Optimizing for Vector Using Optimize R - r

I want to construct my own optimization using R's optimization function.
The objective function is the diversification ratio, to maximize it (hope its correct):
dr<-(t(weight) %*% vol) / (sqrt(t(weight) %*% cov.mat %*% (weight)))
A example:
sit = getURLContent('https://github.com/systematicinvestor/SIT/raw/master/sit.gz', binary=TRUE, followlocation = TRUE, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
con = gzcon(rawConnection(sit, 'rb'))
data <- new.env()
getSymbols(tickers, src = 'yahoo', from = '1980-01-01', env = data, auto.assign = T)
for(i in ls(data)) data[[i]] = adjustOHLC(data[[i]], use.Adjusted=T)
bt.prep(data, align='remove.na', dates='1990::2013')
prices<-data$prices[,-10] #don't include cash
ret<-na.omit(prices/mlag(prices) - 1)
lower=0, #min constraints
upper=1, #max
tol = 0.00001)$minimum
I get the following error message which seems to be it that optimization package doesn't do vector optimization. What did I do wrong?
Error in t(weight) %*% cov.mat : non-conformable arguments

First of all, weight has no reason to be in the optimize call if that's what you are trying to optimize.
Then, optimize is for one-dimensional optimization while you are trying to solve for a vector of weights. You could use the optim function instead.
Regarding your second question in the comments, how do you set a constraint that it sums to 1 for the function? You can use the trick proposed here: How to set parameters' sum to 1 in constrained optimization, i.e, rewrite your objective function as follows:
div.ratio <- function(weight, vol, cov.mat){
weight <- weight / sum(weight)
dr <- (t(weight) %*% vol) / (sqrt(t(weight) %*% cov.mat %*% (weight)))
This gives:
out <- optim(par = rep(1 / length(vol), length(vol)), # initial guess
fn = div.ratio,
vol = vol,
cov.mat = cov.mat,
method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = 0,
upper = 1)
Your optimal weights:
opt.weights <- out$par / sum(out$par)
# [1] 0.154271776 0.131322307 0.073752360 0.030885856 0.370706931 0.049627627
# [7] 0.055785740 0.126062746 0.007584657
pie(opt.weights, names(vol))


Error in as.vector(data) : no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector

I am trying to run a O-garch model, the code seem to be right and on mac it works, but when it is run on windows it doesn not work giving me the following error message:
Error in as.vector(data) :
no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector
seems that there is a problem with the loop.
Thanks in advance.
graphics.off() # clean up graphic window
getSymbols(Symbols = c('PG','CVX','CSCO'),from="2005-01-01", to="2020-04-17",
reload.Symbols = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
warnings = TRUE,
symbol.lookup = TRUE,
auto.assign = getOption('getSymbols.auto.assign', TRUE))
rt = 100 * diff(log(Pt))
Sigma = cov(rt_ts); # Covariance matrix
P = cor(rt_ts) # correlation matrix
# spectral decomposition
SpectralDec = eigen(Sigma, symmetric=TRUE)
V = SpectralDec$vectors # eigenvector matrix
lambda = SpectralDec$values # eigenvalues
Lambda = diag(lambda) # Eigenvalues on the diagonal
print(Sigma - V %*% Lambda %*% t(V), digits = 3) # Sigma - V Lambda V' = 0
print(V %*% t(V), digits = 3) # V'V = I
print(t(V) %*% V, digits = 3) # VV' = I
f = ts(as.matrix(rt_ts) %*% V);
cov(f) # diagonal matrix with lambda on the diagonal
ht.f = matrix(0, n, N)
for (i in 1:N)
fit = garchFit(~ garch(1,1), data =f[, i], trace = FALSE);
ht = volatility(fit, type = "h");
ht.f[, i] = ht;
ht.f=ts(ht.f) ```
I had the exact same problem with the volatility line. Apparently the fGarch library doesn't get along with the quantmod library. Maybe try reseting RStidio and install all but quantmod library
That was the only way I got it to work

nlm function fails with analytic Hessian

Some background: the nlm function in R is a general purpose optimization routine that uses Newton's method. To optimize a function, Newton's method requires the function, as well as the first and second derivatives of the function (the gradient vector and the Hessian matrix, respectively). In R the nlm function allows you to specify R functions that correspond to calculations of the gradient and Hessian, or one can leave these unspecified and numerical solutions are provided based on numerical derivatives (via the deriv function). More accurate solutions can be found by supplying functions to calculate the gradient and Hessian, so it's a useful feature.
My problem: the nlm function is slower and often fails to converge in a reasonable amount of time when the analytic Hessian is supplied. I'm guessing this is some sort of bug in the underlying code, but I'd be happy to be wrong. Is there a way to make nlm work better with an analytic Hessian matrix?
Example: my R code below demonstrates this problem using a logistic regression example, where
log(Pr(Y=1)/Pr(Y=0)) = b0 + Xb
where X is a multivariate normal of dimension N by p and b is a vector of coefficients of length p.
# example demonstrating a problem with NLM
expit <- function(mu) {1/(1+exp(-mu))}
mk.logit.data <- function(N,p){
U = matrix(runif(p*p), nrow=p, ncol=p)
S = 0.5*(U+t(U)) + p*diag(rep(1,p))
X = rmvnorm(N, mean = runif(p, -1, 1), sigma = S)
Design = cbind(rep(1, N), X)
beta = sort(sample(c(rep(0,p), runif(1))))
y = rbinom(N, 1, expit(Design%*%beta))
# function to calculate gradient vector at given coefficient values
logistic_gr <- function(beta, y, x, min=TRUE){
mu = beta[1] + x %*% beta[-1]
p = length(beta)
n = length(y)
D = cbind(rep(1,n), x)
gri = matrix(nrow=n, ncol=p)
for(j in 1:p){
gri[,j] = D[,j]*(exp(-mu)*y-1+y)/(1+exp(-mu))
gr = apply(gri, 2, sum)
if(min) gr = -gr
# function to calculate Hessian matrix at given coefficient values
logistic_hess <- function(beta, y, x, min=TRUE){
# allow to fail with NA, NaN, Inf values
mu = beta[1] + x %*% beta[-1]
p = length(beta)
n = length(y)
D = cbind(rep(1,n), x)
h = matrix(nrow=p, ncol=p)
for(j in 1:p){
for(k in 1:p){
h[j,k] = -sum(D[,j]*D[,k]*(exp(-mu))/(1+exp(-mu))^2)
if(min) h = -h
# function to calculate likelihood (up to a constant) at given coefficient values
logistic_ll <- function(beta, y,x, gr=FALSE, he=FALSE, min=TRUE){
mu = beta[1] + x %*% beta[-1]
lli = log(expit(mu))*y + log(1-expit(mu))*(1-y)
ll = sum(lli)
if(is.na(ll) | is.infinite(ll)) ll = -1e16
if(min) ll=-ll
# the below specification is required for using analytic gradient/Hessian in nlm function
if(gr) attr(ll, "gradient") <- logistic_gr(beta, y=y, x=x, min=min)
if(he) attr(ll, "hessian") <- logistic_hess(beta, y=y, x=x, min=min)
First example, with p=3:
dat = mk.logit.data(N=100, p=3)
The glm function estimates are for reference. nlm should give the same answer, allowing for small errors due to approximation.
(glm.sol <- glm(dat$y~dat$X, family=binomial()))$coefficients
> (Intercept) dat$X1 dat$X2 dat$X3
> 0.00981465 0.01068939 0.04417671 0.01625381
# works when correct analytic gradient is specified
(nlm.sol1 <- nlm(p=runif(dat$p+1), f=logistic_ll, gr=TRUE, y=dat$y, x=dat$X))$estimate
> [1] 0.009814547 0.010689396 0.044176627 0.016253966
# works, but less accurate when correct analytic hessian is specified (even though the routine notes convergence is probable)
(nlm.sol2 <- nlm(p=runif(dat$p+1), f=logistic_ll, gr=TRUE, he=TRUE, y=dat$y, x=dat$X, hessian = TRUE, check.analyticals=TRUE))$estimate
> [1] 0.009827701 0.010687278 0.044178416 0.016255630
But the problem becomes apparent when p is larger, here it is 10
dat = mk.logit.data(N=100, p=10)
Again, glm solution for reference. nlm should give the same answer, allowing for small errors due to approximation.
(glm.sol <- glm(dat$y~dat$X, family=binomial()))$coefficients
> (Intercept) dat$X1 dat$X2 dat$X3 dat$X4 dat$X5 dat$X6 dat$X7
> -0.07071882 -0.08670003 0.16436630 0.01130549 0.17302058 0.03821008 0.08836471 -0.16578959
> dat$X8 dat$X9 dat$X10
> -0.07515477 -0.08555075 0.29119963
# works when correct analytic gradient is specified
(nlm.sol1 <- nlm(p=runif(dat$p+1), f=logistic_ll, gr=TRUE, y=dat$y, x=dat$X))$estimate
> [1] -0.07071879 -0.08670005 0.16436632 0.01130550 0.17302057 0.03821009 0.08836472
> [8] -0.16578958 -0.07515478 -0.08555076 0.29119967
# fails to converge in 5000 iterations when correct analytic hessian is specified
(nlm.sol2 <- nlm(p=runif(dat$p+1), f=logistic_ll, gr=TRUE, he=TRUE, y=dat$y, x=dat$X, hessian = TRUE, iterlim=5000, check.analyticals=TRUE))$estimate
> [1] 0.31602065 -0.06185190 0.10775381 -0.16748897 0.05032156 0.34176104 0.02118631
> [8] -0.01833671 -0.20364929 0.63713991 0.18390489
Edit: I should also add that I have confirmed I have the correct Hessian matrix through multiple different approaches
I tried the code, but at first it seemed to be using a different rmvnorm than I can find on CRAN. I found one rmvnorm in dae package, then one in the mvtnorm package. The latter is the one to use.
nlm() was patched about the time of the above posting. I'm currently trying to verify the patches and it now seems to work OK. Note that I am author of a number of R's optimization codes, including 3/5 in optim().
nashjc at uottawa.ca
Code is below.
Revised code:
# example demonstrating a problem with NLM
expit <- function(mu) {1/(1+exp(-mu))}
mk.logit.data <- function(N,p){
U = matrix(runif(p*p), nrow=p, ncol=p)
S = 0.5*(U+t(U)) + p*diag(rep(1,p))
X = rmvnorm(N, mean = runif(p, -1, 1), sigma = S)
Design = cbind(rep(1, N), X)
beta = sort(sample(c(rep(0,p), runif(1))))
y = rbinom(N, 1, expit(Design%*%beta))
# function to calculate gradient vector at given coefficient values
logistic_gr <- function(beta, y, x, min=TRUE){
mu = beta[1] + x %*% beta[-1]
p = length(beta)
n = length(y)
D = cbind(rep(1,n), x)
gri = matrix(nrow=n, ncol=p)
for(j in 1:p){
gri[,j] = D[,j]*(exp(-mu)*y-1+y)/(1+exp(-mu))
gr = apply(gri, 2, sum)
if(min) gr = -gr
# function to calculate Hessian matrix at given coefficient values
logistic_hess <- function(beta, y, x, min=TRUE){
# allow to fail with NA, NaN, Inf values
mu = beta[1] + x %*% beta[-1]
p = length(beta)
n = length(y)
D = cbind(rep(1,n), x)
h = matrix(nrow=p, ncol=p)
for(j in 1:p){
for(k in 1:p){
h[j,k] = -sum(D[,j]*D[,k]*(exp(-mu))/(1+exp(-mu))^2)
if(min) h = -h
# function to calculate likelihood (up to a constant) at given coefficient values
logistic_ll <- function(beta, y,x, gr=FALSE, he=FALSE, min=TRUE){
mu = beta[1] + x %*% beta[-1]
lli = log(expit(mu))*y + log(1-expit(mu))*(1-y)
ll = sum(lli)
if(is.na(ll) | is.infinite(ll)) ll = -1e16
if(min) ll=-ll
# the below specification is required for using analytic gradient/Hessian in nlm function
if(gr) attr(ll, "gradient") <- logistic_gr(beta, y=y, x=x, min=min)
if(he) attr(ll, "hessian") <- logistic_hess(beta, y=y, x=x, min=min)
##!!!! NOTE: Must have this library loaded
dat = mk.logit.data(N=100, p=3)
(glm.sol <- glm(dat$y~dat$X, family=binomial()))$coefficients
# works when correct analytic gradient is specified
(nlm.sol1 <- nlm(p=runif(dat$p+1), f=logistic_ll, gr=TRUE, y=dat$y, x=dat$X))$estimate
# works, but less accurate when correct analytic hessian is specified (even though the routine notes convergence is probable)
(nlm.sol2 <- nlm(p=runif(dat$p+1), f=logistic_ll, gr=TRUE, he=TRUE, y=dat$y, x=dat$X, hessian = TRUE, check.analyticals=TRUE))$estimate
dat = mk.logit.data(N=100, p=10)
# Again, glm solution for reference. nlm should give the same answer, allowing for small errors due to approximation.
(glm.sol <- glm(dat$y~dat$X, family=binomial()))$coefficients
# works when correct analytic gradient is specified
(nlm.sol1 <- nlm(p=runif(dat$p+1), f=logistic_ll, gr=TRUE, y=dat$y, x=dat$X))$estimate
# fails to converge in 5000 iterations when correct analytic hessian is specified
(nlm.sol2 <- nlm(p=runif(dat$p+1), f=logistic_ll, gr=TRUE, he=TRUE, y=dat$y, x=dat$X, hessian = TRUE, iterlim=5000, check.analyticals=TRUE))$estimate

Linear regression gradient descent batch update algorithmic ERROR

I am trying to perform a linear regression with gradient descent (batch update) in R. I have created the following code using the Bike-Sharing-Dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository:
data <- read.csv("Bike-Sharing-Dataset/hour.csv")
# Select the useable features
data1 <- data[, c("season", "mnth", "hr", "holiday", "weekday", "workingday", "weathersit", "temp", "atemp", "hum", "windspeed", "cnt")]
# Examine the data structure
# Linear regression
# Set seed
# Split the data
# Create the training dataset
# Create the test dataset
# Create the variables
y <- trainingDS$cnt
X <- as.matrix(trainingDS[-ncol(trainingDS)])
int <- rep(1, length(y))
# Add intercept column to X
X <- cbind(int, X)
# Solve for beta
betas <- solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% y
# Round the beta values
betas <- round(betas, 2)
gradientR <- function(y, X, epsilon, eta, iters){
epsilon = 0.0001
X = as.matrix(data.frame(rep(1,length(y)),X))
N = dim(X)[1]
print("Initialize parameters...")
theta.init = as.matrix(rnorm(n=dim(X)[2], mean=0,sd = 1)) # Initialize theta
theta.init = t(theta.init)
e = t(y) - theta.init%*%t(X)
grad.init = -(2/N)%*%(e)%*%X
theta = theta.init - eta*(1/N)*grad.init
l2loss = c()
for(i in 1:iters){
l2loss = c(l2loss,sqrt(sum((t(y) - theta%*%t(X))^2)))
e = t(y) - theta%*%t(X)
grad = -(2/N)%*%e%*%X
theta = theta - eta*(2/N)*grad
if(sqrt(sum(grad^2)) <= epsilon){
print("Algorithm converged")
print(paste("Final gradient norm is",sqrt(sum(grad^2))))
values<-list("coef" = t(theta), "l2loss" = l2loss)
gradientR(y, X, eta = 100, iters = 1000)
However, when I try to run this algorithm I get the following error:
[1] "Initialize parameters..." Error in if (sqrt(sum(grad^2)) <=
epsilon) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
I need help understanding this error and how to fix it. Also, is there a more efficient way to implement the algorithm without using any of R's standard packages and libraries?

GARCH estimation using maximum likelihood

I'm trying to estimate a GARCH (1,1) model using maximum likelihood with simulated data. This is what I got:
garch11<-garchSpec(model = list())
x<-garchSim(garch11, n = 1000)
y <- t(x)
r <- y[1, ]
### Calculate Residuals
CalcResiduals <- function(theta, r)
n <- length(r)
sigma.sqs <- vector(length = n)
sigma.sqs[1] <- 0.02
for (i in 1:(n-1)){
sigma.sqs[i+1] <- omega + alpha11*(r[i]^2) + beta11*sigma.sqs[i]
return(list(et=r, ht=sigma.sqs))
###Calculate the log-likelihood
GarchLogl <- function(theta, r){
res <- CalcResiduals(theta,r)
sigma.sqs <- res$ht
r <- res$et
return(-sum(dnorm(r[-1], mean = 0, sd = sqrt(sigma.sqs[-1]), log = TRUE)))
fit2 <- nlm(GarchLogl, # function call
p = rep(1,3), # initial values = 1 for all parameters
hessian = FALSE, # also return the hessian matrix
r = r , # data to be used
iterlim = 500) # maximum iteration
Unfortunately I get the following error message and no results
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
1: In sqrt(sigma.sqs[-1]) : NaNs produced
2: In nlm(GarchLogl, p = rep(1, 3), hessian = FALSE, data <- r, ... :
NA/Inf durch größte positive Zahl ersetzt
Do you have any idea whats wrong with my code? Thanks a lot!

constrained nonlinear minimization with many variables

Here is a minimization problem I've meant to solve, but no matter what form or package I try it with, it never resolves itself.
The Problem is a transportation problem with a quadratic objective function. It is formulated as follows:
Minimize f(x), with f(x) being x' * C * x, subject to the equality constraints UI * x - ci = 0.
where C is a diagonal matrix of constants, UI is matrix with the values 0, 1, -1 in order to set up the constraints.
I'll provide an example that I have tried with two functions so far, nloptr from its likewise called package and constrOptim.
Here's an example for nloptr:
objective <- function(x) {return( list( "objective" = t(x) %*% C %*% x,
"gradient" = 2* C %*% x )) }
constraints <- function(x) {return( list( "constraints" = ui %*% x - ci,
"jacobian" = ui))}
C <- diag(c(10,15,14,5,6,10,8))
ci <- c(20, -30, -10, -20, 40))
ui <- rbind( c(1,1,1,0,0,0,0),
opts <- list("alorithm" = "NLOPT_GN_ISRES")
res <- nloptr( x0=x0, eval_f=objective, eval_g_eq = constraints, opts=opts)
When trying to solve this Problem with constrOptim, I face the problem that I have to provide starting values that are within the feasible region. However, I will ultimately have a lot of equations and don't really know how to set these starting points.
Here's the same example with constrOptim:
C <- diag(c(10,15,14,5,6,10,8))
ci <- c(20, -30, -10, -20, 40)
ui <- rbind( c(1,1,1,0,0,0,0),
start <- c(10,10,10,0,0,0,0)
objective <- function(x) { t(x) %*% C %*% x }
gradient <- function(x) { 2 * C %*% x }
constrOptim(start, objective, gradient, ui = ui, ci = ci)
Try this:
co <- coef(lm.fit(ui, ci))
co[is.na(co)] <- 0
res <- nloptr( x0=co, eval_f=objective, eval_g_eq = constraints,
opts=list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_SLSQP"))
> res
nloptr(x0 = co, eval_f = objective, eval_g_eq = constraints,
opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_SLSQP"))
Minimization using NLopt version 2.4.0
NLopt solver status: 4 ( NLOPT_XTOL_REACHED: Optimization stopped because
xtol_rel or xtol_abs (above) was reached. )
Number of Iterations....: 22
Termination conditions: relative x-tolerance = 1e-04 (DEFAULT)
Number of inequality constraints: 0
Number of equality constraints: 5
Optimal value of objective function: 37378.6963822218
Optimal value of controls: 28.62408 -29.80155 21.17747 -1.375917 -17.54977 -23.6277 -16.3723
