Aligning footer with the sidebar - css

I've completely at logger heads with how I can get this footer to align with the bottom of the sidebar if zero content is in the space between the header and footer.
Sticky footer is not the solution because I don't want it to be at the bottom of the window. But inline with the bottom of the sidebar instead.
Here is an image of what it should look like but without the coloured blocks there at the moment they push the footer down where it is now.
I can't provide much code as this is on my local server, and is segmented and broken down into different files for wordpress.
as you can see the above screenshot is how I want the sidebar and footer to be with no content there.
Here is another screenshot showing my current problem, you can see how it latch's on to the bottom of any content on the page and sticks just below it.
Thanks in advance.

The sidebar needs a float:right; then create a div between sidebar and footer with clear:both;, have the css for your footer include margin-top:-xx (whatever pixels the footer height is). You might also need to throw a position:relative on there.

Fixed this by adding position relative to my container, then adding position absolute and bottom 0 to my footer.
Thanks anyway for the help


Respecting Header Height

I need help aligning my fixed widget and floating navigation. Currently the fixed widget does not respect the height of my floating navigation and aligns top when in its fixed position. I am currently using "Q2W3 Fixed Widget" for my sidebar widget and CSS to "float" the navigation.
I would like the fixed widget to align bottom of the nav and not have half of the text get hidden behind the nav.
If you need to see a live page demonstration/code, here is an example. Thank you!
So I was looking at the faq at You can set a bottom and top margin as explained in the following section:
How to prevent overlapping with the footer?
Make sure you have updated plugin to version 2.x. Go to WP admin area, Appearance -> Fixed Widget Options. Here you can define top and bottom margins. Set bottom margin value >= footer height. Check the result.

Fix elements to top and bottom but make them scroll when main content gets high

I am struggling with an issue I can't seem so solve by myself. Perhaps you can shed some light on it. The issue is concerning a responsive website using Bootstrap 3.
The issue
The main content is horizontally and vertically centered. The header with navigation is fixed to the top and the footer is fixed to the bottom of the page. Perfect!
Check in a desktop browser for a working example.
The problem occurs when the main content gets too high. The header and footer do what they're supposed to do: stick to the top and bottom. But when the main content gets high, that's - in my case - unwanted.
Check to see what happens or decrease the height of your browser window.
You'll see the header and footer overlapping the main content. That's a no-no for me.
What I would like
I would like the header and footer to stick to the top and bottom of the page like they do now, but when the main content gets (too) high I would like the header and footer to scroll with the main content. Like if they're stacked on top of each other.
Best regards, Peter de Leeuw

how to prevent div sidebar from overlapping content?

I have a div sidebar which scrolls with the page on my website. Everytime the window resizes, the sidebar would overlap the page content.
Here is a demo page to show the problem:
Here is the CSS code for the menubar I'm using for my page
.menubar {width: 200px;position: fixed;left: 20px;down: 200px;}
Any suggestions for fixing the problem or using a different code would be welcomed,
Thanks in advance!
As, you are using fixed positioning; div will remain fixed relative to the browser and will overlap if other content shift in the area. This happens because browser don't allocate any space to such divs.
In your problem you be solved by specifying the min-margin to left of main content, which can actually be achieved by min-width css property. just place one more to left of main content with some min width.
You can know more on this from this link
Using a percentage margin in CSS but want a minimum margin in pixels?

Attach div element to the bottom of page

I have a page where the main content has a variable height. I want to have a fixed height (about 50px) footer to the very bottom of the page.
I need it to scroll along with the page (so not a fixed position).
A couple scenarios:
If the body content is 300px tall, the window has no scrollbar, the footer would be all the way to the bottom and visible.
If the body content is 900px tall and the window has a scrollbar, the footer would be all the way at the bottom with no space between the footer and the bottom of the window, and not visible unless you scroll to the very bottom.
Is there a way to accomplish this in pure CSS? Trying to stay clear of using JS to handle this.
see the fiddle for code and demo
Note: Please note this is not for the answer it is just for demonstration purpose.
I am giving this for help and for concept purpose This fiddle is not related with this question but based on same situation - sidebar, content, footer at bottom always.

Content DIV not pushing footer down

i have a problem with a stuck down footer not been pushed down by 2x DIVs in the main content area.
for some reason the 2 content containers arnt pushing the footer down when the screen resolution is low, i have added a clear:both div above the footer but to no avail.
can anyone help me please.
style sheet and main page can be seen from the link above. been at this for hours now.
The footer's position is set to absolute, so the content div is not going to affect it. Setting the position to relative will not help either, as this means your bottom: 0 code will push it to the bottom of whatever it is in, not the page.
What you're after is a sticky footer, try this or
The reason is the #footer DIV is position:absolute. So, remove position:absolute form your footer.
A part from that your want your footer always stay at bottom then you can use Sticky Footer technique. Check this
