Visual Studio 2010 Error Message -

Yesterday night i was working on a project in visual studio 2010. everything seemed to work great. Today morning when i opened my project suddenly i got 102 errors and all of them are related to generic components which are in microsoft.visualbasic and windows.forms class. I have no clue of what happened. I have more than 80 classes, 45 forms and Huge amount of coding.
I googled and tried to remove n add all reference.. but still its same..
I tried to add and remove reference but nothing worked.. can anyone please point me to proper direction??

When visual studio gets wonky I always try:
The small guns: Rebuild All - sometimes help.
The big guns: Close visual studio. Delete all bin and obj directories. Helps most of the time, if not try again but delete the suo file as well.
You might also want to let someone else to look at the problem. It may be something simple you've overlooked. Also try to look at the errors relating to your application. Sometimes a single character typed by mistake in one of the files may cause a truck load of errors.
Last: use source control. That way you can always load from source control to a new directory a version you know for sure works and rule out (or not) problems with your computer.

I answered a similar question to this here
Build Error "Maximum number of errors has been exceeded" file vbc
The main thing is... Relax! its nothing serious,
Usually this type of error occurs because you forgot to close some quotes or something simple like that, but as a side effect it throws all the following lines out of sync and then you get gazillions of errors showing.


Could not find schema information for the element 'setting' VS 2015 ASP.Net

When building my web app, I get the following message (amongst 77 others, all similar, just for different elements in my web.config)
Could not find schema information for the element 'setting' VS 2015 ASP.Net
I have looked at the schema for the config,
looks Ok to me?
I have also other weird stuff going on, like When I add a new webpage, I get an HRESULT FAIL COM error. Ditto with trying to install NuGet packages.
This only started happening yesterday, on a large solution. I had reference errors after a merge, which I have now fixed. All projects target the same .NET version (4.5).
I have no build errors and everything works, except my recent work - a page that uses partials (worked fine until yesterday!). My colleagues are beginning to doubt me!
Does anyone have any ideas?
Deleting the 'bin' folder, then rebuilding seems to have cleared the messages.

As soon as I am putting debugger in my project ,i am getting the error PDB file not loaded while debugging

When I am trying to debug my application,which is a three layered architecture.It doesn't hit the break point and displays the message that .pdb file not loaded.I am aware that this will not affect in loading of application.But it doesn't allow me to debug my code,and being a developer it is a must requirement.
Please help me.
I actually asked this question.
But i didn't find any answers working for me.
But later i resolved the issue myself.What i did was i took the complete folder where my code was stored and put it at a separate location and then connected my Visual Studio yet again with TFS and everything worked fine.

Visual studio 2013 preview SPA template

I'm unable to get the SPA template to work from Visual Studio 2013.
I've installed the Web Tools update, and created a fresh project choosing the Web SPA template option.
unfortunately, I get the error
An unknown error occurred.
This is caused by a failed webapi request which has the following error message (from fiddler):
No OWIN environment is available for the request
I can't find any information anywhere on how to get this to run.. can anyone help?
Don't use a space in the project name
Kiran, I went to reproduce the problem from scratch. I messed around with the first project (trying to get it to work) so much that I didn't think it would be much help in diagnosing the problem.
The new project worked fine... Isn't it great when you can't reproduce the problem?
Well I looked carefully at what I did differently.. couldn't think of anything, yet yesterday, I spent all evening trying to get this work... I'd recreated the project from scratch several times!
Finally I realised... I named my project "Test SPA" whereas today I was too lazy to write such a long name.. just called it "SPA".
Just created a new project with a space in the name.. and have successfully reproduced the problem.
Let me know if you still need me to send a project, I think you should be able to repro without one though if you use a space in the project name

Errors while compiling website

Hey guys,
i have a website, i want to place the compile code on the production server, now i took the code on the local machine and trying to compile source code on local machine, but whenever i compile the code, in one of my control(ascx.cs) file i am getting error that the control does not exists in current context, i checked everything, Inherits, CodeFile, even in the code behind(.cs) file, everything is perfect, even i get the control id in the intellisense, when i remove the control and again add the same using intellisense, the errors gets removed but after i publish site, the same error comes again....
Please reply with some suggestion/solutions.
I've had this issue before when referencing another project. It would give it intellisense, but then trying to compile would cause errors and take away intellisense. Removing and re-adding it would give me intellisense back.
The problem ended up being the target framework. The project was referencing .NET 4 Client Profile, whereas the project it was referencing was just .NET 4. Apparently this difference is subtle enough to trip up visual studio in the confusing way described above.
So take a look at your project's target framework, maybe you'll get lucky.
Definitely check your Inherits or CodeFile. I've had this happen before where I had them pointing at the wrong files.

TFS 2010 - TF14040 The Folder may not be checked out

I have a .NET 4 website in VS2010 stored in a TFS 2010 team project. I need to add a reference to System.Data.Linq.dll to the website. I am referencing a LINQ DataContext that is defined in another project and I get build errors saying that I need the reference to System.Data.Linq. I go up to the "Add Reference" menu option and add it like I would any normal reference, and it even shows up in the Web.config and in the Properties pages for the website... BUT if I build I still get the same error.
So I found a place in my code where I was referencing the LINQ count function and it told me it was invalid because I was missing a reference and it offered to add the reference automatically. I told it to add the reference automatically and it is at this point that I get the error mentioned in the subject:
TF14040: The folder $/Folder/Subfolder may not be checked out. No items were checked out
I've done some research online but I haven't been able to find much. I saw on a blog that making the folder not readonly fixed the issue for him, but it didn't seem to work for me unless I misunderstood something.
I tried loading up the project from source control onto a fresh computer where that project had never been loaded before and I can reproduce the issue the same way. Help would be greatly appreciated.
FWIW, this error also occurs in different circumstances. I had the same error today from the command line when trying to use tfs checkout SomeFolder /login:user,password, although this was not within the context of an app, I'm currently working on dependency replication. For me, adding the /recursive command worked, like this:
tfs checkout SomeFolder /recursive /login:user,password
The hint to try that came from here, by the way.
I have no idea if this is your problem but I've noticed that TFS2010 seems to have some bug somewhere around folder renames/deletes/changes or something. The bugs seem to go away when you check everything in and try again after the folder change has been saved to source control. I have hit this issue a dozen times this week but don't know exactly what the scenarios are. It's quite frustrating.
I figured it out, but it's a little strange. I had some build errors that I hadn't fixed yet, also my web.config file used to be for a 3.5 SP1 site and I upgraded the site to 4.0. Somewhere along the line the build errors and the web.config combined to form this strange weird error that apparently has nothing to do with TFS.
I figured it out by creating a new website and slowly moving over portions of my site to that new site. Things didn't go totally crazy until I moved over my web.config. So I went back and updated my web.config file so that it more closely matched the way a .Net 4 web.config should by trimming out a lot of stuff and now things are good and building fine. Thanks for the help.
