date time format in SAS that can't be exported in Excel 2007 - datetime

Good Morning,
A program in SAS is about to select/merge/sort dates/times in alphanumeric value (ex : 14-Jan-2013 07:00:00.479) inside a lot of tables and to create a single table.
This program use the instruction "format E8601" and several lines after "format type $10.;
informat type $10.;", what transforms the dates in a numeric value (ex : 2013-01-14T07:02:03.647).
When this table is exported in Excel 2007, the value becomes " " and can't be modified in a traditional date/time format.
How to do it ? Is there any other format (instead of E8601) which can be used to keep the date in text or in a alphanumeric value ?
Thanks for your help.

SAS datetime values are internally represented as floating point values equal to the number of seconds since January 1, 1960. FORMATS are used to control how those numeric values are externally represented. For example, consider this:
data have;
myDateTime1 = '14-Jan-2013 07:00:00.479'dt;
myDateTime2 = '14-Jan-2013 07:00:00.479'dt;
myDateTime3 = '14-Jan-2013 07:00:00.479'dt;
format myDateTime2 datetime23.3
myDateTime3 E8601DT23.3;
put myDateTime1= 'as a number'
/ myDateTime2= 'as a normal SAS datetime'
/ myDateTime3= 'as an ISO 8601 datetime'
When run, this is shown in the SAS log:
myDateTime1=1673766000.5 as a number
myDateTime2=14JAN2013:07:00:00.479 as a normal SAS datetime
myDateTime3=2013-01-14T07:00:00.479 as an ISO 8601 datetime
Note the three myDateTime variables have the same value but are displayed differently based on the format specified.
Assuming you have SAS Access to PC File Formats licensed, you can just use PROC EXPORT to create an Excel workbook:
proc export data=have
The data values in the Excel workbook for the two variables formatted as "datetime" values will appear correctly as Excel columns. However, the default formatting in Excel only shows the "date" portion; to display the complete value in Excel you will need to change the Excel column formats.


How to convert VARCHAR DATE to Date Format in teradata 15?

I loaded data from csv file with fastload in Tera Data Express 15. In csv file my ModifiedDate format is 6/12/2004 0:00 and in fastload script my Date type is varchar
I create a new table now I want to load data from one table to another table
How to convert varchar date to date format?
You can use a regular expression to add missing leading zeroes before casting to a timestamp:
Cast(RegExp_Replace(start_date, '\b([0-9])\b', '0\1') AS TIMESTAMP(0) Format 'dd/mm/yyyyBhh:mi')
Of course an easier way would be using TPT (instead of legacy FastLoad) which supports such formats out of the box (VarDate).

PHPExcel how to set date format in cell during export so filtration is available?

I would like to be able to filter my data like this:
Year ( + )
Month ( + )
Day ( + ).
At first i tought it's problem of cell formatting cause the format was set to General. So i did this:
And i worked. Now my cell G2 is formatted as date (at least excel says so). But i'm not able to sort this until i select cell and hit enter, after this ONLY this one cell is sortable. I have no idea why.
Thanks in advance for any help!
You need to set date values in cells as MS Excel timestamp values, not strings or unix timestamps.
Assuming from the way you're doing it at the moment that $row->user_created is a Unix timestamp value the, rather than
$formattedRow[] = date('Y-m-d',$row->user_created);
$formattedRow[] = PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel(
which will set the value to a MS Excel serialized date/timestamp
You still want to set the number format mask, so that MS Excel knows how the date should be displayed; but as it's stored in Excel format rather than as a string, it will be sortable or filterable, or usable in formulae, etc

Reading custom date time formats with SAS

I have a comma delimited data set whose first 2 rows is like this:
1/13/2010 21:09,3.3
11/30/2010 7:33,7.2
In trying to read the data in SAS, I have done this data step below:
data myDataSet;
infile 'sampleData.csv' dlm=',';
input timestamp :mmddyy16. value;
Now that the data is now a SAS data set, I try to view it by doing:
data viewData;
set myDataSet;
format timestamp date9.;
proc print data=viewData;
I observed that the timestamp column output only contains the date and not with the time. I want the timestamp to be read and displayed in a format like "dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS". How do I ensure that in reading the file, the informat is correctly specified and no component of the timestamp is lost?
MMDDYYw is a date informat, not a datetime informat - it only reads days and larger and ignores the time. It has a practical maximum length of 10 (although it allows up to 32) as a result.
You can use MDYAMPM. to read those two dates in, among other informats. That might be the ultimately correct informat, or it might not, depending on the totality of your data; several NLS specific informats might also work. See the SAS informat documentation for more details.

PHPExcel - Reading Date values

I am using PHPExcel library to read spread sheet data. This library is giving me trouble reading the 'DATE' values.
How to instruct the PHPExcel to read the 'DATE' values properly even if 'setReadDataOnly' is set as 'false'?
PHPExcel version: 2.1, Environment: Ubuntu 12
Here is the code block:
$objReader = \PhpExcel\PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile($spreadSheetFullFilePathString);
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($spreadSheetFullFilePathString);
$objWorksheetObject = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
Am getting 'integer' values for the 'DATE' column values by default.
I found that, the line '$objReader->setReadDataOnly(true)' is causing the trouble.
So, Changed it as '$objReader->setReadDataOnly(false)'.
I am getting the Date column value properly after this change. But now the reader is reading ALL the ROWS + COLUMNS found in the excel.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If $objReader->setReadDataOnly(true);, then the only reader that can identify dates is the Gunumeric Reader. A date value can only be identified by the number format mask, and setReadDataOnly(true) tells the Reader not to read the formatting, so dates cannot subsequently be identified (Gnumeric is the exception, because it was written after the problem was identified, but none of the other Readers have yet been modified to read this information regardless of the setReadDataOnly value. If you need to identify dates, then the only option at this point is $objReader->setReadDataOnly(false);
However, for date cells, you shouldn't get an integer value; you should get a float: it's the decimal that identifies the time part of the Excel datetime serialized value.
If you know which cells contain dates, then you can convert them to unix timestamps or PHPExcel DateTime objects using the helper functions defined in the PHPExcel_Shared_DateTime class (and can then use all the standard PHP date handling functions).
You say that the reader is now reading ALL the ROWS + COLUMNS found in the excel: it should, irrespective of the setReadDataOnly value. If you don't want to read all the rows and columns, then you need to set a Read Filter.

SQL Developer: Load Data Date error

I am using Oracle SQL Developer 3.0.03. I am trying to upload an Excel file to an Oracle data table. I am getting an error for the date. The column in the database is a timestamp and I don't know what to put into the date format for the 'Data Load Wizard'. If I use the following format (dd-mom-yy, SQL Developer will show the following error:
--Insert failed for row 1 TIMESTAMP_COLUMN GDK-05047: A day of the month must be between 1 and the last day of the month.
--Row 1
INSERT INTO TABLE_1 (Column1, Column2, Column3, TIMESTAMP_COLUMN) VALUES ('Some Text','Some Text','Some more text',to_timestamp('40604.0', 'dd-mon-yy'));
The default number format IN EXCEL is: 40604.0
Which if you change the cell to a short date format you will get: 3/2/2011
I am trying to figure out what 'Format' I need to put into the FORMAT section of the 'DATA Load Wizard' that will accept the date format that is in EXCEL and upload it to Oracle as a TIMESTAMP.
I ran into the same thing today, and 'fixed' this two ways. The second way probably seems too complex, but it might help someone if they have a hard time automating the formatting of dates to look like Oracle's standard dd-mmm-yy.
Format the date columns in Excel as dd-mmm-yy and import directly into the table.
Highlight the column(s)
Choose "More Number Formats" where the existing format is (In Excel 2010, it says General in a dropbox on the Home tab
Select the last entry "Custom" in the Category box
Manually enter dd-mmm-yy in the Type: box
Format the date columns in Excel as mm/dd/yy, import the table in as text, write a manual insert statement from the temp text table using TO_DATE(date_field,'MM/DD/YYYY')
Highlight the column(s)
Choose "More Number Formats" where the existing format is (In Excel 2010, it says General in a dropbox on the Home tab
Select the "Date" entry in the Category box
Choose "03/14/01" from the list
The Excel "zero" date is January 0 (yes, zero), 1900. Since Oracle can't handle a "zero" day in a month you need to subtract 1 from the Excel value; thus the following should get you close to what you want:
NUMTODSINTERVAL(41017.6361109954 - 1, 'DAY')
As far as "how to import it" goes, there's no Oracle date format that I'm aware of to do this. The easiest thing would be to import the value into a NUMBER column and then run a script to do the date conversion.
Share and enjoy.
yeah and that's the problem.
"A day of the month must be between 1 and the last day of the month."
1) how are these decimals created?
2) is this "04-06-2004" ? or are these seconds from 1970?
you need to add more detail about this number format!

