transfer the co-ordinates error in function - math

I am trying to transfer the coordinates of the points to a new generated system coordinates
the original points in the original system is in the top left corner ....
I wrote the following function to transfer the coordinates
I am using the formal that I got from this question
this question has 2 photos that show what I mean and the sign for each part
The problem now is , I am getting negative value for w !
can anyone please check this function and let me know where is the problem
CvPoint transfer_coordinate (CvPoint pt1 , CvPoint pt2 , CvPoint pt3 , CvPoint pt4 , CvPoint origin , CvPoint current)
// pt1 , pt2 ==> points in line Z
// pt3 , pt4 ==> points in line W
double a1 , a2 , b1 , b2 , d1 , d2;
d1= sqrt(pow((pt1.x - pt2.x),2.0)+ pow((pt1.y - pt2.y),2.0));
d2= sqrt(pow((pt3.x - pt4.x),2.0)+ pow((pt3.y - pt4.y),2.0));
a1 =(pt1.y-pt2.y)/d1;
b1 =(pt2.x-pt1.x)/d1;
a2 =(pt3.y-pt4.y)/d2;
b2 =(pt4.x-pt3.x)/d2;
CvPoint new_point;
//z = -sqrt(a1^2+b1^2)*(a2*(x-x0)+b2*(y-y0))/(a2*b1-a1*b2)
//w = sqrt(a2^2+b2^2)*(a1*(x-x0)+b1*(y-y0))/(a1*b2-a2*b1)
new_point.x = -round(sqrt(pow(a1,2.0)+ pow(b1,2.0)) * (a2 * (current.x - origin.x) + b2 * (current.y - origin.y))/(a2 * b1 - a1 * b2));
// w
new_point.y = round(sqrt(pow(a2,2.0)+ pow(b2,2.0)) * (a1 * (current.x - origin.x) + b1 * (current.y - origin.y))/(a1 * b2 - a2 * b1));
CvPoint reverse_point;
//x = x0 - b1*z/sqrt(a1^2+b1^2) + b2*w/sqrt(a2^2+b2^2)
//y = y0 + a1*z/sqrt(a1^2+b1^2) - a2*w/sqrt(a2^2+b2^2)
reverse_point.x = round (origin.x - b1 * new_point.x / sqrt(pow(a1,2.0) + pow(b1,2.0)) + b2 * new_point.y /sqrt(pow(a2,2)+ pow(b2,2)));
reverse_point.y = round (origin.y + a1 * new_point.x / sqrt(pow(a1,2.0) + pow(b1,2.0)) - a2 * new_point.y /sqrt(pow(a2,2)+ pow(b2,2)));
//printf("\n points in Z line (%d,%d),(%d,%d) , points in W line (%d,%d),(%d,%d) , origin (%d,%d)",pt1.x,pt1.y,pt2.x,pt2.y,pt3.x,pt3.y,pt4.x,pt4.y,origin.x,origin.y);
//printf("\n current point = (%d,%d) , new point = (%d,%d) , reverse point = (%d,%d)" , current.x,current.y,new_point.x,new_point.y,reverse_point.x,reverse_point.y);
return new_point ;

If your W-axis corresponds to X-axis, then affine transformation matrix is M = [R]*[T], where R is rotation matrix by Phi angle and T is translation matrix by x0, y0
R = Cos(phi) -Sin(phi) 0
Sin(phi) Cos(phi) 0
0 0 1
T = 1 0 0
0 1 0
dx dy 1
You have to multiply these matrices to get M matrix and get inverse matrix MR = Inverse(M). Then you can use M and MR to transform coordinates from XY to WZ system and vice versa
[xnew, ynew, 1] = [xold, yold, 1] * [M]
More information here


Project point on 2D triangle back into 3D?

I'm not sure what to search, so I haven't been able to find what I need.
Say I have a 3D triangle with points [0, 1, 1], [1, 0.5, 0.5], [0, 0, 0]. I discard the Z component to create a 2D triangle with points [0, 1], [1, 0.5], [0, 0]. (I think this is an orthographic projection?) Through an unimportant process I find some 2D point that lies within the 2D triangle, say [0.5, 0.5].
How do I take that 2D point and find what its Z value should be to have it lie on the plane formed by the original 3D triangle?
Answers (or dupe links!) that describe maths through code rather than mathematical symbols would be greatly appreciated; I struggle to read the types of answers you get on Math.SE.
You can use barycentric coordinates...
So you got 2D triangle q0,q1,q2 and corresponding 3D triangle p0,p1,p2 and want to convert 2D point q into 3D point p
compute barycentric coordinates u,v of q within q0,q1,q2
see how to compute barycentric coordinates
convert u,v to cartessian using triangle p0,p1,p2
So when put together:
| u | | (q1.x - q0.x) , (q2.x - q0.x) , q0.x | | q.x |
| v | = inverse | (q1.y - q0.y) , (q2.y - q0.y) , q0.y | * | q.y |
| 1 | | 0 , 0 , 1 | | 1 |
p.x = p0.x + (p1.x - p0.x) * u + (p2.x - p0.x) * v
p.y = p0.y + (p1.y - p0.y) * u + (p2.y - p0.y) * v
p.z = p0.z + (p1.z - p0.z) * u + (p2.z - p0.z) * v
Expanding on #Spektre's excellent answer, this was how I implemented a working solution. I'm working with Unity, so I used Ivan Kutskir's awesome lightweight C# matrix class to handle the matrix maths. There's probably faster/cleaner ways to do this but this was very easy and works correctly.
Obviously you have to ensure that when you discard the Z axis, you don't end up with a degenerate triangle.
// tri is a 3D triangle with points p0, p1 and p2
// point is a 2D point within that triangle, assuming the Z axis is discarded
Equivalent to this part of #Spektre's answer:
| u | | (q1.x - q0.x) , (q2.x - q0.x) , q0.x | | q.x |
| v | = inverse | (q1.y - q0.y) , (q2.y - q0.y) , q0.y | * | q.y |
| 1 | | 0 , 0 , 1 | | 1 |
Matrix m1 = new Matrix(3, 3);
Matrix m2 = new Matrix(3, 1);
m1[0, 0] = tri.p1.x - tri.p0.x;
m1[0, 1] = tri.p2.x - tri.p0.x;
m1[0, 2] = tri.p0.x;
m1[1, 0] = tri.p1.y - tri.p0.y;
m1[1, 1] = tri.p2.y - tri.p0.y;
m1[1, 2] = tri.p0.y;
m1[2, 0] = 0;
m1[2, 1] = 0;
m1[2, 2] = 1;
m2[0, 0] = point.x;
m2[1, 0] = point.y;
m2[2, 0] = 1;
Matrix mResult = m1.Invert() * m2;
float u = (float)mResult[0, 0];
float v = (float)mResult[1, 0];
Equivalent to this part of #Spektre's answer:
p.x = p0.x + (p1.x - p0.x) * u + (p2.x - p0.x) * v
p.y = p0.y + (p1.y - p0.y) * u + (p2.y - p0.y) * v
p.z = p0.z + (p1.z - p0.z) * u + (p2.z - p0.z) * v
float newX = tri.p0.x + (tri.p1.x - tri.p0.x) * u + (tri.p2.x - tri.p0.x) * v;
float newY = tri.p0.y + (tri.p1.y - tri.p0.y) * u + (tri.p2.y - tri.p0.y) * v;
float newZ = tri.p0.z + (tri.p1.z - tri.p0.z) * u + (tri.p2.z - tri.p0.z) * v;
Vector3 newPoint = new Vector3(newX, newY, newZ);
Alternatively, you can achieve the same result without the matrix (though this may be a less robust method, I'm not sure). To calculate the barycentric coordinates I used this implementation, but the accepted answer also works.
// tri is a 3D triangle with points p0, p1 and p2
// point is a 2D point within that triangle, assuming the Z axis is discarded
// Find the barycentric coords for the chosen 2D point...
float u, v, w = 0;
Barycentric2D(point, new Vector2(tri.p0.x, tri.p0.y), new Vector2(tri.p1.x, tri.p1.y), new Vector2(tri.p2.x, tri.p2.y), out u, out v, out w);
// ...and then find what the Z value would be for those barycentric coords in 3D
float newZ = tri.p0.z * u + tri.p1.z * v + tri.p2.z * w;
Vector3 newPoint = new Vector3(point.x, point.y, newZ);
void Barycentric2D(Vector2 p, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, out float u, out float v, out float w)
Vector2 v0 = b - a;
Vector2 v1 = c - a;
Vector2 v2 = p - a;
float den = v0.x * v1.y - v1.x * v0.y;
v = (v2.x * v1.y - v1.x * v2.y) / den;
w = (v0.x * v2.y - v2.x * v0.y) / den;
u = 1.0f - v - w;

which point is at anti clockwise direction

I have given group of poings where p0 is center point.
Here what i want to find it with respect to line p0p3 which line either p0p1 or p0p2 is anticlockwise. or is analysed first when rotated anti clockwise.
Cross product 2D
You can use the cross product of two vectors to find the direction (CW or CCW).
Eg 3 points [p1, p2, p3] defining 2 line {p1, p2} and {p1, p3}...
P1 = {x:?, y:?}
P2 = {x:?, y:?}
P3 = {x:?, y:?}
Get the two vectors for p1 to p2 and p1 to p3...
vx1 = p2.x - p1.x
vy1 = p2.y - p1.y
vx2 = p3.x - p1.x
vy2 = p3.y - p1.y
Get the cross product of the vectors...
cross = vx1 * vy2 - vy1 * vx2
OR in one step...
cross = (p2.x - p1.x) * (p3.y - p1.y) - (p2.y - p1.y) * (p3.x - p1.x)
The point p3 is CW if cross is positive, parallel if cross is zero and CCW if cross is negative
if cross > 0
dir = "clockwise"
else if cross == 0
dir = "parallel"
dir = "counter-clockwise"
Cross product to get angle
You can also get the angle between the vectors if you normalize the vectors
length1 = sqrt(vx1 * vx1 + vy1 * vy1)
vx1 /= length1
vy1 /= length1
length2 = sqrt(vx2 * vx2 + vy2 * vy2)
vx2 /= length2
vy2 /= length2
The inverse sin of the cross product is the angle in the range -Pi/2 (-90deg) to Pi/2 (90deg) with positive CW and negative CCW
angle = asin(vx1 * vy2 - vy1 * vx2)

How can I convert latitude-longitude to ease grid of NASA?

I am working with he5 files downloaded from nasa eosdis. I successfully read the files using rhdf5 package in r. The hdf file has subdatasets consist of a matrix, dim 721 x 721.
As far as I understand the file is built as easegrid which does not have any info about the coordinates, so i cannot find in which grid (element in the matrix) my workplace is.
Is there any way to convert latitude longitude values to ease grid?
thank you so much
I've found a python software which capable of doing several conversions between different cartography systems on Brigham Young University's FTP server.
You would probably want to use ease2grid function in this file.
I've also fixed several linting issue on the file. Here is the file;
Created on Sep 21, 2011
Revised on Apr 7, 2017 + include EASE2 support
#author: Bradley, DGL
from __future__ import division
from numpy import cos, sin, tan, mod, sqrt, all
import numpy as np
from .ease2helper import ease2_map_info, easeconv_normalize_degrees
def latlon2pix(alon, alat, head):
"""Latitude/longitude to pixels
(x, y) = latlon2pix(lon,lat,head)
Convert a lat,lon coordinate (lon,lat) to an image pixel location
(x,y) (in floating point, matlab convention).
To compute integer pixel indices (ix,iy): check to insure
1 <= x < nsx+1 and 1 <= x < nsx+1 then ix=floor(x) iy=floor(y)
lon,lat - longitude, latitude
head - header array from load sir
x,y - pixel location (matlab coordinates y_matlab=nxy-y_sir+1)
nsx = head[0] # noqa: F841
nsy = head[1]
iopt = head[16]
xdeg = head[2]
ydeg = head[3]
ascale = head[5]
bscale = head[6]
a0 = head[7]
b0 = head[8]
if iopt == -1: # image only (can't transform!)
x = ascale * (alon - a0)
y = bscale * (alat - b0)
elif iopt == 0: # rectalinear lat/lon
thelon = alon
thelat = alat
x = ascale * (thelon - a0)
y = bscale * (thelat - b0)
elif (iopt == 1) or (iopt == 2): # lambert
thelon, thelat = lambert1(alat, alon, ydeg, xdeg, iopt)
x = ascale * (thelon - a0)
y = bscale * (thelat - b0)
elif iopt == 5: # polar stereographic
thelon, thelat = polster(alon, alat, xdeg, ydeg)
x = (thelon - a0) / ascale
y = (thelat - b0) / bscale
elif (iopt == 8) or (iopt == 9) or (iopt == 10): # EASE2
thelon, thelat = ease2grid(iopt, alat, alon, ascale, bscale)
x = thelon + 1.0 - a0
y = thelat + 1.0 + b0
elif (iopt == 11) or (iopt == 12) or (iopt == 13): # EASE
thelon, thelat = easegrid(iopt, alat, alon, ascale)
thelon = thelon + xdeg
thelat = thelat + ydeg
x = thelon - (xdeg + a0)
y = thelat - (ydeg + b0)
print("*** Unknown SIR transformation: %d" % iopt)
y = nsy - y - 1.0 # convert from matlab coordinates to SIR coordinates
return x, y
def lambert1(lat, lon, orglat, orglon, iopt):
"""Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection
Computes the transformation from lat/lon to x/y for the
lambert azimuthal equal-area projection
lat (r): latitude +90 to -90 deg with north positive
lon (r): longitude 0 to +360 deg with east positive
or -180 to +180 with east more positive
orglat (r): origin parallel +90 to -90 deg with north positive
orglon (r): central meridian (longitude) 0 to +360 deg
or -180 to +180 with east more positive
iopt (i): earth radius option
for iopt=1 a fixed, nominal earth radius is used.
for iopt=2 the local radius of the earth is used.
x,y (r): rectangular coordinates in km
see "map projections used by the u.s. geological survey"
geological survey bulletin 1532, pgs 157-173
for this routine, a spherical earth is assumed for the projection
the 1972 wgs ellipsoid model (bulletin pg 15).
the error will be small for small-scale maps.
radearth = 6378.135 # equitorial earth radius
f = 298.26 # 1/f wgs 72 model values
dtr = 3.141592654 / 180.0
lon1 = mod(lon + 720.0, 360.0)
orglon1 = mod(orglon + 720.0, 360.0)
# compute local radius of the earth at center of image
eradearth = 6378.0 # use fixed nominal value
if iopt == 2: # local radius
era = 1.0 - 1.0 / f
eradearth = (
* era
/ sqrt(era * era * cos(orglat * dtr) ** 2 + sin(orglat * dtr) ** 2)
denom = (
+ sin(orglat * dtr) * sin(lat * dtr)
+ cos(orglat * dtr) * cos(lat * dtr) * cos(dtr * (lon1 - orglon1))
if all(denom > 0.0):
ak = sqrt(2.0 / denom)
print("*** division error in lambert1 routine ***")
ak = 1.0
x = ak * cos(lat * dtr) * sin(dtr * (lon1 - orglon1))
y = ak * (
cos(dtr * orglat) * sin(dtr * lat)
- sin(dtr * orglat) * cos(dtr * lat) * cos(dtr * (lon1 - orglon1))
x = x * eradearth
y = y * eradearth
return x, y
def polster(alon, alat, xlam, slat):
"""Polar stereographic trasnformation
computes the polar sterographic transformation for a lon,lat
input of (alon,alat) with reference origin lon,lat=(xlam,slat).
output is (x,y) in km
algorithm is the same as used for processing ers-1 sar images
as received from m. drinkwater (1994)
# ported from polster.m by JPB 21 Sept 2011
e2 = 0.006693883
re = 6378.273
dtr = 3.141592654 / 180.0
e = sqrt(e2)
if slat < 0:
sn = -1.0
rlat = -alat
sn = 1.0
rlat = alat
t = ((1.0 - e * sin(rlat * dtr)) / (1.0 + e * sin(rlat * dtr))) ** (e * 0.5)
ty = tan(dtr * (45.0 - 0.5 * rlat)) / t
if slat < 0:
rlat = -slat
rlat = slat
t = ((1.0 - e * sin(dtr * rlat)) / (1.0 + e * sin(dtr * rlat))) ** (e * 0.5)
tx = tan(dtr * (45.0 - 0.5 * rlat)) / t
cm = cos(dtr * rlat) / sqrt(1.0 - e2 * sin(dtr * rlat) ** 2)
rho = re * cm * ty / tx
x = (sn * sin(dtr * (sn * alon - xlam))) * rho
y = -(sn * cos(dtr * (sn * alon - xlam))) * rho
return x, y
def easegrid(iopt, alat, alon, ascale):
"""EASE grid transformation
(thelon thelat)=easegrid(iopt,lat,lon,ascale)
computes the forward "ease" grid transform
given a lat,lon (alat,alon) and the scale (ascale) the image
transformation coordinates (thelon,thelat) are comuted
using the "ease grid" (version 1.0) transformation given in fortran
source code supplied by nsidc.
the radius of the earth used in this projection is imbedded into
ascale while the pixel dimension in km is imbedded in bscale
the base values are: radius earth= 6371.228 km
pixel dimen =25.067525 km
then, bscale = base_pixel_dimen
ascale = radius_earth/base_pixel_dimen
iopt is ease type: iopt=11=north, iopt=12=south, iopt=13=cylindrical
# ported from easegrid.m by JPB 21 Sept 2011
pi2 = np.pi / 2.0
dtr = pi2 / 90.0
if iopt == 11: # ease grid north
thelon = ascale * sin(alon * dtr) * sin(dtr * (45.0 - 0.5 * alat))
thelat = ascale * cos(alon * dtr) * sin(dtr * (45.0 - 0.5 * alat))
elif iopt == 12: # ease grid south
thelon = ascale * sin(alon * dtr) * cos(dtr * (45.0 - 0.5 * alat))
thelat = ascale * cos(alon * dtr) * cos(dtr * (45.0 - 0.5 * alat))
elif iopt == 13: # ease cylindrical
thelon = ascale * pi2 * alon * cos(30.0 * dtr) / 90.0
thelat = ascale * sin(alat * dtr) / cos(30.0 * dtr)
return thelon, thelat
def ease2grid(iopt, alat, alon, ascale, bscale):
"""EASE2 grid transformation
(thelon thelat)=ease2grid(iopt,lat,lon,ascale,bscale)
given a lat,lon (alat,alon) and the scale (ascale) the image
transformation coordinates (thelon,thelat) are comuted
using the "ease2 grid" (version 2.0) transformation given in IDL
source code supplied by MJ Brodzik
RADIUS EARTH=6378.137 KM (WGS 84)
MAP ECCENTRICITY=0.081819190843 (WGS84)
iopt: projection type 8=EASE2 N, 9-EASE2 S, 10=EASE2 T/M
alon, alat: lon, lat (deg) to convert (can be outside of image)
ascale and bscale should be integer valued)
ascale: grid scale factor (0..5) pixel size is (bscale/2^ascale)
bscale: base grid scale index (ind=int(bscale))
see for definitions of isc and ind
thelon: X coordinate in pixels (can be outside of image)
thelat: Y coordinate in pixels (can be outside of image)
DTR = 0.01745329241994
ind = round(bscale)
isc = round(ascale)
dlon = alon
phi = DTR * alat
lam = dlon
# get base EASE2 map projection parameters
) = ease2_map_info(iopt, isc, ind)
dlon = dlon - map_reference_longitude
dlon = easeconv_normalize_degrees(dlon)
lam = DTR * dlon
sin_phi = np.sin(phi)
q = (1.0 - e2) * (
(sin_phi / (1.0 - e2 * sin_phi * sin_phi))
- (1.0 / (2.0 * map_eccentricity))
* np.log(
(1.0 - map_eccentricity * sin_phi) / (1.0 + map_eccentricity * sin_phi)
if iopt == 8: # EASE2 grid north
qp = 1.0 - (
(1.0 - e2)
/ (2.0 * map_eccentricity)
* np.log((1.0 - map_eccentricity) / (1.0 + map_eccentricity))
rho = map_equatorial_radius_m * np.sqrt(qp - q)
if np.size(rho) > 1:
rho[np.abs(qp - q) < epsilon] = 0.0
if np.abs(qp - q) < epsilon:
rho = 0
x = rho * np.sin(lam)
y = -rho * np.cos(lam)
elif iopt == 9: # EASE2 grid south
qp = 1.0 - (
(1.0 - e2)
/ (2.0 * map_eccentricity)
* np.log((1.0 - map_eccentricity) / (1.0 + map_eccentricity))
rho = map_equatorial_radius_m * np.sqrt(qp + q)
if np.size(rho) > 1:
rho[np.abs(qp - q) < epsilon] = 0.0
if np.abs(qp - q) < epsilon:
rho = 0
x = rho * np.sin(lam)
y = rho * np.cos(lam)
elif iopt == 10: # EASE2 cylindrical
x = map_equatorial_radius_m * kz * lam
y = (map_equatorial_radius_m * q) / (2.0 * kz)
print("*** invalid EASE2 projection specificaion in ease2grid")
thelon = r0 + (x / map_scale) + 0.5
thelat = s0 + (y / map_scale) + 0.5
return (thelon, thelat)
This piece of Python code depends on another python code called ease2helper. Which I've found that on the same FTP server.
I've also fixed several linting issues on this file too. Here is ease2helper code;
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" EASE2 grid helper utility functions for sirpy"""
# Imports
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
# The EASE2 helper functions
def easeconv_normalize_degrees(dlon):
# Return dlon to within the range -180 <= dlon <= 180
# can handle array inputs
out = dlon
if np.size(out) > 1:
while (out < -180.0).sum() > 0:
out[out < -180.0] = out[out > 180.0] + 360.0
while (out > 180.0).sum() > 0:
out[out > 180.0] = out[out > 180.0] - 360.0
while out < -180.0:
out = out + 360.0
while out > 180.0:
out = out - 360.0
return out
def ease2_map_info(iopt, isc, ind):
""" internally used routine
(map_equatorial_radius_m, map_eccentricity, \
e2, map_reference_latitude, map_reference_longitude, \
map_second_reference_latitude, sin_phi1, cos_phi1, kz, \
map_scale, bcols, brows, r0, s0, epsilon) = ease2_map_info(iopt, isc, nd)
defines EASE2 grid information
iopt: projection type 8=EASE2 N, 9=EASE2 S, 10=EASE2 T/M
isc: scale factor 0..5 grid size is (basesize(ind))/2^isc
ind: base grid size index (map units per cell in m
NSIDC .grd file for isc=0
project type ind=0 ind=1 ind=2 ind=3
N EASE2_N25km EASE2_N30km EASE2_N36km EASE2_N24km
S EASE2_S25km EASE2_S30km EASE2_S36km EASE2_S24km
T/M EASE2_T25km EASE2_M25km EASE2_M36km EASE2_M24km
cell size (m) for isc=0 (scale is reduced by 2^isc)
project type ind=0 ind=1 ind=2 ind=3
N 25000.0 30000.0 36000.0 24000.0
S 25000.0 30000.0 36000.0 24000.0
T/M T25025.26 M25025.26000 M36032.220840584 M24021.480560389347
for a given base cell size (e.g., ind=0) isc is related to
NSIDC CETB .grd file names according to
isc N .grd name S .grd name T .grd name
0 EASE2_N25km EASE2_S25km EASE2_T25km
1 EASE2_N12.5km EASE2_S12.5km EASE2_T12.5km
2 EASE2_N6.25km EASE2_S6.25km EASE2_T6.25km
3 EASE2_N3.125km EASE2_S3.125km EASE2_T3.125km
4 EASE2_N1.5625km EASE2_S1.5625km EASE2_T1.5625km
map_equatorial_radius_m EASE2 Earth equitorial radius (km) [WGS84]
map_eccentricity EASE2 Earth eccentricity [WGS84]
map_reference_latitude Reference latitude (deg)
map_reference_longitude Reference longitude (deg)
map_second_reference_latitude Secondary reference longitude* (deg)
sin_phi1, cos_phi1 kz EASE2 Cylin parameters*
map_scale EASE2 map projection pixel size (km)
bcols, brows, EASE2 grid size in pixels
r0, s0 EASE2 base projection size in pixels
epsilon EASE2 near-polar test factor
DTR = 0.01745329241994
m = 2 ** np.floor(isc) # compute power-law scale factor
map_equatorial_radius_m = 6378137.0 # WGS84
map_eccentricity = 0.081819190843 # WGS84
e2 = map_eccentricity * map_eccentricity
map_reference_longitude = 0.0
epsilon = 1.0e-6
# map-specific parameters
if iopt == 8: # EASE2 grid north
map_reference_latitude = 90.0
if ind == 1: # EASE2_N30km.gpd
base = 30000.0
nx = 600
ny = 600
elif ind == 2: # EASE2_N36km.gpd
base = 36000.0
nx = 500
ny = 500
elif ind == 3: # EASE2_N24km.gpd
base = 24000.0
nx = 750
ny = 750
else: # EASE2_N25km.gpd
base = 25000.0
nx = 720
ny = 720
map_second_reference_latitude = 0.0
sin_phi1 = 0.0
cos_phi1 = 1.0
kz = cos_phi1
elif iopt == 9: # EASE2 grid south
map_reference_latitude = -90.0
if ind == 1: # EASE2_S30km.gpd
base = 30000.0
nx = 600
ny = 600
elif ind == 2: # EASE2_S36km.gpd
base = 36000.0
nx = 500
ny = 500
elif ind == 3: # EASE2_S24km.gpd
base = 24000.0
nx = 750
ny = 750
else: # EASE2_S25km.gpd
base = 25000.0
nx = 720
ny = 720
map_second_reference_latitude = 0.0
sin_phi1 = 0.0
cos_phi1 = 1.0
kz = cos_phi1
elif iopt == 10: # EASE2 cylindrical
map_reference_latitude = 0.0
map_second_reference_latitude = 30.0
sin_phi1 = np.sin(DTR * map_second_reference_latitude)
cos_phi1 = np.cos(DTR * map_second_reference_latitude)
kz = cos_phi1 / np.sqrt(1.0 - e2 * sin_phi1 * sin_phi1)
if ind == 1: # EASE2_M25km.gpd
base = 25025.26000
nx = 1388
ny = 584
elif ind == 2: # EASE2_M36km.gpd
base = 36032.220840584
nx = 964
ny = 406
elif ind == 3: # EASE2_M24km.gpd
base = 24021.480560389347
nx = 1446
ny = 609
else: # EASE2_T25km.gpd
base = 25025.26000
nx = 1388
ny = 540
print("*** invalid EASE2 projection code ***")
# grid info
if isc >= 0:
map_scale = base / m
bcols = np.ceil(nx * m)
brows = np.ceil(ny * m)
r0 = (nx * m - 1) / 2
s0 = (ny * m - 1) / 2
map_scale = base * m
bcols = np.ceil(nx / np.float(m))
brows = np.ceil(ny / np.float(m))
r0 = (nx / np.float(m) - 1) / 2
s0 = (ny / np.float(m) - 1) / 2
return (
I've had the same problem with SMOS data from CATDS. That is why I've created ease_lonlat package for python that converts geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude) to EASE(2)-grid coordinates (col, row) and vice versa. It uses pyproj (PROJ) library to convert longitude and latitude to x and y coordinates of EASE(2) projection. And then it just counted the row and column index of the specific grid using parameters from NSIDC.
I've tested it against EASE2-grids with resolutions of 9 km (North, South, and Global projections) and 36 km (North and Global) on SMAP data.
It looks like, that r also supports PROJ, so you can try the same approach.

Are my equations correct? Rotate on sphere from lat/long points A to B, where will point C be?

I’ve written the below python script. The idea is to calculate the new location of point C after you rotate the globe from point A to point B. I first calculate point P, which is the rotation pole. With calculating point P already something goes wrong. With the following input f.e. I would assume point P to be having latitude 90 or –90.
I asked this question before here: Rotate a sphere from coord1 to coord2, where will coord3 be?
But I figured it's better to ask again with the script included ;)
# GreatCircle can be downloaded from:
from GreatCircle import *
from math import *
# Points A and B defining the rotation:
LonA = radians(0)
LatA = radians(1)
LonB = radians(45)
LatB = radians(1)
# Point C which will be translated:
LonC = radians(90)
LatC = radians(1)
# The following equation is described here:
# It calculates the rotation pole at point P of the Great Circle defined by point A and B.
# According to
# atan2(x, y) = atan(y / x)
LonP = atan2(((sin(LonB) * tan(LatA)) - (sin(LonA) * tan(LatB))), ((cos(LonA) * tan(LatB)) - (cos(LonB) * tan(LatA))))
LatP = atan2(-tan(LatA),(cos(LonP - LonA)))
print degrees(LonP), degrees(LatP)
# The equations to calculate the translated point C location were found here:
# The Rotation Angle in radians:
gcAP = GreatCircle(1,1,degrees(LonA),degrees(LatA),degrees(LonP),degrees(LatP))
gcBP = GreatCircle(1,1,degrees(LonB),degrees(LatB),degrees(LonP),degrees(LatP))
RotAngle = abs(gcAP.azimuth12 - gcBP.azimuth12)
# The rotation pole P in Cartesian coordinates:
Px = cos(LatP) * cos(LonP)
Py = cos(LatP) * sin(LonP)
Pz = sin(LatP)
# Point C in Cartesian coordinates:
Cx = cos(radians(LatC)) * cos(radians(LonC))
Cy = cos(radians(LatC)) * sin(radians(LonC))
Cz = sin(radians(LatC))
# The translated point P in Cartesian coordinates:
NewCx = (Cx * cos(RotAngle)) + (1 - cos(RotAngle)) * (Px * Px * Cx + Px * Py * Cy + Px * Pz * Cz) + (Py * Cz - Pz * Cy) * sin(RotAngle)
NewCy = (Cy * cos(RotAngle)) + (1 - cos(RotAngle)) * (Py * Px * Cx + Py * Py * Cy + Py * Pz * Cz) + (Pz * Cx - Px * Cz) * sin(RotAngle)
NewCz = (Cz * cos(RotAngle)) + (1 - cos(RotAngle)) * (Pz * Px * Cx + Pz * Py * Cy + Pz * Pz * Cz) + (Px * Cy - Py * Cx) * sin(RotAngle)
# The following equation I got from
# The translated point P in lat/long:
Cr = sqrt((NewCx*NewCx) + (NewCy*NewCy) + (NewCz*NewCz))
NewCLat = degrees(asin(NewCz/Cr))
NewCLon = degrees(atan2(NewCy, NewCx))
# Output:
print str(NewCLon) + "," + str(NewCLat)

Tangent calculation OpenGL

I am trying to calculate the tangent line (needed for bump mapping) for every vertex in my mesh. The v1, v2 and v3 are the vertices in the triangle and the t1, t2 and t3 are the respective texture coords. From what i understand this should output the tangent line for the three vertices of the triangle.
Vec3f va = Vec3f{vertexData[a * 3 + 0], vertexData[a * 3 + 1], vertexData[a * 3 + 2]};
Vec3f vb = Vec3f{vertexData[b * 3 + 0], vertexData[b * 3 + 1], vertexData[b * 3 + 2]};
Vec3f vc = Vec3f{vertexData[c * 3 + 0], vertexData[c * 3 + 1], vertexData[c * 3 + 2]};
Vec2f ta = (Vec2f){texcoordData[a * 2 + 0],texcoordData[a * 2 + 1]};
Vec2f tb = (Vec2f){texcoordData[b * 2 + 0],texcoordData[b * 2 + 1]};
Vec2f tc = (Vec2f){texcoordData[c * 2 + 0],texcoordData[c * 2 + 1]};
Vec3f v1 = subtractVec3f(vb, va);
Vec3f v2 = subtractVec3f(vc, va);
Vec2f t1 = subtractVec2f(tb, ta);
Vec2f t2 = subtractVec2f(tc, ta);
float coef = 1/(t1.u * t2.v - t1.v * t2.u);
Vec3f tangent = Vec3fMake((t2.v * v1.x - t1.v * v2.x) * coef,
(t2.v * v1.y - t1.v * v2.y) * coef,
(t2.v * v1.z - t1.v * v2.z) * coef);
My problem is that the coef variable is sometimes the nan (not a number) value causing the multiplication to be off. My mesh is not super complex, a simple cylinder, but i would like a universal formula to calculate the tangent line to enable bump mapping on all of my meshes.
coef becomming a NaN indicates some numerical problem with your input data, like degenerate triangles or texture coordinates. Make sure that the expression (t1.u * t2.v - t1.v * t2.u) doesn't (nearly) vanish, i.e. its absolute value is larger than some reasonable threshold value.
A good sanity check is |vb-va|>0 ^ |vc-va|>0, |tb-ta|>0 ^ |tc-ta|>0, |normalized(vb-va) . normalized(vc-va)| < 1 and |normalized(tb-ta) . normalized(tc-ta)| < 1.
