How to decrypt AES-128 encrypted m3u8 video files? - encryption

I trying to decrypt AES-128 encrypted m3u8 video files such as this one :
the m3u8 file :
I've tried with openssl :
openssl aes-128-cbc -d -kfile key.txt -iv 99b74007b6254e4bd1c6e03631cad15b -nosalt -in video_enc.ts -out video_dec.ts
key.txt contains the very long key
bad decrypt
1074529488:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt:evp_enc.c:539:
What am-I doing wrong ?

This might be a bit of a hack, but given a URL to an .m3u8 file, it will download and decrypt the files that make up the stream:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl "$1" -s | awk 'BEGIN {c=0} $0 ~ "EXT-X-KEY" {urlpos=index($0,"URI=")+5; ivpos=index($0,"IV="); keyurl=substr($0, urlpos, ivpos-urlpos-2); iv=substr($0, ivpos+5); print "key=`curl -s '\''"keyurl"'\'' | hexdump -C | head -1 | sed \"s/00000000//;s/|.*//;s/ //g\"`"; print "iv="iv} $0 !~ "-KEY" && $0 ~ "http" {printf("curl -s '\''"$0"'\'' | openssl aes-128-cbc -K $key -iv $iv -d >seg%05i.ts\n", c++)}' | bash
This script generates a second script that extracts keys and initialization vectors and uses them to decrypt while downloading. It needs curl, awk, hexdump, sed, and openssl to run. It'll probably choke on an unencrypted stream, or on a stream that uses something other than AES-128 (is any other encryption supported?).
You'll get a bunch of files: seg00000.ts, seg00001.ts, etc. Use tsMuxeR ( to merge these into a single file (simple concatenation didn't work for's what I tried first):
(echo "MUXOPT --no-pcr-on-video-pid --new-audio-pes --vbr --vbv-len=500"; (echo -n "V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC, "; for i in seg*.ts; do echo -n "\"$i\"+"; done; echo ", fps=30, insertSEI, contSPS, track=258") | sed "s/+,/,/"; (echo -n "A_AAC, "; for i in seg*.ts; do echo -n "\"$i\"+"; done; echo ", track=257") | sed "s/+,/,/") >video.meta
tsMuxeR video.meta video.ts
(Track IDs and framerate may need adjustment...get the values to use by passing one of the downloaded files to tsMuxeR.)
Then use ffmpeg to remux to something a bit more widely understood:
ffmpeg -i video.ts -vcodec copy -acodec copy video.m4v

In order to decrypt encrypted video stream you need encryption key.
This key is not part of the stream. It should be obtained separately.
EXT-X-FAXS-CM header contains DRM meta-data and not the key.
This is excert from Adobe Media Server developer guide:
The Adobe Access Server protected variant playlist also needs to include the #EXT-X-FAXS-CM tag. The value of #EXT-X-FAXS-CM tag in variant playlist is the relative URI referring to the DRM metadata of one of the individual streams.At the client, the #EXT-X-FAXS-CM tag in variant playlist will be used to create the DRM session. The same DRM session will be used for all encrypted M3U8 files inside the variant playlist.
Full guide can be found here:
There is also mention that faxs:// URI is for local key serving.
So key obtained locally from a device.

While some of the bash scripts in the existing answers get you part (or even all) of the way, depending which site you're trying to download from, you might hit other obstacles (different auth method, custom license server mount, etc.)
I've found streamlink to be the most robust solution for this, which also lets you stream directly (rather than download), if that's what you're after, and it has all the site-specific work already done for you for a long list of sites (see plugins section, but keep in mind it's under active development and the latest release was in June, so for some of the newer ones you'll have to git clone and install from source).

In many cases, VLC will happily convert an .m3u8 video to an unencrypted .ts or .mp4. In the VLC graphical interface, go to Media > Convert/Save.

Even through this file includes AES encrypted data, openssl don't know the m3u8 format. However FFmpeg might be able to handle it.


FFmpeg concat demuxer and handling encrypted chunks

I'm trying to process a remote m3u8 playlist containing (a possibly encrypted) HLS stream. The output I'm looking for is a mp4 container with MPEG-4 inside.
The playlist is a result of an ended live stream and may contain EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tags. As I understand, there's no "built-in" way to process it and indeed, there are plenty of warnings like "Non-monotonous DTS in output stream" and the resulting file always has some playback issues.
There are a couple of options to "glue" it. On an unencrypted stream, I found concat demuxer to produce the result with the least playback problems. The command is:
LIST=chunks.list; ffmpeg -loglevel 'debug' -f concat -safe 0 -protocol_whitelist "file,http,https,tcp,tls,crypto" -i $LIST -c copy -movflags frag_keyframe -y output_concat.mp4
where chunks.list is something like:
file ''
file ''
file ''
Now, I'm trying to use concat demuxer to process encrypted chunks. I've tried passing -key and -iv options in different places and changing chunks.list to be like file 'crypto+https...' but it won't pick up encryption key:
Opening an input file: chunks.list.
[concat # 0x7f9fb6800c00] Opening 'chunks.list' for reading
[NULL # 0x7f9fb6007e00] Opening 'crypto+' for reading
[crypto # 0x7f9fb5700a00] decryption key not set
[concat # 0x7f9fb6800c00] Impossible to open 'crypto+'
[AVIOContext # 0x7f9fb5700780] Statistics: 5094 bytes read, 0 seeks
chunks.list: Invalid argument
Docs mention encryption options for crypto protocol, so it looks it's just a matter of passing these in a proper way.
When, instead of using concat demuxer, I try to process and decrypt only one chunk like:
ffmpeg -i crypto+ -key <my_hex_key> -iv <my_iv> chunk1.ts it works fine. There's nothing wrong with the key itself, I'm able to decrypt it with other tools (openssl etc).
Is it possible for concat demuxer to handle decryption? If so, where should I pass key and iv options?

Is there a way to determine all base64 encoded traffic to/from a large packet capture?

I have a large (8GB) packet capture (.pcap) that has generated a number of Snort alerts.
I suspect that some data may have been exfiltrated while encoded. Is there an easy way to determine if anything has gone out as Base64 encoded without having to sift through Wireshark to find the problem, perhaps using the terminal?
My worry is that an actor could conduct lateral movement within the system and extract files to a 3rd party system which wouldn't be recognized by Snort alerts.
I've tried parsing the large .pcap into 200MB files to allow closer examination (my VM has memory limitations).
This inspired me to write pdml2flow-base64strings a plugin for pdml2flow. Using the power of pdml2flow the plugin searches in all fields known by wireshark/tshark for valid base64 encoded data. If it finds base64 strings it then decodes and prints the raw data for you. You can use the --minlength switch, if you want to limit the search only for data of a certain size. It also allows you to narrow down your search to only ascii (--ascii) or utf-8 (--utf8).
For example if you want to extract all utf-8 strings encoded in any field known by wireshark/tshark you could use pdml2flow with the plugin:
tshark -r dump.cap -Tpdml | pdml2flow +base64strings --utf8
or if you don't want flow aggregation use pdml2frame
tshark -r dump.cap -Tpdml | pdml2frame +base64strings --utf8
I hope this helps. Any input is welcome, thank you.
Disclosure: I am the author of pdml2flow and pdml2flow-base64strings
Not an easy task but you could try using tsharkon the command line.
Generated base64 payload:
echo "base64 encoded payload" | base64
Setup a listening socket:
netcat -l -p 8090
POST to it
curl -X POST -d 'YmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQgcGF5bG9hZAo=' http://localhost:8090
Parsing on command line after capturing with wireshark:
tshark -r ~/tmp/base64.pcapng -T fields -e http.file_data | grep -E '^([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==)?$'
Result (plus empty lines for non matches, not shown for simplicity's sake):

Error encrypting webm video with webm crypt

I'm trying to use the example here for Clearkey encryption for videos. As per the steps mentioned here I was able to download and build the encryption tool wemb_crypt but When I try to encrypt the file with
webm_crypt -i input.webm -o input-enc_bear1_0123456789012345.webm -video true -audio true -video_options content_id=0123456789012345,base_file=bear1.key -audio_options content_id=0123456789012345,base_file=bear1.key
I get this error
File: input.webm is not WebM file.Could not open WebM files.
Tried many different webm files with no luck.
Is there another way to encrypt clear key media with other tools? Any clue about the error above?
You can use ffmpeg and openssl to create an AES encrypted HLS stream - the ffmpeg documentation ( includes this example script:
openssl rand 16 > file.key
echo $BASE_URL/file.key > file.keyinfo
echo file.key >> file.keyinfo
echo $(openssl rand -hex 16) >> file.keyinfo
ffmpeg -f lavfi -re -i testsrc -c:v h264 -hls_flags delete_segments \
-hls_key_info_file file.keyinfo out.m3u8
You can also use mp4Box ( to create basic clear DASH encryptions:
MP4Box -crypt drm_file.xml movie.mp4 -out movie_encrypted.mp4
The drm info is included in the drm_file.xml and is explained at the link above.

FFMPEG Encryption

I am doing a project with encrypting
video and I have a few questions for the procedure.
I used a command to transcode mp4 to HLS with a ts segment duration of ~10 seconds.
First, I need to encrypt those videos with a key from database. However,
I have no idea for the encryption whether working with ffmpeg or not.
Second, if the encryption can work without ffmpeg, so what should I do? I have searched in google which includes something like openssl / aes but
there is no a detailed step for me to follow, even the ffmpeg link:
Could anyone give me a hand, teaching me how to encrypt a video? Thanks to you.
Yes, you can do it with ffmpeg. You need to write the key from the database to a file, let's say video.key.
You need a second file, let's name it key_info which is the key info file. It has the following format:
key URI
key file path
IV (optional)
You tell ffmpeg to use it to encrypt your segments with the hls_key_info argument:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -hls_time 10 -hls_key_info_file key_info playlist.m3u8
This will encrypt your segments with AES-128 in CBC mode and add the relevant tags to your playlist:
You can also manually encrypt the segments if you want with openssl. Here's an example script, where each IV is equal to the segment index:
openssl rand 16 > $key_file
enc_key=$(hexdump -v -e '16/1 "%02x"' $key_file)
pushd $ts_dir
ts_cnt=$(ls *.ts | wc -l)
for i in $(seq -f "%01g" 0 $ts_cnt); do
iv=$(printf '%032x' $i)
echo [$i] $ts_file
openssl aes-128-cbc -e -in $ts_file -out encrypted_${ts_file} -nosalt -iv $iv -K $enc_key

Problems decrypting HTTP Live Stream

I have a single key encrypted HTTP Live Stream which decodes fine in Quicktime and iPhone. I'm trying to create a simple client application to do the decryption of the ts files. Right now I've used openssl to decrypt. I believe I have the correct arguments to openssl and I'm inserting the key and the IV properly. I can successfully decrypt the first .ts file in the stream but fail to decrypt after. I'm using the following script which I found in the archives here and I reversed to do decryption:
hexKey=$(cat encryption.key | hexdump-e '16/1 "%02x"')
openssl aes-128-cbc -d -in ./multi_2.ts -out ./clear.ts -p-nosalt -iv ${hexIV} -K ${hexKey}
encryption.key is the key file I retrieved from the M3u8 stream file.
multi_2.ts is the second .ts file in the m3u8 stream file.
Any help would be appreciated.
The subsequent .ts files are probably fine, you just need to join them into one file in order to be playable:
cat clear*.ts > joined.ts
should be :
as multi_2.ts is the second .ts file in the m3u8 stream file.
