Assign separate link to each repeater item in ASP .net -

I was trying to develop a forum website (trying to mimic some of its features) and I am using Entity framework to get my data. I have to use repeater as my instructor asked me to do so.
I would be having something like this using repeater that gets data for "Forum Category" and "Sub-category" from 2 separate database tables:
Forum Category 1
Sub-Category 1
Sub-Category 2
Forum Category 2
Sub-Category 1
Sub-Category 2
Now, I would like, when clicked on those sub-category list to be directed to the page of their own using query string and that is what I am not being able to figure out at this time. When I assign a link to those sub-lists, since they are automatically generated all of them point to the page that I initially assign. I was wondering if there was someway to dynamically assign links for this scenario. I was thinking of using ENUM, but again how do I run a for loop there.
The code I have for the repeater is below:
<asp:Repeater ID="categoryRepeater" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="RepeaterDataBinding">
<asp:Label ID="categoryLabel" Text='<%#Eval("CatName") %>' runat ="server"
style="font-weight:bold;font-size:large" />
<br />
<asp:Repeater ID="forumRepeater" runat="server">
<%-- right up there. Instead of hardcoding "DesktopForum1.aspx?ForumID=" which makes all the links
to point to that page, I am trying to achieve a way to assign links to specific pages for each sub-list...
I did try searching the forum, but could not come across with a problem that resembled my situation.

If you're able to get the sub-list page URL with the query that populates forumRepeater, this should work:
<a href='<%#Eval("ForumUrl")%>'><%#Eval("ForumName")%></a><br/>

Would you like to put some acnchor for each item?
It will look like that:
<a name="someAnchor"></a>
and Link will be as follows:
For more details:
If it is still not good, you need to handle and process querystring values with Javascript


Container id structure on controls added to placeholder in repeater

Just ran across a weird thing. We have a page with items rendered in a Repeater. The items in the list have one panel for display and a PlaceHolder for edit mode where controls are added in the item data binding.
We have some client side code working with the fields that got added, and the code was expecting the ids to follow the same container structure you usually see, but for some reason, one level is getting skipped and I don't know why.
With the template below, you'd have the outer panel with an id like ...Repeater_ctl46_ctl100_Display. The PlaceHolder itself doesn't render, nor get included in the id structure in the html, but the id of a HiddenField added to the EditPlaceHolder ends up like ...Repeater_ctl46_ctl100_valueHidden.
The _Display level just doesn't appear. This threw off our client side script because it was expecting the outer panel container to be reflected in all the child controls in the edit template, and it was using that to look them up.
Anyone know why the containing Panel wouldn't be in the id hierarchy?
<asp:Panel ID="Display" runat="server">
<asp:Panel ID="ViewPanel" runat="server"><asp:Label ID="ValueLabel" runat="server" /></asp:Panel>
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="EditPlaceHolder" runat="server" />
<asp:Panel ID="ModButtons" runat="server"><asp:LinkButton ID="EditButton" Text="<%$ Resources:Messages,Edit %>" runat="server" /></asp:Panel>
Okay, after a lot of digging, asp:Panel does not implement INamingContainer, which is why the Panel is not participating in the id naming conventions.
INamingContainer is just a marker interface; it has no properties or methods associated.
So if you want a Panel that can participate in naming conventions, you can make a little derivation and use that instead:
public class NamingPanel : Panel, INamingContainer

URL rewriting in ASP.NET 4.0 on radiobutton check event

I am trying to change URL of website and need help for the same. The scenario is that I have a search engine for student search and have different criteria for refine search. By default I am showing all the student data on homepage and when we use search the result is displayed on the same page, so URL of the page does not change.
My search criteria are by date of join(1 month,2months,6months,1Yr) and state they belong from. I have added radio button for refine search, so on "OnCheckedChanged" event the data gets populated on the page. So now how do I change the URL so as to show something like, say I have website and need to show or Have googled many links but not able to understand how to start.
Below is snippet of my code
<asp:DataList ID="dlJoin" CssClass="slider" r RepeatColumns="1" RepeatDirection="Vertical" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="dlJoin_ItemDataBound">
<label style="text-align: left; margin-left:15px;">
<asp:RadioButton ID="rddlJoin" CssClass="radiobooking" Checked="false" AutoPostBack="true" OnCheckedChanged="rddlJoin_checkchanged" GroupName="rdGroupTag" runat="server" onKeyPress="return suppress(event);" /><%#Eval("Name")%>
<asp:Literal runat="server" Visible="false" ID="litdlJoin" Text='<%#Eval("Value")%>'></asp:Literal>
I would do this with Javascript and not worry about redirecting on the server side(assuming that all your clients should have javascript). You can do a "pure" redirect by using something like
window.location.href = "";
This has equivalent behavior as to if you clicked on a link to that URL.
If you're wanting to use Ajax and make things be a bit nicer looking(and no full page loads) you can use a combination of # URL changes and using a tool like jQuery to easily load a div or some such from another URL

dynamically populating div in

I am working on a weboage that will display questions and answers (maybe 5 at one time, maybe 7 at another time) returned from a database table. The questions will each be displayed in a div and the related answers displayed in another div. The question will have an icon "Show Answer / Hide Answer"
How can I go about creating a div and then populating it with values from a table?
I would use repeater for that.
1.Create data source pulling data from your database
<asp:sqlDataSource Id="sqldsQuestionsAnswers" ... />
2.Create repeater linking to that data source:
<asp:repeater DataSourceId="sqldsQuestionsAnswers" runat="server">
<%# Eval("question") %>
<%# Eval("answer") %>
The repeater will display anything whats in <itemTemplate> tag for every row returned by your query.
So if your query returns 2 questions like that:
The output would be:
I hope it helps...
We need to know more about how you retrieve your question data and the context of the rest of your page, but you can do a few things here (roughly in order of preference):
Bind your data to an <asp:Repeater > control (or even one of the grid controls)
Build a custom or user control to render your questions and drop that on your page
Build your desired html as a string in code and set it to <asp:Panel > control (Panels render as div tags). If you want to be able to refresh your div without reloading the entire page (AJAX), you can use an <asp:UpdatePanel >.
Build your desired html in code and write directly to the response, either via <%= %> or <%: %> bee-stings or with the Response.Write() method.

ASP.NET bind single instance data

I have a data class that I want to show in a list on one page and also alone in another page. I know how to do the first:
<asp:Repeater ID="ctrl" runat="server">
Here's the name: <asp:Literal runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Name") %>' />
On the other page, I want to show exactly one instance, and I want to reuse the item template. Is there a control that I can bind to a single instance of this class, instead of a list which contains a single element?
You can use the same Repeater but with a DataSource of on specific record/instance.
You can also use FormView control.
The FormView control gives you the ability to work with a single record from a data source. The FormView control does not specify a pre-defined layout for displaying the record. Instead, you create a template containing controls to display individual fields from the record. For information about programming the FormView control, see FormView Class in the MSDN library.

Custom SharePoint Navigation 2 Levels Deep

I have a simple site consisting of a root site with 2 child sites.
Now I want the navigation for all 3 sites to be exactly the same and read:
Root Site | Child Site 1 | Child Site 2
With the currently selected site highlighted.
I have been able to nearly do this manually using an asp:repeater control and portalsitemapprovider. The problem is I can either get just the Root Site on the navigation (set ShowStartingNode to True) or just the child sites, I can't get both.
I know you can get both if you use a sharepoint:aspmenu control and set staticdisplaylevels to 2 but I don't like the messy code this control spits out. Basically i want to emulate this controls behaviour wrapped in my own compliant css. Any ideas?
Also as an addition does anyone have any ideas on how I can have it so if subsite1/2 have subsequent subsites/pages, it doesn't matter how many levels deep in the hierarchy a user is navigating, it still highlights the relevant subsite1 or subsite2? My current method compares currentnode with each of the providers nodes to work out which should be highlighted, but this doesn't work once the user has navigated away from the landing page of each subsite.
I think you have to start at the root and render that node in a first repeater and then use the childnodes of the root as a datasource for a second repeater, something like:
<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="MenuRepeater"
// code here
// code here
<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="ChildMenuRepeater"
DataSource='<%# ((SiteMapNode)Container.DataItem).ChildNodes %>'>
// code here
// code here
For your second question, I think (if I understand it correctly) that you could use SiteMapNode.IsDescendantOf() method but I somehow recall that that will not work in SharePoint so I have used this sort of code to check if a node is the "active" node:
string CurrentContextUrl = SPUtility.GetPageUrlPath(HttpContext.Current);
Uri CurrentUri = new Uri(CurrentContextUrl);
bool Active = CurrentUri.LocalPath.Equals(currentNode.Url);
Hope it helps out somehow :-)
