Ember.js and Google Analytics - google-analytics

I wanted to get a definitive answer on here for later reference now that we have a stable Ember RC. A combination of the top 2 search results for emberjs google analytics reveals that this is a good way to do track route changes:
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend
routeChanged: ( ->
return unless window._gaq
Em.run.next ->
page = if window.location.hash.length > 0 then window.location.hash.substring(1) else window.location.pathname
_gaq.push(['_trackPage', page])
but then I also see results for using Event Tracking for single page web applications.
I haven't tested the code above yet, it takes a few hours to propagate changes to the GA dashboard. Update: This doesn't show up under the Content category on my Google Analytics dashboard. Neither under "Pages" or "Events".
If anyone has advice or if there's something I'm missing somewhere let me know. I can also PR a guide for the website based on the answers here.

Alex DiLiberto gave a really nice talk about a robust & scalable way of adding Google Analytics to an ember app in his EmberConf 2014 talk here.
- Slides
- GitHub
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
didTransition: function() {
Ember.run.once(this, function() {
ga('send', 'pageview', this.router.get('url'));
The talk was aiming to be independent of which analytics library was used.
There is also now an official Ember Cookbook on implementing Google Analytics here.

I would use _trackPageview for things that have routable URLs and _trackEvent for things that don't.
In the Event Tracking link when they refer to "Embedded AJAX page elements". They're not meaning SPA's, but rather those cases when the URL stays the same, but some event that you wish to track happens within the page (in the case via AJAX).
There may be other cases where it makes sense to use _trackEvent, but for route transitions I'd use _trackPageview.

Using routeChanged() is not a good way to track dynamic segments such as /category/food /category/something since it's going to be fired only once. I wrote an article about this here: http://www.randomshouting.com/2013/05/04/Ember-and-Google-Analytics.html. I also consulted with the guys behind Ember and confirmed that this is indeed the proper way to track url changes for Google Analytics.

Most of these answers are outdated. You should be using a mixin and adding it to your Router to listen for the didTransition event and fire your pageview there. That way it's handled for all routes. There are several addons out there, including one I wrote called ember tracker which gives you pageviews and event tracking out-of-the-box.
You can see how I did it here. It's fairly straight forward.


Custom dimension not being set

I've got myself a bit of a head scratcher here, for me anyway, as I'm a bit new to all this.
I have WP a site that has its GA snippet inserted with Google Site Kit.
There is a plugin that, when a user registers, sets the users ID to a custom dimension.
The code to execute this 'set' has been added to the WP footer with the add_action('wp_footer') command.
The code looks like this:
<script type=\"text/javascript\" id=\"set-google-id-dimension\">
document.addEventListener(\"readystatechange\", event => {
if (event.target.readyState === \"complete\") {
gtag('event', 'registration', {'dimension1': '".$client."'});
ga(function() {
// Logs an array of all tracker objects
var trackers = ga.getAll();
var firstTracker = trackers[0];
console.log('tracker: '+firstTracker.get('name'));
ga(firstTracker.get('name')+\".set\",\"dimension1\" ,\"".$client."\");
console.log('GA and GTAG not defined');
For ease of reading, I've stripped out the PHP, but this is being echoed out in the footer.
Why the GTAG and GA command? Both analytics are being output in the console, though the site owner does not know why as "they only use Google Site Kit".
Now, this code works on the dev site that I control (and I've set it up to mimic the live site as best as possible):
However, when on the "live" site, the dimension is never set, even though I can see the 'set' command being executed (ignore the timestamps in the console, I forgot to screenshot before navigating away from the site and had to go back and reload the page):
The live site does not use the default tracker, hence the ga.getAll() call to access the tracker information.
From what I can see, everything should work fine.
I understand that from reviewing this question
Google Analytics Custom Dimension Not Being Set
that the 'set' needs to come before the 'send'.
I'm not sure how to accomplish this though since the plugin does not send the pageview to GA, from what I understand, that's Google Site Kit. I have contemplated adding a 2nd pageview send when this plugins code is loaded (it is only executed immediately after a registration and never again), but that would skew the page hits.
This site has had a myriad of "admins" over the years, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was something buried in one of the plugins causing a conflict somewhere. At one point I thought it was a timing issue, so I had the function load every 50 milliseconds checking for 'ga' to be defined, then execute the 'set' command (with a limit to 35 iterations), but the issue was the same (could set the command execute in the console, but the dimension did not reflect the value).
Any advice I can get to debug and get to the root cause would be of great assistance to me. Please ask any questions you need and I will respond as quickly as possible.
It seems a bit complex as a situation so understanding how it works and why there is gtag and ga at the same time is not easy to understand.
In any case, assuming that everything is working, what you can do is not to send a second pageview but send a dedicated event (by setting non-interaction to true) in this way you do not alter any information in Google Analytics and you can pass to the platform the data you are interested in (dimension1).

How can I redact personal-identification info (PII) in a URL when using gtag.js?

I'm using the Google global site tag (gtag.js) to manage my tags, and I use it for Google Analytics.
Sometimes there is an email address in URLs on my site, and I need to remove that from the code.
I know there are clever ways to get this done when using Google Tag Manager. But I'm not using GTM, I'm using gtag.js. (This simple page explains the difference.)
How can I check the current page's URL for email addresses and fix that, before the URL is tracked by gtag.js?
(I know how to do the regex etc... this is more asking where in the flow can I grab the URL and 'rewrite' it as needed before the Analytics pageview event posts?)
I looked through the gtag.js API reference without much luck. Also looked at the docs for how Analytics implements gtag.js, still no luck.
Indeed Google's documentation can be hard to explore sometime since they describe stuff only once for better maintenance and consistency, but at the end you could be missing a working summary ...
I would suggest to use this https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs/pages
gtag('config', 'GA_MEASUREMENT_ID', {
'page_path': '/pagepath?email=redacted#example.com'

Adding GTM to a website with GA

I have a website that has been using GA for some time. Now someone wants me to add it to theirs GTM and replace my snippet with that GTM tag.
I don't know how to use GTM and don't really want to dig into that :/
My website was working just fine... Is there some easy way to make GTM just a simple middle man that looks at my domain and just throw everything directly to GA?
I manage to make it so GA gets info on the website traffic like active users etc. however that website has scripts that fires events to GA.
After googling a while i think this is because GTM adds some random names to the trackers and my code calls ga('send', ... ) directly :/
I know i can make a custom tag in GTM but they want it to be UA tag -_-.
Is there any way to set a default name for my trigger in GTM settings? Or some other solution?
atm. i have a code with gtm tag only and I'd rather avoid changing my web code if possible.
Ok, could someone explain to me how to achieve this:
I have this code:
var a = $('meta[property="a"]').attr('content');
var b = $('meta[property="b"]').attr('content');
where event is one of several possible strings of for example 'event_1','event_2' or'event_3'
and my GA has 3 goals that have action = 'event_1' etc.
How do i replace this with GTM and dataLayer?
This thread has 2 questions :
1.- Migrate a hardcode implementation of Google Universal into Tag Manager is not so simple as copy and replace the Universal Main Snipper for the GTM Code.
Look for this google guide to migrate. Has more or less the steps needed and the one to take in consideration during the migration.
If you goes for GTM, it's higly recomended to remove your ga() function on the page, this will stop working and you javascript too. Basically this mean, remove all your Google Analytics of the domains and install GTM and configure the corrects tags. Try to avoid things like paste the Google Analytics code inside a custom HTML tag, it's a very bad practice, but is see that a lot. Plan your migration
2.- Regarding the event you have to do :
Create a tag of universal analytics events and activate when you pushes a GTM event, them manage this values via the dataLayer
Let this link for more information:
var a = $('meta[property="a"]').attr('content');
var b = $('meta[property="b"]').attr('content');
dataLayer.push({'event': 'ga_event' , 'cat' : a , 'act' : b})
Try to involve more yourself in the GTM and Universal's World before ask, i'm not trying to be an asshole, but this question involves so many things that can be solved just looking the documentation, and somany thing to examplain in a single post.

Preventing an iframe on the same domain from triggering a page exit in Google Analytics

I am working on a third party website that contains a web application embedded in an iframe on the home page. This iframe is hosted on the same same sub/domain.
Currently page views are being tracked with _trackPageview. Due to a requirement by marketing both pages use the same Google account Id.
Since the iFrame was implemented the marketing department has noticed that the bounce rate has dropped to almost nothing. I suspect that this is because Google is interpreting the pageView event on the iframe as the visitor hitting another page on the website.
Just for additional information, the domain of the _gaq object is being set to "none" for both the container page and iframe.
Does Google provide a mechanism by which you can trigger PageView in such a way that it isn't interpreted as subsequent pageview in this scenario? (I know that trackEvent has a noninteraction property to deal with this?)
Am I better off just disabling the PageView for the default iframe page?
Does Google provide a mechanism - apparently yes, but probably not for your use case.
The field documentation for Universal Analytics describes the non-interaction field thusly:
Specifies that a hit be considered non-interactive.
So in UA this does no seem limited to events but to apply to all hits (which would include pageviews). I want to point out that I have no tested it and that it seems counterintutive, so it might simply be that the documentation is incomplete/wrong here.
However as you are using "classical" Analytics this does not apply to you. Since upgrading the code is a good idea in any case you might want to push for an update to Universal Analytics (this piqued my curiosity so I will test this over the next few days and update this answer with the results - maybe you want to wait until then, or simply test it yourself).
It's possible, but not 100% clear to me that disabling the PageView event on the iframe will prevent your users from registering a page exit (the pageview may get recorded regardless). You can try removing that event and see if it works.
But a better way may be to implement a custom filter on a new View excluding traffic to that specific class of iframes. Make sure you keep your old View (or create a new one with further filters) to make sure you're capturing those iframe views, if you think that's necessary.

Can Google Analytics track Custom Events from an AdWords Flash Banner?

i know it can track flash events from other flash banners/sites on other networks..
but can it from Adwords?
i found this code:
on (release) {
// Track with no action
but it seems to require a JS script on the page.
how does Adwords handle this?
It should be fairly easy to try this and upload a banner to AdWords, but the following seems to imply that this is not allowed
"Extra calls: Your ad code cannot make external server calls for additional JavaScript or other functionality. All functionality must be localized to the code itself. "
Also if you want to use Google Analytics within Flash, refer to the following documentation :
(in your case it sounds like Bridge mode is what you are looking for).
