Meteor template.rendered - Why collection is empty? - meteor

Why in the following basic example returned collection inside rendered function is empty?
Autopublish is enabled. After the page loads calling command
Coll.find().fetch() inside javascript console returns correct set of entries
Here is the code
Coll = new Meteor.Collection("coll");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.tpl.rendered = function(){
console.log(Coll.find().fetch()); // <-- This line prints empty array
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
if (Coll.find().count() === 0) {
var f = ["foo","bar"];
for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++)
Coll.insert({f: f[i]});
And t.html file
{{> tpl}}
<template name="tpl">
Test tpl

Meteor is built off of a data-on-the wire type structure. This means when the app initially loads the HTML & JS is sent down first and the data later.
You have to use reactivity to check for data changes or check when the subscription to a collection is complete (which entails removing the autopublish package). (You can check out how to move your app to a manual subscription at the docs:
The subscription callback tells you when the data is returned:
Meteor.subscribe("coll", function() {
//Data subscription complete. All data is downloaded
A template can also be made reactive (like the way you are doing) but .rendered isnt being called because Meteor first checks to see if a template's html has changed & only if it is different will it change its HTML and call the rendered callback.
What you have as an option here is to 1) use Deps.autorun instead, or
2) I'm not sure why you are using this in your rendered callback but if it is necessary to put it there you need to ensure that the HTML of the template changes, by introducing something into the html from your collection that makes it change when the new data is introduced.


SvelteKit: Pass Data From +Layout.svelte To +page.svelte SPA (static) application

I'm struggling with the latest version of SvelteKit, the docs available only works with SSR, and I'm developing SPA app (static page), so, what is the way to pass data from my +layout.svelte to +page.svelte?.
The documentation says that with load function from page.js (I've already set the SSR=false, and I understood that page.js is for SSR), but that doesn't work with SPA, and if I have the load function from the layout it's seems not work.
Aditionaly I want to trigger a function from my +page.svelte that is in the layout page.
Any ideas?
here my try
export function load() {
return {
data: { title: 'default title' }
export let data;
export let data;
console.log(data.title); //undefined
the docs says that don't use: <script context="module">, and I don't want to use the store becouse I think that sholud be a better way.
Load functions belong in the accompanying files +layout.js/ts, not on the page. They also do not return a property data, everything returned is the data. See the docs.
If SSR is disabled, you can event return a store that could be modified from the page.
To get a store from the data so it can be used with $-syntax, the data property can be destructured on the page:
export let data;
$: ({ title } = data);
You could also create a store and set it as a context in the layout. Pages then can get said context and interact with it. This allows two-way interaction.
Using a store is necessary if the contents require reactivity (i.e. are changed) and the page or layout needs to update.

Re-rendering of a template doesn't allow me to permanently change an element's class?

I have a sortable list.
<template name="the_playlist">
{{#each main_list}}
<li id="{{index}}" class="list_element">
<div class="next_song">...</div>
<div class="destroy">...</div>
<div class="element_style">{{song_title}}</div>
And this is the main_list that it prints from.
Template.the_playlist.main_list = function(){
//if ret is valid, it will have a songs member
var ret = Links.find().fetch()[0];
if (typeof ret == 'undefined'){
ret = []
else {
ret = Links.find().fetch()[0].songs;
return ret;
And I am using the sortable plugin and more importantly its update callback which updates everytime the user changes a position the list or an element is added to the list.
$(function() {
$( "#playlist" ).sortable({
update: function(){
$( "#playlist" ).disableSelection();
*The problem: * If a page already has list elements when it's loaded, for one time only, I would like to add a class that hides (.addClass("hide")) each of the next_song elements that are on the page at that time. This *will work only until main_list changes* by a call to Template.list.updateList above, after which automagically, the added class will disappear - most likely due to the re-rendering that is occuring since the main_list depends on the db changes.
The following in the JQuery snippet I use to try and accomplish this.
$("#playlist li .next_song").each(function(){
Here is a demo. Try plugging in the above JQUery code into the console. and then move the list elements around to see the problem.
Can you not just determine whether that will be the case in a helper function?
'list_elements_exist': function() {
return (!!$('#playlist li').length);
Then you can just insert the logic straight into the template:
<div class="next_song{{#if list_elements_exist}} hide_song{{/if}}">...</div>
To be honest, I'm not 100% sure that this will float with reactivity depending on the structure of your app. If it doesn't work properly, I'd introduce a new session boolean, list_elements, the value of which is returned by the helper function above. It should be fairly easy to update its value in event handlers or created callbacks to keep it tracking whether there are any items in the list or not, and this will guarantee the list renders as required regardless of other dependencies changing.

how to properly handle dom ready for Meteor

I am currently using iron-router and this is my very first attempt to try out the Meteor platform. I has been running into issues where most of the jquery libraries failed to initialized properly because the of the way Meteor renders html, $(document).ready() fires before any templates are rendered. I am wondering is there any callbacks from Meteor/iron-router that allows me to replace the jQuery's dom ready?
Also, how should I (easily and properly) handle the live update of the dom elements if some of them are customized by jQuery/javascript?
This is what i am currently doing, i feel like it is very hackish and probably would run into issues if the elements got updated after the initialization.
var jsInitalized = false; () {
this.route('', {
path: '/',
layoutTemplate: 'default',
after: function(){
$(document).ready( function() { $$$(); });
}, 0);
jsInitalized = true;
With Meteor you generally want to think about when a template is ready, not when the dom is ready.
For example, let's say you want to use the jQuery DataTables plugin to add sorting to a table element that's created by a template. You would listen to the template's rendered event and bind the plugin to the dom:
<template name="data_table">
<table class="table table-striped" id="tblData">
Template.data_table.rendered = function () {
Now anytime the template is re-rendered (for example, if the data changes), your handler will be called and you can bind the jQuery plugin to the dom again.
This is the general approach. For a complete example (that includes populating the table with rows) see this answer.
Try making a separate .js file, call it rendered.js if you'd like. and then;
Template.layout.rendered = function ()
I use template layout, but you can do Template.default.rendered. I hope that helps.
Also take a look at this part of documentation, especially the;
I use Meteor v0.8.0 with Iron Router (under Windows 7) and here is how I handle 'DOM ready':
When I want to modify the DOM after a specific template has been rendered:
I use Template.myTemplateName.rendered on the client side : = function()
When I want to modify the DOM after any new path has been rendered:
I use Router.onAfterAction, but there seems to be a trick:
}, 0);
Notice the setTimeout(..., 0), it doesn't work for me otherwise (DOM empty).
Notice that you can use onAfterAction on specific path, but most of the time I think it is redundant with the Template.myTemplateName.rendered method above.
What seems to be missing:
A way to modify the DOM after any template has been rendered.

Basic pattern: Populate a template with JSON from an external URL in Meteor

I am struggling to figure out the basic pattern for populating a template with data from a call to an external API in Meteor.
These are the elements in play
A fresh Meteor project, created by running meteor create monkeyproject
The URL of an external API that returns a JSON array. Let's say it's It returns an array of monkeys, each with a different name.
A Handlebar template called monkeyTemplate with an {{#each}} loop. Let's say it's this:
<template name="monkeyTemplate">
{{# each monkeys}}
One of our monkeys is named {{name}}. <br>
<input type="button" id="reload" value="Reload monkeys" />
What I want to happen
When the page loads fill monkeyTemplate with monkeys from our external URL.
When the user clicks the button, call the external URL again to reload the monkeys.
The question
What is a standard pattern for doing the above in Meteor? At the risk of cluttering up the question, I'll include some starting points, as I understand them.
We can populate the template with whatever we return from our Template.monkeyTemplate.monkeys function. How do we fill it with content from an external URL, given that the page will load before the external request is finished?
We can get our JSON by using"GET", "", callback ). Where do we put this request, and what do we put into our callback function in this situation?
We can control what happens on the server side and what happens on the client side by using the Meteor.isServer/Meteor.isClient conditions, or by putting our code into files called client and server folders. What code needs to be on the server side vs. the client side?
We determine what happens when the button is clicked by attaching a function to['click #reload']. What goes into our callback function in this situation?
I will refrain from cluttering up the question with my crappy code. I am not looking for anyone to write or rewrite an application for me—I am just looking for the guidelines, standard patterns, best practices, and gotchas. Hopefully this will be instructive to other beginners as well.
I'm not sure if this is the "standard" template, but it serves the purpose pretty well.
Set up two data helpers for the template, monkeys and loading. First one will display the actual data once it's fetched, the latter will be responsible for notifying user that the data is not yet fetched.
Set up a dependency for these helpers.
In created function of the template, set loading helper to true and fetch the data with HTTP call.
In the callback, set the template data and fire the dependency.
<template name="monkeys">
{{#if loading}}
{{#if error}}
{{#each monkeys}}
<div><button class="monkeys-reloadMonkeys">Reload</button></div>
var array = null;
var dep = new Deps.Dependency();
Template.monkeys.created = function() {
'click .monkeys-reloadButton': function(e,t) {
var reloadMonkeys = function() {
array = null;
HTTP.get('', function(error, result) {
if(!error && result) {
array = result;
} else {
array = 0;
Template.monkeys.monkeys = function() {
return array ? array : [];
Template.monkeys.loading = function() {
return array === null;
Template.monkeys.error = function() {
return array === 0;

meteor and textareas

Ok so I'm not sure why I can't render the code. First if I console.log users.content I get the content I want but I'm some how not able to pass it to a textarea so that it show's it...
Users = new Meteor.Collection("users");
Template.inputUser.code = function(){
var el = Users.find({name:"oscar"});
And then on my html template I have
<body>{{> inputUser}}</body>
<template name="inputUser">
And I would have a record on the db suck as so
Users.insert({name:"oscar",content:"hello world"})
Thanks for your help guys.
Firstly your method Template.inputUser.code should return something, you should also note that it wouldn't be called with that template either as it needs a {{code}} call in it rather than {{content}}
The second point is database contents are not always available if you have disabled the autopublish package, if so check out using publish(in the server code) and subscribe(in the client code): you can use this to check when the client has all the data to display. Something like:
Meteor.subscribe('allusers', function() {
Template.inputUser.code = function(){
var user = Users.findOne({name:"oscar"});
return user.content;
Meteor.publish('allusers', function() {
return Users.find();
