How to send datatable as a parameter to mysql store procedure through code -

How to send datatable as a parameter to mysql store procedure through code.
if any solution is there, can anyone please tell me. Its urgent
thank you,

You could write it to a .csv and use LOAD DATA INFILE
Else you you have to loop through the datatable and insert one by one row.
Best way to Bulk Insert from a C# DataTable

I would parse the data set and for each data row call a stored procedure passing parameters for one data row. If you don't want that, then there are other import facilities (bulk import) like or MySQL bulk insert from CSV data files.


Read a csv file and insert the values in mysql database using R

I am able to read a csv file using read function, i now want to insert the values into a table in mysql database,i have to make it dynamic so that if the content of the csv changes it can insert stil.
Your post is very subjective. I advise you to go in parts, read the dplyr documentation.
I use dplyr for persistence in mysql database. This a powerfull packpage.

Dynamic Sql VS Temporary Tables

I have a stored procedure, in which temporary tables "on delete preserve rows" are created dynamically and data was inserted, when i try to execute any other dynamic sql statement, data in the temporary tables are deleted. But I need a data for further process.
Can any one tell me why data is losing, and what is the solution for this.
Thank you.
Three possible reasons for this:
There is an explicit commit.
There is an implicit commit (a DDL statement, typically).
You are are closing the session and starting a new one.
If you cannot avoid these then you'll have to create a permanent table.

Mass sending data to stored procedure

I'm using Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 to create a web service with VB.NET. I'm using a Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2008 so that SQL can insert all the data that I'm passing.
The problem is that in one of the servicse I need to pass around 10,000 records and it's not very efficient to run the stored procedure 10,000 times.
I read that there is a way in which you can pass an XML file with all data to the Stored Procedure but I'm not sure if that's the most efficient way. Also I couldn't make the code work, I don't know if I have to pass the XML as a String.
I'm asking for help with a method in which I can pass a lots of records to the stored procedure once and then the same instance of the Stored procedure can process all the records in a loop
Thank you all in advance.
There is SqlBulkCopy in .NET, but I expect you'll want to look at a table-valued parameter.
You can pass a text batch of statements to the database. It can be quite efficient.
Instead of creating a SqlCommand of CommandType.StoredProcedure and taking a single stored procedure name and set of parameters – which, as you suspect, will perform poorly if you round-trip to the database for each record – you can instead create a SqlCommand of CommandType.Text, and then construct a text batch containing multiple SQL statements (which would be invocations of your stored procedure.) Separate each statement with a semi-colon.
Another advantage of a text batch is that your stored procedure can be kept simple and just process a single record at a time.
But, be careful: You need to ensure your parameters are properly quoted / escaped, because creating a plain text batch instead of using CommandType.StoredProcedure (with parameters) opens you up to SQL-injection type vulnerabilities.
The method I use is to pass the data in a CDATA block (pipe delimited in my case) to the web service, which then:
Saves the CDATA block to a temp file on the web server
Then uses the command line utility bcp.exe to bulk load the data into a staging table
Then calls the stored procedure which is set up to process all the records in the staging table
much faster and less strain on the database than calling the proc for each record.
Edit: Now that I've read about SqlBulkCopy, I would do this instead:
Write the CDATA block data into a DataTable
Use SqlBulkCopy to put the data into a staging table :-)
Then calls the stored procedure which is set up to process all the records in the staging table
This may also help:
Where I've done this before with SQL Server 2000, I've used OPENXML (as #EJB suggested) by constructing an XML string in my code, passing it into a stored proc in a text parameter, using OPENXML to parse the XML into a relational structure and going on from there e.g.
Dim xmlStringBuilder As System.Text.StringBuilder
xmlStringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder
For Each object In Collection
'I'm not suggesting this is the best way to build XML, it is however reliable!
xmlStringBuilder.Append("<object id='" & & "'></object>"
Dim xmlStoredProcCommand As SqlCommand
Dim xmlParameter As SqlParameter
xmlStoredProcCommand = New SqlCommand(connection)
xmlStoredProcCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
xmlStoredProcCommand.CommandText = "xmlStoredProc"
xmlParameter = New SqlParameter("#xmlParameter",SqlDbType.NText)
xmlParameter.Value = xmlStringBuilder.ToString
#xmlParameter NTEXT
DECLARE #xmldochandle INT
DECLARE #objects TABLE (objectID INT)
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument #xmldochandle OUTPUT, #xmlParameter
INSERT INTO #objects (objectId)
SELECT objectId
FROM OPENXML(#xmldochandle, 'objects/object')
WITH (objectId INT)
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument #xmldochandle
and from there you can do your stuff with the contents of the #objects table variable.

Inserting a dataset into a database table

I have table on a database on a server, that is identical to a table on my local. I have click once application that needs to download the version of records on the server down to my local.
At the moment i have webservice that pulls back the records on the server in batches, using datasets as containers. How do i commit the whole dataset to the table in my local? The table on my local is empty.
Cheers in advance!
If you already have a DataSet, containing one or several DataTables, why don't you just use the SqlDataAdapter and call its ".Update()" method with your DataSet?
In the SqlDataAdapter, you can define an InsertCommand, an UpdateCommand, a DeleteCommand which will take care of the three basic insert/update/delete statements for your rows. All you need to do is define / write those three SQL Statements once, and the SqlDataAdapter will do the rest for you (looping through the rows, figuring out whether to insert, update or delete etc.).
If you want, you can even use your basic SELECT statement from the SelectCommand in your DataSet and use the SqlCommandBuilder to build the INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements based on your SELECT.
MSDN Library doc on SqlDataAdapter
SQL Data Adapter without SqlCommandBuilder
MSDN Library doc on SqlCommandBuilder
There are several options. Here are the first two that come to mind.
One would be to loop through the DataTable and build an SQL Insert statement on each loop and then execute the Insert statement against the local.
Another would be to use the SQL Bulk Copy to insert the data

Import typed DataSet to SQL Server

I want to import a typed DataSet with DataTables (not with TableAdapters) to my SQL Server database. The structure of all DataTables in the DataSet is the same like in the SQL Server database. With the same fields.
How can I import the whole typed DataSet to my SQL Server database?
Best regards
If you're just inserting data, and want the quickest way to insert data in to SQL Server, use the SqlBulkCopy class.
One of the WriteToServer overloads of that class accepts a DataTable as a source of data to be bulk loaded into the underlying table.
Can you use the SqlDataAdapter's Update method?
