How to retrieve Google Analytics account owner email address using API - google-analytics

I'm accessing the Google Analytics API v3.0 with the .NET client adapter.
This is all working very good, but I'd like to get the account owner e-mail address for a given account that I have access to.
The resource description only has Id, Name, create- and update date.
Is there a way to get more detailed data for this account? Ideally the owner e-mail address or user data would be great. I couldn't find anything in the Analytics API docs, also nothing declaring that this information is NOT possible to get...

Google Analytics account doesn't really have an "owner" per se. Each account can have multiple users with different permissions.
Recently, Google Analytics launched a new permissions model (see this blogpost for more info), and it'll be rolled out to all the users in the coming weeks. Currently, this information is not available though the Analytics API, but feel free to file a feature request here.


Is there an API that allows a candidate search query?

We're looking into integrating with LinkedIn so that we can feed our users with lists of job candidates, and then send our users back to LinkedIn in order to view relevant profiles. I'm not seeing any relevant API docs regarding this. Is this something that is possible to do via your API today or in the near future?
Right now, LinkedIn gives only the scope of r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress to Retrieve authenticated member's name, headline, photo, and member's primary email address.
To get the relevant candidate for the job, you may need to check skills, projects, etc, for that you need the permission of r_fullprofile,
LinkedIn API has restricted such information as per their documentation:
As per their documentation, to access the information of skills, address, etc, your app needs to request r_fullprofile. But they have closed it now and no alternate is given. The more detail about the current permissions from LinkedIn can be seen here:
Right now there are currently in development mode. They are working on developing their APIs. What and when they will release such information is not available to document right now.

Finding which Google account an API Key is associated with

I've been asked to help with a site using Google's mapping APIs (mainly Maps Javascript) and we can see the API key on the site but we have been unable to trace which Google account this is associated with. I can set up a new account and a new key and then change the site code, but with another site I have worked on Google had applied a very hefty transition credit after the recent billing changes, plus having the original account access will allow me to see historic usage stats and work out potential future costs under the new allowances.
I realise it would be a security/privacy breach to just reveal the email, but is there any way anyone knows that you can enter an API key and for example have it send a password reset or similar email to the account email address?
API keys are not associated to google accounts. An API key only identifies the project associated to the call for billing and quota purposes (and of course to allow or deny the resource). You cannot “reset” an API Key but you can create a new one.

About permissions to access to the LinkedIn Ads API

I am currently trying to access the tables of an advertising account that I manage using the LinkedIn API.
Following the instructions I have obtained on the internet, I successfully connect to the LinkedIn Company API, but actually I am needing to be able to visualize the tables related to LinkedIn Ads to obtain information that I am currently needing regarding campaigns.
Investigating on the Internet, I realized that I probably need a permission called r_ad_campaigns to be able to access this type of tables, but I can not currently enable it.
Could you tell me how to connect specifically to the LinkedIn Ads API? It is worth noting that I have already taken the steps of the LinkedIn developer and have the credentials "Client ID" and "Client Secret".
By "access the tables of an advertising account" do you mean that you are are looking for a way to report on your campaigns/accounts?
Not all APIs are available for open access. You can apply for access here and select your use case: If your use case is approved, you will be able to request additional scopes.

Is it possible to create Service account and get p12 key programmatically for google accounts?

I need to extract Google Analytics data through it's API. However I do not want to generate any account and key manually (the reason is I do not want to let this technical this to be performed by any non-techie person) and want to dump that data for analysis purpose.
In order to use any of Googles APIs they need to know who you are. You as a developer are identified by the project you create on Google Developer console. Once the project is created you can create a number of different types of credentials including Service account credentials and Oauth2 Credentials.
Answer: No there is no way to programmaticlly create service account credentials. Nor is it possible to use the a Google api without first creating a project on Google developer console.
Note: Google Cloud Resource Manager does exist but is very limited in what it allows you to do.
If someone else is going to be running your application to access their Google analytics Data you should idealy be using Oauth2 in your application and not a service account.
Service accounts are designed as way for the developer to grant others access to data owned by the developer in question. They are not really intended for novice users to be creating their own projects on google developer console and generating credentials.
You are basically asking if you can obtain the credentials necessary to query the API via the API. This does not work.
I am also not sure how this would help you. Before you can do any API operations to a Google Analytics account you need to have an authorized user (e.g. a service account) added to your view or property. If you are in a situation where you can add a user programmatically to an account you might as well just read the data you need.

It's possible to know owner of a analytics script having id UA-XXXX?

I have a site developed by a third party, that might have a mistake and wrote another analytics script that is not mine in my site. Since I have the script I have the ID UA-XXXX, is there a way to know who owns this analytics account?
There is no active service that can help you as you can't get the information from Google. They state their policy about identifying the owner of a Google Analytics id here:-
AnalyticsPro.Aruna said:
Unfortunately, due to account security issues, we're unable to
disclose or add logins to Google Analytics accounts.
Third-Party Alternatives
