I need to create a chart in my enyo project. Which properties are used to do this? - enyo

I'm new on enyo, so I don't have yet a full knowledge in this framework.
I've been looking for a property of enyo that I be able to make a chart of bars. But the only things I found in the web, was about using the "enyo.Control", what i think that don't have nothing to do about this.
Can anyone help with some tips?

Enyo has certain widgets available in the Onyx library, but I don't think there are any charting/graph ones. I guess you could use a ProgressBar kind to sort of be a bar graph.
Some developers have used Flot successfully: http://www.flotcharts.org/

Enyo-ified YUI charts are in the pipeline: https://enyojs.atlassian.net/browse/ENYO/component/10802. So watch this issue for updates.


Multithumb-Slider in JavaFX

Hello dear Stackoverflow Community,
I was looking for something like a multithumbslider in JavaFX, but couldn't find anything. I have a bar chart displaying the grades of an exam, and below that I would like to implement a multithumbslider (or if you have any other suggestions) where I can slide the points which are needed for each grade, so that the chart changes, depending on the changes of the multithumbslider.
Did i state my intentions clear...anyhow?
Does anyone have any ideas on that?
Thanks in advance!
Not by default, but you can have a look at ControlsFX which is a libaray which supply controls which are not available in JavaFX by default. They also have a RangeSlider
You can use their code to write your own MultiThumbSlider. This Control is mainly made up of two classes the RangeSlider and the RangeSliderSkin. The code can be found here:
You can also find all other classes reqiured there.

Xamarin Forms photo Pan/Scale/Crop plugin?

I'm making app with using XF pcl.
To make photo viewer/editor function, you should add Pan/Scale/Crop.
Is there good plugin that somebody already have done for it?
Of course I can make my own but
It's very common behavior so I'm curious.
You might want to try this, this library has a lot of different transformations.

DevExpress WebChartControl Pie Controlling Fill

I have been using the System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting pie chart control to display pie chart.
With the introduction of IE9, these graphs seem intermittantly to not load and just present the user with an image not found.
I have decided to replace this with DevExpress's WebChartControl and implement their Pie Chart.
I got their pie to resemble ours 90%, but am stuck at getting the pie's fill to match.
This is best explained with images.
Here is my original MS Chart Pie:
Here is my new Dev Express Pie:
The old pie seems to have a shadow effect around the border that makes it look much better.
Is this kind of effect possible with the DevExpress control?
I have tried playing with:
((PieSeriesView) series.View).Border
((PieSeriesView) series.View).FillStyle
Both don't seem to do what i want.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
I tried for about an hour to get the desired result for you, but unfortunately I just can't seem to be able to get deep enough to be able to introduce a new painter with the Drawing2d.PathGradientBrush.Blend option (which would be able to give you the desired look).
I have placed a question on your behalf on the support center Q337316, you are welcomed to track this question which I would imagine will turn into a suggestion.
So although this isn't a good answer, I don't think you will be able to achieve the results in the current DX library.
We have answered this question in the RadialGradientPainter - Support PathGradientBrush.Blend thread. I've also talked to guys from the XtraCharts team. This is impossible to implement in WindowsForms Charts, but should be possible in WPF. If you are interested in this alternative, drop me a line and I will add the required information here.

Is there a way to draw lines (x,y)-(x2,y2) in ASP.NET pages?

Not animated of course, but good for displaying data visually such as Gantt chart etc.
why not use a javascript graphs library to draw your graphs and charts?
check out these flot examples - maybe flot is what you need
I'm not sure if i understand your question but if you want to draw images dynamically you can use GDI+ and the System.Drawing namespace. Look here for an example.
Edit: Sorry i did not see the gannt tag. Check out the following control.
You could create the image using the Graphics class, then output the file to the filesystem, and link an Image control of some sort to that image.
There is a new Chart control in ASP.NET 3.5 with a bunch of features and options, maybe you'll like it.
You can read a quick review here.
The Walter Zorn javascript library may be your answer.

Flex 3.0 : Showing data in the legend of a Pie Chart

I'm a newbie to Adobe Flex 3.0. I need to show data within the Pie Chart Legend, alongside the colored markers. I have a few vague ideas about how to go about it. (Maybe I would have to write my custom legendMarkerRenderer.) Could anybody give any pointers? There aren't many examples on the net regarding this.
Thanks in advance!
To show the data on the Legend you will need to extend LegendItem class. Example you can see in my blog: http://northam.blogspot.com/2009/05/flex-showing-data-in-legend-of-pie.html
You can always customize the UI controls in flex as per ur requirements.
So you can extend the legend class
have a look # this also:liveDocs
Here's a really useful link for you. The Flex 3 Component explorer... It has examples of how to implement the majority, if not all, of the adobe flex components. If you want something more complex you may need to extend legend and create you own component. By the sounds of things it should give you enough to go on
Flex 3 Component Explorer (broken link)
