I have linked my own static lib to my QT Creator project, the library has been compiled for both debug and release versions using VS 2010 Express. My QT Creator project uses VS 2010 compiler as well.
Now inside QT Creator whenever I try to build debug version of my project, I get multiple _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL link errors . What's more interesting the errors point to only those obj's that have some standard libraries included for example iostream or/and math .
When I build Release version of my QT Project everything is fine, and obviously if I un-link my library the debug version compiles fine as well .
Whats the proper way to compile my library so that I can use it inside QT Creator Debug mode ??
Many Thanks
Add following to Your pro file:
CONFIG( debug, debug|release ) {
# debug
LIBS += -lyour_lib_named
} else {
# release
LIBS += -lyour_lib_name
I have a Qt project previously build using Qt 5.11. In order to support MacOS Mojave'e Dark Mode, I have updated the build to use Qt 5.13.2. This works perfectly, but the kit version is stored locally in the session settings not with the .pro project file.
I wish to enforce a minimum Qt kit version for the build, so that the build will abort if the correct kit version is not selected, ideally in the .pro file rather then the source code. How can I do that?
using versionAtLeast or lessThan you can check the Qt version. For instance:
equals(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5):lessThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 12) {
message("Cannot use Qt $${QT_VERSION}")
error("Use Qt 5.12 or newer")
or better:
!versionAtLeast(QT_VERSION, 5.12.0) {
message("Cannot use Qt $${QT_VERSION}")
error("Use Qt 5.12 or newer")
I am trying to integrate VTK and Qt but unfortunately for some reasons I cannot. Currently, I can run VTK's examples except those using Qt's user interface. For example, examples in tutorial work but examples in infovis cannot be run.
I followed the guide on http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Configure_and_Build. All parts were done successfully except :
cmake -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:PATH=/path/to/qt-4.8.6-build/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6/bin/qmake \
-DVTK_Group_Qt:BOOL=ON \
when I was in VTK-build directory, it said that there was no path/to/VTK. So, I changed to VTK and removed /path/to/VTK and it worked.
Whenever I tried to build an aforementioned example, Qt says :
cannot find -lQVTK
error: cannot find -lvtkRendering ....
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
If you have installed the VTK in a folder named, say, "VTK-install", then check if you have QVTK.lib in the VTK-install/lib/vtk-5.10/ folder. (your vtk version will be different though).
In the Qt Creator, you have to edit the pro file. This is what you have to add to the end of the pro file created in Qt creator.
INCLUDEPATH += C:\\VTK\\VTK-install\\include\\vtk-5.10
LIBS += -LC:\\VTK\\VTK-install\\lib\\vtk-5.10
LIBS += -lvtkCommon\
And run it in release mode. This should work fine.
If this doesn't work, make sure you have installed Qt and VTK correctly. You can check out this tutorial on how you should install Qt with VTK in MS Visual Studio 2010.
Install Qt with VTK
Of course, after this you got to install Qt creator which is better than Visual Studio to work with Qt.
I have managed to compile PortAudio on windows using MSYS.
this process has created 2 files: libportaudio-2.dll and libportaudio.dll.a
Now i want to link the libraries in QtCreator, but i can not since it requires a .lib file.
If anybody have experience of compiling and using libraries with MSYS under windows, your input is appreciated.
(Note: they are compiled using MindGW compiler. I dont want to compile it with Microsoft Visual Studio, since then i will have to compile QT)
to solve your problem is very simple. Here I report an example of a file. pros who need to use:
QT += core
QT -= gui
TARGET = mioTestAudio
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
LIBS += -lportaudio.dll <-------- this is the part you are interested
SOURCES += main.cpp
I'm using QtCreator and I got two projects, each with an own PRO file.
The Viewer is a normal Qt app.
The other one, let's call it Utilities, is supposed to be a static library which is used in the Viewer.
However when I compile and run the Viewer (everything compiles fine), I get an error message telling me Utilities.dll was not found.
This is the first part of the PRO-file for Utilities:
QT -= core gui
TARGET = Utilities
CONFIG += staticlib warn_on $$(QMAKESPEC)
Shouldn't it work that way?
Why is it compiling the Utilities.a file fine but asking me for the DLL at runtime? It's supposed to be a static library :(
Since I did not specify some needed libraries in Utilities.pro, it apparently did not link as you'd expect for a static library.
My platform is W7-x64, latest Qt SDK and MingW 4.4 bundled with it.
Hope anyone can help :/
The CONFIG += staticlib request your target library to be a static lib not the entire dependency chain ... I am pretty sure your .a lib will require mingw dlls to run ...
If you want to reduce dependencies try the MSVC tool chain (Qt provide pre-compiled package for that) you will end with one or two mandatory dll dependencies. Or you can link again static mingw SDK (you will probably have to build it your-self ...).
I want to create a tiny app which needs global shortcuts. So, I have downloaded the current version of libqxt (0.5.1) and opened as a project in Qt Creator.
Libqxt compiles without problems in this way, so I thought that adding this in the tab Dependencies of my project it would get added automatically in the build, like Eclipse does with JAR libraries (I know that are different IDEs but it seems to be a common feature among them).
What happens? Qt Creator compiles qxt before my project, when needed, but when I want to include its headers Qt Creator keeps warning me that it cannot find them.
Probably I am missing the correct name of headers (I tried the headers showed in qxt documentation: http://doc.libqxt.org/0.5.0/classQxtGlobalShortcut.html)
By the way, I looked the code for global shortcuts and I think I can rip it out and use it in my app as is and I am going to credit qxt team and open the code of my app.
from the documentation
Add the following lines to your .pro file:
CONFIG += qxt
QXT += core gui
Note: While building the Qxt on Linux do not forget to do a sudo make install otherwise this little piece of magic may fail to work.
Qt Creator doesn't know how to expose different libraries to your projects. It's developer's duty. Dependency ensures only that mentioned projects are already built before building your main project.
Your real concern was using Qxt without proper installation. Assuming that configure have been run and libqxt have been built (using Qt Creator or manually via qmake+make), my solution is adding following snippet (with obvious QXT_DIR customization) to .pro file:
QXT_DIR = $${IN_PWD}/../libqxt-0.5.1
LIBS += -L$${QXT_DIR}/deploy/libs
INCLUDEPATH += $${QXT_DIR}/deploy/include
for(module, QXT) {
MODNAME = $$upper($$replace(module, "(.).*", "\1"))$$replace(module, "^.", "")
INCLUDEPATH += $${QXT_DIR}/deploy/include/Qxt$${MODNAME}
INCLUDEPATH += $${QXT_DIR}/src/$${module}
win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release):MODNAME = $$join(MODNAME,,,d)
LIBS += -lQxt$${MODNAME}
Unfortunately I'm not sure whether it works in complex projects.
By default Qxt is built in release mode, but Qt Creator uses debug mode and it leads to broken binaries of projects depending on Qxt under Windows. You have to switch your project to release mode or build Qxt in debug mode (run configure -debug and rebuild Qxt).
Last thing: In Windows you won't be able to run your project from Qt Creator even if you successfully build it. You must copy needed Qwt*.dll files (use the d-suffix versions if you're in debug mode) from libqxt-0.5.1/deploy/libs to your_project/(release|debug) directory .