How to give navbar bottom a limit on its height on a page? [closed] - css

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've got a rails app with a navbar bottom. On the pages that don't have a lot of content it is placed very high on the page. Is there a way to give it a max vertical value for it's location? Say I want to keep the top of the bar at 750px.

Put everything above your navbar in an enclosing div and give it a min-height in CSS.


Website will not scroll on mobile devices [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This site will not scroll on mobile. I've seen this issue before but this doesn't appear to be the usual suspect(s). I'm out of ideas.
The overflow:scroll should be removed from the html, body CSS rule. The body scrolls itself if the content is too long, no need for that particular rule - it will only leads to strange behavior (e.g. in Firefox two scrollbars are displayed to me)

how to make a div floating fixed on the after scrolling to a point [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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this is the example, the left Nav div can float on the top once hitting to a point when scrolling down
Look into WayPoints jQuery plugin... I use it, and it does very nice things!
Once you hit the div that reflects the glossary, you could make jquery search for the 'selected' link, remove the link class from it, and set the class to the new link. It would take a little time to make it work perfectly, but would do great.

Making Bootstrap header NOT fixed [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to make my bootstrap header NOT fixed. I want it to stay at the top of the actual page and not the browser window as a fixed header is.
In other words I want the header to scroll with the rest of the page contents.
Hope this makes sense.
Remove the class navbar-fixed-top from your navbar.
Then, you can either use bootstrap's navbar-default class, and navbar-static-top to have the exact same navbar, but static.
There are some examples included with Bootstrap 3.0, you can find them under examples folder.

How to add an DropDown-Control to an Image? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I wanna have a Setting-Image, only the Image, a random Image, and when a user clicks this, it should display an easy drop down list with 4 settings...
Hwo to do that?
You can easily achieve this kind feature using jquery. What you can do add a div containing li elements holding the 4 settings. You have to set this div has hidden. Then add an image tag to the page, and handle the click of the image to show the hidden settings div.

Bootstrap 3 sidebar fixed in border left [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to know, how I can make a sidebar with left margin 0 in the bootstrap 3.
For better explanation, see this example :
Site example
I would like this structure of the side bar.
Bootstrap (2 or 3) doesn't offer the possibility of including a left/right sidebar.
You have to put a <div> with a fixed position, and a height: 100%, aligned to left: 0
