speedup when using float4, opencl - opencl

I have the following opencl kernel function to get the column sum of a image.
__kernel void columnSum(__global float* src,__global float* dst,int srcCols,
int srcRows,int srcStep,int dstStep)
const int x = get_global_id(0);
srcStep >>= 2;
dstStep >>= 2;
if (x < srcCols)
int srcIdx = x ;
int dstIdx = x ;
float sum = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < srcRows; ++y)
sum += src[srcIdx];
dst[dstIdx] = sum;
srcIdx += srcStep;
dstIdx += dstStep;
I assign that each thread process a column here so that a lot of threads can get the column_sum of each column in parallel.
I also use float4 to rewrite the above kernel so that each thread can read 4 elements in a row at one time from the source image, which is shown below.
__kernel void columnSum(__global float* src,__global float* dst,int srcCols,
int srcRows,int srcStep,int dstStep)
const int x = get_global_id(0);
srcStep >>= 2;
dstStep >>= 2;
if (x < srcCols/4)
int srcIdx = x ;
int dstIdx = x ;
float4 sum = (float4)(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for (int y = 0; y < srcRows; ++y)
float4 temp2;
temp2 = vload4(0, &src[4 * srcIdx]);
sum = sum + temp2;
vstore4(sum, 0, &dst[4 * dstIdx]);
srcIdx += (srcStep/4);
dstIdx += (dstStep/4);
In this case, theoretically, I think the time consumed by the second kernel to process a image should be 1/4 of the time consumed by the first kernel function. However, no matter how large the image is, the two kernels almost consume the same time. I don't know why. Can you guys give me some ideas? T

OpenCL vector data types like float4 were fitting better the older GPU architectures, especially AMD's GPUs. Modern GPUs don't have SIMD registers available for individual work-items, they are scalar in that respect. CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_* equals 1 for OpenCL driver on NVIDIA Kepler GPU and Intel HD integrated graphics. So adding float4 vectors on modern GPU should require 4 operations. On the other hand, OpenCL driver on Intel Core CPU has CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_FLOAT equal to 4, so these vectors could be added in a single step.

You are directly reading the values from "src" array (global memory). Which typically is 400 times slower than private memory. Your bottleneck is definitelly the memory access, not the "add" operation itself.
When you move from float to float4, the vector operation (add/multiply/...) is more efficient thanks to the ability of the GPU to operate with vectors. However, the read/write to global memory remains the same.
And since that is the main bottleneck, you will not see any speedup at all.
If you want to speed your algorithm, you should move to local memory. However you have to manually resolve the memory management, and the proper block size.

which architecture do you use?
Using float4 has higher instruction level parallelism (and then require 4 times less threads) so theoretically should be faster (see http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~volkov/volkov10-GTC.pdf)
However did i understand correctly in you kernel you are doing prefix-sum (you store the partial sum at every iteration of y)? If so, because of the stores the bottleneck is at the memory writes.

I think on the GPU float4 is not a SIMD operation in OpenCL. In other words if you add two float4 values the sum is done in four steps rather than all at once. Floatn is really designed for the CPU. On the GPU floatn serves only as a convenient syntax, at least on Nvidia cards. Each thread on the GPU acts as if it is scalar processor without SIMD. But the threads in a warp are not independent like they are on the CPU. The right way to think of the GPGPU models is Single Instruction Multiple Threads (SIMT).
Have you tried running your code on the CPU? I think the code with float4 should run quicker (potentially four times quicker) than the scalar code on the CPU. Also if you have a CPU with AVX then you should try float8. If the float4 code is faster on the CPU than float8 should be even faster on a CPU with AVX.

try to define __ attribute __ to kernel and see changes in run timing
for example try to define:
__ kernel void __ attribute__((vec_type_hint(int)))
__ kernel void __ attribute__((vec_type_hint(int4)))
or some floatN as you want
read more:


OpenCl global work-item operation priority

I want to know the priority of index counting for the following code snippets (simple 2 dimensional matrix multiplication routine).
kernel void mmul(
const int N,
global float* A,
global float* B,
global float* C)
int k;
int i = get_global_id(0);
int j = get_global_id(1);
float tmp;
if ((i < N) && (j < N))
tmp = 0.0f;
for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
tmp += A[i*N+k] * B[k*N+j];
C[i*N+j] = tmp;
If you look inside the for loop with 'k' counter you can see global work-item 'i' and 'j' placed in the same line. I want to know which of them have priority in terms of counting the indexes (eg. 1,2,3,4, ... , n) of 'i' and 'j'. I don't understand how this would work as I am new to OpenCl and I would use nested for loop, if I am just using normal C or Python, for this type of operation.
Can someone explain how the global work-item work?
Thank you.
You should focus more on memory read/write priorities than workitem issuing order. To enforce a priority/order on memory operations, use mem_fence(in-workitem) , barrier(in-workgroup) and even kernels(all workitems sync point). Using deliberate empty for-loops or atomic functions cannot guarantee a memory-write/read priority. Only memory fences/barriers/kernels can.
There is no priority for any workitem(to start/end running) but they are grouped and executed on compute units which have many threads to run them. There is no guarantee that workitem i,j will execute before i+1,j+1 but there is a guarantee they will be executed in same compute unit(with cores sharing L1 cache) if they are in same workgroup(with size of 16,16 for example) when using Nvidia and Amd gpus.
Being executed in same compute unit increases chances of being issued at the same time which is not a priority ofcourse but sharing resources like L1 cache means high performance.
Even in same workgroup, there is no guarantee if a local workitem is issued before some other workitem but they are more likely happening at the same time if they are on same SIMD unit(such as 16-wide parts in Amd gpu).

OpenCL: 3D array processing - Globale size limit

I'm working with an 3D array of dimension xdim=49, ydim=1024 and zdim=64. my DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES is only 512/512/512. If I declare my
size_t global_work_size = {xdim, ydim, zdim}; and launch an 3D kernel,
I'm getting wrong results since my ydim > 512. If all my dimensions are below 512, I'm getting the expected results. Please let me know if there's an alternative for this?
CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES only limits the size of work groups, not the global work item size (yea, it's a terrible name for the constant). You are much more tightly restricted by CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE which is the total number of items allowed in a work group (you'd typically hit this far sooner than CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES because of multiplication.
So go ahead an launch your global work size of 49, 1024, 64. It should work. If it's not, you're using get_local_id instead of get_global_id or have some other bug. We regularly launch 2D kernels with 4096 x 4096 global work size.
See also Questions about global and local work size
If you don't use shared local memory, you don't need to worry about local work group sizes. In fact, you can pass NULL instead of a pointer to an array of sizes for local_work_size and let the runtime pick something (it helps if your global dimensions are easily divisible by small numbers).
Assuming the dimensions you provided are the size of your data, you can decrease the global work size by making each GPU thread calculate more data. What I mean is, every thread in your case will do one calculation and if you change your kernels to do let's say 2 calculations in y dimension, than you could cut the number of threads you are firing into half. The global_work_size decides how many threads in each direction you are executing. Let me give you an example:
Let's assume you have an array you want to do some calculations with and the array size you have is 2048. If you write your kernel in the following way, you are going to need 2048 as the global_work_size:
__kernel void calc (__global int *A, __global int *B)
int i = get_global_id(0);
B[i] = A[i] * 5;
The global work size in this case will be:
size_t global_work_size = {2048, 1, 1};
However, if you change your kernel into the following kernel, you can lower your global work size as well: ()
__kernel void new_calc (__global int *A, __global int *B)
int i = get_global_id(0);
for (int ind = 0; ind < 8; ind++)
B[i*8 + ind] = A[i*8 + ind] * 5;
Then this way, you can use global size as:
size_t global_work_size = {256, 1, 1};
Also with the second kernel, each of your threads will execute more work, resulting in more utilisation.

Random NaN and incorrect results with OpenCL kernel

I am trying to implement a general matrix-matrix multiplication OpenCL kernel, one that conforms to C = α*A*B + β*C.
The Kernel
I did some research online and decided to use a modified kernel from this website as a starting point. The main modification I have made is that allocation of local memory as working space is now dynamic. Below is the kernel I have written:
void clkernel_gemm(const uint M, const uint N, const uint K, const float alpha,
__global const float* A, __global const float* B, const float beta,
__global float* C, __local float* Asub, __local float* Bsub) {
const uint row = get_local_id(0);
const uint col = get_local_id(1);
const uint TS = get_local_size(0); // Tile size
const uint globalRow = TS * get_group_id(0) + row; // Row ID of C (0..M)
const uint globalCol = TS * get_group_id(1) + col; // Row ID of C (0..N)
// Initialise the accumulation register
float acc = 0.0f;
// Loop over all tiles
const int numtiles = K / TS;
for (int t = 0; t < numtiles; t++) {
const int tiledRow = TS * t + row;
const int tiledCol = TS * t + col;
Asub[col * TS + row] = A[tiledCol * M + globalRow];
Bsub[col * TS + row] = B[globalCol * K + tiledRow];
for(int k = 0; k < TS; k++) {
acc += Asub[k * TS + row] * Bsub[col * TS + k] * alpha;
C[globalCol * M + globalRow] = fma(beta, C[globalCol * M + globalRow], acc);
Tile Size (TS) is now a value defined in the calling code, which looks like this:
// A, B and C are 2D matrices, their cl::Buffers have already been set up
// and values appropriately set.
kernel.setArg(0, (cl_int)nrowA);
kernel.setArg(1, (cl_int)ncolB);
kernel.setArg(2, (cl_int)ncolA);
kernel.setArg(3, alpha);
kernel.setArg(4, A_buffer);
kernel.setArg(5, B_buffer);
kernel.setArg(6, beta);
kernel.setArg(7, C_buffer);
kernel.setArg(8, cl::Local(sizeof(float) * nrowA * ncolB));
kernel.setArg(9, cl::Local(sizeof(float) * nrowA * ncolB));
cl::NDRange global(nrowA, ncolB);
cl::NDRange local(nrowA, ncolB);
status = cmdq.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel, cl::NDRange(0), global, local);
The Problem
The problem I am encountering is, unit tests (written with Google's gtest) I have written will randomly fail, but only for this particular kernel. (I have 20 other kernels in the same .cl source file that pass tests 100% of the time)
I have a test that multiplies a 1x4 float matrix {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0} with a transposed version of itself {{0.0}, {1.0}, {2.0}, {3.0}}. The expected output is {14.0}.
However, I can get this correct result maybe just 75% of the time.
Sometimes, I can get 23.0 (GTX 970), 17.01 (GTX 750) or just -nan and 0.0 (all 3 devices). The curious part is, the respective incorrect results seem to be unique to the devices; I cannot seem to, for example, get 23.0 on the Intel CPU or the GTX 750.
I am baffled because if I have made an algorithmic or mathematical mistake, the mistake should be consistent; instead I am getting incorrect results only randomly.
What am I doing wrong here?
Things I have tried
I have verified that the data going into the kernels are correct.
I have tried to initialize both __local memory to 0.0, but this causes all results to become wrong (but frankly, I'm not really sure how to initialize it properly)
I have written a test program that only executes this kernel to rule out any race conditions interacting with the rest of my program, but the bug still happens.
Other points to note
I am using the C++ wrapper retrieved directly from the Github page.
To use the wrapper, I have defined CL_HPP_MINIMUM_OPENCL_VERSION 120 and CL_HPP_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION 120.
I am compiling the kernels with the -cl-std=CL1.2 flag.
All cl::Buffers are created with only the CL_MEM_READ_WRITE flag.
I am testing this on Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, and Debian 8.
I have tested this on Intel CPUs with the Intel OpenCL Runtime 16.1 for Ubuntu installed. The runtime reports that it supports up to OpenCL 1.2
I have tested this on both Nvidia GTX 760 and 970. Nvidia only supports up to OpenCL 1.2.
All 3 platforms exhibit the same problem with varying frequency.
This looks like a complicated one. There are several things to address and they won't fit into comments, so I'll post all this as an answer even though it does not solve your problem (yet).
I am baffled because if I have made an algorithmic or mathematical
mistake, the mistake should be consistent; instead I am getting
incorrect results only randomly.
Such a behavior is a typical indicator of race conditions.
I have tried to initialize both __local memory to 0.0, but this causes
all results to become wrong (but frankly, I'm not really sure how to
initialize it properly)
Actually this is a good thing. Finally we have some consistency.
Initializing local memory
Initializing local memory can be done using the work items, e.g. if you have a 1D workgroup of 16 items and your local memory consists of 16 floats, just do this:
local float* ptr = ... // your pointer to local memory
int idx = get_local_id(0); // get the index for the current work-item
ptr[idx] = 0.f; // init with value 0
barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); // synchronize local memory access within workgroup
If your local memory is larger, e.g. 64 floats, you will have to use a loop where each work item initializes 4 values, at least that is the most efficient way. However, no one will stop you from using every work item to initialize every value in the local memory, even though that is complete nonsense since you're essentially initializing it multiple times.
Your changes
The original algorithm looks like it is especially designed to use quadratic tiles.
__local float Asub[TS][TS];
__local float Bsub[TS][TS];
Not only that but the size of local memory matches the workgroup size, in their example 32x32.
When I look at your kernel parameters for local memory, I can see that you use parameters that are defined as M and N in the original algorithm. This doesn't seem correct.
Update 1
Since you have not described if the original algorithm works for you, this is what you should do to find your error:
Create a set of testdata. Make sure you only use data sizes that are actually supported by the original algorithm (e.g. minimum size, mulitples of x, etc.). Also, use large data sets since some errors only show if multiple workgroups are dispatched.
Use the original, unaltered algorithm with your testdata sets and verify the results.
Change the algorithm only that instead of fixed size local memory, dynamic local memory size is used, but make sure it has the same size as the fixed size approach. This is what you tried but I think it failed due to what I have described under "Your changes".

Copy portion of global array to local memory

I'm using PyOpenCL to let my GPU do some regression on a large data set. Right now the GPU is slower than the CPU, probably because there is a loop that requires access to the global memory during each increment (I think...). The data set is too large to store into the local memory, but each loop does not require the entire data set, so I want to copy a portion of this array to the local memory. My question is: how do I do this? In Python one can easily slice a portion, but I don't think that's possible in OpenCL.
Here's the OpenCL code I'm using, if you spot any more potential optimisations, please shout:
__kernel void gpu_slope(__global double * data, __global double * time, __global int * win_results, const unsigned int N, const unsigned int Nmax, const double e, __global double * result) {
__local unsigned int n, length, leftlim, rightlim, i;
__local double sumx, sumy, x, y, xx, xy, invlen, a, b;
n = get_global_id(0);
leftlim = win_results[n*2];
rightlim = win_results[n*2+1];
sumx = 0;
sumy = 0;
xy = 0;
xx = 0;
length = rightlim - leftlim;
for(i = leftlim; i <= rightlim; i++) {
x = time[i]; /* I think this is fetched from global memory */
y = data[i];
sumx += x;
sumy += y;
xy += x*y;
xx += x*x;
invlen = 1.0/length;
a = xy-(sumx*sumy)*invlen;
b = xx-(sumx*sumx)*invlen;
result[n] = a/b;
I'm new to OpenCL, so please bear with me. Thanks!
The main(ish) point in GPU computing is trying to utilize hardware parallelism as much as possible. Instead of using the loop, launch a kernel with a different thread for every one of the coordinates. Then, either use atomic operations (the quick-to-code, but slow-performance option), or parallel reduction, for the various sums.
AMD has A tutorial on this subject. (NVidia does too, but theirs would be CUDA-based...)
You will find examples copying to local memory in PyOpenCL's examples folder: https://github.com/inducer/pyopencl/tree/master/examples
I recommend you read, run, and customize several of these examples to learn.
I also recommend the Udacity parallel programming course: https://www.udacity.com/course/cs344 This course will help solidify your grasp of fundamental OpenCL concepts.

Asynchronous execution of commands from two command queues in OpenCL

I am trying to work out an application that can utilize both CPU and GPU at the same time by OpenCL. Specifically, I have two kernels, one for CPU executing, and one for GPU. CPU kernel will change the content of one buffer, and GPU will do other things when GPU detects that the buffer has been changed by CPU.
__kernel void cpuKernel(__global uint * dst1,const uint size)
uint tid = get_global_id(0);
uint size = get_global_size(0);
while(tid < size)
tid += size;
__kernel void gpuKernel(__global uint * dst1, __global uint * dst2, const uint size)
uint tid = get_global_id(0);
uint size = get_global_size(0);
while(tid < vectorSize)
while(dst1[vectorOffset + tid] != 10)
dst2[vectorOffset + tid] = dst1[vectorOffset+tid];
tid += size;
As shown above, cpuKernel will change each element of dst1 buffer to 10, correspondingly, after GPU detect such changes, it will assign the element value (10) to the same place of another buffer dst2. cpuKernel is queued in command1 which is associated with CPU device, and gpuKernel is queued in command2 which is associated with GPU device, two command queues have been set CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE flag.
Then I make two cases:
case 1:
case 2:
But the results show that the time consumed in two cases are nearly the same, but I expect there will be some overlapping in case 1, but there is not. Can anyone help me? Thanks!
Or, can anyone help to explain how to implement two kernels running on two devices asynchronously in OpenCL?
You are asking too much. As you have probably noticed, buffer objects are relative to a context, while command queues are related to devices.
If a kernel operates on a buffer object, the corresponding data must be on this device. If you do not transfer it explicitely with clEnqueueWriteBuffer(), OpenCL will do that for you.
Hence, if you modify a buffer object with a kernel on one device (for example the CPU), and just after on another device (for example the GPU), the OpenCL driver will wait for the first kernel to finish, transfer the data, and then run the second kernel.
