Wordpress is_page function to display alternative logo - wordpress

I have a wordpress theme where the logo is defined in header.php but I would like to display a different logo if they go to a certain page.
The code I am using is below, but it just returns a blank white page when visit the site when using it.
Any ideas?
<img src="http://www.url.com/images/logo2.png" alt="url.com"/>
else { <img src="http://www.url.com/images/logo1.png" alt="url.com"/>

<img src="http://www.url.com/images/logo2.png" alt="url.com"/>
<?php } else { ?>
<img src="http://www.url.com/images/logo1.png" alt="url.com"/>
<?php } ?>

$pagename = get_query_var('pagename');
if($pagname == 'compliance'){ ...
You can read this : How to get the current page name in WordPress?


template management with wordpress (underscore boilerplate)

I am using underscore to develop a wordpress theme.
I have a custom post type name project, thus I have, for instance, this url: http://a.site.local/projects/a-beauty/.
I have in my template-parts/ directory the file content-projects.
$ cat template-parts/content-projects.php
When I browse http://a.site.local/projects/a-beauty/, I have my title but also the sidebar and the footer (even if they do not appear in my content-project.php nor in index.php).
Where are those widgets coming from / loaded ?
Add conditions to the header, footer and sidebar.
For whole custom post archive:
<?php if( !is_post_type_archive( 'project' ) ) : ?>
// wrap the code you don't want to show on that archive
<?php endif; ?>
For custom post only:
<?php if( !is_singular( 'project' ) ) : ?>
// wrap the code you don't want to show on the post
<?php endif; ?>
If you want to put the code you WANT to show, remove the '!' before condition.
You can put the whole content in a condition, but keep the
</div><!-- #page -->
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
otherwise the page will break :)
Please share some more code from your project so we can easy to understand the real problem.

Wordpress Is there anyway to add specific class to home page body tag?

I am using a theme (Arcade Basic) in which the home page header image is resized differently from all other pages...
I would like to have the same header resizing on all pages included the home..
The resizing script is a .js script I don't want (I can't) to modify .
The resizing is triggered by the presence of the 'page' class in the body tag ..
<body class="home blog only-on-home no-fittext basic">
<body class="page-template-default page page-id-1183 no-fittext basic">
If there anyway to add the 'page' class on the home page ?
Providing that you are using a specific page to act as your homepage and not just the default list of posts, you can add the following is_home() to check if you're on the homepage then add a class.
More information on the static front page setting.
<?php if ( is_home() ) : ?>
<body class="<?php body_class('homepage'); ?>">
<?php else : ?>
<body class="<?php body_class(); ?>">
<?php endif; ?>
you Can - but I can't say that treating all of your pages like a "page" won't come with bugs.
I would call the class something else.
find this in your header.php
<body <?php body_class('whatEverClassHere'); ?>>

How to add a class to a Drupal 7 region?

I am trying to add a .clearfix class to my footer region in a Drupal 7. Is there a way to do this?
I am currently using the following to print my footer region:
<?php print render($page['footer']); ?>
Which outputs:
<div class="region region-footer">
<div id="block-1>....</div>
<div id="block-2>....</div>
Here's the code snippet:
function MY_THEME_NAME_preprocess_region(&$variables, $hook) {
if($variables['region'] == "MY_REGION_NAME"){
$variables['classes_array'][] = 'MY_CLASS_NAME';
Or if you'd rather insert the class into all of the regions:
function MY_THEME_NAME_preprocess_region(&$variables, $hook) {
$variables['classes_array'][] = 'MY_CLASS_NAME';
Copy region.tpl.php (found in modules/system directory) to your theme directory. Then copy everything inside it and create a new file. Paste into that file and make any changes you like to the template. Once finished, save it as region--footer.tpl.php and clear the cache on your site to see the changes.
The region.tpl.php contains (along with a lot of comments explaining possible variables):
<?php if ($content): ?>
<div class="<?php print $classes; ?>">
<?php print $content; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
So all you would need to do is add a class on that DIV.
It is even better if you use a hook, you can use template_preprocess_region.
Try adding the include to the footer.php.tpl file. You may have to create it.

Adding a static text on top of view when it is not filtered

I want to add a static text (some sort of explanation/welcome text) on the very top of a view (over the filter) in Drupal 6.x with Views "2". I want this text appear only when the view is not filtered (i.e. on initial load of the page).
My problem is that the only place I figure out to make it work partially is in the views-exposed-form--MYVIEW.tpl.php. The problem is that when I place the code in this template, I don't know if the view is filtered or not, so the text appear on every single page! I don't have access to this info in that template so the only place this is available ($rows or $empty variables for example) is in views-view--MYVIEW.tpl.php.
But there I got an another problem. The order in witch it seams the variables are output are not the same as the order in witch they appeared in the file. For example, the $exposed variable content is render always on top, then $admin_links, $header and so forth.
<?php if ($header): ?>
<div class="view-header">
<?php print $header; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!$rows): ?>
<h3>This static text appear AFTER $exposed !!!</h3>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($exposed): ?>
<div class="view-filters">
<?php print $exposed; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($attachment_before): ?>
<div class="attachment attachment-before">
<?php print $attachment_before; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
So even if I place my static content before this code, the filter form always appear on top!
I found the reason why is doing this: the exposed filter form is rendered as a part of the content-top <div></div>, but not the result (and $header, $footer, etc).
So is this by design? Do I miss something? How can I get my static text on the very top of the content-top!?
Well, after some tweaking and lecture on preprocess function in the theming system, I found a solution to my problem. I share it with you and if you find a more elegante approach; let me know!
What I did is this...
1) In the template.php file of the theme, I add two fonctions:
function YOURTHEME_preprocess_views_view__MYVIEW(&$variables) {
if ($variables['rows'] || $variables['empty']) {
$GLOBALS['dont_show_static_text'] = TRUE;
function YOURTHEME_preprocess_views_exposed_form__MYVIEW(&$variables) {
if ($GLOBALS['dont_show_static_text']) {
$variables['custom_flag1'] = TRUE;
So, if my views is showing some results ($row) or a blank result ($empty), then I set a flag to be use in the template file....
2) In my views-exposed-form--MYVIEW.tpl.php
<?php if (!$custom_flag1): ?>
<h2>Some static text here</h2>
<?php endif; ?>
And voilà! My static text is showing up only on the initial load of the view and it shows on TOP of the filter (not under!).
Hope this help someone else!

Adding next and previous buttons to static pages in wordpress?

I'm trying to add next and previous buttons to the static pages on my wordpress site.
I've been able to find some content on how to add these buttons to your blog post but haven't been able to find anything like this regarding static pages.
I'd like to add next and previous buttons to appear on the child pages within all the parent pages on my site, so you'd be able to use a link to navigate to the next/previous page located within the same parent.
Does anyone know how I could go about doing this or of any plugin that might help me out?
Thanks to markratledge, I've almost got it, but I just having one problem.
It seems the next and previous links are working almost how I'd like but they are coming in in alphabetical order when I want to to match the order I've got my pages ordered in.
this is what I've tried but it doesn't seem to work
$pagelist = get_pages('child_of='.$post->post_parent.'sort_column=menu_order');
Seems I just figured it out was missing &... should look like this.
$pagelist = get_pages('child_of='.$post->post_parent.'&sort_column=menu_order');
This should work, from the Wordpress Codex (Next and Previous Links « WordPress Codex).
Exclude pages with parameters in get_pages: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_pages
(Or this plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/next-page/):
$pagelist = get_pages('sort_column=menu_order&sort_order=asc');
$pages = array();
foreach ($pagelist as $page) {
$pages[] += $page->ID;
$current = array_search($post->ID, $pages);
$prevID = $pages[$current-1];
$nextID = $pages[$current+1];
<div class="navigation">
<?php if (!empty($prevID)) { ?>
<div class="alignleft">
<a href="<?php echo get_permalink($prevID); ?>"
title="<?php echo get_the_title($prevID); ?>">Previous</a>
<?php }
if (!empty($nextID)) { ?>
<div class="alignright">
<a href="<?php echo get_permalink($nextID); ?>"
title="<?php echo get_the_title($nextID); ?>">Next</a>
<?php } ?>
