Qt executable naming - qt

I'm hoping this is an easy question. I have setup an Ogre3D project in QtCreator 2.6.1 using MSVC2010. I have to setup a custom build step and I noticed that the letter 'd' is appended to the name of the compiled .exe (e.g. OrgeProgramd.exe, CoolGamed.exe)
This is not critical, I was just wondering why this happens. Is it normal? The target in the .pro file is correct. I tried building with Release and I get the same thing. Any ideas?

Look through your pro/pri files and find the line, similar to this: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,d). If you do - that would be the reason.


why windeplotqt failed:Warning: Unable to read \mkspecs\qconfig.pri?

I am developing a project in QT, when I want to use Windeployqt to wrap my exe.
error:Warning: Unable to read \mkspecs\qconfig.pri comes out
I execute Eindeployqt in "QT5.1.1 for Desktop(Mingw 4.8.3)", I checked the qconfig.pri exsited in
I have added environment variable, can anyone help on this?
Usually you would do this with environment variable
or in your case probably:
though normally it should be a folder below mkspecs specifying your platform (win32-g++ in my first example).
The windeploy tool will use the paths provided from qmake.
Assuming that you are in the bin folder of your qt installation.
All "important" paths can be seen with:
qmake -query
In your case you will see that all paths have the wrong location.
You have to add a qt.conf file.
with the following content:
Prefix = ..
Now, running qmake -query should return correct paths. Also the windeploy tool should be able to find the correct paths.

Unable to add include path in Qt Creator

I've downloaded a C++ project which uses Boost. It's rather complicated and plenty of files reference its parts, like:
#include <boost/graph/fruchterman_reingold.hpp>
I've put Boost directory in the project folder and added INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Programming/my-project" in the .pro file but for some reason Qt keeps telling me "No such file or directory" about every single file. Now note that if I change the paths to absolute the references start working. I've ran Qmake explicitly but still get the same problem. What can I do about it besides changing all paths to absolute?
I'm running Qt Creator 3.3.0, Qt 5.4.0, the compiler is MinGW 4.9.1.
So I've figured it out. Apparently the project had several projects inside but I wasn't aware that I had to change .pro files in every single one to tell the compiler to add a new path. After I did it the problem was solved. Thank you for your time, people.

How to add a 'non-built' file to a project with C-Make

I have been searching about this for a couple of hours but couldn't find a solution, so asking.
I have a solution of projects that includes about 10 projects. But I'm facing a dependency problem. One of my projects generates moc files (QT moc file that was generated by 'QT4_WRAP_CPP' macro of Cmake) and I would like to use this moc file in another project. For now, after running the cmake script and getting the solution, I build all projects and the project that need those moc files generated by previous project complain about linking errors(rightly because I didn't point any file to it in its c-make script in ADD_EXECUTABLE section).
My question is: is there any way to add a 'not built yet but will' file to a project in Cmake to point it meanwhile writing the cmake script?
Here is related section of the cmake script of the project:
//suppose that X projects (which is also in this solution and built before Y project) generates a moc file with the name 'moc_X.cxx'
%---------------->and here something like moc_X.cxx ?
Hope it is clear enough. Thanks in advance.
If the file is generated by something CMake understands (that is, by a custom command in the same CMakeList), you can just list it and CMake will pick up the dependency by itself. For other cases, there is a source file property GENERATED which you can set on the source file to indicate it will be generated during build:
moc_X.cxx ?
You seem to be doing several wrong things.
To start:
What do you mean by 'another project'? Do you actually mean 'another target'?
Why is one project using the moc files of another project? Is it also using the source files of that project? Why?
Why don't you use a static (or other) library if that's your goal? If using the source files of the other project makes sense for some reason (I imagine creating a unit test), then you should probably re-moc the files instead of trying to grab them from another implementation-detail location.

moving Qt directory

I'm working on a Qt4.7.3 project on mac osX (with xCode). I would like to move my Qt directory (installed with Qt installer). The problem is that some Qt executable files have hardcoded paths. I've already recompiled Qmake specifying the new Qt directory. So the project now compile and link perfectly, but at run time it cannot find the qt libraries (it still look into my old Qt directory). Is there other harcoded path somewhere, other configuration files to edit?
By the way, the reason why I want to move my Qt directory is to allow to share qt files via revision control tool.
The pre-built installer actually puts all the framework files into the system location (/Library/Framworks/) and you will have a hard time moving those.
Your best bet is to build it from source and specify a different install location. ./configure -help will show you how. (Use the -prefix option)
Hard links could be a way to go in this kind of situation I guess.
Try this.
Create qt.conf file in the same folder as your qmake.exe file.
Prefix = E:/Qt/4.8.3
Follow this link for detail description.

Enabling JPEG support for QImage in py2exe-compiled Python scripts?

I'm trying to use a JPEG image in a QImage object from a Python script, with PyQt4.
The script itself works perfectly, the image loads and can be manipulated and rendered and all. However, when I try to "compile" this script with py2exe, everything works but the JPEG image. Replacing it with a PNG equivalent works, but since my program downloads images from the web, they won't always be in PNG format and I can't afford converting them all with another library.
I've discovered that JPEG image support for QImage, along with other image formats, is provided by some DLLs in the \qt\plugins\imageformats directory (they're called qjpeg4.dll and qjpeg4d.dll). I think I need to use them somehow in my executable, but I don't know how. I've tried simply copying them to my exe directory, no luck. I've tried, as indicated here, to include those files as data_files in the setup.py script, but no luck (it looks like all it does is copying these files to the exe's directory, so it changes nothing from copying them manually anyway).
I'm sure there's a handful of applications out there using PyQt with JPEG images, how do they do it? It seemed like a trivial task but I'm stuck on it now.
Also, I want my app to be cross-platform (why else would I be coding in Python?), I hope I won't run into such packaging trouble (it's not the only one) when packaging for OS X or Linux. Will I?
After hours of stumbling around with the same issue, I’d like to share the solution that worked for me on windows vista:
using python2.6
copy the following directory into your dist directory generated by py2exe:
I just dropped the imageformats directory directly into my dist directory, without any further modifications to qt.conf or anything like that. I haven’t tried it, but this may work for phonon as well.
I'll have to confess I never managed to get the py2exe + pyqt combination quite right (and, py2exe doesn't help at all with cross-platform packaging). PyInstaller seems to be much better -- the docs at http://www.pyinstaller.org/ are old, but the svn trunk is much more recent. Some docs are in slides given at the recent Pycon Italia Tre conference -- http://www.pycon.it/static/stuff/slides/distribuire-programmi-python-con-pyinstaller.pdf -- and, the slides are in English, and contain the current maintainer's email, so they should help! (And, let's all lobby the current maintainer to update the docs...!-)
Try adding a qt.conf file to your exe's directory, to tell qt where to find binaries and plugins.
Something like the following works for the simple case, where you just dump all dll's in the same dir as the exe:
Prefix = .
Plugins = .
Update: Then copy your plugins-contents (the imageformat/sqldriver directories etc) to the exe dir. I don't think you can load plugin dlls from the same directory as the exe. See Qt plugin doc for details on plugon subdirectories. (Or, leave out the 'plugins = .' and copy the plugins dir to the exe dir, so you have /plugins/imageloaders/qjpeg4.dll).
Etienne -- Thank you for the tip. After much reading and trial-and-error, I arrived at the same conclusion: use PIL to show jpegs in a py2app-generated app.
What I guess is that the proposed solutions for py2exe/Windows don't necessarily apply to py2app/OSX.
I'm on OSX Leopard.
Let's suppose you have an application MyApp.app.
Put the libraries libqjpeg.dylib and libqgif.dylib in
Put this in qt.conf in MyApp.app/Contents/resources/:
Prefix = .
Binaries = .
On my machine (Leopard) this works.
After trying all the above solutions in vain, I just ended up using PIL to load my images. Since I wanted to convert these images to a texture in an OpenGL Qt widget, the result was the same whether I load the image using Qt or PIL. Still, I'm baffled that such a basic thing as loading JPEGs is so complicated in a GUI library as well-known and widely used as Qt.
I had the exact same problem. Fixed it using this : http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2008-June/669374.html
Copy Qt plugins to the directory: $YOUR_DIST_PATH/PyQt4/plugins;
Copy qt.conf to your dist directory;
Edit qt.conf, change Prefix to ./PyQt4
For me, the problem was solved just copying the "qt.conf" for the directory of the executable.
You can find the "qt.conf" in ...\PythonXX\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\qt.conf.
Thanks for help.
Everything above failed for me until I realized that I was bundling the .exe (that is, I had the option "bundle_files" : 2 in my setup.py. I changed it to bundle_files = 2, and now it works great.
The above solutions are fine. Specifically, I just added the following line in my setup.py:
data = [ ("imageformats", glob.glob("C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\plugins\imageformats*.dll")) ]
(in addition to other files, of course).
Then, the image loading dlls are in MY_EXE_DIR/imageformats
I didn't need a qt.conf to make this work, though I'm sure you could use it if you want to keep your directory tree less cluttered.
It is possible to use the JPEG plugin with a py2exe'd script, even using bundle_files. You need to arrange two things to get this to work properly:
Copy PyQt4/plugins/imageformats to the output directory of py2exe (default: dist)
You only have to copy the formats you actually need.
When use the bundle_files option you need to execlude the Qt dll files from the
zipfile using the --dll-excludes option for pyexe.
You still have to copy the Qt DLLs to the output directory some other way (such as
by using the data_files option).
on windows, suggested solutions work perfectly.
however, on osx can't make it work even with instructions here above.
question is: the libqjpeg.dylib and libqgif.dylib files are located in the /Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins/imageformats/ directory, and that if you have installed Qt itself, not just PyQt. these files do not work for me.
in PyQt distribution, i see the files libqjpeg.bundle and libqgif.bundle in /opt/local/libexec/qt4-mac/plugins/imageformats/, however these are not libraries, and btw i cannot open their contents either, even if they have the .bundle extension. using these files instead does not work either.
i am curious to know what have you done to make it work on osx. i have installed PyQt following this guide.
Thanks for your helpful answers for the question! I have encountered same problem as you did and no solutions could help. Hopefully, I was using VCS and found that old version of my app loaded JPEG images correctly and new versions stopped doing it. I caught this bug using PySide v1.2.2.
To enable libraries loading, I used the same solution as #Macke did (i.e. added and edited qt.conf).
My qt.conf was next:
Binaries = .
Plugins = qtplugins
C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PySide\plugins directory was copied to qtplugins directory, so I had next directories:
I had next code:
class NotesCalendar(QtGui.QCalendarWidget):
note_icon = QtGui.QImage("res/16note.png")
Moving class variable NotesCalendar.note_icon to constructor solved the problem and Qt started loading its libraries correctly. Seems that class variable constructor interrupted some internal PySide stuff.
It works with no problems on Windows. Specifying correct qt.conf and copying plugins directory is enough to enable JPEG support in py2exe + PySide build. Of course, you must have no problems in your own code.
I hope this will save someone a day! ;)
