MSMQ access from mainframe? REST API maybe? - http

I need to put and get messages to/from our remote MSMQ, but because we will do the put s from our mainframe, we need a way that can be implemented in COBOL(or PL/1 maybe). My questions are;
1) Is it possible to enable HTTP GET/POST requests to put/get messages without WCF implementations? That is, we need to be simply able to make requests as in
2) Is there any other way to access and put messages into MSMQ from mainframe?
Any suggestions will be appreciated
Thanks in advance
I think I couldn' t tell what I want exactly. I have data on mainframe and I want to put these data into a MSMQ which is running on a Windows machine. IBM WebsphereMQ has WebSphere MQ bridge for HTTP so that it accepts HTTP requests and puts the requests' payload into queue. Does MSMQ have such a feature?
Thanks again :)

You can use the EZAPI interface programs to manage the traffic natively in your COBOL programs or use one of the many variants of MSMQ to WebsphereMQ or JMS.
The EZAPI stuff will let you do the direct http puts, but you will need to manage it all.
Why not just hook the MSMQ into whatever queueing software you have on the mainframe and make it work the way it was intended?

If your mainframe applications are running in CICS, then HTTP client requests are just API calls. Where I work, we've been doing this in COBOL applications since 2006.


Using RabbitMQ over HTTP

I have to connect an old but critical software to RabbitMQ. The software doesn't support AMQP, but it can do HTTP Requests.
Does RabbitMQ support plain HTTP? Or should I use a "proxy" or "app" that actively transforms the HTTP Requests to AMQP 1.0 and pushes it to the RabbitMQ server?
The management plugin supports a simple HTTP API to send and receive messages. This is primarily intended for diagnostic purposes but can be used for low volume messaging without reliable delivery.
As mentioned, it's designed for very low loads, but it may be usable. If you need higher loads, then by all means cast around for a library that does the job and create a proxy. Most languages will have something. I've personally created a lightweight API using Lumen and to tie a few disparate services together in the past, and it seems to work very well.
It is possible not but really recommended depending on load. You have three options really, two of which are web socket based and one that seems like what you're looking for. I'd suggest starting with the rabbitmq docs.

Server to Server Communication

I'd like to know if there's a way to communicate directly between two (or more) flask-socketio servers. I want to pass information between servers, and have clients connect a single web socket server, which would have all the combined logic and data from the other servers.
I found this example in JS Socket IO Server to Server where the solution was to use a to connect to another server.
I've looked through the Flask-SocketIO documentation, as well as other resources, however it doesn't appear that Flask-SocketIO has a client component to it.
Any suggestions or ideas?
Flask-SocketIO 2.0 can (maybe) do what you want. This is explained in the Using Multiple Workers section of the documentation.
Basically, the servers are configured to connect to a shared message queue service (redis, for example), and then a load balancer in front of them assigns clients to any of the servers in the pool using sticky sessions. Broadcasting operations are coordinated automatically among the servers by passing messages on the queue.
As an additional feature, if you use this set up, you can have any process connect to the message queue to post messages for clients, so for example, you can emit events to clients from a worker or other auxiliary process that is not a SocketIO server.
From your question it is unclear if you were looking to implement something like this, or if you wanted to have the servers communicate for a different reason. Sending of custom messages on the queue is currently not supported, but your question gave me the idea, this might be useful for some scenarios.
As far as using a SocketIO client as in the question you referenced, that shouud also work. You can use this Python package: If you go this route, you can have a server be a client and receive events or join rooms.

Can I use any XMPP Clients with ASP.NET?

is it possible or recommended to use any XMPP Clients to send & receive messages with ASP.NET? I have a AWS EC2 Micro Instance, Azure Webrole Small Instances and another Small Instance reserved for websites. I have tried to achieve this with ASP.NET & Jabber-Net but couldn't make it work. I don't want to receive the messages on any JS clients; I want to process the messages on the server itself.
Thanks in advance...
This is no problem. We have done similar stuff before. You can create as many persistent XMPP sessions as you need on behalf of your users for sending and receiving xmpp stanzas.
The only problems we have seen are security restrictions for IIS on many web hosters which don't allow you to create sockets.
see also:

SOAP/REST calls over XMPP

I want to make a solution where I can use XMPP chat clients connected to gtalk, resolving SOAP web services and REST calls meant for a LAN (behind firewall proxy etc) and transferring over to the other chat client on another different LAN (behind other firewall proxy etc).
I have narrowed down on Smack API, but being a newbie in XMPP and smack, I don't know if is it possible or not with Smack?
Does smack provide for such a functionality? I tried Smack documentation but couldn't understand it in enough depth.
Any other possible alternatives, suggestions too are most welcome.
Start with XEP-72 for a hint at the style of protocol you should use. There are some good reasons to do this, including:
Firewall traversal (as noted)
Don't have to do a TCP connection as often, saving latency
Don't have to authenticate for each request, but can authenticate the stream
No need for a separate XML parser for each request, which means processing can be more efficient
To make things easier start with and use command's node attribute in a restfull way

Tools for hacking Flex data connections

I'm in the process of building a test plan for validating the security of our Flex/J2EE application. I believe we have some issues with trusting the Flex application too much, but I need to be able to quantify those issues.
The ideal way would be a way to show me making data service calls outside of the application. Are there tools or instructions for how one might go about doing this? I really don't want to find these things out after we release to our beta customers. :)
Charles is an excellent HTTP debugging proxy which can parse AMF data and display it as a tree. You can also set "breakpoints" to intercept a HTTP call and modify the AMF data in either the request or response.
Fiddler on Windows is great for monitoring http connections.
First, give the port on which Flex communicates to the J2EE server, then using Ethereal or Wireshark you can watch if it use an encrypted channel :-)
