Recursive object: works one way, but not the other - recursion

Below are two examples, they are very simplified, and in this simplified form have no practical meaning, but it would help me to understand how things work using these two:
let test x = object (self)
val x = x
method testme = x == self
end in
Printf.printf "printme: %b\n" (test test)#testme;;
let test x = object
method testme = (==) x
end in
Printf.printf "printme: %b\n" ((test test)#testme test);;
The first example doesn't work, while the second one does. The first one argues about types of x and test being incompatible, but I don't understand how does it come to the conclusion that the type of x is < testme : bool > -> < testme : bool >. Why not just < testme : bool >?

Here's what I see:
# let test x = object (self) method testme = x == self end;;
val test : < testme : bool > -> < testme : bool > = <fun>
Indeed, test is a function and not an object. It has the form of a basic OCaml function definition. You say that x is a function, but x is the function parameter of test. So the type of x is < testme: bool >.


How to print in if statement in SML

This is the code I tried
fun printsl([], k) = true
| printsl(h::t) = if k > h then print(h) andalso printsl(t);
But when I run the code, i get the following error
= stdIn:4.68-7.8 Error: syntax error: deleting SEMICOLON ID
stdIn:8.1 Error: syntax error found at EOF
The goal of the function is to print any number in the list that is less than the value k
A few things wrong here. Let's start with your function signature.
On the first line, your function takes 2 parameters, an empty list and whatever the type of k is (it is not important yet). Then on the second line, the function takes just one parameter, a non-empty list.
The two lines should match to look like:
fun printsl([], k) = ...
| printsl(h::t, k) = ...
Now let's think about the use of andalso. andalso is an operator which takes two booleans and returns a bool. It can be considered to have the signature bool * bool -> bool.
Your usage print(h) andalso printsl(t) does not match this signature.
The type of print is string -> unit, so the type of print(h) is unit (assuming h to be a string). As such, the usage of andalso is incorrect as the types on each side are not bools.
Instead of using andalso, we can simply execute both statements (print(h); printsl(t, k)). Sequences like this are expressions which return the last value. That is to say (x; y; z) returns z.
fun printsl([], k) = true
| printsl(h::t, k) = if h < k then (print(h); printsl(t, k));
However, this is still broken as the if-else construct in SML is an expression and must have a matching else, so you could use either of the following:
fun printsl([], k) = true
| printsl(h::t, k) =
if h < k then (print(h); printsl(t))
else printsl(t, k);
fun printsl([], k) = true
| printsl(h::t, k) = (
if h < k then print(h) else ();
printsl(t, k)
I personally prefer the latter as it prevents repetition of printsl.
This code will compile, but the signature is wrong. As we use h directly as a parameter of print, its type is inferred to be a string. This means that the compiler determines printsl to have type string list * string -> bool, whereas we are aiming for int list * int -> bool.
This can be corrected by changing the call print(h) to print(Int.toString h), giving us:
fun printsl([], k) = true
| printsl(h::t, k) = (
if h < k then print(Int.toString h) else ();
printsl(t, k)
This is now a function which will print all values in the given list which are less than k, but it always returns true. This provides no extra information so I would be inclined to change the signature to int list * int -> unit, giving us (finally):
fun printsl([], k) = ()
| printsl(h::t, k) = (
if h < k then print(Int.toString h) else ();
printsl(t, k)
This entire program could also be written in a more functional manner using and List.filter.
fun printsl (xs, k) =
(fn y => print (Int.toString y))
(fn x => x < k)

Higher order function on lists Ocaml

I created a function p that checks if the square of a given value is lower than 30.
Then this function is called in an other function (as argument) to return the first value inside a list with its square less then 30 ( if p is true, basically I have to check if the function p is true or false ).
This is the code :
let p numb =
let return = (numb * numb) < 30 in return
let find p listT =
let rec support p listT =
match listT with
| []-> raise (Failure "No element in list for p")
| hd :: tl -> if p hd then hd
else support p tl in
let ret = support (p listT) in ret
let () =
let a = [5;6;7] in
let b = find p a in print_int b
But it said on the last line :
Error: This expression (p) has type int -> bool
but an expression was expected of type int -> 'a -> bool
Type bool is not compatible with type 'a -> bool
However, I don't think I'm using higher order functions in the right way, I think it should be more automatic I guess, or not?
First, note that
let return = x in return
can replaced by
Second, your original error is on line 10
support (p listT)
This line makes the typechecker deduce that the p argument of find is a function that takes one argument (here listT) and return another function of type int -> bool.
Here's another way to look at your problem, which is as #octachron says.
If you assume that p is a function of type int -> bool, then this recursive call:
support (p listT)
is passing a boolean as the first parameter of support. That doesn't make a lot of sense since the first parameter of support is supposed to be a function.
Another problem with this same expression is that it requires that listT be a value of type int (since this is what p expects as a parameter). But listT is a list of ints, not an int.
A third problem with this expression is that it only passes one parameter to support. But support is expecting two parameters.
Luckily the fix for all these problems is exremely simple.

In Julia: How to declare the type of a function parameter that is a function? [duplicate]

Can I add type information to arguments that are functions?
Consider the following example:
function f{T} (func, x::Int)
output = Dict{Int, Any}()
output[x] = func(x)
return output
I don't like that I have to say Any for the value type of the dictionary. I'd much rather do the following:
function f{T} (func::Function{Int->T}, x::Int)
output = Dict{Int, T}()
output[x] = func(x)
return output
Can I provide type hints of functions like this? I kind of want to say the following
f :: (Int -> T), Int -> Dict{Int, T}
Not currently. We may add something along those lines in the future, however.
This is not an answer to the main question, but more a really ugly workaround the Any in the Dict issue:
function f(func, x::Int)
T = code_typed(func, (Int,))[1].args[3].typ
output = Dict{Int, T}()
output[x] = func(x)
return output
That is probably not efficient and will probably work only on simple cases (which do not even include anonymous functions) like
>>> g(x) = x*2
>>> typeof(f(g, 1234))
>>> h(x) = x > zero(x) ? x : nothing
>>> typeof(f(h, 1234))
This works better:
function f(func, x::Int)
[x => func(x)]
>>> dump( f(x->2x, 3) )
Dict{Int64,Int64} len 1
3: Int64 6

Can I add type information to arguments that are functions in Julia?

Can I add type information to arguments that are functions?
Consider the following example:
function f{T} (func, x::Int)
output = Dict{Int, Any}()
output[x] = func(x)
return output
I don't like that I have to say Any for the value type of the dictionary. I'd much rather do the following:
function f{T} (func::Function{Int->T}, x::Int)
output = Dict{Int, T}()
output[x] = func(x)
return output
Can I provide type hints of functions like this? I kind of want to say the following
f :: (Int -> T), Int -> Dict{Int, T}
Not currently. We may add something along those lines in the future, however.
This is not an answer to the main question, but more a really ugly workaround the Any in the Dict issue:
function f(func, x::Int)
T = code_typed(func, (Int,))[1].args[3].typ
output = Dict{Int, T}()
output[x] = func(x)
return output
That is probably not efficient and will probably work only on simple cases (which do not even include anonymous functions) like
>>> g(x) = x*2
>>> typeof(f(g, 1234))
>>> h(x) = x > zero(x) ? x : nothing
>>> typeof(f(h, 1234))
This works better:
function f(func, x::Int)
[x => func(x)]
>>> dump( f(x->2x, 3) )
Dict{Int64,Int64} len 1
3: Int64 6

Mutable Data in OCaml

I've created a mutable data structure in OCaml, however when I go to access it, it gives a weird error,
Here is my code
type vector = {a:float;b:float};;
type vec_store = {mutable seq:vector array;mutable size:int};;
let max_seq_length = ref 200;;
exception Out_of_bounds;;
exception Vec_store_full;;
let vec_mag {a=c;b=d} = sqrt( c**2.0 +. d**2.0);;
let make_vec_store() =
let vecarr = ref ((Array.create (!max_seq_length)) {a=0.0;b=0.0}) in
{seq= !vecarr;size=0};;
When I do this in ocaml top-level
let x = make _ vec _store;;
and then try to do x.size I get this error
Error: This expression has type unit -> vec_store
but an expression was expected of type vec_store
Whats seems to be the problem? I cant see why this would not work.
make_vec_store is a function. When you say let x = make_vec_store, you are setting x to be that function, just like if you'd written let x = 1, that would make x the number 1. What you want is the result of calling that function. According to make_vec_store's definition, it takes () (also known as "unit") as an argument, so you would write let x = make_vec_store ().
try x = make_ vec_store()
As a follow up to the excellent answere provided. You can tell that your example line:
# let x = make_vec_store;;
val x : unit -> vec_store = <fun>
returns a function as the repl will tell you this. You can see from the output that x is of type <fun> that takes no parameters unit and returns a type vec_store.
Contrast this to the declaration
# let x = 1;;
val x : int = 1
which tells you that x is of type int and value 1.
