Scala Lift - Sitemap menu builder custom css classes - css

I've got the following site map defined in Boot.scala:
Menu(S ? "Home") / "index",
Menu(S ? "About") / "about",
Menu(S ? "Work") / "work",
Menu(S ? "Contact") / "contact"
With the following markup:
<lift:Menu.builder />
What I'm trying to do is in someway identify the menu items to style each seperatly.
Is there a way to define a unique class for each sitemap entry or perhaps add the name of the menu item to the title attribute which I could also use to style them?
So the markup is rendered like this:
Thanks in advance, any help much appreciated :)
Until a more robust way of doing this is found, I've opted to style each link in the menu via simple attribute reference, e.g:
a[href="/about"] { color:#000; }

I would take a look at the Menu.item section here:
That should allow you to add specific classes to particular items of the SiteMap, which sounds like exactly what you want to do.

If your site menu is not really simple, you can consider to hard-code your menu inside the HTML code. Obviously, Lift's simple menu can't handle everything.
You can also create menu groups and render these groups separately.


How to create a Show More button in this .TPL file

I have downloaded a template with a module called Publications. When the News Page is loaded it calls this .tpl file:
<div class="newsPage">
<h1>Latest News</h1>
{foreach from=$articles item=entry name=articles}
{if $smarty.foreach.articles.first}<dl><br />{/if}
<dt><a href="{$GLOBALS.site_url}/publications/{$}/{$}/{$entry.title|replace:' ':'-'|escape:"urlpathinfo"}.html" class="title"></dt>
{if $smarty.foreach.articles.last}</dl></a>{/if}
[[There are no articles available at this time]]
And there's the problem. If there are 1000 articles, all of them will be loaded and no pages will be created.
I'm trying to create a "show more" button with only the latest 4 articles displayed at first and then when the "show more" button is clicked, the next 4 articles will be displayed, and so on...
Is that possible? Can anyone help me with new ways to create a dynamic news section with this?
i still didnt install my editor, but you can give a div or any thing some property, which make that object hidden, i'm not sure if it was block, or hidden it self,
then you can also give it an id, and refer to it with java script, and as you already know a query language like jQuery, you can do it even simpler to refer to the div element, and change its property, (i didnt worked with jQuery), if it's about to be as a toltip, you can use your parent div/ image/ button/ any thing:
for styles which normaly are:
or instead of display, u can use
for stle which are like this:
this is a ways which most of sites menus take advantage of
Solved. Changed the <dl> <dt> <dd> to <ul> <li> and then:
var vis = 5;
$('.news li').slice(vis).hide();
var $more = $('Mais')
$('.news li:hidden').slice(0,vis).show();
if($('.news li:hidden').length == 0)
$('.newsPage ul').after($more);

Change HTML/CSS from ASP(C# or VB) code

In my case, I have an HTML/CSS Menu in the site master.
So, when you hover your mouse over "Graphics", it highlights it (using CSS onHover).
Now what I need to do is that when you actually click on "Graphics" (and it takes you to the graphics page), it remains highlighted, if possible in a different colour.
I'm thinking of modifying the Site.Master style from C# or VB code.
Any ideas? Thanks.
An idea would be to check what page you are in, and apply a css class:
<li class="<%= this.Page.ToString().ToLower().EndsWith("graphics_aspx") ? "selected" : "normal"%>">
Hope it helps!
You can either use the CSS active state if the page you are on directly relates to the link, however if the menu points to sections (i.e. multiple pages) you may need to use a bit of server side code to your master page, that gets the requested URL and determines which link is active. Usual convention is to then add the class 'active' or similar to the outputted html.
You can convert the UL/LI with runat = "server" and finally add styles in the code behind
Control.Style.Add("display", "none");

Wordpress Dynamic menu highlighting if page belongs to specific category

I'm looking for a way to dynamically highlight a menu item anytime a user is viewing a page that is assigned to a given taxonomy or category. For example a nav bar at the top with items "Products" and "Strategy". Any page or post that is created and has the category or taxonomy "product" would cause the Products menu item to be highlighted when you are on the page for that product. I'm thinking if I could figure out a way to just apply a class to that item based on the criteria above, that would do it. Any ideas? I'm stumped on this one.
I would recommend a front end approach. Here's what I'm thinking:
1) You have 2 or more categories: Products and Strategy ...
2) Each post in Products will have a body class string that contains a class which is probably called products-taxonomy or something like that.
3) With jQuery you can check for products-taxonomy or strategy-taxonomy and highlight the specific menu-item. This can be done easily with jQuery selectors provided that you add a specific class to your products category when you create your menu.
It would be something like this:
add class for products menu item : 'productsMenu'
add class for strategy menu item : 'strategyMenu'
make sure you echo the body_class
var $body = $(body); // better select just once the body
if($body.hasClass('products-taxonomy')) {
// highlighetMenuItem should be your highlighting class
} else if($body.hasClass('strategy-taxonomy')) {
And yeah... you need jQuery on the front end if you want this to work. Or you could use pure javaScript in almost as many lines of code. :)

#div:normal #div:hover #div:SELECTED?

On the "services" and "company" pages I have a right sidebar list. This is being included with PHP. So far I have a CSS class for normal and a CSS class for when you hover each item in the list. I want to have a new class for when each list item is selected. So for example in services, the user clicks on "family planning" and when they get to the family planning page....the family planning list item has a grey background. Is this possible?
Nothing in CSS will let you match an element based on it's href attribute resolving to the current URL.
Add a class to the menu item (or the body element) server side based on the page, then use a write a selector to match that.
There are a few ways to accomplish this but you'll need a little bit of code. It works like follows:
On your page you should somehow declare which page it is (by using a querystring or session)
Then you should parse this value and write out the class name of the menu dynamiclly.
Yes it is possible, when rendering the sidebar/menu, check if they are in a specific page/namespace and add a class to it which has grey background.
The general design people use for such scenarios is to place all items related to one menu item in one namespace.
like all admin items will be under */admin/*, so that when rendering the menu, they will check the url and add the class to it.

css tabs that do not require div changes for the active tab

I'm looking to get ideas on how to not change at all the code used to create css tabs (so that I can place it into an include file to avoid duplicating the code across all files that use it), but my current implementation doesn't allow this because I need to select the active tab using id="selectedTab".
The only implementation I found so far that solves this is the following one:
It requires assigning a class to each tab and uses the body id to determine the active tab.
Is this the only way or is there any other alternatives?
My current code looks like this (the id=noajax" is used to avoid using ajax to load certain pages):
<div class="productTabsBlock2">
<a id="selectedTab" href="/link1" >OVERVIEW</a>
<a id="noajax" href="/link3" >SPEED TESTS</a>
<a href="/link4" >AWARDS</a>
EDIT: asp is available as server side and is already used on these pages.
If you're looking for a non-JS solution, then the body class/id provide the easiest way to do what you want.
If you have access to JS library, you can easily add "selected" class to any of the <a> element and modify its appearance.
Just in case you haven't notice, you can use more than one class definition in an element. For example, <a class="noajax selected" /> is valid and both CSS selectors .noajax and .selected will be applied to the element.
An include file for what? If it's a server side programming language like PHP, you can pass a parameter for the selected tab through various methods.
you could use jQuery to add the `selectedTab' id (or class) like so
$('.productTabsBlock2 a').mouseover(function () {
