SVG Image Mask Not Working In Firefox or IE - css

I have easily made a mask with a PNG (black circle, transparent background) and using -webkit-mask-image:url(images/mask.png) for browsers like chrome. But i am having serious issues getting the mask to show in Firefox using SVG
<mask id="mask" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" maskContentUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<image width="78px" height="78px" xlink:href="images/mask.png"/>
<foreignObject width="78px" height="78px" style="mask: url(#mask);">
<img src="images/avatar-sample.jpg" />
I really cannot see why this isn't working!

According to you can apply a mask to container elements and graphics elements. Unfortunately <foreignObject> is in neither of these lists so the correct rendering for that element is to ignore the mask property. IE and Firefox are therefore correct in their rendering of this example.

Because IE does not understand the "foreign" object, you have to work around it with javascript and check if you can support it, if so inject it in, and if not avoid it. then you have to use IE's built in color filters to create your own chromakey effect specifically for IE. this site below shows you how to do it with examples.

You could rewrite your svg like this to make it work in all svg-supporting browsers:
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<mask id="mask" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" maskContentUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<image width="78" height="78" xlink:href="images/mask.png"/>
<image xlink:href="images/avatar-sample.jpg" width="78" height="78"/>


SVG text clippath in Firefox

I am using a text clippath to create an SVG displaying text so that I can animate the background to come in for a fun text reveal effect.
It works great in Chrome and Safari but in Firefox there are issues with the clippath.
<svg viewBox="0 0 600 150">
<!-- Clippath with text -->
<clippath id="cp-text">
<text text-anchor="left"
<!-- Group with clippath for text-->
<g clip-path="url(#cp-text)" class="colortext">
<!-- Animated shapes inside text -->
<polyline class="anim-shape" points="559.91 153.84 526.17 -11.62 478.32 -11.62 512.05 150.84 559.91 153.84" style="fill: #4c4870"/>
<polyline class="anim-shape" points="599.75 149.75 599.92 -0.62 528.07 -0.62 558.75 150.75 599.75 149.75" style="fill: #93d2c4"/>
<polygon class="anim-shape" points="479.07 -11.62 395.78 -11.62 429.52 153.84 512.8 153.84 479.07 -11.62" style="fill: #f89c2c"/>
I'm using CSS transforms to animate the polgyon shapes on load (scale and translate).
See codepen demo here:
I've tried updating the polgyons inside the svg but it seems to be a problem with the clippath text rendering being delayed.
Any idea what might be the problem in Firefox? Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help!
It seems Firefox requires something to render beside the text mask you have created, while the animated shapes are with scale of 0,1 , it gets some problems.
I added this
<rect x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fill="transparent" />
just before first polygon and seems it now works similar to Chrome.
I think you can work with width and height if you don't want full width and height.
Hope it helps

Why Doesn't Chrome Display SVG's with <use> and Filter="url(#id)" Attributes?

I have a set of SVG icons that all have drop shadows. To make this work in Chrome, I can't just use filter:drop-shadow. I have to use filter:url(#drop-shadow), and define the drop shadow in my <defs> section.
I also have multiple instances of these icons on the page (they are filetype icons in a list of files), so I am using <use> to keep my page DRY.
Exernal SVG File
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1">
<filter id="drop-shadow">
<feGaussianBlur xmlns="" in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="4"/>
..... more filter lines, shortened for brevity
<symbol id="download-pdf">
<path filter="url(#drop-shadow)" d="" fill="">...</path>
<symbol id="download-zip">
..... another icon
... more icons
Inline SVG on the Page
<use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="URL_OF_EXTERNAL_SVG"></use>
See minimal working example here:
The problem is that Chrome isn't finding the #drop-shadow link, and so is breaking the icons. Firefox, conversely, displays the icons perfectly.
If you notice, the Chrome screenshot DOES show some portion of the icon. It is displaying the portions that don't use the drop shadow filter.
I can't figure out why this is, because the drop shadow is in the <defs> that is on the same page as the <symbol>.
Is there something I am missing, or is this a Chrome bug?
Per comments, I was asked for a MCVE. I hadn't done that because the problem inherently requires external URLs, which is typically frowned upon here. However, to demonstrate the problem, take a look at this:
In Firefox, you can see the icon. In Chrome, it is blank.
In Chrome, <defs> must be located inside the same <svg>.
In your case:
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1">
<filter id="drop-shadow">
<feGaussianBlur xmlns="" in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="4"/>
<symbol id="download-pdf">
<path filter="url(#drop-shadow)" d="" fill="">...</path>
<use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#download-pdf"></use>
Conforming to modern browsers capabilities, it's easier and cleaner to create different external svg files, one for each icon, then embed them using <object> or <img> tags.
<object> lets javascript access and modify SVG code via DOM, while <img> embed SVGs denying DOM access to them. So, in your case using <img> should be a better choice.

clip-path with SVG from external file

I'm playing around with SVG and wanted to see if I could store the SVG in an external file and call on it with url(link), since FireFox doesn't support clip-path when declaring the shape in CSS.
However, the clipping doesn't work at all when linking to an external file.
Here's a fiddle with the SVG included and referenced to in the same document.
<img src="" style="clip-path: url(#svgPath); -webkit-clip-path: url(#svgPath)" />
<svg height="0" width="0">
<clipPath id="svgPath">
<path stroke-width="1.5794" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M215,100.3c97.8-32.6,90.5-71.9,336-77.6
But when I include it while it's hosted on my server, it doesn't work. See this fiddle.
<img src="" style="clip-path: url(; -webkit-clip-path: url(" />
I don't see what the difference is between url(#svgPath) and url( in this case. Should it be included in a different way?
Update: I have tried adding it as an .svg file, but it doesn't seem to work. Fiddle. Can someone check the .svg? The shape looks like it should in Illustrator.

How can I refer to an internal gradient definition inside an SVG sprite symbol?

SUMMARY: An SVG sprite contains five icon <symbol> blocks, one of which references its own gradient definition by ID. It is no longer able to find this gradient and render properly.
I am switching some graphics to SVG, and being that they are icons (in this case for social networking profiles) I'd like to keep them in a sprite (as I had with PNG before).
I've followed this guide to SVG sprites on (along with this follow-up which advises using <symbol> instead of <g>).
I now have an SVG sprite file, social-sprite.svg, which you can view in full here.
This is one complete <svg> block containing five different <symbol> blocks, each with an id and with a viewBox attribute. In each case I got the SVG code for each symbol by preparing official icons in Adobe Illustrator and retaining the relevant parts of the processed code.
The .svg file is included via PHP as soon as the <body> tag opens (and this is why the main <svg> container inside it is marked with style="display: none;") so that the references to each symbol work from the HTML.
Four icons work perfectly, and the only one I am having trouble with is the YouTube icon, because it uses an internally-defined gradient. Here is the YouTube part of the SVG code:
<symbol id="youtube" viewBox="0 0 400 281.641">
<path id="Triangle" fill="#FFFFFF" d="M159.845,191.73l106.152-54.999L159.845,81.348V191.73z"/>
<path id="The_Sharpness" opacity="0.12" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#420000" d="M159.845,81.348l93.091,62.162
<g id="Lozenge">
<linearGradient id="SVGID_1_" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="200.4204" y1="2.6162" x2="200.4204" y2="278.9292">
<stop offset="0" style="stop-color:#E52D27"/>
<stop offset="1" style="stop-color:#BF171D"/>
<path fill="url(#SVGID_1_)" d="M392.928,62.226c0,0-3.839-27.073-15.617-38.995C362.371,7.583,345.626,7.506,337.947,6.59
s3.923-31.791,3.923-63.582v-29.805C396.851,94.017,392.928,62.226,392.928,62.226z M159.863,191.73l-0.018-110.383
And this is called in the HTML with:
<svg width="30" height="21">
<use xlink:href="#youtube" src="fallback.png" width="30" height="21" />
The opening two paths work fine, the problem is that in this new combined sprite SVG file, with each icon separated as a <symbol>, the "Lozenge" <path> is unable to find the #SVGID_1_ reference to the <linearGradient>.
In Firefox this causes the lozenge to display as white (I assume, perhaps it is not displaying at all - not really looked into it):
whilst Chrome renders it in black:
Obviously neither is acceptable. The only thing I can do at the moment is remove fill="url(#SVGID_1_)" on the path and just fill with a flat colour red appropriate to the YouTube logo. This is not a proper solution though, even discounting the fact that bastardising the YouTube logo in this way would not be accepted under their brand guidelines.
Things I've tried (and had no luck with):
removing the two <g> wrappers that surround the gradient and the path, so the whole of the symbol is just <path>-<path>-<linearGradient>-<path>
wrapping the gradient definition inside a <defs> container
wrapping it in a <defs> and also moving it to the top of the SVG file, i.e. outside the bounds of the YouTube-specific <symbol>
changing ID name (you never know!)
redefining the gradient with percentages rather than pixel values
So how do I get an already-internal <symbol> to reference an also-internal <linearGradient> definition?
EDIT: It turns out the gradient fails when the whole <svg> block is marked with style="display: none;". If this style is removed, the gradient renders properly. But as a reminder, this styling is added so that when you import the SVG sprite it is not rendered instantly on the page, and just allows you to make references to the id-defined symbols as required.
visibility: hidden or opacity: 0 both allow the gradient to render properly, obviously they don't offer proper solutions though as they still demarcate the space that the SVG would have taken up if visible.
After discovering all this, I was pretty sure it would be no problem to have the fully visible <svg> with no stylings added INSIDE a container <div> which is hidden. However, even this causes the gradient not to render. I'm no closer to solving the issue.
Firstly please note the edit to my question - whereupon I discover that the use of display: none to hide the SVG symbols until we need them was the problem.
I kept fiddling and settled upon this "answer", which is far from perfect, but should still be reliable for any such situation.
All you need to do is wrap the entire <svg> code in a <div> container which must be displayed but will never affect layout, so I've just done this via mega overkill CSS such as:
height: 0; width: 0; position: absolute; visibility: hidden;
And this works great. See the final fiddle:
If anyone has a better solution, I'd love to hear it as this feels like a bit of a hacky way of doing it but I guess no more hacky than having to use display: none; anyway.
Don't use style="display: none;" in SVG. You have it on the root <svg> element. Either visibility:hidden, height/width="0" or <defs> are better alternatives.
There used to be a bug in Firefox with gradient elements in symbols. That bug was fixed many versions ago now. The original code works as expected.
<svg width="30" height="21">
<symbol id="youtube" viewBox="0 0 400 281.641">
<linearGradient id="SVGID_1_" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="200.4204" y1="2.6162" x2="200.4204" y2="278.9292">
<stop offset="0" style="stop-color:#E52D27"/>
<stop offset="1" style="stop-color:#BF171D"/>
<path id="Triangle" fill="#FFFFFF" d="M159.845,191.73l106.152-54.999L159.845,81.348V191.73z"/>
<path id="The_Sharpness" opacity="0.12" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#420000" d="M159.845,81.348l93.091,62.162
<g id="Lozenge">
<path fill="url(#SVGID_1_)" d="M392.928,62.226c0,0-3.839-27.073-15.617-38.995C362.371,7.583,345.626,7.506,337.947,6.59
s3.923-31.791,3.923-63.582v-29.805C396.851,94.017,392.928,62.226,392.928,62.226z M159.863,191.73l-0.018-110.383
<use xlink:href="#youtube" width="30" height="21" />

Svg - color background/overlay of a text element

I'm just starting on svg and trying to figure out the limitations of styling.
I have an svg text element in svg. Some of my text elements are tagged with data-editable="true".
I would like for users to be able to easily see what the tagged elements are. I'm imagining a simple, toggleable, translucent overlay.
When I hover over the element in the DOM view in chrome the text element is rendered with a blue-ish overlay. I would like to get a similar effect or something that is somewhat close.
I'd prefer using css if that is possible but any way of achieving that effect would be good. Worst comes to worst I can hack something with inserting rect elements using d3 and jquery but that seems quite messy.
Building on top of an answer by Erik Dahlström
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 500 140" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<style type="text/css">
*[data-editable=true]:hover{ filter:url(#highlight) }
<filter x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1" id="highlight">
<feFlood flood-color="rgba(100,200,0,.5)"/>
<feComposite in="SourceGraphic"/>
<text data-editable="true" y="100" font-size="100">test</text>
This works with plain CSS and a filter definition.
