Is there a general binary intermediate representation for OpenCL kernel programming? - opencl

as I understood, the OpenCL uses a modified C language (by adding some keywords like __global) as the general purpose for defining kernel function. And now I am doing a front-end inside F# language, which has a code quotation feature that can do meta programming (you can think it as some kind of reflection tech). So I would like to know if there is a general binary intermediate representation for the kernel instead of C source file.
I know that CUDA supports LLVM IR for the binary intermediate representation, so we can create kernel programmatically, and I want to do the same thing with OpenCL. But the document says that the binary format is not specified, each implementation can use their own binary format. So is there any general purpose IR which can be generated by program and can also run with NVIDIA, AMD, Intel implementation of OpenCL?

No, not yet. Khronos is working on SPIR (the spec is still provisional), which would hopefully become this. As far as I can tell, none of the major implementations support it yet. Unless you want to bet your project on its success and possibly delay your project for a year or two, you should probably start with generating code in the C dialect.


Why the optimization, division-by-constant is not implemented in LLVM IR?

According the source code *1 give below and my experiment, LLVM implements a transform that changes the division to multiplication and shift right.
In my experiment, this optimization is applied at the backend (because I saw that change on X86 assembly code instead of LLVM IR).
I know this change may be associated with the hardware. In my point, in some hardware, the multiplication and shift right maybe more expensive than a single division operator. So this optimization is implemented in backend.
But when I search the DAGCombiner.cpp, I saw a function named isIntDivCheap(). And in the definition of this function, there are some comments point that the decision of cheap or expensive depends on optimizing base on code size or the speed.
That is, if I always optimize the code base on the speed, the division will convert to multiplication and shift right. On the contrary, the division will not convert.
In the other hand, a single division is always slower than multiplication and shift right or the function will do more thing to decide the cost.
So, why this optimization is NOT implemented in LLVM IR if a single division always slower?
Interesting question. According to my experience of working on LLVM front ends for High-level Synthesis (HLS) compilers, the answer to your questions lies in understanding the LLVM IR and the limitations/scope of the optimizations at LLVM IR stage.
The LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR) is the backbone that connects frontends and backends, allowing LLVM to parse multiple source languages and generate code to multiple targets. Hence, at the LLVM IR stage, it's often about intent rather than full-fledge performance optimizations.
Divide-by-constant optimization is very much performance driven. Not saying at all that optimizations at IR level have less or nothing to do with performance, however, there are inherent limitations in terms of optimizations at IR stage and divide-by-constant is one of those limitations.
To be more precise, the IR is not entrenched enough in low-level machine details and instructions. If you observe that the optimizations at LLVM IR are usually composed of analysis and transform passes. And as per my knowledge, you don't see divide-by-constant pass at the IR stage.

Translate OpenCL SPIR-V to Vulkan SPIR-V

Is it possible to translate OpenCL-style SPIR-V to Vulkan-style SPIR-V?
I know that it is possible to use clspv to compile OpenCL C to Vulkan-style SPIR-V, but I haven't seen any indication that it also supports ingesting OpenCL-style SPIR-V.
Thank you for any suggestions if you know how to achieve this :)
I know that it is possible to use clspv to compile OpenCL C to
Vulkan-style SPIR-V, but I haven't seen any indication that it also
supports ingesting OpenCL-style SPIR-V.
clspv compiles to "Opencl-style SPIR-V". IOW, it uses OpenCL execution model and also OpenCL memory model. The answer to your question is no (in general). The problem is that e.g. GLSL uses logical memory model, which means pointers are abstract, so you can't have pointers to pointers. While OpenCL allows this, because it uses physical memory model. Plus there are other things in OpenCL which cannot be expressed in GLSL. You could try to write some translator, and it might work for some very simple code, but that's about it.

what are exactly MPI, MPICH, and OPENMPI? what does "implementation" mean in this context?

My question might seem silly to those who have been in the field for long time, but I appreciate your patience in elaborating it for me.
When they say MPICH is an "implementation" of MPI, what does it mean?
Is the following analogy true(?):
if we think of MPI as a set of standards for a FORTRAN compiler, then MPICH, and OPENMPI are different versions of FORTRAN compilers, like Intel.Fortran, Compaq.Fortran, GNU.Fortran, and so on.
MPI is a standard: it outlines a particular model for message passing in a distributed system. However, it only gives a series of requirements: it does not actually include any code, nor does it specify how exactly these requirements need to be fulfilled. For example, take a look at this excerpt from the official MPI 2.2 spec (as of today):
A valid MPI implementation guarantees certain general properties of
point-to-point communication, which are described in this section.
Order Messages are non-overtaking: If a sender sends two messages in succession to the same destination, and both match the same
receive, then this operation cannot receive the second message if the
first one is still pending.
It then goes on to explain the rationale behind this requirement and provide an example, but says nothing more about the requirement itself.
An MPI implementation is a library that fulfills every requirement - like the one above - in the MPI specification. However, the standard contains absolutely no requirements as to what language constructs, OS calls, 3rd party libraries, etc can/can't/should be used. Occasionally, it will give advice to implementors, like this:
Advice to implementors. The implementation may keep a reference count
of active communications that use the datatype, in order to decide
when to free it. Also, one may implement constructors of derived
datatypes so that they keep pointers to their datatype arguments,
rather then copying them. In this case, one needs to keep track of
active datatype definition references in order to know when a datatype
object can be freed. (End of advice to implementors.)
however, these are still vague, very language-agnostic, and only recommendations: an implementation can ignore every single one of these advices, and still conform to the standard.
So yes, in essence it's similar to various implementations of a compiler. If a program takes valid source code for a language, and produces binary code that does everything that the language specification says it should do given the original source code, it's a conforming compiler for that language. Similarly, if you can use a library to pass messages in a way that doesn't break any rules of the MPI spec, then that's a valid MPI implementation.

mpi under the hood

I need to deliver a presentation on programming in MPI. I need to add a segment on how MPI works under the hood. For Example What happens when I call MPI_Init?
Do you know of any good source from where I can learn these details?
The MPI Spec contains the description of the knobs, sliders, and displays that are on the outside of the "black box" of each API.
The interior details of the black boxes will be implementation dependent...and will also depend on the interconnect (e.g. TCP, IBV, DAPL, etc), the OS (e.g. is the implementation using LSB, or native libraries, etc), and on many other factors to a lesser degree (e.g. message size thresholds will trigger different code paths, and so on). Using "strace" and "ltrace" on the a.out may provide some insight into the actual goings on inside the blackbox.
The best recommendation is to pick an open source implementation and examine the code to determine the internal details.
MPI is a specification, not a particular implementation. The observable behavior is given in the MPI spec. How it works under the hood depends on the particular implementation. If you'd like to take a look at an example implementation, you might be interested in looking at MPICH2 and browsing their source code.
Complement your study of the source code of an implementation of MPI with consideration of how you would implement MPI_Init on your platform of choice. MPI sits on top of already available O/S functionality. I don't mean to suggest that you can figure out how a particular version of MPI is implemented by this approach, but to suggest that you can learn better what is going on under the hood by tackling the problem from another angle.
MPI is only a spec. MPI spec is implemented by various groups and organizations. You will want to pick one implementation, say, MPICH, and you can find their design documentation. That will tell you how the MPI spec is implemented by that group.
If you just want to describe what happens when an application written in MPI is started, you can read about MPI and MPI programming. I highly recommend

Compiled dynamic language

I search for a programming language for which a compiler exists and that supports self modifying code. I’ve heared that Lisp supports these features, but I was wondering if there is a more C/C++/D-Like language with these features.
To clarify what I mean:
I want to be able to have in some way access to the programms code at runtime and apply any kind of changes to it, that is, removing commands, adding commands, changing them.
As if i had the AstTree of my programm. Of course i can’t have that tree in a compiled language, so it must be done different. The compile would need to translate the self-modifying commands into their binary equivalent modifications so they would work in runtime with the compiled code.
I don’t want to be dependent on an VM, thats what i meant with compiled :)
Probably there is a reason Lisp is like it is? Lisp was designed to program other languages and to compute with symbolic representations of code and data. The boundary between code and data is no longer there. This influences the design AND the implementation of a programming language.
Lisp has got its syntactical features to generate new code, translate that code and execute it. Thus pre-parsed code is also using the same data structures (symbols, lists, numbers, characters, ...) that are used for other programs, too.
Lisp knows its data at runtime - you can query everything for its type or class. Classes are objects themselves, as are functions. So these elements of the programming language and the programs also are first-class objects, they can be manipulated as such. Dynamic language has nothing to do with 'dynamic typing'.
'Dynamic language' means that the elements of the programming language (for example via meta classes and the meta-object protocol) and the program (its classes, functions, methods, slots, inheritance, ...) can be looked at runtime and can be modified at runtime.
Probably the more of these features you add to a language, the more it will look like Lisp. Since Lisp is pretty much the local maximum of a simple, dynamic, programmable programming language. If you want some of these features, then you might want to think which features of your other program language you have to give up or are willing to give up. For example for a simple code-as-data language, the whole C syntax model might not be practical.
So C-like and 'dynamic language' might not really be a good fit - the syntax is one part of the whole picture. But even the C syntax model limits us how easy we can work with a dynamic language.
C# has always allowed for self-modifying code.
C# 1 allowed you to essentially create and compile code on the fly.
C# 3 added "expression trees", which offered a limited way to dynamically generate code using an object model and abstract syntax trees.
C# 4 builds on that by incorporating support for the "Dynamic Language Runtime". This is probably as close as you are going to get to LISP-like capabilities on the .NET platform in a compiled language.
You might want to consider using C++ with LLVM for (mostly) portable code generation. You can even pull in clang as well to work in C parse trees (note that clang has incomplete support for C++ currently, but is written in C++ itself)
For example, you could write a self-modification core in C++ to interface with clang and LLVM, and the rest of the program in C. Store the parse tree for the main program alongside the self-modification code, then manipulate it with clang at runtime. Clang will let you directly manipulate the AST tree in any way, then compile it all the way down to machine code.
Keep in mind that manipulating your AST in a compiled language will always mean including a compiler (or interpreter) with your program. LLVM is just an easy option for this.
JavaScirpt + V8 (the Chrome JavaScript compiler)
JavaScript is
self-modifying (self-evaluating) (well, sort of, depending on your definition)
has a C-like syntax (again, sort of, that's the best you will get for dynamic)
And you now can compile it with V8:
"Dynamic language" is a broad term that covers a wide variety of concepts. Dynamic typing is supported by C# 4.0 which is a compiled language. Objective-C also supports some features of dynamic languages. However, none of them are even close to Lisp in terms of supporting self modifying code.
To support such a degree of dynamism and self-modifying code, you should have a full-featured compiler to call at run time; this is pretty much what an interpreter really is.
Try groovy. It's a dynamic Java-JVM based language that is compiled at runtime. It should be able to execute its own code.
Otherwise, you've always got Perl, PHP, etc... but those are not, as you suggest, C/C++/D- like languages.
I don’t want to be dependent on an VM, thats what i meant with compiled :)
If that's all you're looking for, I'd recommend Python or Ruby. They can both run on their own virtual machines and the JVM and the .Net CLR. Thus, you can choose any runtime you want. Of the two, Ruby seems to have more meta-programming facilities, but Python seems to have more mature implementations on other platforms.
