How can I stop aptana Outline view automatically collapsing? - aptana

I'm using aptana to work on a web document with a fair bit of javascript that's organised into functions. I want to be able to easily jump around the functions, so I selected aptana for the document explorer / outline view panel. It works fine, but when I'm typing the document it collapses all by itself, which drives me bananas.
How can I stop it doing this?

Under the little arrow in the top right corner is an option to "Link with Editor". Turn this off and the Outline view should stay as you leave it rather than trying to match what you are doing in the editor.

I tried doing what Sarah suggested and I was unable to get the Outline View to NOT collapse when editing a .js file.
I looked through the documentation and tried different settings within the Outline tab without success. Expand All did expand all of the functions, objects, and variables, but when I edited one of the objects or functions, that one would then collapse in the Outline View. The problem is it would never expand itself even when I moved in to another section of the document.
I would think that after editing a section of the document, the Outline View should update to reflects the change without collapsing. If it does collapse, then it should expand once saved.

It either collapses and expands by itself (link with editor is "on") or only collapses by itself when you change anything in the document (link with editor is "off"). I don't think this behaviour is what most of us, users, would expect. I hope they change it soon. It's one of the very flaws this otherwise great piece of software has.


Styling issues with react-native-gesture-handler

New to react native and stackoverflow. I am restyling a project that lets you take notes as you read the bible. I am trying to use react-native-gesture-handler so I can get rid of these ugly delete and edit buttons that I have smashed together on each note.
My problem is that since my note components are transparent, using the swiping gesture to render a delete button causes the delete button to jarringly pop into existence, instead of giving the effect of peeking out from behind the note component as you swipe. If I made my note component background opaque this wouldn't be an issue, but I do like the thematic direction I'm taking and I don't tear it up and rethink the theme if I don't have to.
I'm not allowed to add screenshots yet for some reason, so check the link below to see what I mean.
Any recommendations on how I can get this delete button to slide in from the right as you swipe? Or maybe a clever way to restyle the note component or delete button to make this look nice without sacrificing the cool theme? Thank you!
See Screenshot

Is there a way to get rid of the tab row in atom editor?

There was a change in base code of, so there is a tab row in all panel. It is still bearable in my file tree view, but I do think it is really annoying to have the tab in linter warning panel too.
Is there a way to get rid of it?
netizen's answer will work, but it will cause a potential problem for you later: if you end up with more than one component in one of your docks, you won't be able to see them, switch between them, close them, or rearrange them.
What you are seeing is that in Atom 1.17, a new UI building block was added, called Docks. You can read more about Docks in the blog post where they were announced, or in the deep dive written by the Nuclide team.
Instead of specific components written to sit in a special place in the window (such as tree-view, which sat on the left edge), now you have Dock areas: left, bottom, and right. Any component can sit in one of them, and more than one component fits into a dock.
This is like having multiple files in the editor window: you need a way to rearrange them, see all of them, and switch between them. Tabs are the answer to this problem.
Some people find it visually annoying to see the tabs when only one tab exists. Atom offers an option (in the tabs package) to change this behavior.
It turns out that this option covers all of the tab bars, not just the tab bar in the file editor.
You can find the option in the settings for the tabs package.
Open Atom preferences
click "Packages"
search for "tabs"
click "Settings" on the "tabs" package
Un-check "Always Show Tab Bar"
As I mentioned above, this will affect both your editor tabs and the tabs in Docks. When only one tab exists, the tab bar is hidden, and it is shown again when more than one tab exists.
Insert this into yous styles.less file:
.atom-dock-inner .bottom .tab-bar { display:none; }
Edit: As the comment below from #dan-lowe points, this solution has important drawbacks. It should be applied as a last resort and only to this version both of Atom editor and linter-ui-default, as the docks API is new and prone to changes.

How to reduce space between lines?

I'm using visual editor as Widget, and i create google fonts in order to choose the letter, color , basically control the fonts.
But i'm not understanding why do I have so many space between lines. How you can see in the picture, I have a lot of space Between Morada and Rua da Praça. And again between 7645 Vila Mova.
can you explain me where and how can I control that space?
Open the page with a browser. See what tags you are having there and what is their styling. For instance, if you open the page with Chrome and open the browser console, by right-clicking and clicking on Inspect Element, then you see the generated html. Click on the tags where you have the problem and see the CSS rules. Try to untick some of the rules until you manage to get rid of the problem. Your last untick is on the CSS rule which yields the problem. If you still did not find the solution, see whether there are tags, like <br/> and click on them still in the console, press backspace. If you manage to reduce the gap, then those tags are to blame. If you still did not find the source of the problem, then see the parent of the tags and check their stylings. And so forth, until you find the exact issue.

How to change the size of the header part of the liferay?

i want to change the size of the header of the Liferay portal page through css.How do i achieve this? i also want to change the color of the menu.
Nowadays every browser has some Firebug-style developer tools. E.g. on Firefox, hit F12 and the tool will open at the bottom of the page. Choose the "Inspector" (labels might vary, I'm looking at the german UI), find the "choose an element of the page" button, then point your mouse to the area of the page that you want to explore the CSS. You'll see how the appropriate part of the DOM is selected in the inspector and even the actual CSS rules that apply. You can temporarily change the CSS there and try out what values you actually want.
Next, learn how to build a theme in Liferay. You'll add the required CSS, identified in the step above, in your theme's custom.css.
Yes, this isn't the actual CSS that you need (probably you just wanted to know that single line), but your next question would be on how to change a different aspect of the default theme - this is how you can find it out and even solve other theme-related problems that you didn't even think of yet.

Surface Librarybar with scrollbars

We have a library bar filled with items, which can be dragged from and dropped onto it. Now the client wishes to see something like a scrollbar or arrows on the side, to have an indication if items are outside of the visible port.
As you can see in the librarybar template below, it contains a surface scrollviewer. Yet I don't seem to be able to reveal these scrollbars.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?
The librarybar template:
Managed to solve it. Answer was easier then expected. Found out that the scrollbars were cleanly removed, but all properties regarding it were still present. Kind of misleading.
Easiest way to solve:
Open expression blend.
Insert SurfaceScrollViewer
Open Template from the SurfaceScrollViewer
Copy SurfaceScrollbars & necessary templates to the templates/resources
from your library bar
Adjust the templates to meet your requirements
