Let's say I have the following data.table:
dt <- data.table (id=1:10,
group=sample(LETTERS[1:3], 10, replace=TRUE),
val=sample(1:100, 10, replace=TRUE),
ltr=sample(letters, 10),
col5=sample(100:200, 10)
setkey(dt, id)
# id group val ltr col5
# 1: 1 A 96 x 197
# 2: 2 C 46 r 190
# 3: 3 B 68 p 168
# 4: 4 C 58 w 177
# 5: 5 C 11 o 102
# 6: 6 A 90 v 145
# 7: 7 B 25 k 172
# 8: 8 C 5 l 120
# 9: 9 B 33 f 129
# 10: 10 B 96 c 121
now I want to process it with grouping by group, and in each group I would need to order records by val column and then do some manipulations within each ordered group (for example, add a column with values from ltr merged in order):
# id group val ltr letters
# 1 6 A 90 v v_x
# 2 1 A 96 x v_x
# 3 7 B 25 k k_f_p_c
# 4 9 B 33 f k_f_p_c
# 5 3 B 68 p k_f_p_c
# 6 10 B 96 c k_f_p_c
# 7 8 C 5 l l_o_r_w
# 8 5 C 11 o l_o_r_w
# 9 2 C 46 r l_o_r_w
# 10 4 C 58 w l_o_r_w
(in this example the whole table is ordered but this is not required)
That's how I imagine the code in general:
dt1 <- dt[,
# processing here, reorder somehow
# ???
# ...
list(id=id, ltr=ltr, letters=paste0(ltr,collapse="_"))
Thanks in advance for any ideas!
UPD. As noted in answers, for my example I can simply order by group and then by val. And if I need to do several different orderings? For example, I want to sort by col5 and add col5diff column which will show the difference of col5 values:
# id group val ltr col5 letters col5diff
# 1: 6 A 90 v 145 v_x
# 2: 1 A 96 x 197 v_x 52
# 3: 10 B 96 c 121 k_f_p_c
# 4: 9 B 33 f 129 k_f_p_c 8
# 5: 3 B 68 p 168 k_f_p_c 47
# 6: 7 B 25 k 172 k_f_p_c 51
# 7: 5 C 11 o 102 l_o_r_w
# 8: 8 C 5 l 120 l_o_r_w 18
# 9: 4 C 58 w 177 l_o_r_w 75
#10: 2 C 46 r 190 l_o_r_w 88
ok, for this example calculations of letters and col5diff are independent, so I can simply do them consecutively:
setkey(dt, "group", "val")
dt[, letters := paste(ltr, collapse="_"), by = group]
setkey(dt, "group", "col5")
dt<-dt[, col5diff:={
diff <- NA;
for (i in 2:length(col5)) {diff <- c(diff, col5[i]-col5[1]);}
diff; # updated to use := instead of list - thanks to comment of #Frank
}, by = group]
but I would be also glad to know what to do if I would need to use both of these orderings (in single {} block).
I think you're just looking for order
dt[, letters:=paste(ltr[order(val)], collapse="_"), by=group]
dt[order(group, val)]
# id group val ltr col5 letters
# 1: 6 A 90 v 145 v_x
# 2: 1 A 96 x 197 v_x
# 3: 7 B 25 k 172 k_f_p_c
# 4: 9 B 33 f 129 k_f_p_c
# 5: 3 B 68 p 168 k_f_p_c
# 6: 10 B 96 c 121 k_f_p_c
# 7: 8 C 5 l 120 l_o_r_w
# 8: 5 C 11 o 102 l_o_r_w
# 9: 2 C 46 r 190 l_o_r_w
#10: 4 C 58 w 177 l_o_r_w
Or, if you do not want to add a column by reference:
dt[, list(id, val, ltr, letters=paste(ltr[order(val)], collapse="_")),
by=group][order(group, val)]
# group id val ltr letters
# 1: A 6 90 v v_x
# 2: A 1 96 x v_x
# 3: B 7 25 k k_f_p_c
# 4: B 9 33 f k_f_p_c
# 5: B 3 68 p k_f_p_c
# 6: B 10 96 c k_f_p_c
# 7: C 8 5 l l_o_r_w
# 8: C 5 11 o l_o_r_w
# 9: C 2 46 r l_o_r_w
#10: C 4 58 w l_o_r_w
Unless I'm missing something, this just requires setting the key of your data.table to group and val:
setkey(dt, "group", "val")
# id group val ltr col5
# 1: 6 A 90 v 145
# 2: 1 A 96 x 197
# 3: 7 B 25 k 172
# 4: 9 B 33 f 129
# 5: 3 B 68 p 168
# 6: 10 B 96 c 121
# 7: 8 C 5 l 120
# 8: 5 C 11 o 102
# 9: 2 C 46 r 190
# 10: 4 C 58 w 177
You see that the values are automatically ordered. Now you can subset by group:
dt[, letters := paste(ltr, collapse="_"), by = group]
# id group val ltr col5 letters
# 1: 6 A 90 v 145 v_x
# 2: 1 A 96 x 197 v_x
# 3: 7 B 25 k 172 k_f_p_c
# 4: 9 B 33 f 129 k_f_p_c
# 5: 3 B 68 p 168 k_f_p_c
# 6: 10 B 96 c 121 k_f_p_c
# 7: 8 C 5 l 120 l_o_r_w
# 8: 5 C 11 o 102 l_o_r_w
# 9: 2 C 46 r 190 l_o_r_w
# 10: 4 C 58 w 177 l_o_r_w
My question is described in the code below. I have looked here and in other forums for similar problems, but haven't found a solution that quite matches what I'm asking here. If it can be solved relying only on basic R, that would be preferable, but using a package is fine too.
id1 <- c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C", "C")
id2 <- c(10, 20, 30, 10, 30, 10, 20, 30)
x.1 <- ceiling(runif(8)*80) + 20
y.1 <- ceiling(runif(8)*15) + 200
x.2 <- ceiling(runif(8)*90) + 20
y.2 <- ceiling(runif(8)*20) + 200
x.3 <- ceiling(runif(8)*80) + 40
# The data frame contains to kinds of data values, x and y, repeated by a suffix number. In my example both
# the id-part and the data-part are not structured in a completely uniform manner.
mywidedata <- data.frame(id1, id2, x.1, y.1, x.2, y.2, x.3)
# If I wanted to make the data frame even wider, this would work. It generates NAs for the missing combination (B,20).
reshape(mywidedata, idvar = "id1", timevar = "id2", direction = "wide")
# What I want is "long", and this fails.
reshape(mywidedata, varying = c(3:7), direction = "long")
# I could introduce the needed column. This works.
mywidecopy <- mywidedata
mywidecopy$y.3 <- NA
mylongdata <- reshape(mywidecopy, idvar=c(1,2), varying = c(3:8), direction = "long", sep = ".")
# (sep-argument not needed in this case - the function can figure out the system)
names(mylongdata)[(names(mylongdata)=="time")] <- "id3"
# I want to reach the same outcome without manual manipulation. Is it possible with the just the
# built-in 'reshape'?
# Trying 'melt'. Not what I want.
reshape::melt(mywidedata, id.vars = c(1,2))
You can use pivot_longer from tidyr :
cols = -c(id1, id2),
names_to = c('.value', 'id3'),
names_sep = '\\.')
# A tibble: 24 x 5
# id1 id2 id3 x y
# <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 A 10 1 66 208
# 2 A 10 2 95 220
# 3 A 10 3 89 NA
# 4 A 20 1 34 208
# 5 A 20 2 81 219
# 6 A 20 3 82 NA
# 7 A 30 1 23 201
# 8 A 30 2 80 204
# 9 A 30 3 75 NA
#10 B 10 1 52 210
# … with 14 more rows
Just cbind the missing level as NA.
reshape(cbind(mywidedata, y.2=NA), varying=3:8, direction="long")
# id1 id2 time x y id
# 1.1 A 10 1 98 215 1
# 2.1 A 20 1 38 208 2
# 3.1 A 30 1 97 205 3
# 4.1 B 10 1 61 207 4
# 5.1 B 30 1 73 201 5
# 6.1 C 10 1 96 202 6
# 7.1 C 20 1 100 202 7
# 8.1 C 30 1 94 202 8
# 1.2 A 10 2 73 208 1
# 2.2 A 20 2 69 218 2
# 3.2 A 30 2 64 219 3
# 4.2 B 10 2 104 213 4
# 5.2 B 30 2 99 203 5
# 6.2 C 10 2 92 206 6
# 7.2 C 20 2 49 206 7
# 8.2 C 30 2 59 209 8
# 1.3 A 10 3 63 208 1
# 2.3 A 20 3 91 218 2
# 3.3 A 30 3 42 219 3
# 4.3 B 10 3 67 213 4
# 5.3 B 30 3 90 203 5
# 6.3 C 10 3 74 206 6
# 7.3 C 20 3 86 206 7
# 8.3 C 30 3 83 209 8
We can use melt from data.table
melt(setDT(mywidedata), measure = patterns("^x", "^y"), value.name = c('x', 'y'))
# id1 id2 variable x y
# 1: A 10 1 97 215
# 2: A 20 1 75 202
# 3: A 30 1 87 213
# 4: B 10 1 51 206
# 5: B 30 1 75 203
# 6: C 10 1 41 210
# 7: C 20 1 58 211
# 8: C 30 1 50 207
# 9: A 10 2 92 204
#10: A 20 2 60 207
#11: A 30 2 35 201
#12: B 10 2 83 202
#13: B 30 2 81 202
#14: C 10 2 55 216
#15: C 20 2 68 204
#16: C 30 2 70 218
#17: A 10 3 89 NA
#18: A 20 3 108 NA
#19: A 30 3 47 NA
#20: B 10 3 78 NA
#21: B 30 3 43 NA
#22: C 10 3 106 NA
#23: C 20 3 92 NA
#24: C 30 3 96 NA
Would like to calculate the value based on level within each group. Say, (a - b) / c, and then create a new column for the result.
DT =data.table(Group=rep(LETTERS[1:3], each=3),
# Group level value
# 1: A a 78
# 2: A b 10
# 3: A c 94
# 4: B a 68
# 5: B b 76
# 6: B c 46
# 7: C a 100
# 8: C b 54
# 9: C c 55
DT[,Result:=(DT[level=="a", .(value), by=.(Group,level)]$value -
DT[level=="b", .(value), by=.(Group,level)]$value) /
DT[level=="c", .(value), by=.(Group,level)]$value]
# Group level value Result
# 1: A a 78 0.7234043
# 2: A b 10 -0.1739130
# 3: A c 94 0.8363636
# 4: B a 68 0.7234043
# 5: B b 76 -0.1739130
# 6: B c 46 0.8363636
# 7: C a 100 0.7234043
# 8: C b 54 -0.1739130
# 9: C c 55 0.8363636
Must be some graceful ways to do this in data.table.
Please advise, Thanks
Writing the title for this was more difficult than expected.
I have data that look like this:
scenario type value
1 A U 922
2 A V 291
3 A W 731
4 A X 970
5 A Y 794
6 B U 827
7 B V 10
8 B W 517
9 B X 97
10 B Y 681
11 C U 26
12 C V 410
13 C W 706
14 C X 865
15 C Y 385
16 D U 473
17 D V 561
18 D W 374
19 D X 645
20 D Y 217
21 E U 345
22 E V 58
23 E W 437
24 E X 106
25 E Y 292
What I'm trying to do is subtract the value from type == W from all the values in each scenario. So, for example, after this command is done, scenario A would look like this:
scenario type value
1 A U 191
2 A V -440
3 A W 0
4 A X 239
5 A Y 63
...and so forth
I figure I can use dplyr::group_by() and mutate() but I'm not sure what to put in the mutate command
You can do this with dplyr. In the mutate function you can just query which has type of "W" then subtract that from the original value.
df %>% group_by(scenario) %>% mutate(value = value - value[which(type == "W")])
# A tibble: 25 x 3
# Groups: scenario [5]
# scenario type value
# <fct> <fct> <int>
# 1 A U 191
# 2 A V -440
# 3 A W 0
# 4 A X 239
# 5 A Y 63
# 6 B U 310
# 7 B V -507
# 8 B W 0
# 9 B X -420
#10 B Y 164
## ... with 15 more rows
I have a data frame like this in wide format
df = data.frame(item=letters[1:6], field1a=sample(6,6),field1b=sample(60,6),
what would be the best way to stack all a columns together and all b together and all c together like this
items fielda fieldb fieldc
a 2 52 121
a 1 44 57
using base R:
item fielda fieldb fieldc
1 a 2 57 138
2 b 6 39 77
3 c 3 37 153
4 d 4 4 99
5 e 1 12 141
6 f 5 10 194
7 a 3 17 97
8 b 4 23 120
9 c 5 1 98
10 d 1 22 37
11 e 2 49 163
12 f 6 19 131
Or you can use the reshape function in Base R:
reshape(df,varying = split(names(df)[-1],rep(1:3,2)),idvar = "item",direction = "long")
item time field1a field1b field1c
a.1 a 1 2 57 138
b.1 b 1 6 39 77
c.1 c 1 3 37 153
d.1 d 1 4 4 99
e.1 e 1 1 12 141
f.1 f 1 5 10 194
a.2 a 2 3 17 97
b.2 b 2 4 23 120
c.2 c 2 5 1 98
d.2 d 2 1 22 37
e.2 e 2 2 49 163
f.2 f 2 6 19 131
You can also decide to separate the name of the dataframe by yourself then format it:
reshape(df,varying= -1,idvar = "item",direction = "long")
If we are using tidyverse, then gather into 'long' format, do some rearrangements with the column name and spread
out <- df %>%
gather(key, val, -item) %>%
mutate(key1 = gsub("\\d+", "", key),
key2 = gsub("\\D+", "", key)) %>%
select(-key) %>%
spread(key1, val) %>%
head(out, 2)
# item fielda fieldb fieldc
#1 a 2 57 138
#2 a 3 17 97
Or a similar option is melt/dcast from data.table, where we melt into 'long' format, substring the 'variable' and then dcast to 'wide' format
dcast(melt(setDT(df), id.var = "item")[, variable := sub("\\d+", "", variable)
], item + rowid(variable) ~ variable, value.var = 'value')[
, variable := NULL][]
# item fielda fieldb fieldc
# 1: a 2 57 138
# 2: a 3 17 97
# 3: b 6 39 77
# 4: b 4 23 120
# 5: c 3 37 153
# 6: c 5 1 98
# 7: d 4 4 99
# 8: d 1 22 37
# 9: e 1 12 141
#10: e 2 49 163
#11: f 5 10 194
#12: f 6 19 131
NOTE: Should also work when the lengths are not balanced for each cases
df = data.frame(item = letters[1:6],
Following up from this post:
Calculate ranks for each group
df <- ddply(df, .(type), transform, pos = rank(x, ties.method = "min")-1)
Using the method described in the above post, when you you have multiple ties across the same TYPE, the ranking output (Pos) gets a little messy and hard to interpret, though technically still an accurate output.
For example:
df <- data.frame(type = c(rep("a",11), rep("b",6), rep("c",2), rep("d", 6)),
x = c(50:53, rep(54, 3), 55:56, rep(57, 2), rep(51,3), rep(52,2), 56,
53, 57, rep(52, 2), 54, rep(58, 2), 70))
df<-ddply(df,.(type),transform, pos=rank(x,ties.method="min")-1)
Type X Pos
a 50 0
a 51 1
a 52 2
a 53 3
a 54 4
a 54 4
a 54 4
a 55 7
a 56 8
a 57 9
a 57 9
b 51 0
b 51 0
b 51 0
b 52 3
b 52 3
b 56 5
c 53 0
c 57 1
d 52 0
d 52 0
d 54 2
d 58 3
d 58 3
d 70 5
The Pos relative ranking is correct (equal values are ranked the same, lower values ranked lower, and higher values ranked higher), but I have been trying to make the output look prettier. Any thoughts?
I'd like to get the output to look like this:
Type X Pos
a 50 1
a 51 2
a 52 3
a 53 4
a 54 5
a 54 5
a 54 5
a 55 6
a 56 7
a 57 8
a 57 8
b 51 1
b 51 1
b 51 1
b 52 2
b 52 2
b 56 3
c 53 1
c 57 2
d 52 1
d 52 1
d 54 2
d 58 3
d 58 3
d 70 4
This format, of course, assumes that the total number of records for each group doesn't matter. By taking away the "-1", we can remove the 0's, but that only solves one aspect. I've tried playing around with different equations and ties.method's, but to no avail.
Maybe the rank() function isn't what I should be using?
It seems you are looking for dense-rank:
as.data.table(df)[, pos := frank(x, ties.method = 'dense'), by = 'type'][]
# type x pos
# 1: a 50 1
# 2: a 51 2
# 3: a 52 3
# 4: a 53 4
# 5: a 54 5
# 6: a 54 5
# 7: a 54 5
# 8: a 55 6
# 9: a 56 7
# 10: a 57 8
# 11: a 57 8
# 12: b 51 1
# 13: b 51 1
# 14: b 51 1
# 15: b 52 2
# 16: b 52 2
# 17: b 56 3
# 18: c 53 1
# 19: c 57 2
# 20: d 52 1
# 21: d 52 1
# 22: d 54 2
# 23: d 58 3
# 24: d 58 3
# 25: d 70 4
# type x pos
dens_rank in dplyr does the same thing:
df %>% group_by(type) %>% mutate(pos = dense_rank(x)) %>% ungroup()
# # A tibble: 25 x 3
# type x pos
# <fctr> <dbl> <int>
# 1 a 50 1
# 2 a 51 2
# 3 a 52 3
# 4 a 53 4
# 5 a 54 5
# 6 a 54 5
# 7 a 54 5
# 8 a 55 6
# 9 a 56 7
# 10 a 57 8
# # ... with 15 more rows