Arduino hexadecimal string to unsigned long int conversion - hex

I'm trying to convert a hex decimal string value to an unsigned long int.
For example:
String s="0x4d14" --> unsigned long int B = 0x4D14
OK, I solved the previous problem,
I have another problem:
I read hexcodes from the serial monitor like this:
char c[10];
char c[i];
String s=c[i];
if (i==10)
But now I can't do this:
const char* string = s;
To use the strtoul function, so what should I do?
Whatever logic of my code, I didn't post my full code, but my problem now is string to const char* conversion.

This works for me
const char* string = "0x4d14";
long unsigned int b = strtoul(string, 0, 16);
char c[10];
... // read values
strtoul(c, 0, 16);
Have a look at some C language tutorial


Convert string as hex to hexadecimal

I have a function that takes an uint64_t variable. Normally I would do this:
result.value is an uint64_t as hexadecimal (I think). If I do this:
String((uint32_t) results.value, HEX)
I get this:
If I do:
it works perfectly and is what I want.
Instead of grabbing the result.value, I want to write it as a string (because that's what I get from the GET request). How do I make "FF02FD" into 0x00FF02FD?
Maybe this makes it easier to understand:
//Arduino grabs the FF02FD by doing:
for (int i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) {
if (server.argName(i) == "code") {
String code = server.arg(i);
This is where I get the error:
no matching function for call to 'IRsend::sendNEC(String&)'
void sendNEC(uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits = NEC_BITS, uint16_t repeat = 0);
Comment writeup:
As already suggested, a string containing a hexadecimal value can be converted to an actual integer value using the C standard library functions such as "string to unsigned long" (strtoul) or "string to unsigned long long" (strtoull). From Arduino-type String one can get the actual const char* to the data using the c_str() member function. All in all, one does a hex-string to integer conversion as
uint64_t StrToHex(const char* str)
return (uint64_t) strtoull(str, 0, 16);
Which can then in code be called as
for (int i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) {
if (server.argName(i) == "code") {
String code = server.arg(i);
Appendum: Be carefull about using int or long on different platforms. On a Arduino Uno/Nano with a 8-bit microcontroller, such as the ATMega328P, an int is a int16_t. On the 32-bit ESP8266 CPU, an int is int32_t.

How to retrieve an int array that is stored in a table using PROGMEM?

I'm new to Arduino and currently learn to use PROGMEM to store variables so that I can save dynamic memory. I have 13 variables including these three below that I store using PROGMEM.
Here are some of example of variables that I store and use it in my functions :-
const unsigned int raw_0[62] PROGMEM = {2600,850,400,500,400,500,450,850,450,850,1350,850,450,450,400,500,400,450,450,400,450,450,450,450,400,450,900,850,900,850,900,450,450,850,900,850,900,850,450,450,900,450,400,450,400,900,450,450,450,400,450,450,450,450,400,450,450,450,450,400,450,};
const unsigned int raw_1[60] PROGMEM = {2600,850,450,450,450,450,450,850,450,850,1350,850,500,400,450,400,450,450,450,450,400,450,450,450,400,450,900,850,900,900,850,450,450,850,850,900,900,900,400,450,900,450,450,400,450,850,450,450,450,450,400,450,450,450,450,400,450,450,850,};
const unsigned int raw_a[100] PROGMEM = {3500,1700,400,450,450,1250,450,400,450,400,450,400,500,400,450,400,450,400,450,400,450,450,400,400,500,400,450,400,450,1300,400,450,450,400,450,400,450,400,450,400,450,400,500,350,500,400,450,400,450,1300,400,400,500,400,450,400,450,400,450,450,400,450,450,400,450,400,450,400,450,400,450,450,400,450,450,400,450,1250,450,400,450,400,500,400,450,400,450,400,450,400,450,400,450,1300,450,400,450,1250,450,};
Here is the table that store the variables. I learn this approach from Arduino website; .
const unsigned int* const myTable[13] PROGMEM = {
My problem is, how do I retrieve these variables using PROGMEM such as raw_1 and raw_a ?
This is what I did but it did not work :-
unsigned int * ptr = (unsigned int *) pgm_read_word (&myTable [1]);
Most of examples that I found, they use String or char datatype but in my case, I use array integer.
The ptr is also pointer to PROGMEM, so you have to read the value (or values in this case) by pgm_read_word. The IR library doesn't support that at all (I hope it's the correct one).
Anyway sendRaw implementation is this:
void IRsend::sendRaw (const unsigned int buf[], unsigned int len, unsigned int hz)
// Set IR carrier frequency
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i & 1) space(buf[i]) ;
else mark (buf[i]) ;
space(0); // Always end with the LED off
And all used methods are public, so you can implement your own function to do the same:
void mySendRaw (IRsend & dev, const unsigned int buf[], unsigned int len, unsigned int khz)
// Set IR carrier frequency
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i & 1);
else dev.mark (pgm_read_word(buf+i));
}; // Always end with the LED off
// And usage:
mySendRaw(irsend, (const uint16_t*)pgm_read_word(myTable+1), 62, 38);
However the size of arrays should be stored somewhere too, so you can use something like:
byte cmd = 1;
mySendRaw(irsend, (const uint16_t*)pgm_read_word(myTable+cmd), pgm_read_word(myTableLenghts+cmd), 38);

use htonl convert a int number, and memcpy to a char*, but nothing

code like this:
int totalLen = 50;
int usTest = htons(totalLen);
char* strBuf = new char[totalLen ];
after this,there is nothing in strBuf, why?
but if I put a big number, like 100000001, it will be OK?
what's the problem?

QByteArray convert to/from unsigned char *

QByteArray inArray = " ... ";
unsigned char *in = convert1(inArray);
unsigned char *out;
someFunction(in, out);
QByteArray outArray = convert2(out);
the question is how can I correctly make these conversions (convert1 and convert2).
I cannot change someFunction(unsigned char *, unsigned char *), but I have to work with QByteArray here.
Qt has really great docs, you should use them.
If someFunction doesn't modify or store pointer to in data you can use this:
QByteArray inArray = " ... ";
unsigned char *out;
someFunction((unsigned char*)(, out);
QByteArray outArray((char*)out);
Otherwise you have to make a deep copy of the char* returned by QByteArray::data() (see the docs for code snippet).
if someFunction takes a const char* args then just use ConstData() or data() in QByteArray class.
if you need a char*, you can then use strdup(). This method is doing this
char *strdup (const char *s) {
char *d = malloc (strlen (s) + 1); // Space for length plus nul
if (d == NULL) return NULL; // No memory
strcpy (d,s); // Copy the characters
return d; // Return the new string
more info here: strdup() - what does it do in C?

How to convert LPTSTR to QString

Hi can anyone help me to convert LPTSTR to QString
You will see in the docs that Qstring provides static function to convert from both ascii and Unicode strings:
QString fromAscii ( const char *
ascii, int len = -1 )
QString fromLatin1 ( const char *
chars, int len = -1 )
QString fromUtf8 ( const char * utf8,
int len = -1 )
QString fromLocal8Bit ( const char *
local8Bit, int len = -1 )
QString fromUcs2 ( const unsigned
short * str )
Check whether you are using ascii or unicode and pick your poison.
QString::fromWCharArray is what worked for me.
To convert QString to LPTSTR or LPCTSTR:
QString src;
LPTSTR dest=(LPTSTR)src.utf16();
to convert from LPTSTR or LPCTSTR to QString :
The solution expects that your LPTSTR array is null-terminated.
STRRET str; // it had been filled by a winapi function
// str.pOleStr is LPWSTR, i.e. wchar_t* field of the union STRRET
// LPWSTR is the same as LPTSTR (see further)
QString result{QString::fromWCharArray(str.pOleStr)};
As shown below, STRRET is a union, one of representations of which (named pOleStr) has type wchar_t*.
As far as I understand, when one gets this STRRET filled by a Winapi function (like e.g. IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf()), it's a normal null-terminated wide string. So it can be supplied to QString::fromWCharArray(const wchar_t *string). The function will preserve the input wchar_t-array as it is and will just create a new copy inside a new QString. So overall, I think the method in my answer is quite safe as far as you know that your const wchar_t * is ended with a \0-wide-character.
// shtypes.h
typedef struct _STRRET
UINT uType;
/* [switch_is][switch_type] */ union
/* [case()][string] */ LPWSTR pOleStr;
/* [case()] */ UINT uOffset;
/* [case()] */ char cStr[ 260 ];
// winnt.h
typedef _Null_terminated_ WCHAR *NWPSTR, *LPWSTR, *PWSTR;
Use QString::fromUcs2 to convert strings.
This is woking fine
QString str("ddddd");
