Writing several texts which follows same link with reST - restructuredtext

the following reST don't work as expected. How can I do it right?
Only the word python_ in this text is linked. What to do if
I want using other words such as `like it <python_>`_ to jump
to the same link?
.. _python: http://www.python.org
Thanks for any help!

This isn't a really well documented as far as I have been able to read but the OP's method should work. I've tested the following input with rst2html.py (v 0.11) and Sphinx (v 1.2b1) on cygwin. Both generate the correct hyperlinks to the CNN site.
* According to `CNN <http://www.cnn.com/>`_ the economy...
* According to `The Amazing Cable News Network`_ the economy...
* According to the `Cable News Network <CNN_>`_ the economy...
.. _The Amazing Cable News Network: CNN_
.. CNN: http://www.cnn.com/
The second form was suggested by #Ajay, although it seems odd to me to have to create another alias to get the text you want, but the third form seems to be what the OP was looking for and as far as I can tell it works fine. The third form also works for internal links within the document.


Atom data-grammar syntax for keybindings

Can someone give a full explanation of the syntax for Atom's data-grammar attribute (used in keybinding selectors)?
For instance, what is the difference between
[data-grammar='source example']
[data-grammar~='source example']
Also, how do you specify multiple grammars? For instance, how would you specify that a key binding should be limited to html or xml formats?
If there already exists documentation on this somewhere, I have not yet found it, but would appreciate being pointed to it.
Quick Example:
"atom-text-editor[data-grammar='text tex latex']":
Grammar Information & Documentation
I began by looking at the file-types package. source and text categorize languages - source deals with development languages, while text deals with documentation/logs formats.
You can add and customize language recognition by reading the flight manual. I've linked some specific sections below that are helpful for that.
Flight Manual | Basic Customization:
Language Recognition
Language Specific Settings
Working with [data-grammar]:
The little doocumentation given is listed under the Keymaps in Depth section.
Flight Manual | Keymaps in Depth
Selectors and Custom Packages.
This also describes the not([...]) functionality used below and how to manipulate various rules.
Although in the above, grammars are listed in a dot format, ie source.c, to use them in the [data-grammar='<name>'] format spaces are instead required.
An example of how I might use the data grammar option in my keymap.cson config is as such (here I'm using the latex package):
"atom-text-editor[data-grammar='text tex latex']":
The ~ is not the correct syntax for desired functionality with data-grammar. Instead, use something like "atom-text-editor:not([data-grammar='<name>'])":
Note that you wouldn't use data-grammar in something like config.cson. The syntax for language specifics looks something like this instead:
# **config.cson**
softWrap: true
Extra useful information - List of registered Grammars
A dump of the output of Object.keys(atom.grammars.grammarsByScopeName).sort().join('\n') through the Dev Console (View > Developer > Toggle Developer Options > Console)
source.js.rails source.js.jquery
To complement Mr G's answer, atom-text-editor[data-grammar~='html'] with the ~= means match an <atom-text-editor> HTML element with a data-grammar attribute that contains "html" amongst any other possible whitespace separated words.
For example, if the current language of the file is PHP, then the text-editor HTML element will look something like this:
<atom-text-editor data-grammar="text html php">
And atom-text-editor[data-grammar~='html'] will match this.
More info on attribute selectors: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Attribute_selectors
As for trying to select multiple grammars, I don't think it's possible unless they share a common word in the data-grammar attribute, e.g., both HTML and PHP share "html", or both C and JavaScript share "source" (but in this case many other grammars share "source"). The only other way is to specify a keymap for each grammar individually even if it's the same key combination.

Notepad++ Function list for SQL

quick question .. I'm trying to get the function list option in Notepad++ going ...
Now, I found this thread:
Notepad++ Function List for PL/SQL
which helped get me started, however, I'm still struggling with something, and I can't seem to wrap my monkey-brain around it.
It'll be this section I need to focus:
mainExpr="^[\t ]*(FUNCTION|PROCEDURE)[\s]*[\w]*[\s]*(\(|IS|AS)*"
<nameExpr expr="[\w]+[\s]*(\(|IS|AS)"/>
That works perfectly fine .. so far.
However, I would like to also see PACKAGE header and PACKAGE BODY names in there as well .. just to help tidy things up.
I figured it'd be easy to tweak the RegExp, however, nothing I've tried is working
So I'm trying to pick out these kinds of scenarios:
all 4: aaa, bbb, ccc, and ddd.
I can't even get it to pull back one yet.. :(
Hoping I could get some help/hints/something ..
I know this is the main "logic":
mainExpr="^[\t ]*(FUNCTION|PROCEDURE)[\s]*[\w]*[\s]*(\(|IS|AS)*"
that finds the line(s) ..
And trying to matchup the logic with what it finds for .. say, FUNCTIONs, and what I want for PACKAGE ... I tried this:
mainExpr="^[\t ]*(FUNCTION|PROCEDURE|CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE)[\s]*[\w]*[\s]*(\(|IS|AS)*"
but even that doesn't pick out the header! O.o
I'm sure there's something I need to do with the part .. but again, not really understanding how it works ??
I've read this :
but there's obviously something about the syntax/usage of this thing I'm not fully understanding ..
hoping somebody can help me out?
I think your problem is coming from the Regex rather than anything you're doing incorrectly. I've made a new parser based on the one I found here: http://www.hermanmol.nl/?p=240
<parser id="plsql_func" displayName="PL/SQL" commentExpr="((/\*.*?\*)/|(--.*?$))">
mainExpr="^[\w\s]{0,}(PACKAGE BODY|PACKAGE|FUNCTION|PROCEDURE)[\s]{1,}[\w_]{1,}">
<nameExpr expr="^[\w\s]{0,}(PACKAGE BODY|PACKAGE|FUNCTION|PROCEDURE)[\s]{1,}\K[\w_]{1,}"/>
For me this seems to correctly pull out the Package, Procedures and Functions.
One thing to note however, I could not get this to work using a file extension assocation, and used the following instead to test on a text file: <association langID= "0" id="plsql_func" />
I also placed the updated functionList.xml file in both the Program Files (x86)\Notepad++ and the Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++ directories.
Edit - a short explanation of the Regex, I'm not great at Regex but it was requested in the comments
^[\w\s]{0,} - From the beginning of the line, find 0 or more letters or white space characters
[\s]{1,}[\w_]{1,} - followed by one or more spaces, followed by one or more words
Thanks Chrisrs2292,
I was helped by the location of the functionList.xml file in Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++ directories.
RegEX for T-SQL:
<association id= "T-SQL_func" langID="17"/>
<!-- T-SQL-->
<parser displayName="T-SQL" id="T-SQL_func" commentExpr="(?s:/\*.*?\*/)|(?m-s:--.*?$)">
<function mainExpr='(?im)^\h*(create|alter)\s+(function|procedure)\s+((\[|")?[\w_]+(\]|")?\.?)?((\[|")?[\w_]+(\]|")?)?'
<nameExpr expr='(?im)(function|procedure)\s+((\[|")?[\w_]+(\]|")?\.?)?((\[|")?[\w_]+(\]|")?)?' />
Working from what Chrisrs2292 has provided from above, I played around with some PL/SQL code on regex101.com to find a regular expression to find the functions/procedures/etc, and got put that into the functionList.xml.
displayName="SQL Node"
<nameExpr expr="^[\w\s]+(PACKAGE BODY|PACKAGE|PROCEDURE|FUNCTION)\s+\K[\w"\.]+"/>
The big change was I had include the double quotes (using the XML code of ") and dot (the \.) since many times I use the quotes and like to use the fully qualified name (schema.procedure|function|etc). Minor changes are replacing the {0,} with * and {1,} with +. These are minor, cosmetic changes are should be interchangeable.

vim-rmarkdown plugin configuration

I've just installed vim-rmarkdown, vim-pandoc, and vim-pandoc-syntax plugins in conjunction with Vundle (latest github versions).
When I open an RMarkdown file (.Rmd) in vim, as expected it detects the filetype as rmarkdown; it marks the start of an R code chunk with a lambda symbol etc. (replacing the ```), as I've seen on an example vim-rmarkdown screenshot.
What is driving me nuts is that vim has decided to highlight some strings (unhelpfully completely obscuring the text as if it were redacted). I would normally hit space to clear the highlighting of search terms; it isn't that. It also hides terminating ``` for R chunks; they only become visible when you move the cursor over that line.
Can anyone help with:
Pointers to vim-rmarkdown FAQs/docs (:h rmarkdown only calls up the same basic info you get on the github page),
Why it is overwriting (highlighting with solid colour) some text and how to stop it,
How to show the ends of R code chunks (```), or otherwise better manage distinguishing between "text" and R code chunks.
As per the vim-rmarkdown documentation available, I've added the following to the start of my .vimrc
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
filetype off " required
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
" alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins
"call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here')
" let Vundle manage Vundle, required
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
" The following are examples of different formats supported.
" Keep Plugin commands between vundle#begin/end.
" plugin on GitHub repo
Plugin 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc'
Plugin 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-syntax'
Plugin 'vim-pandoc/vim-rmarkdown'
" All of your Plugins must be added before the following line
call vundle#end() " required
filetype plugin indent on " required
" To ignore plugin indent changes, instead use:
"filetype plugin on
" Brief help
" :PluginList - lists configured plugins
" :PluginInstall - installs plugins; append `!` to update or just :PluginUpdate
" :PluginSearch foo - searches for foo; append `!` to refresh local cache
" :PluginClean - confirms removal of unused plugins; append `!` to auto-approve removal
" see :h vundle for more details or wiki for FAQ
" Put your non-Plugin stuff after this line
Thanks for posting the question, I think I came across the same issues.
Pointers to vim-rmarkdown FAQs/docs (:h rmarkdown only calls up the same basic info you get on the github page),
As far as I can tell the vim-rmarkdown plugin just adds syntax highlighting for R code chunks and the :RMarkdown command described in the help docs. Most of the documentation that you're probably looking for is related to the vim-pandoc and vim-pandoc-syntax modules so :help vim-pandoc and :help vim-pandoc-syntax cover most of the issues.
Why it is overwriting (highlighting with solid colour) some text and how to stop it,
I don't know if you're having the same issue I am, but I saw this behavior because of the spell checking and the particular color scheme I am using in my terminal (iTerm with a dark color scheme) obscuring the text. It was solved for me by either turning off spell checking let g:pandoc#modules#disabled = ["spell"] or modifying the color scheme (in my case increasing the minimum contrast setting in iTerm helped)
How to show the ends of R code chunks (```), or otherwise better manage distinguishing between "text" and R code chunks.
My solution to this issue was to turn off concealing, it just confuses me anyway. (I'm not smart enough to handle an editor hiding stuff from me so I turn off folding too) There's probably a better way to deal with this for people who want concealing, but I don't know it.
The lines I added to my .vimrc to manage my issues with vim-rmarkdown:
" configuration for vim-pandoc and vim-rmarkdown
let g:pandoc#modules#disabled = ["folding", "spell"]
let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#use = 0
The relevant setting you need to change can be found in the vim-pandoc-syntax plugin
Basically, putting this in your .vimrc should solve the issue:
let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#use = 0
If you scroll down, you'll find a more granular way to disable this for particular filetypes, and specific settings for specific overrides, but it seems like you just want to disable it wholesale.
This seems to be in the documentation, but not the one from vim-rmarkdown (which, I admit, is a bit confusing). Try :help pandoc-syntax and you should find explanations on all the settings.
Some general explanation on hiding text with syntax settings can be found with :help conceal.
Just to pull together the helpful answers I got, in case anyone else comes by this post:
adding to my .vimrc,
let g:pandoc#modules#disabled = ["spell"]
directly solved the issue of some text ("words") being completely obscured (in my dark-theme terminal editor);
let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#use = 0
directly resolved what (to me) was somewhat over-zealous concealing of code segments.
:help pandoc-syntax
is generally very useful documentation for controlling the syntax highlighting used my rmarkdown.
Thanks to all.

Can MeCab be configured / enhanced to give me the reading of English words too?

If I begin with a wholly Japanese sentence and run it through MeCab, I get something like this:
$ echo "吾輩は猫である" | mecab
吾輩 名詞,代名詞,一般,*,*,*,吾輩,ワガハイ,ワガハイ
は 助詞,係助詞,*,*,*,*,は,ハ,ワ
猫 名詞,一般,*,*,*,*,猫,ネコ,ネコ
で 助動詞,*,*,*,特殊・ダ,連用形,だ,デ,デ
ある 助動詞,*,*,*,五段・ラ行アル,基本形,ある,アル,アル
If I smash together everything I get from the last column, I get "ワガハイワネコデアル", which I can then feed into a speech synthesis program and get output. Said program, however, doesn't handle English words.
I throw English into MeCab, it manages to tokenise it (probably naively at the spaces), but gives no reading:
$ echo "I am a cat" | mecab
I 名詞,固有名詞,組織,*,*,*,*
am 名詞,一般,*,*,*,*,*
a 名詞,一般,*,*,*,*,*
cat 名詞,固有名詞,組織,*,*,*,*
I want to get readings for these as well, even if they're not perfect, so that I can get something along the lines of "アイアムアキャット".
I have already scoured the web for solutions and whereas I do find a bunch of web sites which have transliteration that appears to be adequate, I can't find any way to do it in my own code. In a couple of cases, I emailed the site authors and got no response yet after waiting for a few weeks. (Just how far behind on their inboxes are these people?)
There are a number of directions I can go but I hit dead ends on all of them so far, so this is my compound question:
MeCab takes custom dictionaries. Is there a custom dictionary which fills in the English knowledge somewhat?
Is there some other library or tool that can take English and spit out Katakana?
Is there some library or tool that can take IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) and spit out Katakana? (I know how to get from English to IPA.)
As an aside, I find that the software "VOICEROID" can speak English text (poorly, but adequately for my purposes). This software uses MeCab too (or at least its DLL and dictionary files are included in the install.) It also uses another library, Cabocha, which as far as I can tell by running it does the exact same thing as MeCab. It could be using custom dictionaries for either of these two libraries to do the job, or the code to do it could be in the proprietary AITalk library they are using. More research is needed and I haven't figured out how to run either tool against their dictionaries to test it out directly either.

Why do <C-PageUp> and <C-PageDown> not work in vim?

I have Vim 7.2 installed on Windows. In GVim, the <C-PageUp> and <C-PageDown> work for navigation between tabs by default. However, it doesn't work for Vim.
I have even added the below lines in _vimrc, but it still does not work.
map <C-PageUp> :tabp<CR>
map <C-PageDown> :tabn<CR>
But, map and works.
map <C-left> :tabp<CR>
map <C-right> :tabn<CR>
Does anybody have a clue why?
The problem you describe is generally caused by vim's terminal settings not knowing the correct character sequence for a given key (on a console, all keystrokes are turned into a sequence of characters). It can also be caused by your console not sending a distinct character sequence for the key you're trying to press.
If it's the former problem, doing something like this can work around it:
:map <CTRL-V><CTRL-PAGEUP> :tabp<CR>
Where <CTRL-V> and <CTRL-PAGEUP> are literally those keys, not "less than, C, T, R, ... etc.".
If it's the latter problem then you need to either adjust the settings of your terminal program or get a different terminal program. (I'm not sure which of these options actually exist on Windows.)
This may seem obvious to many, but konsole users should be aware that some versions bind ctrl-pageup / ctrl-pagedown as secondary bindings to it's own tabbed window feature, (which may not be obvious if you don't use that feature).
Simply clearing them from the 'Configure Shortcuts' menu got them working in vim correctly for me. I guess other terminals may have similar features enabeld by default.
I'm adding this answer, taking details from vi & Vim, to integrate those that are already been given/accepted with some more details that sound very important to me.
The alredy proposed answers
It is true what the other answer says:
map <C-PageUp> :echo "hello"<CR> won't work because Vim doesn't know what escape sequence corresponds to the keycode <C-PageUp>;
one solution is to type the escape sequence explicitly: map ^[[5^ :echo "hello"<CR>, where the escape sequence ^[[5^ (which is in general different from terminal to terminal) can be obtained by Ctrl+VCtrl+PageUp.
One additional important detail
On the other hand the best solution for me is the following
set <F13>=^[[5^
map <F13> :echo "hello"<CR>
which makes use of one of additional function key codes (you can use up to <F37>). Likewise, you could have a bunch of set keycode=escapesequence all together in a single place in your .vimrc (or in another dedicated file that you source from your .vimrc, why not?).
