What property will fetch me the Wikipedia description of a topic? - freebase

I know of the /common/topic/description property of a topic. When I visit a particular topic's page, there are many instances of this property for a topic. Which of these are the description from wikipedia (if exists for a topic) ?
The basic objective is to get a description for a topic, and to give top priority to the Wikipedia description if exists for a topic.
What property of a topic will help me fetch this?

If you request the /common/topic/description from the Topic API you'll see citation data which tell's you that a description came from Wikipedia.
"id": "/m/09c7w0",
"property": {
"/common/topic/description": {
"valuetype": "string",
"values": [
"text": "The United States of America, commonly called the United States and America, is a federal...",
"lang": "en",
"creator": "/user/wikirecon_bot",
"project": "wikirecon",
"dataset": "/m/0kj4zz_",
"citation": {
"provider": "Wikipedia",


How to handle Polymorphic endpoints on Pact?

I have an app where I can search for Books and Movies. These 2 entities have different properties, so their JSON structures are different.
I also have a GET /favorites endpoint which should return both Books and Movies.
GET /favorites
"favorites": [
"type": "book",
"title": "Foo",
"author": "John"
"type": "movie",
"name": "Bar",
"producers": [
"firstName": "Mary"
I searched for for docs on this case but I can't find anything. How can I write a Pact contract for this use case?
I would write two separate test cases for this, and use Provider States to differentiate the two payloads.
For example:
When there are books
When there are movies
Or something to that effect. See [1] for related background on this.
[1] https://docs.pact.io/faq#why-is-there-no-support-for-specifying-optional-attributes

Wrong intent in Alexa Skill Request when using the simulator

I set up my intents using this intent schema:
"intents": [
"intent": "StartIntend"
"intent": "AMAZON.YesIntent"
"intent": "AMAZON.NoIntent"
My sample utterances look like this (it's german):
StartIntend Hallo
StartIntend Moin
StartIntend Guten Tag
Why does the Amazon Developer Console generate the following request, when I use the utterance "Yes" or "Ja"?
"session": {
"sessionId": "SessionId...",
"application": {
"applicationId": "amzn1.ask.skill...."
"attributes": {},
"user": {
"userId": "amzn1.ask.account...."
"new": true
"request": {
"type": "IntentRequest",
"requestId": "EdwRequestId...",
"locale": "de-DE",
"timestamp": "2017-02-17T21:07:59Z",
"intent": {
"name": "StartIntend",
"slots": {}
"version": "1.0"
Whatever I enter, it always is using the intend StartIntend.
Why is that? What have I forgotten / what have I done wrong?
The schema and utterance look correct.
I tried duplicating what you are seeing by performing the following steps:
Copied them as-is into a new skill on my account
Selected the North America region on the Configuration page.
Set the lambda to point to an existing lambda that I have. For testing purposes, I just need a valid ARN. I'm going to ignore the response anyways.
Then entered "Yes" into the service simulator
It indeed sent the Lambda the AMAZON.YesIntent.
So I conclude that there's nothing with the data you posted.
I tried entering Ja which resulted in the StartIntend, but I guess I would expect that since Ja is not "Yes" in North America.
Have you set the region to Europe, and entered a Lambda for the Europe region?
I talked about it with the Amazon Support. After some experiments it turned out, you have to write "ja" in lowercase. It seems to be a bug in the simulator itself.
When creating the skill in the Alexa Skills Kit, you need to choose the correct language i.e. German, see screenshot below.
Everything else seems to be correct.

FHIR : adding a custom extension

I would like to add to add a custom extension to my Schedule resource.
In my app, Schedule have visit motives (reasons). I know there's a list of classified appointments / encounter reasons but I would like to use mine.
I have something like this :
"practioner_name":"practioner name"
I'm not sure about this part :
Is it correct to add an extension this way ? There are always multiple visit motives for a specific schedule so I have to list them.
I also have seen this kind of things :
"visit_motives": {
"coding": [
"system": "https://api.test.com/fhir/ValueSet/schedule#visit_motives",
"code": "visit_motive1"
Which one is the correct one or am I wrong ?
There are several issues here:
It seems odd to capture a "reason" on a schedule. A schedule says when a particular clinician or clinic or other resource is available. E.g. "Dr. Smith takes appointments Mon/Wed/Fri from 1pm-4pm". So if you were to capture a reason on the resource, it would reflect "Why does Dr. Smith have a schedule?" Typically reasons are captured for an individual Appointment. That's the resource that reserves a particular slot for a planned visit. And Appointment already has an element for reason where you're free to use your own codes or just send text.
You have extensions to convey identifiers, but Schedule already has an element for identifiers. Why would you use extensions instead of the standard element? Note that you can use the "system" and/or "type" components to differentiate different kinds of identifiers.
You're sending "identifier", "type", "name", etc. as simple strings - but they're complex data types, so you need to communicate the child elements
actor is of type Reference - that means you need to point to the Practitioner resource. You can't send the properties in-line. (If the Practitioner only exists in the context of the Schedule, you could use the "contained" approach which would use an internal reference, but containment doesn't seem to make sense in this use-case.
The URL for your extension contains ValueSet, which isn't correct - extensions are all structure definitions. Also, there shouldn't be a # symbol in the URL.
Your syntax for extensions is incorrect. You can't introduce new properties in FHIR. The property name for all extensions is just "extension". You differentiate by the URL. So your syntax should be:
"extension": [
"identifier": [
"system": http://api.test.com/fhir/NamingSystem/external_id",
"value": "external_id"
"system": http://api.test.com/fhir/NamingSystem/practice_id",
"value": "practice_id"
"type": {
"coding": {
"system": "http://somewhere.org/fhir/CodeSystem/specialties",
"code": "schedule_speciality"
"text": "Some text description of specialty"
"reference": "http://myserver.org/fhir/Practitioner/12345"
"display": "Dr. smith"

Freebase MQL, check if Subject is an Entity

I want to know if a subject is a freebase entity (a topic) or not
and i have to do this with several names (1258 names). It does not
matter of which type the topic is it just matters if something with
a special name exists in the freebase database as a topic (not a
relation). The name could also be an alias.
So this is how far it is (Thx to Tom Morris)
"id": null,
"t:type": "/common/topic",
"type": [],
"name": "Bill Gates"
So there is only the part with the alias left.
The alias is optional. So from the example "Bill Gates" could
be a name OR an alias. If the name exists in one or both i want
to get a result.
Any ideas?
Changing your query to
"id": null,
"type": [],
"name": "Bill Gates"
Will fix the initial error (because an object can, and usually does, have multiple topics) and you can then check to see if it has the type /common/topic.
More directly, you could use
"id": null,
"t:type": "/common/topic",
"type": [],
"name": "Bill Gates"
to only return the 60 topics which are in Freebase with that name.
Of course, they're everything from a dead guy to books to audio recordings to the person most people would associate with the name. Are these really all equivalent for your purposes?
Also, if you instead searched for "William Gates," you wouldn't find the most famous one, because that's an alias for him, not the primary name.e

freebase - topic description/articles

I'm trying to retrieve the topic description for some film ("/film/film") and film genres ("film/film_genre") in italian language.
I think the problem is the same in both cases, so I post the MQL query that I'm trying to run for the film genre description:
Mql query
"type": "/film/film_genre",
"name": "Film culto",
"/common/topic/article": [{
"id": null
"result": [{
"type": "/film/film_genre",
"name": "Film culto",
"/common/topic/article": [{
"id": "/m/01q0d"
With the article ID received ("/m/01q0d"), I would use the "trans/wrap" service (http://api.freebase.com/api/trans/raw/m/01q0d). However, even though I use the query parameter "lang=it", the article is in English... :(
Any suggestions? I'm going crazy :D
Freebase contains non-English names, but it doesn't, for the most part, contain descriptions in anything other than English. You could use the Topic API and get the /common/topic/topic_equivalent_webpage for the Italian Wikipedia to fetch the article/description from there, but that's probably the closest you'll get.
And, as Phil said, the api.freebase.com is going away in a matter of days, so you need to be using the new APIs.
