I get the following error when I try to post a request from a form in my ASP application.
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'
Path not found
/build-your-own-report/stjreport/includes/includes.inc, line 16
This is my includes.inc file
thisPage = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
thisPage = Right(thisPageName,Len(thisPage) - InStrRev(thisPage,"/"))
session.timeout = 5
webDir = "/stjreport"
pdf_path = server.MapPath("/") & webDir & "/pdfs"
tmp_path = server.MapPath("/") & webDir & "/temp"
Function RoundUp(n)
roundUp = Int(n) - CBool(CDbl(n) <> CLng(n))
End Function
Sub cleanItUp(tt)
set incFS = server.createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
/*line 16*/ set incFO = incFS.GetFolder(tmp_path)
for each incF in incFO.files
'if instr(1,incF.name,".pdf",1) > 0 then
set tmpF = incFS.GetFile(incF)
if DateDiff("s",tmpF.DateCreated,now) > tt then incFS.deleteFile(tmpF)
'end if
set incFO = nothing
set incFS = nothing
End Sub
Function makeRandomString(incLength)
makeRandomString = ""
seedStr = "1,N,O,P,Q,3,W,X,Y,Z,$,4,0,A,B,C,D,E,F,8,G,H,I,J,5,6,7,9,K,L,M,R,2,S,U,V,T,"
rndAry = Split(seedStr,",")
rndName = ""
For inc = 1 to incLength
iRandom = Int( UBound( rndAry ) * Rnd )
rndName = rndName & rndAry( iRandom )
makeRandomString = rndName
End Function
Sub displayMessage (incMsg,incReturnUrl)
if Len(incMsg) > 0 then
Response.write("<br /><br /><p style='text-align:center; font-family:arial; font_size:larger;'>" & incMsg & "</p>")
<script language="javascript">
alert("<%=Replace(Replace(incMsg,"<br />","\n"),"<br>","\n")%>");
if Len(incReturnUrl) > 0 then
top.location.href = "<%=incReturnUrl%>";
end if
end if
End Sub
Function isPermittedFile(incFileType,incFile)
incFile = replace(incFile, "\", "/")
if inStr(incFile,"/") > 0 then
incAry = split(incFile,"/")
incFile = incAry(uBound(incFile)-1)
end if
if inStr(incFile,".") = 0 then call (displayMessage("Image file: " & incFile & " sounds not to be a recognized image format",""))
incFileAry = split(incFile,".")
incExt = incFileAry(1)
Select Case LCase(incFileType)
Case "image"
incAllowedStr = ",gif,png,jpg,jpeg,bmp,tiff,"
Case "document"
'incAllowedStr = ",pdf,doc,docx,txt,rtf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,"
incAllowedStr = ",pdf,"
End Select
isPermittedFile = False
if inStr(1,incAllowedStr,","& LCase(incExt) &",",1) > 0 then isPermittedFile = True
End Function
I don't know too much about ASP, here is my code:
dim objCmd, objRS1, objRS2, strDate1, strDate2, strName, strStyle, datDate, strLastGroup, datNow
set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set objRS1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set objRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCmd.CommandText = "Select Site_Pages.Filename, HeadingName, MatrixName, Site_Matrices.MatrixID, TurnaroundOverride, TurnaroundName, MAX(Turnaround) AS AutoTurnaround, TurnaroundGroup FROM Site_Headings, Site_Pages, Site_Matrices, Site_Items, Site_Items_Prices, Items WHERE Site_Headings.HeadingID = Site_Pages.HeadingID AND Site_Pages.ProdPageID = Site_Matrices.ProdPageID AND Site_Matrices.MatrixID = Site_Items.MatrixID AND Site_Items.ItemID = Site_Items_Prices.ItemID AND Site_Items_Prices.PriceID = Items.PriceID AND SiteID = 0 AND TurnaroundPage = 1 GROUP BY HeadingName, MatrixName, TurnaroundOverride, TurnaroundName, Site_Pages.Filename, TurnaroundGroup, TurnaroundSortOrder, Site_Matrices.MatrixID ORDER BY TurnaroundGroup, TurnaroundSortOrder, HeadingName, MatrixName, TurnaroundName"
set objRS1 = objCmd.Execute
if not objRS1.eof then
Call NewTable(objRS1("TurnaroundGroup"))
strLastGroup = objRS1("TurnaroundGroup")
end if
do until objRS1.eof
if strLastGroup <> objRS1("TurnaroundGroup") then
Call EndTable()
Call NewTable(objRS1("TurnaroundGroup"))
end if
strLastGroup = objRS1("TurnaroundGroup")
'decide todays date for checking dated turnaround overrides
datNow = dateadd("h", GetSetting("TimeOffset"), now())
'if before 7am, knock off a day
if hour(datnow) < 7 then datnow = dateadd("d", -1, datnow)
objCmd.CommandText = "SELECT Turnaround FROM DatedTurnarounds WHERE MatrixID = " & CLng(objRS1("MatrixID")) & " AND TDate = '" & Year(datNow) & PadWithZeros(Month(datNow)) & PadWithZeros(Day(datNow)) & " 00:00'"
set objRS2 = objCmd.Execute
if objRS1("TurnaroundOverride") = 0 OR IsNull(objRS1("TurnaroundOverride")) then
if objRS2.eof then 'use automatic (3-last)
datDate = AddDays(objRS1("AutoTurnaround")-1)
else 'use dated turnaround override (2-second)
datDate = AddDays(objRS2("Turnaround")-1)
end if
else 'use matrix overrride (1-first - overrides all)
datDate = AddDays(objRS1("TurnaroundOverride")-1)
end if
strDate1 = Left(WeekDayName(DatePart("w", datDate)), 3) & " " & DateSuffix(DatePart("d", datDate)) & " of " & MonthName(DatePart("m", datDate))
if objRS1("TurnaroundOverride") = 0 OR IsNull(objRS1("TurnaroundOverride")) then
if objRS2.eof then 'use automatic (3-last)
datDate = AddDays(objRS1("AutoTurnaround"))
else 'use dated turnaround override (2-second)
datDate = AddDays(objRS2("Turnaround"))
end if
else 'use matrix overrride (1-first - overrides all)
datDate = AddDays(objRS1("TurnaroundOverride"))
end if
strDate2 = Left(WeekDayName(DatePart("w", datDate)), 3) & " " & DateSuffix(DatePart("d", datDate)) & " of " & MonthName(DatePart("m", datDate))
if objRS1("TurnaroundName") = "" OR IsNull(objRS1("TurnaroundName")) then
if objRS1("MatrixName") = "" OR IsNull(objRS1("MatrixName")) then
strName = objRS1("HeadingName")
strName = objRS1("MatrixName")
end if
strName = objRS1("TurnaroundName")
end if
if strStyle = "PriceMatrixRow1" then
strStyle = "PriceMatrixRow2"
strStyle = "PriceMatrixRow1"
end if
I think the problem should be somewhere here
objCmd.CommandText = "SELECT Turnaround FROM DatedTurnarounds WHERE MatrixID = " & CLng(objRS1("MatrixID")) & " AND TDate = '" & Year(datNow) & PadWithZeros(Month(datNow)) & PadWithZeros(Day(datNow)) & " 00:00'"
set objRS2 = objCmd.Execute
I'm not sure if I can execute another object in an object though
Any help would be very much appreciated.
I use this code to show pagination of recordset in classic asp + Mysql:
<ul class="pagination">
<% IF Cint(PageNo) > 1 then %>
<li><a rel="1" href="#" data-topic="<%=Request.QueryString("TOPIC_ID")%>" data-page="1">Prime</a></li>
<li><a rel="<%=PageNo-1%>" href="#" data-topic="<%=Request.QueryString("TOPIC_ID")%>" data-page="<%=PageNo-1%>"><</a></li>
<% End IF%>
<% For intID=1 To TotalPage%>
<% if intID=Cint(PageNo) Then%>
<li><a rel="<%=intID%>" href="#" data-topic="<%=Request.QueryString("TOPIC_ID")%>" data-page="<%=intID%>"><%=intID%></a></li>
<%End IF%>
<% IF Cint(PageNo) < TotalPage Then %>
<li><a rel="<%=PageNo+1%>" href="#" data-topic="<%=Request.QueryString("TOPIC_ID")%>" data-page="<%=PageNo+1%>">></a></li>
<li><a rel="<%=TotalPage%>" href="#" data-topic="<%=Request.QueryString("TOPIC_ID")%>" data-page="<%=TotalPage%>">Ultime</a></li>
<% End IF%>
But If I have a lot of pageresults, it show a long line of number.... How could show only 5 page an when change page, show next?
like so:
first < 1 2 3 4 5 > last
and if I click on 5
first < 5 6 7 8 9 > last
This code works also if you want to keep some other querystring parameters. It removes the page value, adds the new page value and builds the paging control html.
It uses the Twitter Bootstrap Styles: http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/components.html#pagination
Response.Write PagingControl(10, 30, "?field-keywords=whatever&page=7")
Public Function RemoveEmptyQueryStringParameters(strQueryString)
If IsNullOrEmpty(strQueryString) Then Exit Function
Dim strNewQueryString: strNewQueryString = ""
strQueryString = Replace(strQueryString, "&", "&")
strQueryString = Replace(strQueryString, "?", "&")
Dim arrQueryString: arrQueryString = Split(strQueryString ,"&")
For i=0 To UBound(arrQueryString)
strTempParameter = Left( arrQueryString(i), Instr( arrQueryString(i) & "=", "=" ) - 1 )
strTempParameterValue = Right( arrQueryString(i), Len( arrQueryString(i) ) - InstrRev( arrQueryString(i), "=" ) )
If Not IsNullOrEmpty(strTempParameterValue) Then
strNewQueryString = strNewQueryString & "&" & arrQueryString(i)
End If
If InStr(strNewQueryString,"&") = 1 Then
strNewQueryString = "?" & Right(strNewQueryString, Len(strNewQueryString) - 1)
End If
strNewQueryString = Replace(strNewQueryString, "&", "&")
Erase arrQueryString
Set arrQueryString = Nothing
RemoveEmptyQueryStringParameters = Trim(strNewQueryString)
End Function
Public Function AddQueryStringParameter(ByVal strQueryString, ByVal strParameter, ByVal strValue)
Dim strNewQueryString: strNewQueryString = ""
strNewQueryString = Replace(strQueryString, "&", "&")
strNewQueryString = Replace(strNewQueryString, "?", "&")
strNewQueryString = strNewQueryString & "&" & strParameter & "=" & strValue
If InStr(strNewQueryString,"&") = 1 Then
strNewQueryString = "?" & Right(strNewQueryString, Len(strNewQueryString) - 1)
End If
strNewQueryString = Replace(strNewQueryString, "&", "&")
AddQueryStringParameter = Trim(strNewQueryString)
End Function
Public Function PagingControl(ByVal intPage, ByVal intPageCount, ByVal strQueryString)
If intPageCount <= 1 Then
PagingControl = ""
Exit Function
End If
strQueryString = RemoveEmptyQueryStringParameters(strQueryString)
strQueryString = RemoveQueryStringParameter(strQueryString, "page")
Dim strQueryStringPaging: strQueryStringPaging = ""
Dim strHtml: strHtml = "<div class=""pagination""><ul>"
If cInt(intPage) > 1 Then
strQueryStringPaging = AddQueryStringParameter(strQueryString, "page", "1")
strHtml = strHtml & "<li>Anfang</li>"
strQueryStringPaging = AddQueryStringParameter(strQueryString, "page", CInt(intPage - 1))
strHtml = strHtml & "<li>< Zurück</li>"
strHtml = strHtml & "<li class=""disabled"">Anfang</li>" & _
"<li class=""disabled"">< Zurück</li>"
End If
Dim intPagesToShow: intPagesToShow = 10
If intPageCount >= intPagesToShow Then
If Cint(intPage)>Int(intPagesToShow/2) Then
If Cint(intPage)>(intPageCount-Int(intPagesToShow/2)) Then
intStart = intPageCount-intPagesToShow
intEnd = intPageCount
intStart = intPage-Int(intPagesToShow/2)
intEnd = intPage+Int(intPagesToShow/2)
End If
intStart = 1
intEnd = intPagesToShow
End If
End If
If intStart=0 Then
End If
For i = intStart To intEnd
If Cint(intPage)=i Then
strHtml = strHtml & "<li class=""active"">" & i & "</li>"
strQueryStringPaging = AddQueryStringParameter(strQueryString, "page", Cint(i))
strHtml = strHtml & "<li>" & i & "</li>"
End If
If cInt(intPage) < cInt(intPageCount) Then
strQueryStringPaging = AddQueryStringParameter(strQueryString, "page", CInt(intPage + 1))
strHtml = strHtml & "<li>Vorwärts ></li>"
strQueryStringPaging = AddQueryStringParameter(strQueryString, "page", Cint(intPageCount))
strHtml = strHtml & "<li>Ende</li>"
strHtml = strHtml & "<li class=""disabled"">Vorwärts ></li>" & _
"<li class=""disabled end"">Ende</li>"
End If
strHtml = strHtml & "</ul></div>"
PagingControl = Trim(strHtml)
End Function
I needed a simular solution in ASP.
I could not find anything usefull, so I made something myself.
I normally only program in PHP, but that wasn't possible in the case where I made this.
So if my code is a bit slopy, feel free to improve ;)
A little function I cooked up:
page = cInt(Request.QueryString("pg"))
pages = cInt(number of pages)
if page <1 then page = 1
if page > pages then page = pages
Function paginationHTML(page, lastPage, URL)
if page >1 then
paginationHTML = "prev"
paginationHTML = paginationHTML & "1"
end if
if page >2 then
paginationHTML = paginationHTML & "<a>...</a>"
end if
if page >0 then
paginationHTML = paginationHTML & "<a href=""" & URL & page & """ class='jp-current'>"& page &"</a>"
end if
if lastPage >2 then
if page < lastPage-1 then
paginationHTML = paginationHTML & "<a>...</a>"
end if
end if
if page < lastPage then
paginationHTML = paginationHTML & ""&lastPage&""
paginationHTML = paginationHTML & "next"
end if
End Function
use like so:
Would I just use MSXML and import as binary? Or is there another more efficient way?
There are gigs and gigs of JPEGs to fetch.
I have written something in the past, the code below will save remote image on the server disk. It's classic ASP and pretty efficient:
Const CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME = "StoredContents"
Dim strImageUrl
strImageUrl = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8c488f9c3d3da5bb756507179a3d53fd?s=32&d=identicon&r=PG"
Call SaveOnServer(strImageUrl, "bill_avatar.jpg")
Sub SaveOnServer(url, strFileName)
Dim strRawData, objFSO, objFile
Dim strFilePath, strFolderPath, strError
strRawData = GetBinarySource(url, strError)
If Len(strError)>0 Then
Response.Write("<span style=""color: red;"">Failed to get binary source. Error:<br />" & strError & "</span>")
strFolderPath = Server.MapPath(CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME)
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not(objFSO.FolderExists(strFolderPath)) Then
End If
If Len(strFileName)=0 Then
strFileName = GetCleanName(url)
End If
strFilePath = Server.MapPath(CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME & "/" & strFileName)
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFilePath)
Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write("<h3>Stored contents of " & url & ", total of <span style=""color: blue;"">" & LenB(strRawData) & "</span> bytes</h3>")
Response.Write("<a href=""" & CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME & "/" & strFileName & """ target=""_blank""><span style=""color: blue;"">" &_
strFileName & "</span></a>")
End If
End Sub
Function RSBinaryToString(xBinary)
''# Antonin Foller, http://www.motobit.com
''# RSBinaryToString converts binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY Or MultiByte string)
''# to a string (BSTR) using ADO recordset
Dim Binary
'' #MultiByte data must be converted To VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY first.
If vartype(xBinary)=8 Then Binary = MultiByteToBinary(xBinary) Else Binary = xBinary
Dim RS, LBinary
Const adLongVarChar = 201
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
LBinary = LenB(Binary)
If LBinary>0 Then
RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarChar, LBinary
RS("mBinary").AppendChunk Binary
RSBinaryToString = RS("mBinary")
RSBinaryToString = ""
End If
End Function
Function MultiByteToBinary(MultiByte)
''# © 2000 Antonin Foller, http://www.motobit.com
''# MultiByteToBinary converts multibyte string To real binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY)
''# Using recordset
Dim RS, LMultiByte, Binary
Const adLongVarBinary = 205
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
LMultiByte = LenB(MultiByte)
If LMultiByte>0 Then
RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarBinary, LMultiByte
RS("mBinary").AppendChunk MultiByte & ChrB(0)
Binary = RS("mBinary").GetChunk(LMultiByte)
End If
MultiByteToBinary = Binary
End Function
Function GetBinarySource(url, ByRef strError)
Dim objXML
Set objXML=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
strError = ""
On Error Resume Next
objXML.Open "GET", url, False
If Err.Number<>0 Then
Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXML.Open "GET", url, False
If Err.Number<>0 Then
strError = "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Exit Function
End If
End If
On Error Goto 0
Set objXML=Nothing
End Function
Function GetCleanName(s)
Dim result, x, c
Dim arrTemp
arrTemp = Split(s, "/")
If UBound(arrTemp)>0 Then
For x=0 To UBound(arrTemp)-1
result = result & GetCleanName(arrTemp(x)) & "_"
result = result & GetPageName(s)
For x=1 To Len(s)
c = Mid(s, x, 1)
If IsValidChar(c) Then
result = result & c
result = result & "_"
End If
End If
Erase arrTemp
GetCleanName = result
End Function
Function IsValidChar(c)
IsValidChar = (c >= "a" And c <= "z") Or (c >= "A" And c <= "Z") Or (IsNumeric(c))
End Function
Function GetPageName(strUrl)
If Len(strUrl)>0 Then
GetPageName=Mid(strUrl, InStrRev(strUrl, "/")+1, Len(strUrl))
End If
End Function
Just call SaveOnServer sub routine passing the URL and desired file name, you can also omit the file name and in that case, the file name will be taken from the URL itself.
The server folder is defined as constant and will be in the same place as .asp file.
Here is the gist of how to download and save files in script:-
Function DownloadAndSave(sourceUrl, destinationFile)
Dim req : Set req = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
req.Open "GET", sourceUrl, false
Dim stream : Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
stream.Type = 1 ''# adTypeBinary
stream.Write req.ResponseBody
stream.SaveToFile destinationFile, 2
End Function
The site is a buy/sell site and the page the code comes from is the "add product" page.
The problem is that the session("change") becomes nothing by some reason, I can't find any errors. The payment.aspx have a button that sends me back to the page with a session("change").
The reason I see the problem is that when I try to edit something the category gets restetted to the first in the list. and when I debug I see that the session is nothing, though it should be something
Heres the code:
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnSubmit.Click
If Not stats > 0 Then
If Session("change") IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dc As New DataClassesDataContext
Dim getP = From prod In dc.Products _
Where prod.ProductID = CInt(Session("change")) _
Select prod
If getP.Any Then
If rdbSell.Checked = True Then
getP.FirstOrDefault.BuySell = True
getP.FirstOrDefault.BuySell = False
End If
If ddlSubSubcat.SelectedValue IsNot String.Empty Then
getP.FirstOrDefault.CategoryID = CInt(ddlSubSubcat.SelectedValue)
getP.FirstOrDefault.CategoryID = CInt(ddlSubCat.SelectedValue)
End If
getP.FirstOrDefault.Content = txtContent.Text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")
getP.FirstOrDefault.CountyID = CInt(ddlCounty.SelectedValue)
getP.FirstOrDefault.E_mail = txtEmail.Text
getP.FirstOrDefault.Date = DateTime.Now
getP.FirstOrDefault.Active = 0
getP.FirstOrDefault.Alias = txtAlias.Text.Replace("'", "''")
getP.FirstOrDefault.ShowEmail = 0
Dim PreID As Integer = getP.FirstOrDefault.ProductID
If chkShowEmail.Checked = True Then
getP.FirstOrDefault.ShowEmail = 1
getP.FirstOrDefault.ShowEmail = 0
End If
If chkShowPhone.Checked = True Then
getP.FirstOrDefault.ShowPhone = 1
getP.FirstOrDefault.ShowPhone = 0
End If
getP.FirstOrDefault.Headline = txtHeadline.Text
getP.FirstOrDefault.Password = txtPassword.Text
getP.FirstOrDefault.Phone = txtPhone.Text
getP.FirstOrDefault.Price = txtPrice.Text
If chkUnknown.Checked = True Then
getP.FirstOrDefault.YearModel = String.Empty
getP.FirstOrDefault.YearModel = ddlYear.SelectedValue
End If
For Each item In libPictures.Items
Dim i As String = item.ToString
Dim imagecheck = From img In dc.Pictures _
Where img.Name = i And img.ProductID = CInt(Session("change")) _
Select img
If imagecheck.Any Then
Dim img As New Picture
img.Name = item.ToString
img.ProductID = CInt(Session("change"))
End If
Response.Redirect("~/precheck.aspx?id=" + PreID.ToString)
End If
Dim dc As New DataClassesDataContext
Dim prod As New Product
If rdbSell.Checked = True Then
prod.BuySell = True
prod.BuySell = False
End If
If ddlSubSubcat.DataValueField IsNot String.Empty Then
prod.CategoryID = CInt(ddlSubSubcat.SelectedValue)
prod.CategoryID = CInt(ddlSubCat.SelectedValue)
End If
prod.Content = txtContent.Text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")
prod.CountyID = CInt(ddlCounty.SelectedValue)
prod.E_mail = txtEmail.Text
prod.Date = DateTime.Now
prod.Active = 0
prod.Alias = txtAlias.Text.Replace("'", "''")
prod.ShowEmail = 0
If chkShowEmail.Checked = True Then
prod.ShowEmail = 1
prod.ShowEmail = 0
End If
If chkShowPhone.Checked = True Then
prod.ShowPhone = 1
prod.ShowPhone = 0
End If
prod.Headline = txtHeadline.Text
prod.Password = txtPassword.Text
prod.Phone = txtPhone.Text
prod.Price = txtPrice.Text
If chkUnknown.Checked = True Then
prod.YearModel = String.Empty
prod.YearModel = ddlYear.SelectedValue
End If
Dim PreID As Integer = prod.ProductID
For Each item In libPictures.Items
Dim img As New Picture
img.Name = item.ToString
img.ProductID = prod.ProductID
Response.Redirect("./precheck.aspx?id=" + PreID.ToString, False)
End If
End If
stats = 0
'Catch ex As Exception
'End Try
End Sub
It depends upon how the application is managing session state. If your session state is managed InProc then if the application pool is recycled then all your session information will be lost. If that is happening then it could be a good option to store session state in SQL Server which will persist between app pool recycling.
More info:
ASP.NET Session State Overview
ASP.NET State Management Recommendations
I was given an HTA that I think was created by the HTA_Helpomatic. They want it converted into a classic ASP page. So I made a few basic changes, and I think I almost have it working. But I'm running into a problem - the ole 'VBScript Object Required' bit. It's doing this on the line Set objlst_groupnames = document.getElementById( "list_servicenames" )
Here's the original HTA script - can anyone help me figure out how to properly convert this to ASP? I had a similar page created, but it didn't work the way they wanted (You had to click on each service to toggle it, vs just clicking on a check box). Thanks.
<title>Start/Stop/Restart Windows Services</title>
APPLICATIONNAME="Start/Stop/Restart Windows Services"
<script language="VBScript">
Sub Window_OnLoad
Set objlst_groupnames = document.getElementById( "list_servicenames" )
If objlst_groupnames Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "A problem was encountered while creating the listview." & vbCRLF & "Please see your administrator."
With objlst_groupnames
.View = 3
.Width = 800
.Height = 600
.SortKey = 0
.Arrange = 0
.LabelEdit = 1
.SortOrder = 0
.Sorted = 1
.MultiSelect = 0
.LabelWrap = -1
.HideSelection = -1
.HideColumnHeaders = 0
.OLEDragMode = 0
.OLEDropMode = 0
.Checkboxes = 1
.FlatScrollBar = 0
.FullRowSelect = 1
.GridLines = 0
.HotTracking = 0
.HoverSelection = 0
.PictureAlignment = 0
.TextBackground = 0
.ForeColor = -2147483640
.BackColor = -2147483643
.BorderStyle = 1
.Appearance = 1
.MousePointer = 0
.Enabled = 1
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Caption", 150
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "State", 150
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Name", 150
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Description", 150
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Start Mode", 150
End With
End If
sComputer = MachineName.Value
End Sub
Sub ListServices(sComputer)
sServiceName = ServiceName.Value
Set objList = document.getElementById( "list_servicenames" )
set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & sComputer & "\root\cimv2")
if sServiceName = "" then
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Service where DisplayName like '%" & sServiceName & "%'")
end if
For Each objItem in colItems
Set objListItem = objList.ListItems.Add
objListItem.Text = objItem.Caption
objListItem.ListSubItems.Add.Text = objItem.State
objListItem.ListSubItems.Add.Text = objItem.Name
objListItem.ListSubItems.Add.Text = objItem.Description
objListItem.ListSubItems.Add.Text = objItem.StartMode
End Sub
Sub btn_start_onClick()
sComputer = MachineName.Value
for n = 1 to list_servicenames.ListItems.Count
if list_servicenames.ListItems(n).checked = True then
strService = list_servicenames.ListItems(n).ListSubItems(2).Text
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & sComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colServiceList = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Service where Name='" & strService & "'")
For each objService in colServiceList
errReturn = objService.StartService()
end if
End Sub
Sub btn_stop_onClick()
sComputer = MachineName.Value
for n = 1 to list_servicenames.ListItems.Count
if list_servicenames.ListItems(n).checked = True then
strService = list_servicenames.ListItems(n).ListSubItems(2).Text
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & sComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colServiceList = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Service where Name='" & strService & "'")
For each objService in colServiceList
errReturn = objService.StopService()
end if
End Sub
Sub btn_restart_onClick()
sComputer = MachineName.Value
'Stop services
for n = 1 to list_servicenames.ListItems.Count
if list_servicenames.ListItems(n).checked = True then
strService = list_servicenames.ListItems(n).ListSubItems(2).Text
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & sComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colServiceList = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Service where Name='" & strService & "'")
For each objService in colServiceList
errReturn = objService.StopService()
end if
'Start services
for n = 1 to list_servicenames.ListItems.Count
if list_servicenames.ListItems(n).checked = True then
strService = list_servicenames.ListItems(n).ListSubItems(2).Text
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & sComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colServiceList = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Service where Name='" & strService & "'")
For each objService in colServiceList
errReturn = objService.StartService()
end if
End Sub
Sub btn_Refresh_onClick()
sComputer = MachineName.Value
End Sub
Sub btn_exit_onClick()
End Sub
function list_servicenames_ColumnClick(colheader)
list_servicenames.SortKey = colheader.index-1
end Function
Enter Machine Name: <Input Type = "Text" Name = "MachineName">
<Input Type = "Button" Value = "Get Services" Name = "Run_Button" onClick = "Window_OnLoad"> Filter Services by Name: <Input Type = "Text" Name = "ServiceName"><P>
<input type="button" value="Refresh" name="btn_Refresh" id="btn_Refresh" title="Click to refresh the services list">
<input type="button" value="Start" name="btn_start" id="btn_start" title="Click to Start the Services">
<input type="button" value="Stop" name="btn_stop" id="btn_stop" title="Click to Stop the Service">
<input type="button" value="Restart" name="btn_restart" id="btn_restart" title="Click to Restart the Services">
<input type="button" value="Exit" name="btn_exit" id="btn_exit" title="Click to Exit Form ">
<OBJECT id="list_servicenames" name="list_servicenames" classid="clsid:BDD1F04B-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628"></OBJECT>
To get a client-side click event to activate something on the server you must use something like AJAX.