Significance of the number -947483647 - math

I'm migrating some code from a compiler with 32-bit integers to 64-bit. I found some old code that assumes the highest possible integer is 2147483647 and the lowest possible is -947483647.
I understand the highest (maximum signed 32-bit integer), but does anyone know what makes the lowest special? There is nothing in the business logic that suggests that this integer (used for an ID) can't be below that number.
Searching google turns up very little except some other code where someone used 947483646 in a variable called INF (infinity/highest possible number? In signed, two's-complement representation that would make "negative infinity" -947483647).
It may be just a meaningless number, but there are also a few other hits using that exact number for other integers like monster HP in a video game (while searching for other close-by numbers turn up no results) that makes me think there's something behind it.

Int32 datatype doesn't have a value for infinity, so one can randomly chose magic number to denote INF.
It's naturally to select maximal integer value (2^31-1) for +INF.
But why (-2^31) was not chosen for -INF?
Probably, because both +INF and -INF must have equal length when printed (10 chars each).


Why a/0 returns Inf instead of NaN in R? [duplicate]

I'm just curious, why in IEEE-754 any non zero float number divided by zero results in infinite value? It's a nonsense from the mathematical perspective. So I think that correct result for this operation is NaN.
Function f(x) = 1/x is not defined when x=0, if x is a real number. For example, function sqrt is not defined for any negative number and sqrt(-1.0f) if IEEE-754 produces a NaN value. But 1.0f/0 is Inf.
But for some reason this is not the case in IEEE-754. There must be a reason for this, maybe some optimization or compatibility reasons.
So what's the point?
It's a nonsense from the mathematical perspective.
Yes. No. Sort of.
The thing is: Floating-point numbers are approximations. You want to use a wide range of exponents and a limited number of digits and get results which are not completely wrong. :)
The idea behind IEEE-754 is that every operation could trigger "traps" which indicate possible problems. They are
Illegal (senseless operation like sqrt of negative number)
Overflow (too big)
Underflow (too small)
Division by zero (The thing you do not like)
Inexact (This operation may give you wrong results because you are losing precision)
Now many people like scientists and engineers do not want to be bothered with writing trap routines. So Kahan, the inventor of IEEE-754, decided that every operation should also return a sensible default value if no trap routines exist.
They are
NaN for illegal values
signed infinities for Overflow
signed zeroes for Underflow
NaN for indeterminate results (0/0) and infinities for (x/0 x != 0)
normal operation result for Inexact
The thing is that in 99% of all cases zeroes are caused by underflow and therefore in 99%
of all times Infinity is "correct" even if wrong from a mathematical perspective.
I'm not sure why you would believe this to be nonsense.
The simplistic definition of a / b, at least for non-zero b, is the unique number of bs that has to be subtracted from a before you get to zero.
Expanding that to the case where b can be zero, the number that has to be subtracted from any non-zero number to get to zero is indeed infinite, because you'll never get to zero.
Another way to look at it is to talk in terms of limits. As a positive number n approaches zero, the expression 1 / n approaches "infinity". You'll notice I've quoted that word because I'm a firm believer in not propagating the delusion that infinity is actually a concrete number :-)
NaN is reserved for situations where the number cannot be represented (even approximately) by any other value (including the infinities), it is considered distinct from all those other values.
For example, 0 / 0 (using our simplistic definition above) can have any amount of bs subtracted from a to reach 0. Hence the result is indeterminate - it could be 1, 7, 42, 3.14159 or any other value.
Similarly things like the square root of a negative number, which has no value in the real plane used by IEEE754 (you have to go to the complex plane for that), cannot be represented.
In mathematics, division by zero is undefined because zero has no sign, therefore two results are equally possible, and exclusive: negative infinity or positive infinity (but not both).
In (most) computing, 0.0 has a sign. Therefore we know what direction we are approaching from, and what sign infinity would have. This is especially true when 0.0 represents a non-zero value too small to be expressed by the system, as it frequently the case.
The only time NaN would be appropriate is if the system knows with certainty that the denominator is truly, exactly zero. And it can't unless there is a special way to designate that, which would add overhead.
I re-wrote this following a valuable comment from #Cubic.
I think the correct answer to this has to come from calculus and the notion of limits. Consider the limit of f(x)/g(x) as x->0 under the assumption that g(0) == 0. There are two broad cases that are interesting here:
If f(0) != 0, then the limit as x->0 is either plus or minus infinity, or it's undefined. If g(x) takes both signs in the neighborhood of x==0, then the limit is undefined (left and right limits don't agree). If g(x) has only one sign near 0, however, the limit will be defined and be either positive or negative infinity. More on this later.
If f(0) == 0 as well, then the limit can be anything, including positive infinity, negative infinity, a finite number, or undefined.
In the second case, generally speaking, you cannot say anything at all. Arguably, in the second case NaN is the only viable answer.
Now in the first case, why choose one particular sign when either is possible or it might be undefined? As a practical matter, it gives you more flexibility in cases where you do know something about the sign of the denominator, at relatively little cost in the cases where you don't. You may have a formula, for example, where you know analytically that g(x) >= 0 for all x, say, for example, g(x) = x*x. In that case the limit is defined and it's infinity with sign equal to the sign of f(0). You might want to take advantage of that as a convenience in your code. In other cases, where you don't know anything about the sign of g, you cannot generally take advantage of it, but the cost here is just that you need to trap for a few extra cases - positive and negative infinity - in addition to NaN if you want to fully error check your code. There is some price there, but it's not large compared to the flexibility gained in other cases.
Why worry about general functions when the question was about "simple division"? One common reason is that if you're computing your numerator and denominator through other arithmetic operations, you accumulate round-off errors. The presence of those errors can be abstracted into the general formula format shown above. For example f(x) = x + e, where x is the analytically correct, exact answer, e represents the error from round-off, and f(x) is the floating point number that you actually have on the machine at execution.

How to perform mathematical operations on large numbers

I have a question about working on very big numbers. I'm trying to run RSA algorithm and lets's pretend i have 512 bit number d and 1024 bit number n. decrypted_word = crypted_word^d mod n, isn't it? But those d and n are very large numbers! Non of standard variable types can handle my 512 bit numbers. Everywhere is written, that rsa needs 512 bit prime number at last, but how actually can i perform any mathematical operations on such a number?
And one more think. I can't use extra libraries. I generate my prime numbers with java, using BigInteger, but on my system, i have only basic variable types and STRING256 is the biggest.
Suppose your maximal integer size is 64 bit. Strings are not that useful for doing math in most languages, so disregard string types. Now choose an integer of half that size, i.e. 32 bit. An array of these can be interpreted as digits of a number in base 232. With these, you can do long addition and multiplication, just like you are used to with base 10 and pen and paper. In each elementary step, you combine two 32-bit quantities, to produce both a 32-bit result and possibly some carry. If you do the elementary operation in 64-bit arithmetic, you'll have both of these as part of a single 64-bit variable, which you'll then have to split into the 32-bit result digit (via bit mask or simple truncating cast) and the remaining carry (via bit shift).
Division is harder. But if the divisor is known, then you may get away with doing a division by constant using multiplication instead. Consider an example: division by 7. The inverse of 7 is 1/7=0.142857…. So you can multiply by that to obtain the same result. Obviously we don't want to do any floating point math here. But you can also simply multiply by 14286 then omit the last six digits of the result. This will be exactly the right result if your dividend is small enough. How small? Well, you compute x/7 as x*14286/100000, so the error will be x*(14286/100000 - 1/7)=x/350000 so you are on the safe side as long as x<350000. As long as the modulus in your RSA setup is known, i.e. as long as the key pair remains the same, you can use this approach to do integer division, and can also use that to compute the remainder. Remember to use base 232 instead of base 10, though, and check how many digits you need for the inverse constant.
There is an alternative you might want to consider, to do modulo reduction more easily, perhaps even if n is variable. Instead of expressing your remainders as numbers 0 through n-1, you could also use 21024-n through 21024-1. So if your initial number is smaller than 21024-n, you add n to convert to this new encoding. The benefit of this is that you can do the reduction step without performing any division at all. 21024 is equivalent to 21024-n in this setup, so an elementary modulo reduction would start by splitting some number into its lower 1024 bits and its higher rest. The higher rest will be right-shifted by 1024 bits (which is just a change in your array indexing), then multiplied by 21024-n and finally added to the lower part. You'll have to do this until you can be sure that the result has no more than 1024 bits. How often that is depends on n, so for fixed n you can precompute that (and for large n I'd expect it to be two reduction steps after addition but hree steps after multiplication, but please double-check that) whereas for variable n you'll have to check at runtime. At the very end, you can go back to the usual representation: if the result is not smaller than n, subtract n. All of this should work as described if n>2512. If not, i.e. if the top bit of your modulus is zero, then you might have to make further adjustments. Haven't thought this through, since I only used this approach for fixed moduli close to a power of two so far.
Now for that exponentiation. I very much suggest you do the binary approach for that. When computing xd, you start with x, x2=x*x, x4=x2*x2, x8=…, i.e. you compute all power-of-two exponents. You also maintain some intermediate result, which you initialize to one. In every step, if the corresponding bit is set in the exponent d, then you multiply the corresponding power into that intermediate result. So let's say you have d=11. Then you'd compute 1*x1*x2*x8 because d=11=1+2+8=10112. That way, you'll need only about 1024 multiplications max if your exponent has 512 bits. Half of them for the powers-of-two exponentiation, the other to combine the right powers of two. Every single multiplication in all of this should be immediately followed by a modulo reduction, to keep memory requirements low.
Note that the speed of the above exponentiation process will, in this simple form, depend on how many bits in d are actually set. So this might open up a side channel attack which might give an attacker access to information about d. But if you are worried about side channel attacks, then you really should have an expert develop your implementation, because I guess there might be more of those that I didn't think about.
You may write some macros you may execute under Microsoft for functions like +, -, x, /, modulo, x power y which work generally for any integer of less than ten or hundred thousand digits (the practical --not theoretical-- limit being the internal memory of your CPU). Please note the logic is exactly the same as the one you got at elementary school.
E.g.: p= 1819181918953471 divider of (2^8091) - 1, q = ((2^8091) - 1)/p, mod(2^8043 ; q ) = 23322504995859448929764248735216052746508873363163717902048355336760940697615990871589728765508813434665732804031928045448582775940475126837880519641309018668592622533434745187004918392715442874493425444385093718605461240482371261514886704075186619878194235490396202667733422641436251739877125473437191453772352527250063213916768204844936898278633350886662141141963562157184401647467451404036455043333801666890925659608198009284637923691723589801130623143981948238440635691182121543342187092677259674911744400973454032209502359935457437167937310250876002326101738107930637025183950650821770087660200075266862075383130669519130999029920527656234911392421991471757068187747362854148720728923205534341236146499449910896530359729077300366804846439225483086901484209333236595803263313219725469715699546041162923522784170350104589716544529751439438021914727772620391262534105599688603950923321008883179433474898034318285889129115556541479670761040388075352934137326883287245821888999474421001155721566547813970496809555996313854631137490774297564881901877687628176106771918206945434350873509679638109887831932279470631097604018939855788990542627072626049281784152807097659485238838560958316888238137237548590528450890328780080286844038796325101488977988549639523988002825055286469740227842388538751870971691617543141658142313059934326924867846151749777575279310394296562191530602817014549464614253886843832645946866466362950484629554258855714401785472987727841040805816224413657036499959117701249028435191327757276644272944743479296268749828927565559951441945143269656866355210310482235520220580213533425016298993903615753714343456014577479225435915031225863551911605117029393085632947373872635330181718820669836830147312948966028682960518225213960218867207825417830016281036121959384707391718333892849665248512802926601676251199711698978725399048954325887410317060400620412797240129787158839164969382498537742579233544463501470239575760940937130926062252501116458281610468726777710383038372260777522143500312913040987942762244940009811450966646527814576364565964518092955053720983465333258335601691477534154940549197873199633313223848155047098569827560014018412679602636286195283270106917742919383395056306107175539370483171915774381614222806960872813575048014729965930007408532959309197608469115633821869206793759322044599554551057140046156235152048507130125695763956991351137040435703946195318000567664233417843805257728.
The last step took about 0.1 sec.
wpjo (willibrord oomen on

Integer divide by Zero and Float (Real no.) divide by Zero

If I run following line of code, I get DIVIDE BY ZERO error
1. System.out.println(5/0);
which is the expected behavior.
Now I run the below line of code
2. System.out.println(5/0F);
here there is no DIVIDE BY ZERO error, rather it shows INFINITY
In the first line I am dividing two integers and in the second two real numbers.
Why does dividing by zero for integers gives DIVIDE BY ZERO error while in the case of real numbers it gives INFINITY
I am sure it is not specific to any programming language.
(EDIT: The question has been changed a bit - it specifically referred to Java at one point.)
The integer types in Java don't have representations of infinity, "not a number" values etc - whereas IEEE-754 floating point types such as float and double do. It's as simple as that, really. It's not really a "real" vs "integer" difference - for example, BigDecimal represents real numbers too, but it doesn't have a representation of infinity either.
EDIT: Just to be clear, this is language/platform specific, in that you could create your own language/platform which worked differently. However, the underlying CPUs typically work the same way - so you'll find that many, many languages behave this way.
EDIT: In terms of motivation, bear in mind that for the infinity case in particular, there are ways of getting to infinity without dividing by zero - such as dividing by a very, very small floating point number. In the case of integers, there's obviously nothing between zero and one.
Also bear in mind that the cases in which integers (or decimal floating point types) are used typically don't need to concept of infinity, or "not a number" results - whereas in scientific applications (where float/double are more typically useful), "infinity" (or at least, "a number which is too large to sensibly represent") is still a potentially valid result.
This is specific to one programming language or a family of languages. Not all languages allow integers and floats to be used in the same expression. Not all languages have both types (for example, ECMAScript implementations like JavaScript have no notion of an integer type externally). Not all languages have syntax like this to convert values inline.
However, there is an intrinsic difference between integer arithmetic and floating-point arithmetic. In integer arithmetic, you must define that division by zero is an error, because there are no values to represent the result. In floating-point arithmetic, specifically that defined in IEEE-754, there are additional values (combinations of sign bit, exponent and mantissa) for the mathematical concept of infinity and meta-concepts like NaN (not a number).
So we can assume that the / operator in this programming language is generic, that it performs integer division if both operands are of the language's integer type; and that it performs floating-point division if at least one of the operands is of a float type of the language, whereas the other operands would be implicitly converted to that float type for the purpose of the operation.
In real-number math, division of a number by a number close to zero is equivalent to multiplying the first number by a number whose absolute is very large (x / (1 / y) = x * y). So it is reasonable that the result of dividing by zero should be (defined as) infinity as the precision of the floating-point value would be exceeded.
Implementation details were to be found in that programming language's specification.

how to find the number of possibilities of a hash

if i have a hash say like this: 0d47aeda9d97686ab3da96bae2c93d078a5ab253
how do i do the math to find out the number of possibilities to try if i start with 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999 which is the general length of a sha1.
The number of possibilities would be 2^(X) where X is the number of bits in the hash.
In the normal hexadecimal string representation of the hash value like the one you gave, each character is 4 bits, so it would be 2^(4*len) where len is the string length of the hash value. In your example, you have a 40 character SHA1 digest, which corresponds to 160 bits, or 2^160 == 1.4615016373309029182036848327163e+48 values.
An SHA-1 hash is 160 bits, so there are 2^160 possible hashes.
Your hexadecimal digit range is 0 through f.
Then it's simply 16^40 or however many characters it contains
Recall that a hash function accepts inputs of arbitrary length. A good cryptographic hash function will seem to assign a "random" hash result to any input. So if the digest is N bits long (for SHA-1, N=160), then every input will be hashed to one of 2^N possible results, in a manner we'll treat as random.
That means that the expectation for finding a preimage for your hash result is running though 2^N inputs. They don't have to be specifically the range that you suggested - any 2^N distinct inputs are fine.
This also means that 2^N inputs don't guarantee that you'll find a preimage - each try is random, so you might miss your 1-in-2^N chance in every single one of those 2^N inputs (just like flipping a coin twice doesn't guarantee you'll get heads at least once). But you can figure out how many inputs are required to find a preimage for the hash with probability p or greater - with p being as close to one as you desire (just not actually 1).
maximum variations, with repeating and with attention to the order are defined as n^k. in your case this would mean 10^40, which can't be correct for SHA1. Reading Wikipedia it sais SHA1 has a max. complexity for a collision based attack of 2^80, using different technices researches were allready successfull with 2^51 collisions, so 10^40 seems a bit much.

How to get around some rounding errors?

I have a method that deals with some geographic coordinates in .NET, and I have a struct that stores a coordinate pair such that if 256 is passed in for one of the coordinates, it becomes 0. However, in one particular instance a value of approximately 255.99999998 is calculated, and thus stored in the struct. When it's printed in ToString(), it becomes 256, which should not happen - 256 should be 0. I wouldn't mind if it printed 255.9999998 but the fact that it prints 256 when the debugger shows 255.99999998 is a problem. Having it both store and display 0 would be even better.
Specifically there's an issue with comparison. 255.99999998 is sufficiently close to 256 such that it should equal it. What should I do when comparing doubles? use some sort of epsilon value?
EDIT: Specifically, my problem is that I take a value, perform some calculations, then perform the opposite calculations on that number, and I need to get back the original value exactly.
This sounds like a problem with how the number is printed, not how it is stored. A double has about 15 significant figures, so it can tell 255.99999998 from 256 with precision to spare.
You could use the epsilon approach, but the epsilon is typically a fudge to get around the fact that floating-point arithmetic is lossy.
You might consider avoiding binary floating-points altogether and use a nice Rational class.
The calculation above was probably destined to be 256 if you were doing lossless arithmetic as you would get with a Rational type.
Rational types can go by the name of Ratio or Fraction class, and are fairly simple to write
Here's one example.
Here's another
To understand your problem consider that when the decimal value 0.01 is converted to a binary representation it cannot be stored exactly in finite memory. The Hexidecimal representation for this value is 0.028F5C28F5C where the "28F5C" repeats infinitely. So even before doing any calculations, you loose exactness just by storing 0.01 in binary format.
Rational and Decimal classes are used to overcome this problem, albeit with a performance cost. Rational types avoid this problem by storing a numerator and a denominator to represent your value. Decimal type use a binary encoded decimal format, which can be lossy in division, but can store common decimal values exactly.
For your purpose I still suggest a Rational type.
You can choose format strings which should let you display as much of the number as you like.
The usual way to compare doubles for equality is to subtract them and see if the absolute value is less than some predefined epsilon, maybe 0.000001.
You have to decide yourself on a threshold under which two values are equal. This amounts to using so-called fixed point numbers (as opposed to floating point). Then, you have to perform the round up manually.
I would go with some unsigned type with known size (eg. uint32 or uint64 if they're available, I don't know .NET) and treat it as a fixed point number type mod 256.
typedef uint32 fixed;
inline fixed to_fixed(double d)
return (fixed)(fmod(d, 256.) * (double)(1 << 24))
inline double to_double(fixed f)
return (double)f / (double)(1 << 24);
or something more elaborated to suit a rounding convention (to nearest, to lower, to higher, to odd, to even). The highest 8 bits of fixed hold the integer part, the 24 lower bits hold the fractional part. Absolute precision is 2^{-24}.
Note that adding and substracting such numbers naturally wraps around at 256. For multiplication, you should beware.
