ASPX ( on WAMP -

I'm using WAMP and lately I've been working on files with the extension .aspx.
I'm trying to install the module for the wamp: mod_aspdotnet but then I'm getting an error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\apache2\ is not a valid path to an installed instance of apache.
Any suggestions?

mod_aspdotnet is a module for Apache HTTP Server 2.0.44 or later,
running on Windows, Windows NT Service Pack 6 or later (including
2000, 2003, XP and Vista) with the .NET Framework 1.1 (or 1.0),
including Microsoft's ASP.NET hosting framework.
It was originally developed by Covalent Technologies, lived for a time
at the Apache Software Foundation and is now maintained by the
mod-aspdotnet project hosted on SourceForge and sponsored by Covalent
Technologies. It is not known to work on non-Windows platforms, with
*earlier versions of Apache, or 2.0 and later versions of the .NET
framework. Consult the project's pages for more details.


Software System Design Architecture IIS Server 7.5 and .NET Core (3.X or 2.X)( with Web API) compatibility issues & Design issues

We have a project to complete that involves using an Old Existing Web Application developed and deployed with following technologies:
-.NET Framework 4
-developed Using Visual Studio 2010 (VS2010)
-Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Service Pack 1)
-IIS Version 7.5
-Telerik\RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2011
We have a new project that involves creating a Csv File uploader for the web application.
Our proposed plan was to UI uploader Csv File Uploader component on the Old Existing Web Application.
However, we Want to use Newer technology for the main quasi-ETL processing of the Csv Data.
As we Brainstorm, we came up with the following technologies that could be used for the main quasi-ETL processing of Csv Data.
.NET Core (3.X or 2.X)
Visual Studio 2019
However, we have to deploy the Old Existing Web Application ( which would contain the UI Csv File Uploader) and the new main quasi-ETL processing of Csv Data to the same Web Server which would mean using the following slightly old technologies:
-Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Service Pack 1)
-IIS Version 7.5
I'm in the process of developing a - .NET Core (3.X or 2.X) Web application, and deploying it in an environment that uses:
-Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Service Pack 1)
-IIS Version 7.5
Please Keep in mind that both the Old Web Application and the New .NET Core application will be deployed on the same IIS Server 7.5
The Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Server & IIS Server hosts a lot of important applications so I am concerned about what kind of modifications/update/add-on that I might have need to install.
-Does anyone know about any possible technical compatibility problems or troubles that I might face? If yes, what could it be?
-To elaborate, within the Control Panel's "Turn Windows Feature on or off", could you please tell me what might need to be enabled for .NET Core (3.X or 2.X)( with Web API) to work on said IIS Version 7.5?
-Also, may I please know if I have to install any Microsoft module executable ( or something similar)?
-Also, please feel free to suggest improvements Or tell me about any pitfalls/obstacles that I might face.

ASP.NET Core self-contained compatibility?

I have been playing around deploying my .NET Core application on several Operating Systems using self-contained and portable platforms.
As expected, this runs fine on Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and OSX.
I also have a 2008 Windows Server with IIS7 and this is causing a few issues. I have tried to run the self-contained executable but returns procedure entry point kernel32.dll error which apparently means that I have selected the wrong runtime in my project.json file.
Where can I get a list of compatible ASP.NET Core runtimes?
I believe portable .NET Core apps are NOT compatible with IIS7 as AspNetCoreModules requires IIS7.5, is this correct?
The article Publishing to IIS on ASP.NET Core docs says that Windows Server 2008 R2 is required.

Why can't ASP.NET be hosted on a linux server?

ASP.NET is open source so shouldn't it be able to be hosted on any server just like a web app written in any other open source language such as php not limited to a windows server?
ASP.NET Core, the latest version (still in preview) in fact can be run on Linux.
Previous versions of ASP.NET have a dependency on the .NET Framework which only runs on Windows.
Technically, you can via ASP.NET Mono, and in fact Mono has support up to ASP.NET 4.0 and MVC 3.
The limiting factor really is IIS doesn't run on *nix, so you'll not be able to use the configuration aspects of the projects, but you can run the code via Apache modules or FastCGI.
The ASP.NET framework isn't open source (it has too many dependencies on internal code) but ASP.NET MVC and the new .NET Core, and ASP.NET Core releases are.
But just because something's open source, doesn't mean it "runs everywhere" it just means that you have some rights to look at the code, and typically can do things with that - someone still has to write an engine that can interpret and run your code on another operating system.

IIS and Server OS requirements for ASP.NET 4

This only references requirements for clients:
I am looking for similar documentation in reference not just for .NET 4, but ASP.NET 4 and what IIS versions, OS SP's, etc. are required. I would like to see if there are any pitfalls to requesting IT to install ASP.NET 4 and MVC 3 on our server. Don't want to have egg on my face :)
Per the documentaiton on the installer download for .NET 4.0 (
Additional Requirements for Server
If you have to perform a server
installation, your computer must have
the following software in addition to
the basic requirements:
•Internet Information Services (IIS)
version 6.0 or later. To access the
features of ASP.NET, IIS with the
latest security updates must be
installed before the .NET Framework is
installed. ASP.NET is supported only
on Windows XP Professional, Windows
Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, and
Windows Server 2008 R2.
So it will run in IIS 6.0 or above. If you want to know which operating systems support 4.0, that would be any operating system that supports IIS version 6.0 or above. This jives with my comment on your question.
That said, the biggest thing to watch out for is that you have to configure any .NET 4.0 IIS application to use a different applicaiton pool than 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5. There's more info on this here:
WinXP has IIS 5 and the .net framework and ASP.NET 4 is supported on it. For server technologies, IIS6 and newer are supported, as Server 2003 which has IIS6 is the oldest server technology that supports ASP.NET 4.

Deployment of .Net web Application on Linux

What are the steps for deploying the .Net Web Application on Linux & apache web server developed using .NET Framework using Visual Studio 2005?
Make sure you compiled/developed for .NET 2.0 (otherwise mono might complain)
Install mod_mono
Put the files on the linux server, they should run immedatly
See how slow it runs and buy a windows server
IMHO .NET Applications on Linux still have a long way to go until they are really useable.
