Using QGraphicsScene ItemAt() to detect QGraphicsLineItem - qt

I have a QGraphicsScene which stores QGraphicsLinesItems and QGraphicsRectItems.
I am using the QGraphicsScene method to itemsAt() and I pass through x and y co ordiantes to return the QGraphicsItem and I use the following:
QPointF getItemPos= this->mapToScene(this->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()));
QGraphicsItem *itm = scene->itemAt(getItemPos.x(),getItemPos.y());
QGraphicsLineItem *lineItm;
QGraphicsRectItem *rectItm;
if((lineItm = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsLineItem*>(itm))){
// do stuff with as_pnedge
}else if((rectItm = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsRectItem*>(itm))){
// do stuff with as_pnitem
qDebug("Select Item");
The issue I am having is that QGraphicsRectItem is returned fine and can be detected. But no matter where I click around the QGraphicsLineItems it can never detect and return the item. Any assistance would be very much appreciated.

If your line uses a cosmetic pen (width of zero), it means that the shape() method will return a zero width QPainterPath (source code, search for "qt_graphicsItem_shapeFromPath").
You will have to derive from QGraphicsLineItem and reimplement shape() to clamp the minimum pen width for QPainterPathStroker to something reasonable.


How can I show/hide background drawing on QGraphicsScene or QGraphicsView?

I would like to have certain things drawn on QGraphicsScene, but not be QGraphicsItem (it would interfere with the processing of the QGraphicsItem collection).
Example: a scene bounding rectangle, a grid
I am overriding the drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect) for that purpose. (I should subclass the scene... )
void MyView::showHideBounds()
m_showBackgroundBounds = !m_showBackgroundBounds;
// can't triger an update ???
update(); // neither does anything
void MyView::drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
QPen pen;
pen = QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0), 10, Qt::PenStyle(Qt::SolidLine));
pen = QPen(QColor(255, 255, 255), 10, Qt::PenStyle(Qt::SolidLine));
I would like the option to show/hide either the bounding rectangle or the grid.
The only thing I can think of is paint over them with the color of the background brush ? Is there any other option ?
As I have written it above, it works - except I need user action on items (or a zoom or some other scene changing action) to trigger refresh, or call an update... (the function showHideBounds doesn't - not sure how to make it force a refresh)
I would call the drawBackground from the showHideBounds function - but I don't know how to get the painter
[Also, the drawBackground seems to be drawn automatically... how can I give it the rect argument it needs ? (it seems if I draw the rect it does draw the scene rectangle but I only see the right and bottom edges)]
In order to redraw a particular section of scene, you can call
QGraphicsScene->invalidate(rect_to_redraw, Backgroundlayer)
Note that if drawBackground(*painter, rect) paints over area outside rect, it will not update automatically. In that case invalidate has to be called with appropriate rect parameters.

Antialiasing not working in QGraphicsView

I re-implemented QGraphicsView to have the scene zoomed with a mouse wheel event. The scene contains several QGraphicsPixmapItem. The wheel event calls QGraphicsView::scale(qreal sx, qreal sy)
Everything works perfectly but the rendering. As I zoom out (the scene gets smaller), aliasing appears. I tried setting the render hints as following in the re-implemented QGraphicsView constructor:
ImageViewer::ImageViewer(QWidget * parent) :
setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform | QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing);
I still see these artifacts. How can I get rid of this ?
Please see my comments for this question.
Basically you have to call setTransformationMode(Qt::SmoothTransformation) on the QGraphicsPixmapItems you want anti-aliasing to apply to.
Calling setRenderHints on the view did not work for me, either.
The render hints are only applied if it is set bevor the painter is used. Here a snipped:
QGraphicsPixmapItem *
drawGraphicsPixmapItem(const QRectF &rect)
auto pixmap = new QPixmap(rect.size().toSize());
auto painter = new QPainter(pixmap);
// set render hints bevor drawing with painter
QPen pen;
QRectF rectT = rect;
QPainterPath circlePath;
auto pixmapItem = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(*pixmap);
pixmap->size() );
return pixmapItem;

Draw shift when drawing on QGraphicsView

I have a problem.
I have a class that inherits QGraphicsView, let's suppose it called "g". I reimplemented mousePressEvent method, the code of that method is:
void GraphWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
if(event->button() == Qt::MiddleButton)
createNode(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y());
The code of createNode method is:
Node *GraphWidget::createNode(qreal x, qreal y, int id)
Node* node = new Node(this);
node->setPos(x, y);
return node;
I use this class "g" as a central widget in my mainwindow class. So it's working like QGraphicsView.
The problem is when I press the middlebutton on the "draw area" - the point is created but not in the place when I clicked - the point is shifted. Why? So when I try to draw those points by pressing the middlebutton - all them are drawed on the wrong place (not under my cursor, they are drawn lefter left and above my cursor position).
How can I fix that?
QGraphicsView and QGraphicsScene have different coordinate spaces. When you call setPos, it should be in scene coordinates, but since your in the mouse event of the view, your x and y are going to be in view coordinates.
I suspect that mapping your x and y coordinates to the scene space should fix the issue:
node->setPos( mapToScene(QPoint(x, y) );

How to avoid clearing the previously drawn points in Qt?

I want to draw an image, pixel by pixel at run time. I use QPainter and paintEvent to draw. But when paintEvent is called each time, the previously drawn image is cleared and the new point has been drawn.
How to avoid clearing the previously drawn parts? I just want to append the new pixel point to the previously drawn points.
Lines::Lines(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
m_timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateStatus()));
m_x = 0;
m_y = 0;
void Lines::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
QPen pen(Qt::black, 2, Qt::SolidLine);
QPainter painter(this);
painter.drawPoint(m_x, m_y);
void Lines::updateStatus()
paintEvent is supposed to do a complete redraw of the widget region specified in the event.
So you are responsible for buffering previous results.
It doesn't really make sense to change the desired output in paintEvent, as it may be randomly called and when it is called is out of your control.
If you want to avoid that you can use a QGraphicsView.
Buffering could be done using a QPixmap, which would be part of the Lines class. You draw the pixel in the pixmap (not in the paint event, in updateStatus), and draw the pixmap in the paint event.
QWidget::setAttribute( WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true );
prevents clearing the widget. However, this is just for optimization in case the widget does a complete repaint anyway.
You should follow Dr. Hirsch's advice.

Qt Drawing Lines

I am learning Qt, and I want to draw lines randomly on a widget and keep appending the new lines. The code below draws a random line in the paintEvent whenever an update is called on the widget, but how do I stop the widget from clearing the previously drawn line when paintEvent is called? Is there any way to just append drawn objects?
Obviously I could store all the lines and repaint them every time, but that seems unnecessary for what I will be doing with this application.
void MainWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QPainter painter(this);
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 2));
painter.drawLine(QPointF(qrand() % 300, qrand() % 300), QPointF(qrand() % 300,qrand() % 300));
void MainWindow::on_b_toggleDrawing_triggered()
You could draw the lines on an off-screen surface and blit them to the widget in the paint event. A QImage would be ideal as it is a QPaintDevice and could be drawn using QPainter::drawImage. The snippet below assumes that this->image is a pointer to a QImage with the same size as the MainWindow.
void MainWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QPainter painter(this);
painter.drawImage(this->rect, *this->image);
void MainWindow::on_b_toggleDrawing_triggered()
QPainter painter(this->image);
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 2));
painter.drawLine(QPointF(qrand() % 300, qrand() % 300),
QPointF(qrand() % 300,qrand() % 300));
An alternative would be to build a path using QPainterPath. In that case, you would simply maintain a QPainterPath instance, add lines as needed and then draw the path in the paint event handler. I'm not as familiar with painter paths. So, I'm not sure how the performance compares with the previous approach.
Set autoFillBackground to false. It's erasing (filling with background color) before calling paintEvent if set.
Or, insert command
this->setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, bool ) ;
prior to calling
this->update() ;
bool = true - leaves the paint area intact and allows
new items to be added to the paint area.
bool = false - erases the paint area before drawing items.
Each time you want to create the next line you could create a QGraphicsLineItem (link) object and add it to a QGraphicsScene (link) widget.
Note that in this solution you have to bother neither about repainting the lines nor about destroying them when quitting the program, because QGraphicsScene will take care of both actions.
