one image loads before the rest of the page - wordpress

I have created a Wordpress theme but am having a problem with the page loading.
When I move between pages there is one table (with 2 images) in the header that stays behind on the page when all the other elements have been unloaded.
Any ideas how can I fix this so that this image only shows with the rest of the page?
see and click on each of the menu items to see the image that remains (loads before the rest of the page).

Your HTML code is messed up. Its opening a <table> before the <html> and closing after the </html>. This stuff should go inside the <body>...</body> area.
Thats basically the reason why its being shown before the page completes to load, because the external resources being called with <script src=... or <link href=... will hang the page rendering at this point until they are loaded. Thats the reason why this stuff is usually called before everything, inside the <head>...</head> block where there is (or should be) still nothing defined for display.
Sinse you are doing it wrong, it will show what is ready for rendering -- basically just that image -- until the rest is loaded.
As of putting the external resource calls inside the <head> block, it seems to be correct, so basically you only have to bring that table to the right place to make the page display properly.
I see there are also some typos that may cause issues, like <html xmlns="" lang="en-US" missing the > in the end etc. You should review your code.

try to use jquery and do something like this:
$(function() {
$.preload(["image1.png", "image2.png"]);

edit: You should rather take a look at Havenard's answer!
I don't know, if this is a good idea (I guess it is not!), but you could actually hide those images first and then show them with jquery after the page is loaded completely:
<table width="35" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none" id="specialimages">
<!-- your 2 images in here -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {


iframe that updates html

I am trying to build an iframe that reacts to the URL that is being inputted.
For example if the user goes to: then the iframe src should be
so basically always following the path.
I also plan to use javascript to hide the frame src - something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
<iframe src="" />
But I have no clue even where to start in making that src to change based on the user's links or inputs.
Any ideas are really welcome!
BTW: the src should NOT change if the users click anywhere inside the iframe - it should act just like a normal wesbite. Only when they follow an external (or direct) link to that subdomain the src for the iframe should be rewritten
Thank you!

how to link separate css files to aspx files

I've inherited an .net 4 aspx solution and I need to make a number of changes. All the styles in the main seem to be set in-line. So to make it a bit more maintainable I'm trying to create seperate css files for each aspx file. This may seem overkill, but it's a first stage of gradually moving over to .net core.
Ordinarily I'd simply do something like:
<link href="myStyleSheet"....
but the link statement causes an error stating that it cannot be nested within a td element. Placing it outside the content block also errors stating that Content is not supported outside the content block.
How should I reference my stylesheets on an individual basis without placing a reference to them all in the <head> section of the master page?
the link statement causes an error stating that it cannot be nested within a td element
Well, that's true. You don't put <link> elements inside a table. According to MDN they can go in "Any element that accepts metadata elements." <td> definitely is not such an element. <head> certainly is, and is probably the safest place to put these.
In your master page you can add a ContentPlaceHolder in the <head>:
<head runat="server">
<title>Your page title</title>
<!-- etc. -->
<asp:contentplaceholder id="HeaderPlaceholder" runat="server" />
Then in the individual pages put the <link> elements in a Content control for that placeholder:
<asp:Content ID="ContentHeader" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeaderPlaceholder" runat="server">
<link href="myStyleSheet" etc... />
This may seem overkill
Ya, it kinda does. Why a separate stylesheet for each page? Seems like it would make more sense to have one stylesheet for the site. For any styling that needs to target only a specific page and nothing else, some wrapper element around that page's content (such as a <div>) with a specific id will make that easy.

master and content pages

I have a master page and two content pages that uses the master page for layout and design. I have 2 css files for my master page. Now what I want to do is that when I run first content page master page uses the first css file and when I run the second content page it uses the other one. Any suggestions about how should I do this .
First off, this should not be your normal approach unless you are doing something unusual. The whole point of using a common master page is so that you can easily have a common look and feel across your website.
But you can do it a few ways. One way would be to put a placeholder in your master pages <head> section. Then create content for that placeholder in each content page that includes the appropriate css file.
You can use a ContentPlaceHolder in the master page, and inside the head to change the css differently on every next page, or just ignore it to keep some default.
Here is an example:
<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="styleHolder" runat="server" >
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css">
and inside on the page with the different css, just include the the PlaceHolder and change it.

How do I validate noscript+meta refresh tag in xHTML?

For visitors that don't support JavaScript, I'm redirecting them to a certain page - "js.html".
For this, I have the following in all my files:
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;URL=js.html" />
Of course, this doesn't validate in XHTML as noscript must be placed in <body>.
But when I place that code in the body of my document, I get another error, because meta tags can only be used in the <head> section, so I'm kind of stuck in an infinite loop here.
Is there a way to make this validate? It works fine in all browsers so it's not a big deal, I just would like to validate my app.
Here is what you could do:
Insert the meta into your head but with a refresh of let's say 2 seconds. And very next to that place a SCRIPT tag that removes that meta refresh. So any JS user will not be redirected:
<meta id="refresh" http-equiv="Refresh" content="10;URL=js.html" />
<script type="text/javascript">
The browser might hav already "mentioned" the meta refresh. So you could just use JavaScript to write an opening and closing HTML comment (inlcude an opening script tag to close the script tag of the second document.write) around it:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<!-- ");
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2;URL=js.html" />
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write(' --><script type="text/javascript">');
I could successfully tested this one.
Just a hint on how I handle non-js users. I have a css class called "js" which I add to any element that should only be visible for javascript users. Through javascript I add a css file containing a rule for the class "js" that shows every element with the "js" class. All links (functions) are alo designed, that they can be used without javascript or in a new tab clicking a link while holding down CTRL.
I've tried all the suggestions I could find for this, including the answers to this question, but none worked. Kau-Boy's answer to this question didn't work for me (as it comments out both the meta tag and most of the second code script block, then js breaks on '); which it tries to interpret after the comment is closed i.e. this happens:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<!-- ");
<!-- <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2;URL=js.html" /><script type="text/javascript"> document.write(' -->
<script type="text/javascript">
I took inspiration though from what it did do, and put together the following which seems to work:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('\x3Cscript type="text/javascript">/*');
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;URL=js.html" />
<script type="text/javascript">/**/</script>
Essentially, if javascript is enabled, we get 3 script elements, one of which is the meta tag tricked inside a javascript comment, so it doesn't redirect. If javascript is disabled, all it sees is two script elements which it ignores, and the unmolested meta element, so it redirects.
Note: if you serve up your page with application/xhtml+xml content type (which you probably should be doing, I suppose, if the document is xhtml), this will break js in the browser, since the write method will usually be disabled.
As you've discovered, this problem cannot be resolved in HTML4. In HTML5 currently, however, noscript is valid in head, so you could use HTML5 for validation purposes. (The HTML5 validator is much better than the HTML4 one anyway).
One caveat though: HTML5 has an outstanding issue (ISSUE-117) which calls for deprecation of noscript, so it's possible that by the time HTML5 reaches last call, noscript will no longer be valid in HTML5.

Loading HTML content containing inline script via jQuery

The Background
I run an ASP.NET site using Graffiti CMS for a local charitable/service organization.
The leaders of the organization want to start integrating a third-party back-end management system that exposes content as full HTML pages.
One of the pages, the officer list, uses inline script to load pictures or placeholders (depending on whether or not there is a picture for the given officer).
I've created a server-side proxy that enables loading the content from these pages using jQuery's .load() AJAX function.
I can display this content fine using an iframe, but that feels really kludgy, and if the size of the content changes, I may need to alter the size of the iframe to ensure it all displays (blech!).
The Problem
If I create a <div> in a Graffiti post, and use $("#divid").load(url) to load the content, the HTML content loads fine, but the inline script is stripped out, so neither the officer images nor the placeholders are displayed.
The Question
Understanding that the reason for the problem is that jQuery is almost certainly trying to protect against potentially bad stuff by removing the inline script before I load it into my DOM, is there a way using jQuery to grab this HTML and load it into my DOM that will preserve the script, but not open major security holes? I do trust the system from which I'm loading the content, if that makes a difference.
Suggestions? I'm looking to keep this as simple as possible...anything too complex, and I'm just as well off to stick with the iframe.
Thanks in advance!
There is an issue when you use document.write. If you have the ability to modify the source pages you can modify them to use the innerHtml technique instead.
To do so you would change something like this:
<div id="testDiv">
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<img src='image1.jpg' alt='' />");
To this:
<div id="testDiv">
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementByid('testDiv').innerHTML = "<img src='image1.jpg' alt='' />";
Doesn't work for me...
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var dynamic = 'begin <script type="text/javascript">alert("hello");<\/script> end';
<div id="test"></div>
The alert box is showing.. but if you replace it with a document.write, nothing in the document.write appears... you have "begin end"
Hope this helps!
Try setting the HTML manually, like this:
$.get(url, function(htmlText) { $('#divid').html(htmlText); });
I'm pretty sure this will execute the scripts.
