Adding in a CSS faded border - css

I was just wondering if anyone might be able to tell me how to add a left and right sided faded border to my webpages such as on this site:
My webpages are of a fixed layout and are 920px in width to the edges of the images / text boxes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated in my quest to learn CSS! I've tried to find tutorials on how to do this or previous topics on this however I must not be putting in the correct keywords because I can't seem to find what I'm after.
Thank you!

you use box-shadow it's supported in most new browser, some uses prefixes though.
there is even a generator available that can come in handy


IE8 bug: Am I missing something in the CSS?

I've customized the CSS transitions on the Media Grid plugin and they're working everywhere except IE8. That's fine. I can live without the transitions but I still need the div containing the individuals name and title to appear. Right now they don't show up at all. I've tried everything I can think of but I can't find the answer. Could someone point me in the right direction?
For IE8 I'm afraid you will have to make a separate stylesheet and start from your class .overlays than dig deeper into those divs, you will have to change positioning, height and width. There are a few elements without dimensions and IE8 does not like that. Let me know how it goes, and oh yeah good luck! :)

CSS Linear gradient borders

I am trying to use a CSS3 Border gradient property and using an example from css tricks. I can get it to work using their example but cant seem to get my colours in that i am after and i think it's syntax errors. Is someone able to let me know what i may be missing?
I am after a left and right border on a div with the gradient going from #d1d2cd to #e3e4df 5 pixels wide?
I have mocked up an example in js fiddle:
I'd recommend checking out a site like:
Play around with the gradient settings, and it will auto-generate the CSS you need (including support for older browsers). At the very least, the code provided might help you figure out any of your syntax errors.

PIE rounded corners won't work

Hey guys I'm building a website and found out ie8 wouldnt work with rounded corners. After a bit of research I found out that PIE would tackle this problem, and yes it did, but it also screws the complete site over. The divs are scrolling away and the image's ignore the rounded corners :(, anyone that can help. The problem is a bit difficult to discribe so here's the link Hope someone can help me out with getting it compatible with ie8.
You need to add relative positioning to container of PIE element.
Also in some cases you may need to use zoom:1 property.

Question about a specific gradient with css3

I am not sure how to exactly phrase this question so maybe that's why I can't find help with this.
I am coding a webpage and the designer has made a background for a part of it. It's sort of a two way gradient: both horizontal and vertical at the same time. I am attaching the image here because I'm not sure how to explain it.
I'm sorry if it's very obvious but I can't find anything resembling this anywhere. Thank you!
Here's the image:
EDIT: The question is, can I make this background using just CSS3?
Are you able to limit browser support to browsers that support multiple backgrounds?
If so, you can create two gradients, along with a border, to simulate that.
Here's a version that only works in Firefox:
You can modify the webkit and other lines to get it working in other browsers. I used the Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator to build the lower gradient.
Here's a good listing of multiple background support.
(Edit: I meant only works in Firefox, not IE. Doh!)
*(Edit2: Added multiple background support listing)*

Funky Layout Issue using TabLayoutPanel and GWT?

Hey guys, I'm using GWT for a data-driven web application, and I'm having issues with a CellTable embedded in a TabLayoutPanel. As you can see from the screenshot, the scroll bar for the table does not appear inside the bounds of the TabLayoutPanel. (You can see just a couple pixels of it on the right.) If I mouse over the TabLayoutPanel in the inspector, it properly shows the boundary ending at that black border on the right.
For some reason I haven't been able to determine, the TabLayoutPanelContent object is extending outside the bounds of its parent, the TabLayoutPanel. Has anyone run into an issue like this before? Or does anyone see an issue in the HTML/CSS that might suggest a solution? I'm sure it's something minor, but it's frustratingly difficult to find.
The trick to finding a solution always seems to be just asking the question. :)
I had apparently set the width of one-too-many widgets to 100%. (Between the TabLayoutPanel, ScrollPanel, CellTable, etc.) I just removed all the width constraints, then slowly added them as needed until the UI was as desired.
