How to get grunt task name given on command line? - gruntjs

In order to customize my grunt tasks, I need access to the grunt task name given on the command line when starting grunt.
The options is no problem, since its well documented (grunt.options).
It's also well documented how to find out the task name, when running a grunt task.
But I need access to the task name before.
Eg, the user writes
grunt build --target=client
When configuring the grunt job in my Gruntfile.js, I can use
grunt.option('target') to get 'client'.
But how do I get hold of parameter build before the task build starts?
Any guidance is much appreciated!

Your grunt file is basically just a function. Try adding this line to the top:
module.exports = function( grunt ) {
/*==> */ console.log(grunt.option('target'));
/*==> */ console.log(grunt.cli.tasks);
// Add your pre task code here...
Running with grunt build --target=client should give you the output:
[ 'build' ]
At that point, you can run any code you need to before your task is run including setting values with new dependencies.

A better way is to use grunt.task.current which has information about the currently running task, including a name property. Within a task, the context (i.e. this) is the same object. So . . .
grunt.registerTask('foo', 'Foobar all the things', function() {
console.log(; // foo
console.log(; // foo
console.log(this === grunt.task.current); // true
If build is an alias to other tasks and you just want to know what command was typed that led to the current task execution, I typically use process.argv[2]. If you examine process.argv, you'll see that argv[0] is node (because grunt is a node process), argv[1] is grunt, and argv[2] is the actual grunt task (followed by any params in the remainder of argv).
Example output from console.log(grunt.task.current) on grunt#0.4.5 from within a task (can't have a current task from not a current task).
nameArgs: 'server:dev',
name: 'server',
args: [],
flags: {},
async: [Function],
errorCount: [Getter],
requires: [Function],
requiresConfig: [Function],
options: [Function],
target: 'dev',
data: { options: { debugPort: 5858, cwd: 'server' } },
files: [],
filesSrc: [Getter]

You can use grunt.util.hooker.hook for this.
Example (part of
grunt.util.hooker.hook grunt.task, (opt) ->
if grunt.task.current and grunt.task.current.nameArgs
console.log "Task to run: " + grunt.task.current.nameArgs
C:\some_dir>grunt concat --cmp my_cmp
Task to run: concat
Running "concat:coffee" (concat) task
Task to run: concat:coffee
File "" created.
Done, without errors.
There is also a hack that I've used to prevent certain task execution:
grunt.util.hooker.hook grunt.task, (opt) ->
if grunt.task.current and grunt.task.current.nameArgs
console.log "Task to run: " + grunt.task.current.nameArgs
if grunt.task.current.nameArgs is "<some task you don't want user to run>"
console.log "Ooooh, not <doing smth> today :("
exit() # Not valid. Don't know how to exit :), but will stop grunt anyway
CMD, when allowed:
C:\some_dir>grunt concat:coffee --cmp my_cmp
Running "concat:coffee" (concat) task
Task to run: concat:coffee
File "" created.
Done, without errors.
CMD, when prevented:
C:\some_dir>grunt concat:coffee --cmp my_cmp
Running "concat:coffee" (concat) task
Task to run: concat:coffee
Ooooh, not concating today :(
Warning: exit is not defined Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.


lint-staged custom config > error Command failed with exit code 1

I'm following the first example (copy/paste) of custom config file (lint-staged.config.js) for lint-staged packaged from its github README without success. I get error Command failed with exit code 1. always.
I tried this...
I have tried three things, for each case I had my lint-staged.config.js in the root directory.
package.json: result is error Command failed with exit code 1.
"lint-staged": {
"packages/**/*.{ts,tsx}": [
"yarn lint-staged --config ./lint-staged.config.js"
husky/pre-commit: result is error Command failed with exit code 1.
npx lint-staged --config ../lint-staged.config.js
cmd line: result is error Command failed with exit code 1.
yarn lint-staged --config lint-staged.config.js
The problem
Im just looking for run a custom config file.
The problem is that the execution fails, the error message its related to the command but the command itself its correct as lint-staged [options] (yarn/npx lint-staged -h) then to provide a custom config file it would as lint-staged [--config [path]] but it fails (I even provide all kind of quotes for path).
The issue is that when the module doesn't provide an explicit positive answer to the validation it will always return error Command failed with exit code 1 meaning that the validation has fail.
To properly work as expected it should, in my case:
first, the module had to have a return.
Secondly it should be in form of string array.
Third, the first string of the array had to be terminal-like response as '0' or 'true' of 'false'.
Then, the next following strings could be a message or messages like 'error some A' and 'error some B' and 'error some C' and so on...
For example: ['0', 'error some A', 'error some B', 'error some C']
const path = require("path");
module.exports = (absolutePaths) => {
const cwd = process.cwd();
const relativePaths = => path.relative(cwd, file));
console.log("query", relativePaths)
return ['0', 'error some A', 'error some B', 'error some C']
This runs ok, but as Andrey Mikhaylov said in this post to run something like
"lint-staged": {
"packages/**/*.{ts,tsx}": [
"yarn lint-staged --config ./lint-staged.config.js"
If the lint returns an error, It will blow away the staged files causing a regression that will drop the commit completely, which means that all the work will be lost.
I fix this not intended/desired behaviour running the same command yarn lint-staged --config ./lint-staged.config.js but from husky at the pre-commit file as
. "$(dirname "$0")/_/"
yarn lint-staged --config ./lint-staged.config.js`

Ansible showing task changed but the task has condition (creates: ) and does not actually execute

My ansible-playbook is running some long running task with async tag and also utilizes "creates:" condition, so it is run only once on the server. When I was writing the playbook yesterday, I am pretty sure, the task was skipped when the log set in "creates:" tag existed.
It shows changed now though, everytime I run it.
I am confused as I do not think I did change anything and I'd like to set up my registered varaible correctly as unchanged, when the condition is true.
Output of ansible-play (debug section shows the task is changed: true):
TASK [singleserver : Install Assure1 SingleServer role] *********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [crassure1]
TASK [singleserver : Debug] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [crassure1] => {
"msg": {
"ansible_job_id": "637594935242.28556",
"changed": true,
"failed": false,
"finished": 0,
"results_file": "/root/.ansible_async/637594935242.28556",
"started": 1
But if I check the actual results file on the target maschine, it correctly resolved condition and did not actually execute the shell script, so the task should be unchanged (shows message the task is skipped as the log exists):
[root#crassure1 assure1]# cat "/root/.ansible_async/637594935242.28556"
{"invocation": {"module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": true, "strip_empty_ends": true, "_raw_params": "/opt/install/", "removes": null, "argv": null, "creates": "/opt/assure1/logs/SetupWizard.log", "chdir": null, "stdin_add_newline": true, "stdin": null}}, "cmd": "/opt/install/", "changed": false, "rc": 0, "stdout": "skipped, since /opt/assure1/logs/SetupWizard.log exists"}[root#crassure1 assure1]# Connection reset by port 22
My playbook section looks like this:
- name: Install Assure1 SingleServer role
#cmd: "/opt/assure1/bin/SetupWizard -a --Depot /opt/install/:a1-local --First --WebFQDN crassure1.tspdata.local --Roles All"
cmd: "/opt/install/"
async: 7200
poll: 0
register: Assure1InstallWait
creates: /opt/assure1/logs/SetupWizard.log
- name: Debug
msg: "{{ Assure1InstallWait }}"
- name: Check on Installation status every 15 minutes
jid: "{{ Assure1InstallWait.ansible_job_id }}"
register: job_result
until: job_result.finished
retries: 30
delay: 900
when: Assure1InstallWait is changed
Is there something I am missing, or is that some kind of a bug?
I am limited by Ansible version available in configured trusted repo, so I am using ansible 2.9.25
Q: "The module shell shows changed every time I run it"
A: In async mode the task can't be skipped immediately. First, the module shell must find out whether the file /opt/assure1/logs/SetupWizard.log exists at the remote host or not. Then, if the file exists the module will decide to skip the execution of the command. But, you run the task asynchronously. In this case, Ansible starts the module and returns without waiting for the module to complete. That's what the registered variable Assure1InstallWait says. The task started but didn't finish yet.
"msg": {
"ansible_job_id": "637594935242.28556",
"changed": true,
"failed": false,
"finished": 0,
"results_file": "/root/.ansible_async/637594935242.28556",
"started": 1
The decision to set such a task changed is correct, I think because the execution on the remote host is going on.
Print the registered result of the module async. You'll see, that the command was skipped because the file exists (you've printed the async file at the remote instead). Here the attribute changed is set false because now we know the command didn't execute
attempts: 1
changed: false
failed: false
finished: 1
msg: Did not run command since '/tmp/SetupWizard.log' exists
rc: 0

Using glob patterns not for default Grunt keys

1. Summary
I can't set grunt-clean-console plugin, that it works for all my .html files.
2. Details
grunt-clean-console check browser console errors for .html files.
I want to check browser console errors for all .html files of my site. In official descripition I read, how plugin works for specific values of url key. I have many pages in my site; I don't want add each .html file separately. But I can't find, how I can use patterns.
I find, that I can use patterns for built-in Grunt cwd, src, dest keys. But how I can use glob (or another) patterns for custom keys as url of this plugin?
3. Data
module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-clean-console'
url: 'output/index.html'
example project configuration:
│ 404.html
│ index.html
│ KiraFirstfile.html
If I set specific values for url key without patterns as in example above, grunt-clean-console successfully works:
phantomjs: opening page output/index.html
phantomjs: Checking errors after sleeping for 5000ms
ok output/index.html
phantomjs process exited with code 0
3.1. Steps to reproduce
I run in console:
grunt clean-console --verbose
4. Not helped
4.1. Globbing
Official documentation
module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-clean-console'
url: 'output/**/*.html'
phantomjs: opening page http://output/**/*.html
phantomjs: Unable to load resource (#1URL:http://output/**/*.html)
phantomjs: phantomjs://code/runner.js:30 in onResourceError
Error code: 3. Description: Host output not found
phantomjs://code/runner.js:31 in onResourceError
phantomjs: loading page http://output/**/*.html status fail
phantomjs process exited with code 1
url output/**/*.html has 1 error(s)
>> one of the urls failed clean-console check
Warning: Task "clean-console:all" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
4.2. Building the object dinamically
Official documentation (example):
module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-clean-console'
files: [
expand: true
cwd: "output/"
src: ['**/*.html']
dest: "output/"
File: [no files]
Options: urls=[], timeout=5, url=["output/**/*.html"]
Fatal error: missing url
4.3. Templates
Official documentation
module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-clean-console'
url: '<%= kiratemplate %>'
kiratemplate: ['output/**/*.html'],
phantomjs: opening page http://output/**/*.html
phantomjs: Unable to load resource (#1URL:http://output/**/*.html)
phantomjs: phantomjs://code/runner.js:30 in onResourceError
Error code: 3. Description: Host output not found
phantomjs://code/runner.js:31 in onResourceError
loading page http://output/**/*.html status fail
phantomjs process exited with code 1
url output/**/*.html has 1 error(s)
>> one of the urls failed clean-console check
Warning: Task "clean-console:all" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Create a function before the grunt.initConfig part that utilizes grunt.file.expand. For instance:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-clean-console'
// Add this function...
function getFiles() { return grunt.file.expand('output/**/*.html'); }
'clean-console': {
all: {
options: {
url: getFiles() // <-- invoke the function here.
// ...
// ...
The getFiles function returns an array of file paths for all .html files matching the given glob pattern, i.e. 'output/**/*.html'.
The value of the options.url property is set to getFiles() to invoke the function.

Can I increase maxBuffer for gruntjs task grunt-svn-export

The grunt task svn-export runs into an Error:
Running "svn_export:dev" (svn_export) task
Exporting from
>> #svn export target
>> Error: stdout maxBuffer exceeded.
The task configuration is:
svn_export: {
dev: {
options: {
repository: '',
output: 'target'
Is it possible to increase nodejs maxBuffer for a specific gruntjs task?

gruntjs: how to move a file out of the way

I need to move a file out of the way before one of my Grunt tasks run, and then put it back after the task has completed.
How do I do this with GruntJS?
Basically I want to run this command:
# move node-webkit out of the way
mv app/node-webkit ./tmp
# run grunt task
# move node-webkit back
mv ./tmp/node-webkit ./app/
Yeah, have a look at grunt-shell. In your init config:
shell: {
move: {
command: 'mv app/node-webkit ./tmp'
moveback: {
command: 'mv ./tmp/node-webkit ./app/'
Then, register a function that runs the move command before the other tasks you want to run, then run the moveback task.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
'use strict';
grunt.registerTask('mytask', [
