I need some sample dcm files for structure report(Ultrasound). Could anyone please help me?
Report 19 from the link below indicates US structured report, but I'm not sure if it is the exact SOP class you are looking for:
I have a dataframe I want to share using dput.
I want all of it and not just some of it.
When I use dput(), the result is so big that it does not all fit in the Rstudio Console.
I tried assigning the dput to a variable and saving that variable as a txt file but it did not work, the txt file was made of unreadable characters.
Does anyone know a way of copying the whole length of a dput eventhough it's huge so that I can then share it on here with a google doc link or whatever ?
You are looking for dump().
dump("iris", "iris.txt")
I'm trying to get R to read data from a txt file, but the file is not properly made, so it's giving me lots of errors.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to extract a dataframe to be able to work with from this, but I trully don't know how to.
The files are all in this link.
An example with any of them would work.
Thanks a lot!
Does anyone know how to read ".atrx" file in R?
I have been trying to find a function to read this data type but I can not find any.
Thanks in Advance
I have hundreds of word documents (.docx) that were sent to me for analysis and I´m struggling to find a way to extract the Origin metadata. I would like to know the author's name, content created and the date last saved for each document - please note that these are properties that you can check under "details" separator when you use the mouse right-click on the word document and you select "properties". I would like to have an have a dataframe, a list or something similar with:
[1] "document.name" "authors.name" "content.created" "date.lastsaved"
[2] "document.name2" "authors.name2" "content.created2" "date.lastsaved2"
Does anyone have a nice solution for the problem?
Thank you!
Perhaps something like this:
setwd("/Desktop/docs") # set directory to wherever your docx files are
file.info(list.files(getwd())) # obtain file info for docs in folder
I'm in a big trouble. I've downloaded a GeoTIFFF Dataset from http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ ; my problem is that I need the dataset in HDFv4 format, because I've to open it in IDL (please don't tell me "IDL can open GeoTIFF", I NEED HDFv4 format) . May you please suggest me a tool that does this conversion?
Thanks a lot.
Just to get you started, you could read in the image and its GEOTIFF tags using the following command:
file = FILEPATH('boulder.tif', SUBDIR=['examples','data'])
data_variable=READ_TIFF(file, GEOTIFF=GeoKeys)
You would then need to pull apart the geotiff structure and write the data back to an HDF4 file. I don't quite understand why you need HDF4, and I'm also not sure how you're going to write the GEOTIFF data into the HDF4 file, since HDF4 doesn't have anything "specific" about map projections.
See the docs for more details:
Here's a really bad way to do the conversion:
Basically, in that case you are only saving the image data, not the geotiff-specific data.
Good luck!