = new StreamContent(fstream);
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = mediaType;
return response;
This works for the success case where the client calls the API and gets a response in a timely manner. But I also want to simulate some timeout failures.
If I want to simulate timeouts before any part of the response is returned, i can simply add a Thread.Sleep() before return response.
My question is: how can I simulate the timeout case where the service has already started return response? I would like to simulate the service timing out after the response headers have been sent, but before the entirety of fstream is sent.
Maybe try something like this?
var response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
response.Buffer = false;
response.Write("Some body text.");
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(WEB_SERVER_TIMEOUT_VALUE + 1);

How to Read the message Body in a HTTP POST in Netty (version >= 4.x)

In my server handler;
- channelRead() always gets the msg as HTTPRequest and there I cannot find any place to get the POST request payload.
Then I tried following in my handler to check if it works. The decoder has 0 elements.
HttpPostRequestDecoder decoder = new HttpPostRequestDecoder(new DefaultHttpDataFactory(false), request);
In my server pipeline I have HttpServerCodec and a custom handler only.
It's likely that your HTTP request is chunked. You should try to add an io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpObjectAggregator to your pipeline, just after the codecs. It will give a FullHttpRequest to your handler.
ChannelPipeline p = ...;
p.addLast("encoder", new HttpResponseEncoder());
p.addLast("decoder", new HttpRequestDecoder());
p.addLast("aggregator", new HttpObjectAggregator(1048576));
p.addLast("handler", new MyServerHandler());
Alternatively, you could check this example where HttpRequest and HttpContent are handled separately.
As Leo Gomes mentioned, HTTP Request maybe chunked. so add HttpObjectAggregator before your own handler in pipeline.
if HTTP POST request body is Simple Json String. You can parse it in your own handler like this:
private String parseJosnRequest(FullHttpRequest request){
ByteBuf jsonBuf = request.content();
String jsonStr = jsonBuf.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
return jsonStr;

Web API as a Proxy and Chunked Transfer Encoding

I have been playing around with using Web API (Web Host) as a proxy server and have run into an issue with how my Web API proxy handles responses with the "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header.
When bypassing the proxy, the remote resource sends the following response headers:
Date:Fri, 24 May 2013 12:42:27 GMT
When going through my Web API based proxy, my request hangs unless I explicitly reset the TransferEncodingChunked property on the response header to false:
response.Headers.TransferEncodingChunked = false;
I admit, I don't fully understand what impact setting the TransferEncodingChunked property has, but it seems strange to me that in order to make the proxy work as expected, I need to set this property to false when clearly the incoming response has a "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header. I am also concerned about side effects to explicitly setting this property. Can anyone help me understand what is going on and why setting this property is required?
UPDATE: So I did a little more digging into the difference in the response when going through the proxy vs. not. Whether I explicitly set the TransferEncodingChunked property to false, the response headers when coming through the proxy are exactly the same as when not going through the proxy. However, the response content is different. Here are a few samples (I turned off gzip encoding):
// With TransferEncodingChunked = false
This was sent with transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n
// Without explicitly setting TransferEncodingChunked
This was sent with transfer-encoding: chunked
Clearly, the content sent with TransferEncodingChunked set to false is in fact transfer encoded. This is actually the correct response as it is what was received from the requested resource behind the proxy. What continues to be strange is the second scenario in which I don't explicitly set TransferEncodingChunked on the response (but it is in the response header received from the proxied service). Clearly, in this case, the response is NOT in fact transfer encoded by IIS, in spite of the fact that the actual response is. Strange...this is starting to feel like designed behavior (in which case, I'd love to know how / why) or a bug in IIS, ASP.Net, or Web API.
Here is a simplified version of the code I am running:
Proxy Web API application:
// WebApiConfig.cs
name: "Proxy",
routeTemplate: "{*path}",
handler: HttpClientFactory.CreatePipeline(
innerHandler: new HttpClientHandler(), // Routes the request to an external resource
handlers: new DelegatingHandler[] { new ProxyHandler() }
defaults: new { path = RouteParameter.Optional },
constraints: null
// ProxyHandler.cs
public class ProxyHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected override async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Route the request to my web application
var uri = new Uri("http://localhost:49591" + request.RequestUri.PathAndQuery);
request.RequestUri = uri;
// For GET requests, somewhere upstream, Web API creates an empty stream for the request.Content property
// HttpClientHandler doesn't like this for GET requests, so set it back to null before sending along the request
if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Get)
request.Content = null;
var response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
// If I comment this out, any response that already has the Transfer-Encoding: chunked header will hang in the browser
response.Headers.TransferEncodingChunked = false;
return response;
And my web application controller which creates a "chunked" response (also Web API):
public class ChunkedController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
var content = "This was sent with transfer-encoding: chunked";
var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content);
var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
response.Content = new ChunkedStreamContent(stream);
return response;
public class ChunkedStreamContent : StreamContent
public ChunkedStreamContent(Stream stream)
: base(stream) { }
protected override bool TryComputeLength(out long length)
length = 0L;
return false;
From an HttpClient standpoint, content chunking is essentially a detail of the transport. The content provided by response.Content is always de-chunked for you by HttpClient.
It looks like there's a bug in Web API that it doesn't correctly (re-)chunk content when requested by the response.Headers.TransferEncodingChunked property when running on IIS. So the problem is that the proxy is telling the client, via the headers, that the content is chunked when in fact it is not. I've filed the bug here:
I think your workaround is the best option at the moment.
Also notice that you have multiple layers here that likely weren't designed/tested for proxying scenarios (and may not support it). On the HttpClient side, note that it will automatically decompress and follow redirects unless you turn that behavior off. At a minimum, you'll want to set these two properties:
On the WebApi/IIS side, you've found at least one bug, and it wouldn't be suprising to find others as well. Just be forewarned there may be bugs like this currently writing a proxy using these technologies outside their main design use cases.

How to return error pages with body using HttpListener/HttpListenerResponse

I'm in the process of creating a REST API using HttpListener in .NET (C#). This all works out great, except for one slight issue.
I'm trying to return responses with Status Codes other than OK (200), for instance ResourceNotFound (404).
When I set the StatusCode of the HttpListenerResponse to something other than 200, and create a response body (using HttpListenerResponse.OutputStream), it seems to be resetting the status code to 200. I'm not able to send a response with StatusCode 404 and a message body. However, this should be possible according to the HTTP specs. I'm checking the requests and responses with Fiddler, but I'm not able to get what I'm looking for.
I've had the same problem and found the source of the problem :
If you write the body in the OutputStream before set the StatusCode (or any other property), the response will be sent before the modification is applied !
So, you have to proceed in this order :
public void Send(HttpListenerContext context, byte[] body)
// First, set a random status code and other stuffs
context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
// Write to the stream IN LAST (will send request)
context.Response.OutputStream.Write(body, 0, body.Length);
