Why does the RDBMS schema for Jonathan Oliver's EventStore include Items in the following index?
ON [dbo].[Commits] ([StreamId], [StreamRevision], [Items]);
From my understanding, its to prevent a duplicate revision number being committed against a stream or aggregate root.
From a business point of view, if we had a Person aggregate, or a Security aggregate, it would make no sense to have to commits against those, or any other, aggregates with the same revision number.
Also, the stream revision can be used for optimistic locking in your application.
Note: I have only been using EventStore for about 3 months.
In DynamoDB I have a table like below example data
pk sk name price
product cat#phone#name#iPhone11 iPhone 11 500
product cat#phone#name#Nokia1100 Nokia 1100 100
product cat#phone#name#iPhone11 iPhone 11 500
In a case I have to search by name. So, first I have created a global index for name where in index pk = pk, sk=name . Then I made a search which working fine.
Now I have changed my decision and created a local index for name, where name is sk. It's also working fine. My question is if I use local index here, has there any benefit ? and when I should not use local index ? If global index not required here but I have used , has there any performance issues ?
This AWS doc very well explains LSI and GSI in detail.
Now to answer your questions
- LSI comes at no extra cost. You don't need to pay for GSI's RCUs, WCUs however need to pay for storage as depicted here in another AWS doc.
- One should not use LSI if you are very certain that single partition (ie - pk) of your main table (pk remains the same in LSI) can be over 10GB. This is also discussed in link shared above.
- There is no performance issue with LSI and GSI in terms of query latencies. However, reads in GSI are eventual consistent whereas LSI supports strong consistent reads.
Edit, putting excerpt from the AWS doc to understand strong and eventual consistent reads.
Strongly Consistent Reads - When you request a strongly consistent read, DynamoDB returns a response with the most up-to-date data, reflecting the updates from all prior write operations that were successful.
Eventually Consistent Reads - When you read data from a DynamoDB table, the response might not reflect the results of a recently completed write operation. The response might include some stale data. If you repeat your read request after a short time, the response should return the latest data.
Refer this AWS doc for tips to minimise propagation delay of data from main table to GSIs
Happy Holidays everyone!
tl;dr: I need to aggregate movie rental information that is being stored in one DynamoDB table and store running total of the aggregation in another table. How do I ensure exactly-once
I currently store movie rental information in a DynamoDB table named MovieRentals:
{movie_title, rental_period_in_days, order_date, rent_amount}
We have millions of movie rentals happening on any given day. Our web application needs to display the aggregated rental amount for any given movie title.
I am planning to use Flink to aggregate rental amounts by movie_title on the MovieRental DynamoDB stream and store the aggregated rental amounts in another DynamoDB table named RentalAmountsByMovie:
{movie_title, total_rental_amount}
How do I ensure that RentalAmountsByMovie amounts are always accurate. i.e. How do I prevent results from any checkpoint from not updating the RentalAmountsByMovie table records more than once?
Approach 1: I store the checkpoint ids in the RentalAmountsByMovie table and do conditional updates to handle the scenario described above?
Approach 2: I can possibly implement the TwoPhaseCommitSinkFunction that uses DynamoDB Transactions. However, according to Flink documentation the commit function can be called more than once and hence needs to be idempotent. So even this solution requires checkpoint-ids to be stored in the target data store.
Approach 3: Another pattern seems to be just storing the time-window aggregation results in the RentalAmountsByMovie table: {movie_title, rental_amount_for_checkpoint, checkpoint_id}. This way the writes from Flink to DynamoDB will be idempotent (Flink is not doing any updates it is only doing inserts to the target DDB table. However, the webapp will have to compute the running total on the fly by aggregating results from the RentalAmountsByMovie table. I don't like this solution for its latency implications to the webapp.
Approach 4: May be I can use Flink's Queryable state feature. However, that feature seems to be in Beta:
I imagine this is a very common aggregation use case. How do folks usually handle updating aggregated results in Flink external sinks?
I appreciate any pointers. Happy to provide more details if needed.
Typically the issue you are concerned about is a non-issue, because folks are using idempotent writes to capture aggregated results in external sinks.
You can rely on Flink to always have accurate information for RentalAmountsByMovie in Flink's internal state. After that it's just a matter of mirroring that information out to DynamoDB.
In general, if your sinks are idempotent, that makes things pretty straightforward. The state held in Flink will consist of some sort of pointer into the input (e.g., offsets or timestamps) combined with the aggregates that result from having consumed the input up to that point. You will need to bootstrap the state; this can be done by processing all of the historic data, or by using the state processor API to create a savepoint that establishes a starting point.
Does GSI Overloading provide any performance benefits, e.g. by allowing cached partition keys to be more efficiently routed? Or is it mostly about preventing you from running out of GSIs? Or maybe opening up other query patterns that might not be so immediately obvious.
e.g. I you have a base table and you want to partition it so you can query a specific attribute (which becomes the PK of the GSI) over two dimensions, does it make any difference if you create 1 overloaded GSI, or 2 non-overloaded GSIs.
For an example of what I'm referring to see the attached image:
The base table has documents which can be in a published or draft state. Each document is owned by a single user. I want to be able to query by user to find:
Published documents by date
Draft documents by date
I'm asking in relation to the more recent DynamoDB best practice that implies that all applications only require one table. Some of the techniques being shown in this documentation show how a reasonably complex relational model can be squashed into 1 DynamoDB table and 2 GSIs and yet still support 10-15 query patterns.
I'm trying to understand why someone would go down this route as it seems incredibly complicated.
The idea – in a nutshell – is to not have the overhead of doing joins on the database layer or having to go back to the database to effectively try to do the join on the application layer. By having the data sliced already in the format that your application requires, all you really need to do is basically do one select * from table where x = y call which returns multiple entities in one call (in your example that could be Users and Documents). This means that it will be extremely efficient and scalable on the db level. But also means that you'll be less flexible as you need to know the access patterns in advance and model your data accordingly.
See Rick Houlihan's excellent talk on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaEPXoXVf2k for why you'd want to do this.
I don't think it has any performance benefits, at least none that's not called out – which makes sense since it's the same query and storage engine.
That being said, I think there are some practical reasons for why you'd want to go with a single table as it allows you to keep your infrastructure somewhat simple: you don't have to keep track of metrics and/or provisioning settings for separate tables.
My opinion would be cost of storage and provisioned throughput.
Apart from that not sure with new limit of 20
I am new the noSQL data modelling so please excuse me if my question is trivial. One advise I found in dynamodb is always supply 'PartitionId' while querying otherwise, it will scan the whole table. But there could be cases where we need listing our items, for instance in case of ecom website, where we need to list our products on list page (with pagination).
How should we perform this listing by avoiding scan or using is efficiently?
Basically, there are three ways of reading data from DynamoDB:
GetItem – Retrieves a single item from a table. This is the most efficient way to read a single item, because it provides direct access to the physical location of the item.
Query – Retrieves all of the items that have a specific partition key. Within those items, you can apply a condition to the sort key and retrieve only a subset of the data. Query provides quick, efficient access to the partitions where the data is stored.
Scan – Retrieves all of the items in the specified table. (This operation should not be used with large tables, because it can consume large amounts of system resources.
And that's it. As you see, you should always prefer GetItem (BatchGetItem) to Query, and Query — to Scan.
You could use queries if you add a sort key to your data. I.e. you can use category as a hash key and product name as a sort key, so that the page showing items for a particular category could use querying by that category and product name. But that design is fragile, as you may need other keys for other pages, for example, you may need a vendor + price query if the user looks for a particular mobile phones. Indexes can help here, but they come with their own tradeofs and limitations.
Moreover, filtering by arbitrary expressions is applied after the query / scan operation completes but before you get the results, so you're charged for the whole query / scan. It's literally like filtering the data yourself in the application and not on the database side.
I would say that DynamoDB just is not intended for many kinds of workloads. Probably, it's not suited for your case too. Think of it as of a rich key-value (key to object) store, and not a "classic" RDBMS where indexes come at a lower cost and with less limitations and who provide developers rich querying capabilities.
There is a good article describing potential issues with DynamoDB, take a look. It contains an awesome decision tree that guides you through the DynamoDB argumentation. I'm pasting it here, but please note, that the original author is Forrest Brazeal.
Another article worth reading.
Finally, check out this short answer on SO about DynamoDB usecases and issues.
P.S. There is nothing criminal in doing scans (and I actually do them by schedule once per day in one of my projects), but that's an exceptional case and I regret about the decision to use DynamoDB in that case. It's not efficient in terms of speed, money, support and "dirtiness". I had to increase the capacity before the job and reduce it after, but that's another story…
I am designing a simple messaging service using ASP.NET MVC / Windows Azure Table Storage. I have two kinds of entities - messages and message threads. Relation between them is simple - each thread can have multiple messages but the message can only be assigned to one thread.
Table storage is not a relational DB, so representing relations is always a bit tricky. I need to decide between 2 approaches:
Having one big table for threads and one for messages. And having threadId as a partition key of message entity so that messages are partitioned by threads.
Dynamically creating a special table for each message thread and having threadId as a name of the table.
I tend to prefer the second because it fits better into architecture of the rest of the service. But there will obviously be large number of tables created in a storage account.
Do you think this may be a problem?
You could also consider having just one table, that stores both Thread and Message entities. This would give you transaction support, and you could use Lucifure's hybrid approach on this table.
Creating a large number of tables may be an issue, depending on how you want to manage them. The underlying REST API for listing tables works like a query for table entities. It only returns the first 1000 tables, after that you have to use a continuation token. All of the storage explorers I've seen don't allow you to query tables based on name, they simply like the first 1000 tables. If you end up with 20000 threads, it could take you a while to get to the table you want.
One way you could mitigate this is to put your message table in its own storage account. This way your storage account with all of your other tables won't get crowded out by all of these dynamic tables that you will be creating and possibly deleting.
Deleting is actually one of the ways in which using a separate table for each thread would be easier. To delete all of the related messages you simply have to delete one table rather than iterating over each message and deleting it.
Everything else however will be more complicated than keeping all of the messages in one table. If this is core functionality to your app and you can dedicate enough time to develop it this way, one table per thread is probably a good idea. Otherwise the easy way to do things is with one big table.
You may consider a hybrid approach to keep the number of tables to a manageable level, depending on your scalability needs.
My experience has been that date based partitioning at the table level is a very effective approach and can be leverage across the board.
For example you could partition tables based on date and with a granularity of day or month. So a table name like “Thread201202” could be used for all threads started in February 2012.
Your thread id would implicitly include the “201202” and be something like “201202-myid01” although you would not need to explicitly store it in the partition key since it would be implied in the table name.
Aged threads could then be easily disposed by deleting tables say more than a year old.