Wordpress - Hide a page when a user try to navigate to it writing the URL - wordpress

Example: I created a custom post type "movie". I added links of some movie posts in the nav menu, and it's ok if a user navigates to a post writing in the browser the URL (like www.site.com/movie/apocalypse-now) but I don't want that the user navigates to the page www.site.com/movie (that lists all the movies).
Is there a way to hide that page?

Why not register has_archive to false in your register_post_type() function?
Would be a solution if you want to disable the post type archive.

You need Advanced Access Manager if you're willing to use plugin.
Filter Admin Menu
Filter Admin Panel
Filter Dashboard Widgets
Filter Metaboxes
Manage Comments
Manage Capabilities (Create, Delete)
Manage User Roles (Create, Edit, Delete)
Manage Access to your Posts, Pages or even Custom Post Types
Give possibility to promote Users
Manage Admin Menu Order
Manage other Administrators
Exclude Front-end Pages from Navigation

You can try to create an rewrite rule pointing to your homepage or e.g. the first movie.
Here is exactly the thing you like to do, just the opposite: ;)


How to allow suscriber to access specific pages in dashboard?

I want to create some pages in admin dashboard which are also shown to subscribers. Normally subscriber can see dashboard page and profile only. I want to create a page called Orders and show to subscribers. But not other pages.
How can I do ?
Thanks in Advance.
You can use add_menu_page() and add_submenu_page() to create your custom menu.
You can set the $capability parameter to read to make them available to subscribers.
From WordPress codex:

Wordpress - Proper way to manage custom users

I have a site in Wordpress.
The functionality I need is such that, I can create 'users' of the site. These users have no purpose editing the Wordpress site in any way, and don't need to know we're even using the wordpress platform.
These users need to be able to edit their contact info and upload/view/swap out their own resume, using a page that I will build for them (not the wp-admin dashboard in any way). This resume will be PDFs and WordDocs.
At first I thought I'd just use the built in Wordpress Users and Roles that Wordpress offers. However, I'm not sure how I would attach resumes to that user, and let that user edit their own resume. I know I can use the 'user_contactmethods' hook to attach basic fields. However, I'd be trying to attach a link to a file that Wordpress hosts, and would need to be able to replace that file on a whim, in php. Also, my goal is to prevent them from ever using the Wordpress dashboard or editing tools.
Next, I thought I could create a custom post type for a 'SiteUser'. That would make it easy to manage a PDF/WordDoc attached to that post type. Also, that user wouldn't have any way to access the Wordpress stuff. Before I do that though, I wanted to ask on here if this really is the right way to do this.
This solution feels hacky.
Can I get some proposed solutions to this problem that could be perceived as 'the proper way'?
Here is a rough idea of what you are looking to do.
Step 1
Create the user role for these new users
Step 2
Set the permission for them and disable backend access and redirect all access of those roles to a custom page /account/
Step 3
Use Advance custom fields plugin to create some custom fields on the user meta. (text, file, image)
Step 4
Apply some login logic/form and Link to a /account/edit-info/ custom page with the acf frontend form. https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/create-a-front-end-form/
Step 5
Use these info to display somewhere on the /account/ page
Using gravity forms instead to manage user data entry gives better control but requires more coding, and a better user experience.
Front-end Admin Steps
Repeat Step 1-2
Loop site user and list them and their custom field files Have a button that opens a Gravity form with the user ID text field pre-populated and hidden, and have a file uploader element.
Add backend hooks after validation directly replace the user meta
containing the file path or ID (however you choice to store it in
Advance custom fields)

How to display content submission page to users?

I would like to add a page where users can submit content (not just a comment, but a specific 'content type' including the relevant fields). I could use the regular admin link but that would require alternating the admin theme a lot and also would need to hide/disable things i otherwise need.
Is there a good way to display a submission form to the users through which they can submit content? I was looking for a solution via 'Views' but didn't get far.
I hope i managed to get my point across.
drupal 6 or drupal 7?
in drupal 7 you have the field API that is very helpfull to get the fields of an entity.
in drupal 6 you can create your own form with forms API and run node_save() in the submit function.
If the only problem with using the usual node/add/node-type page is that you don't want users to see the admin theme, then you don't have a problem. You can disable the admin theme for non-admin users - on the permissions page, look for "System / View the administration theme". It's already unchecked by default, I think. Any adminny-type pages they access will use your default public-facing theme.

Any Plugin or suggested Design for user to perform an Custom action on Wordpress content

I need to make a Wordpress website having lots of recipes.User will be allowed to read and click on "Cooked" button associated with that particular Article. I would like to store who all user have Cooked that recipe and show it when I am showing the Recipe.
Is there any plugin available which can store User Activities on content(like we have comments plugin) or else what should be the best way to do this?
Take a look at WP Favorite Posts plugin which allows visitors to add favorite posts.
and set the label as "Cooked" instead of "add to favorites" , this will be the easiest way to do it but if you are up for some custom coding then it's simply a matter of saving the recipe post id in the user meta using update_user_meta

wordpress user management, how to assign specific page to each user?

I want to create pages in WordPress, which should show to a specific user only not for specific role.
if a page is created for a specific user like "john". it should be viewed by only john, no other users could not see that page.
My Questions are:
How to create a page for a specific user? (from admin).
Note: while creating page we should assign that page to specific user like "john".
Is there any plugins for this?
Is there any way to do this.
I know that it is a bit late but still want to answer in case you need. Try to use http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/user-specific-content/ plugin. You can customize your pages.
Just an idea:
Why not make a page template for that page? get current user id in the template then show the details depends on the user id? You can check is_user_logged_in() and pull all contents under the if statement and under the else statement you can redirect the user to the login page or just show the message to logged in.
Let me know if everything is clear. Thanks!
This can be done with ease using nav menu plugin and roles creator plugin.you can create roles with names of your clients and show menu items of user pages to specific roles/person
