Best method of storing semi-static data -

I need to access some data on my website. The data relates to around 50 loan providers.
I could simply build it into the web page at the moment, however I know that I will need to re-use it soon, so its probably better to make it more accessisble.
The data will probably only change once in a while, maybe once a month at most. I was looking at the best method of storing the data - database/xml file, and then how to persist that in my site (cache perhaps).
I have very little experience so would appreciate any advice.

It's hard to beat a database, and by placing it there, you could easily access it from anywhere you wanted to reuse it. Depending on how you get the updates and what DBMS you are using, you could use something like SSIS (for MS SQL Server) to automate updating the data.
ASP.NET also has a robust API for interacting with a database and using it as a datasource for many of it's UI structures.

Relational databases are tools for storing data when access to the data needs to be carefully controlled to ensure that it is atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable. (ACID). To accomplish this, databases include significant additional infrastructure overhead and processing logic. If you don't need this overhead why subject your system to it? There is a broad range of other data storage options at your disposal that might be more appropriate, but should at least be considered options in your decision process.
Using Asp.Net, you have access to several other options, including text files, custom configuration files (stored as Xml), custom Xml, and dotNet classes serialized to binary or Xml files. The fact that your data changes so infrequently may make one of these options more appropriate. Using one of these options also reduces system coupling. Functions dependent on this data are now no longer dependent on the existence of a functioning database.


What are the best practices/setup for applying caching techniques in web application?

I want to apply caching techniques to improve my web application performance. I am going to use .NET default cash. I want to store the data in the XML file as well so that If the system fails to found the data from the cache, I can use the XML file as a secondary option. Is this workflow seems well or standard? Will file i/o operation degrade the performance instead of improving it or break the system integrity? The data volume will be medium and the number of files will be around 1k~2k.
Using XML files as data source seems like a rather unorthodox approach. A more common way would be using a database as data source and something like the Distributed Redis Cache for caching.
See the docs for further information.

Sharing stored procedures across multiple apps

Team A has an enterprise app that uses ADO.NET for data access that executes stored procedures. The data access is encapsulated in it's own project (let's call it DAL.dll)
Team B is creating another unrelated app that's reusing the stored procedures in the enterprise app. This app is currently using the MS application block for data access. The issue we run into is that whenever Team A make any change to the input/output params in the stored procedures, there is a runtime error in Team B's app and this app needs to be updated to accommodate the additional params (or params that were removed). So, most of these go unnoticed until a user complains. At the very least, we would like to have the app throw a compilation error so that the build process warns us of the changes made.
One way to do this is to have Team B's project add a reference to the DAL.dll
I'd like to know if there are any other cleaner ways of solving the issue. We are ready to replace Team B's MS Data application block to use a different technology (Entity Framework?) if necessary.
Among the other answers, I'd strongly suggest getting those stored procedures into source control, in a Database Project. You then may be able to use the features of your source control system to do several things:
Lock some of the code so that it cannot be changed
Give you notifications if the code is changed
Warn you if the stored procedures change in a way that would prevent them from being called
Branch the stored procedures so that each team can have their own version of changed code, while keeping the unchanged stored procedures common. You of course will need to separate the different versions in the database.
I agree with the other posters on this thread that you should not share stored procedure's across different .NET DLL's, that is just a recipe for disaster. I would also shy away from ORM's like Entity Framework if you are doing anything at all complicated with your database schema because ORM's excel at getting a simple object model translated from your .NET application classes into SQL tables and SP's, but traditionally do poorly at optimizing them for performance on the database side. There will be people who claim otherwise, and they may have a valid point if you are an expert in wrangling an ORM to do waht you want like they are, but chances are you are not and it will cause you headaches in the long run.
A shared data access layer might work, but conceptually you are then just changing the implementation of the dependency from some code that a DBA wrote to some code that a .NET programmer wrote. Yes, you can use integration tests to achieve better verifiability, but the same case could be made for SQL with tools like Red Gate's SQL Test. I would shy away from this approach if the two applications are already experiencing some sort of pain from sharing SP's. That is an indication that the dependency just should be done away with.
If it were up to me, I'd just make a new schema for Team B's app. You can read more about schemas in SQL Server here: MSDN Schema description for 2008 R2. You can think of them as namespaces for SQL Server but with some additional bells and whistles like permission and access control. Separating out your different applications into separate schemas on the same shared database will probably make for the most flexible implementation in the long run.
unrelated app that's reusing the stored procedures in the enterprise app
If these two application are really unrelated why are those sharing procedures or even the same database. I know this is a long read, but I recommend you to read this: A Better Path to Enterprise Architectures
The partioning concept in there relates to the bounded context in Domain driven design:
Multiple models are in play on any large project. Yet when code based on distinct models is combined, software becomes buggy, unreliable, and difficult to understand. Communication among team members becomes confusing. It is often unclear in what context a model should not be applied.
Therefore: Explicitly define the context within which a model applies. Explicitly set boundaries in terms of team organization, usage within specific parts of the application, and physical manifestations such as code bases and database schemas. Keep the model strictly consistent within these bounds, but don’t be distracted or confused by issues outside.
It is expected you end with problems when you don't explicitely deal with this. You're lucky you're seeing early failures, as it can turn into problems much harder to find on the long run.
Analyze the problem again with the above in mind. Consider if you're missing some explicit context where this common functionality should live.
My question is: which team owns the store procedured and the database shared? Usually as a good architecture/design, you should not have two different apps sharing same database / procedures.
A better way to share data/functionality between two different applications is through a services or API, so the team who owns the functionality would be responsible to maintain it.
Also, have a good communication between both teams is highly recommend.
Depending on the owner of the DAL project, you could host web services and share the API. That way, you separate the Data Access Layer from the business logic, which allows anyone to use the same DAL without having to publish it to each different location.
From my point of view, it looks like both Team A and Team B should share the same core model and look at Multitier architecture as a possible solution.
It sounds like it would make sense to create a shared DAL that both applications can share.
I would add unit tests (or really integration tests) to make sure the DAL is compatible with the apps after changes. That way your tests would fail if incompatible changes have been made
"I'd like to know if there are any other cleaner ways of solving the issue."
The cleanest way is for Team B to sit down with Team A and encapsulate the relevant business logic into a shared API. It doesn't matter so much how you implement that API; what does matter is that the API's interface is documented and versioned so everyone knows what to expect.
One reasonable mechanism for this in a .NET environment is to use Microsoft's WebAPI.
In short, the question of "how do we share a stored procedure?" is most likely looking at the wrong level of abstraction.

What options are available for storing application settings in mvc2?

I need to store the application settings somewhere, but can't find a satisfying solution. Read only settings are pretty easy to store in web.config, but what about settings for application administration that would should be accessible through web-page? Writing to web.config doesn't seem to be a good idea. I have considered storing the settings in custom xml file, but then if there is sensitive information involved in the settings, that seems to be problem, also if there are multiple users modifying the settings at the same time some kind of file locking has to be involved. Now I am inclined to store the app settings the MS-SQL database, it seems like a secure and well scale-able solution, however it feels wrong to have a table to store just one row - the setting. What's your opinion? How would you design that?
Are there any ready to go .NET solutions for storing dynamic web app settings?
Your question is so subjective that I don't even know why I am answering it instead of voting to close. But anyway, a database is a good place. And if you are bored and tired of relational data there are great NoSQL databases out there such as MongoDB and RavenDB that will make this very easy. And if you want a very fast database Redis could be worth checking out.
Storing things in files in a web application is far more difficult than it might look at the first place. If it is for readonly then web.config could indeed be a good place. But once you start writing you will have to take into account that a web application is a multithreaded environment where you will have to synchronize the access to this file. And what looked in the first place as an easy solution, could quickly turn into a nightmare if you want to design it properly. That's why I think that a database is a good solution as it gives you concurrency, security, atomicity, data integrity, ...
I absolutely think that storing settings of dynamic nature in database is the right way. Don't feel bad about having one simple table. This table can save you a lot of headaches. If you'll code it smart you can really benefit from it (but that depends on the type of values you want to store). The only problem with db is that someone might actually modify values directly in database. But it can be easily solved. For example I have a "configuration-values" class that I feed from database upon start and put it to cache with some timeout. Then after a while I can lazily feed it again, catching situations like I mentioned above. I hope it makes some sense.

batch manipulations for online web app

A customer has a web based inventory management system. The system is proprietary and complicated. it has around 100 tables in the DB and complex relationships between them. it has ~1500000 items.
The customer is doing some reorganisations in his processes and now has the need to make massive updates and manipulation to the data (only data changes, no structural changes). The online screens do not permit such work, since they where designed at the begining without this requirement in mind.
The database is MS Sql 2005, and the application is an running on IIS.
one solution is to build for him new screens where he could visialize the data in grids and do the required job on a large amount of records. This will permit us to use the already existing functions that deal with single items (we just need to implement a loop). At this moment the customer is aware of 2 kinds of such massive manipulations he wants to do, but says there will be others.This will require design, coding, and testing everytime we have a request.
However the customer needs are urgent because of some regulatory requirements, so I am wondering if it will be more efficient to use some kind of mapping between MSSQL and Excel or Access to expose the needed informations. make the changes in Excel or Access then save in the DB. may be using SSIS to do this.
I am not familiar with SSIS or other technologies that do such things, that's why I am not able to judge if the second solution is indeed efficient and better than the first. of course the second solution will require some work and testing, but will it be quicker and less expensive?
the other question is are there any other ways to do this?
any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Either way, you are going to need testing.
Say you export 40000 products to Excel, he re-organizes them and then you bring them back into a staging table(s) and apply the changes to your SQL table(s). Since Excel is basically a freeform system, what happens if he introduces invalid situations? Your update will need to detect it, fail and rollback or handle it in some specified way.
Anyway, both your suggestions can be made workable.
Personally, for large changes like this, I prefer to have an experienced database developer develop the changes in straight SQL (either hardcoding or table-driven), test it on production data in a test environment (doing a table compare between before and after) and deploy the same script to production. This also allows the use of the existing stored procedures (you are using SPs, to enforce a consistent interface to this complex database, right?) so that basic database logic already in place is simply re-used.
I doubt Excel will be able to deal with 1.5mil elements/rows.
When you say to visualise data in grids - how will your customer make changes? Manually or is there some automation behind it? I would strongly encourage automation (since you know about only 2 types of changes at the moment). Maybe even a simple standalone "converter" application - don't make part of the main program - it will be too tempting for them in the future to manually edit data straight in the DB tables.
Here is a strategy that I think will get you from A to B in the shortest amount of time.
one solution is to build for him new
screens where he could visialize the
data in grids and do the required job
on a large amount of records.
It's rarely a good idea to build an interface into the main system that you will only use once or twice. It takes extra time and you'll probably spend more time maintaining it than using it.
This will permit us to use the already
existing functions that deal with
single items (we just need to
implement a loop)
Hack together your own crappy little interface in a .NET Application, whose sole purpose is to fulfill this one task. Keep it around in your "stuff I might use later" folder.
Since you're dealing with such massive amounts of data, make sure you're not running your app from a remote location.
Obtain a copy of SQL 2005 and install it on a virtualization layer. Copy your production database over to this virtualized SQL server. Take a snap shot of your virtualized copy before you begin testing. Write and test your app against this virtualized copy. Roll back to your original snap shot each time you test. Keep changing your code, testing, and rolling back until your app can flawlessly perform the desired changes.
Then, when the time comes for you to change the production database, you can sit back and relax while your app does all of the changes. Since the process will likely take a while, so add some logging so you can check the status as it runs.
Oh yeah, make sure you have a fresh backup before you run your big update.

Need advice on selecting a data access method

I am in the early stages of planning a conversion of a large classic ASP database application to ASP.Net and I'm having trouble picking out which data access method to use. I have played around with Linq To SQL, Dynamic Data, strongly typed datasets, Enterprise Library (Data Access Application Blocks), and a tiny bit with Entity Framework, but none of them have jumped out to me as "the one". There are just too many choices - my head is swimming, help me choose!
Perhaps it would help to give some background on the application that I am converting along with the priorities...
The back end is Microsoft SQL Server (2005 or later) and we are committed to that, so I don't need to worry about ever supporting a different database platform.
The database is very mature and contains a great deal of the business logic. It is highly normalized and makes extensive use of stored procedures, triggers, and views. I would rather not reinvent two wheels at the same time, so I'd like to make as few changes to the database as possible. So, I need to choose a data access method that is flexible enough to let me work around any quirks in the database.
The application has many data entry forms and extensive searching and reporting capabilities (reports are another beast which I will tackle later).
The application needs to be flexible enough to deal with minor changes to the database structure. The application (and database) may be installed at different sites where minor custom modifications are made to the database. Ideally the application could identify the database extensions and react appropriately. In other words, if I need to store an O/R mapping in the application, I need to be able to swap that out (or refresh it easily) when installing the application and database at a new site.
Rapid application development is critical. Since the database is already done and the user interface is going to closely match the existing application, I'm hoping to find something where we can crank this out fairly quickly. I am willing to sacrifice not using the absolute latest and greatest technology if it will save time in development. In other words, if there is a steep learning curve to using something like Entity Framework, I'm fine with going something like strongly typed Datasets and a custom DAL if it will speed up the process.
I am a total newbie to ASP.Net but am intimately familiar with Classic ASP, T-SQL and the old ADO (e.g. disconnected recordsets). If any of the data access methods is better suited for someone coming from my background, I might lean in that direction.
Thanks for any advice that you can offer!
Look at all three articles in this series:
High Performance Data Access Layer Architecture Part 1
Great advice.
You may want to look at decoupling the database layer from the asp layer so that you can not only give more flexbility in making the decision, but when you have to make changes to a customer's database you can just swap in a new dll without changing anything else.
By using dependency injection you can use xml to tell the framework which concrete class to use for an interface.
The advantage to doing this is that you can then go with one database approach, and if you later decide to change to another, then you can just change the dll and go on without making any changes to other layers.
Since you are more familiar with it why not just go directly to the database at the moment by making your own connections? Then you can move the rest of your code and along the way you can decide which of the myriad of technologies to use.
For a new application I am working on I am starting with LINQ to SQL for it, mainly because development will be quicker, but, later, if I decide that won't meet my needs I will just swap it out.
nHibernate might be a good fit. You can store the mapping in external configuration files which would solve your needs. Another option might be using ActiveRecord, which is based upon nHibernate.
nHibernate has a neat feature which you might find helpful. It's called a Dynamic property which is basically a name value pair collection populated by pulling the column names from the mapping file. So when you add a column at your client site, you update the mapping file and you'd be able to access the data through a collection on the object.
