Update SQL Server tables using textboxes - asp.net

I'm programming an education website using asp.net vb.net and SQL Server. I have 4 stackholders, if any body log in in his profile he will see his information
If he wants to update them he just change the textboxes then click update
My problem is how to update.
I wrote a method to update but it always show me a syntax error in the query. I made sure there is no problem. I'm updating two tables and I made to sql statements!
My qustion is can I Insert instead of update?
If not: how to upade one record based on the session I have?
please help me
this my code
' Private Sub UpdateInfo(ByVal USER_ID As Integer)
'Dim User As Integer = USER_ID
'Dim sql1 As String = "UPDATE AdminCoordinatorInformation SET MobileNumber =" + tbmobile.Text + ", HomeNumber=" + tbhome.Text + ", AltRelation = " + DDLRelationShip.SelectedValue + ", AlTitle = " + DDLTitle.SelectedValue + ", AltName = " + tbemname.Text + ", AltMobile = " + tbemmobile.Text + " WHERE USER_ID = User)"
'Dim sql2 As String = "UPDATE DIP_USERS SET USER_Email=" + tbEmail.Text.Trim + " WHERE USER_ID = User)"
' Try
' Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("mydbConnectionString").ConnectionString)
' Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand(sql1, conn)
' Dim cmd2 As New SqlCommand(sql2, conn)
' cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("#FirstName", tbname.Text)
' cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("#USER_PASSWORD", tbnewpassword.Text)
' cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("#USER_Email", tbEmail.Text)
' cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MobileNumber", tbmobile.Text)
' cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#HomeNumber", tbhome.Text)
' cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#AltRelation", DDLRelationShip.SelectedValue)
' cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#AlTitle", DDLTitle.SelectedValue)
' cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#AltName", tbemname.Text)
' cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#AltMobile", tbemmobile.Text)
' conn.Open()
'Dim ra As Integer = cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery()
'Dim ra1 As Integer = cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery()
' conn.Close()
' Catch ex As Exception
' MsgBox(ex.Message)
' End Try
'End Sub

you have not specified your parameters in your query, you're directly concatenating the values of controls inside your query. And still you have added parameters.
Firstly, do not concatenate your sql query like that, its prone to SQL Injection.
construct your query like this:
Dim sql1 As String = "UPDATE AdminCoordinatorInformation SET
MobileNumber =#MobileNumber,
AltRelation = #AltRelation,
AlTitle = #AlTitle,
AltName =#AltName,
AltMobile = #AltMobile
Dim sql2 As String = "UPDATE DIP_USERS SET
and also, add this parameter too
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#User", USER_ID)
cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("#User", USER_ID)
And one very important thing. you need to assign proper datatype to your columns in the query i.e.
remember these things.
txtBox.Text returns String value, you might need to convert it to Int32 using Convert.Int32 or you need to wrap it in single quote, based totally upon datatype of your column

Put parameters which you declare in your SQL Command query:
"UPDATE AdminCoordinatorInformation SET MobileNumber=#MobileNumber,HomeNumber=#homeNumber...
You get syntax error because your string data in sql query must be wrapped with "'".
"UPDATE AdminCoordinatorInformation SET MobileNumber='0987654321',....
Note: creating sql queries by concating query with user inputs ("...SET MobileNumber='" + txtbox.Text + "',...") is not good/dangerous practice because of SQL Injection


Updating Password in sql database using text-box

using ASP.NET & VB.NET i trying to update the user password, where it is equals to the sessionID
Database using is SQL Local.
here is the vb .net code
Dim pass As String
pass = tboxConFirmPass.Text
Dim connce As SqlCeConnection = New SqlCeConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ToString())
connce.Open() 'make the connection to DB
Dim sqlCommand As String = "UPDATE [tbCustomer] SET [Password] = ('" _
+ tboxConFirmPass.Text + "', '" + "WHERE [CustomerID] = #CustomerID" + "')"
Dim cmd As SqlCeCommand = New SqlCeCommand(sqlCommand, connce)
MsgBox("Your Password has been chaged.")
End Sub
here is the SqlDataSource
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [tbCustomer] SET [Password] = #Password WHERE [CustomerID] = #CustomerID">
Error = There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 42,Token in error = , ]
Right, your query needs to be changed thus:
Dim sqlCommand As String = "UPDATE [tbCustomer] SET [Password] = '" _
& Replace(tboxConFirmPass.Text, "'", "''") & "' WHERE [CustomerID] = #CustomerID"
I've sorted your brackets and quotes mismatches out, changed the string concatenation operator to & and put an escape in to reduce the possibility of SQL injection vulnerability (if someone puts a single quote in their password, your query will no longer fall over, or worse).
To set a value for #CustomerID you need to add a SQL Parameter to the command object. If you don't give it a value you'll get the error mentioned in your comment. Alternatively you can concatenate the value like you do with the password:
Dim sqlCommand As String = "UPDATE [tbCustomer] SET [Password] = '" _
& Replace(tboxConFirmPass.Text, "'", "''") & "' WHERE [CustomerID] = " & CustomerID
Note that you will need to use a variable that is initialised with the ID of the customer whose password is being changed.

Using parameterized query is causing data type mismatch. Any ideas?

I have a dropdownList with control ID of HourlyCharter.
Then on codebehind, I am trying to query records from the database where hourly is equal to the value of HourlyCharter.
If I use this code:
StrSQL = "select h.fare, h.tip, h.total from hourlyQRY h "
StrSQL += " Where h.Hourly = " & HourlyCharter.SelectedValue
' Initialize Database Connection
Dim connStr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ALSConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(connStr)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(StrSQL, conn)
It works.
If I use parameterized query such as this:
StrSQL = "select h.fare, h.tip, h.total from hourlyQRY h "
StrSQL += " Where h.Hourly = #hourly"
' Initialize Database Connection
Dim connStr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ALSConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(connStr)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(StrSQL, conn)
'We use parametized query to prevent sql injection attack
Dim p1 As New OleDbParameter("#hourly", HourlyCharter.SelectedValue)
I get following error:
Data type mismatch in criteria expression
Hourly is of Number data type and we are using Access 2010 database.
Any ideas how to resolve this?
'open recordset to receive db values
rs = cmd.ExecuteReader()
' This acts like the (Not RecordSource.Eof) in ASP 3.0 to loop and retrieve records.
While rs.Read()
' If rs("city") <> "" Then
Dim tipValue As Decimal = rs("tip")
Dim totValue = rs("total")
' Else
' End If
Dim tp As String = [String].Format("{0:C}", tipValue)
Dim tot As String = [String].Format("{0:C}", totValue)
lblTip.Text = tp
lblTotal.Text = tot
End While
You need to make sure the object you put in the parameter is also a numeric type. SelectedValue is a string.
Dim p1 As New OleDbParameter("#hourly", Decimal.Parse(HourlyCharter.SelectedValue))
That's where the data type mismatch happens - it's expecting a number but it's getting a string.
Instead of
Dim p1 As New OleDbParameter("#hourly", HourlyCharter.SelectedValue)
You can try
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#hourly", HourlyCharter.SelectedValue)
Try specifying the datat type of the parameter. You can do it after creating it:
p1.OleDbType = OleDb.OleDbType.Numeric
You can also do it on the constructor, but it requires a lot more parameters and I'm not sure you have all those nor I do know what they do.

Getting row Count only returns value of 1

I am using Sql Server 2005 and Vb Studios 2010 on a .net Framework of 4.0. I am trying to get the exact number of rows from a database and populate a datatable then have a label show the number of rows.
Dim comm2 = db.selectcommand(db.conn, "*", "Tablename", " columnname = '" & Session(sessionvariable) & "' AND columnname = 'Unread '")
Dim sqlda2 As New SqlDataAdapter(comm2)
Dim dt2 As New DataTable
Dim recordcount As Integer = dt2.Rows.Count
messagecountlbl.Text = recordcount
this will always return the value of 1 and I know for a fact that I have multiple values for the data I am trying to pull. I have atleast 50 and the label should be displaying that amount.
I have also tried the Select Count statement and it does the same thing.
Fix I have added this to the post since there is a 24 hr wait to answer question:
I have found a quick and simple fix that I will shorten later in a class file that I have written but this should help alot of people out.
Dim sqlresult As Object
Dim constring As String = "Connection string goes here"
Dim dbcon As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(constring)
Dim sql As New SqlCommand
sql.Connection = dbcon
sql.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Tablename WHERE Columnname = 'Unread' AND columnname = '" & Session("sessionvariable") & "'"
sqlresult = sql.ExecuteScalar
messagecountlbl.Text = sqlresult
Aren't you missing quotes around Unread?
Also... you're susceptible to SQL Injection. Use Parameters instead
Also... if all you are doing is getting the number of rows, your code is overkill
I just noticed.... you Dimmed comm2 but your adapter uses comm
Your updated question was the route that I would have gone. This was why i said your initial code was overkill (in terms of memory usage...). DataAdapters and DataTables for one value is in no way efficient.
You might want to change your updated code to the following...
Again, look up SQL Injection to see why you should never (or at least try not to) build a sql string like that
Dim sqlresult As Object
Dim constring As String = "Connection string goes here"
Dim dbcon As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(constring)
Dim sql As New SqlCommand
sql.Connection = dbcon
sql.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Tablename WHERE Columnname = 'Unread' AND columnname = #param"
sql.Parameters.AddWithValue("#param", Session("sessionvariable"))
sqlresult = sql.ExecuteScalar
messagecountlbl.Text = sqlresult
It looks like you're missing a single quote at the beginning of the word "Unread".
...& "' AND columnname = 'Unread'")
I note that your first line declares a variable called comm2 but you don't use it later - instead you're using simply comm.
With that in mind, the fact that you've omitted the quotes around Unread will still be relevant.
Fix I have added this to the post since there is a 24 hr wait to answer question: I have found a quick and simple fix that I will shorten later in a class file that I have written but this should help alot of people out.
Dim sqlresult As Object
Dim constring As String = "Connection string goes here"
Dim dbcon As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(constring)
Dim sql As New SqlCommand
sql.Connection = dbcon
sql.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Tablename WHERE Columnname = 'Unread' AND columnname = '" & Session("sessionvariable") & "'"
sqlresult = sql.ExecuteScalar
messagecountlbl.Text = sqlresult

DataReader already open error when trying to run two queries

I have a couple of queries that I need to run one to a linked server and one not like this
Dim InvestorLookup As String = "DECLARE #investor varchar(10), #linkedserver varchar(25), #sql varchar(1000) "
InvestorLookup += "SELECT #investor = '" & investor & "', #linkedserver = '" & db & "', "
InvestorLookup += "#sql = 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(' +#linkedserver + ', ''SELECT * FROM db WHERE investor = ' + #investor + ' '')' EXEC(#sql)"
Dim queryInvestorLookup As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(InvestorLookup , conn)
Dim BondNoDR As SqlDataReader = queryInvestorLookup.ExecuteReader()
Dim PasswordCheck As String = "DECLARE #investor varchar(10), #password varchar(20), #linkedserver varchar(25), #sql varchar(1000) "
PasswordCheck += "SELECT #investor = '" + investor + "', #password = '" + password + "', #server = '" + db2 + "', "
PasswordCheck += "#sql = 'SELECT * FROM #server WHERE investor = #investor AND password = ' + #password + ' '' EXEC(#sql)"
Dim queryPasswordCheck As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(PasswordCheck, conn)
Dim PasswordDR As SqlDataReader = queryPasswordCheck.ExecuteReader()
As far as I can tell from debugging the queries both run as they should but I get the error
There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.
Is it possible to run two queries in two different DataReaders. I need to later reference each DataReader and select values from each.
By default it´s not possible to have two SqlDataReader's open at the same time sharing the same SqlConnection object. You should close the first one (queryInvestorLookup) before calling the second (queryPasswordCheck).
This would be good from a design and performance point of view since a recommendation for .NET is that every unmanaged resource (like database access) is opened as later as possible and closed early as possible.
Another way would be to enable MARS but afaik it is only available for Sql2005 and up.
The third solution would be to use the same SqlDataReader to issue the two queries and then navigate through then using NextResults() method.
If the provider that you are using supports it, you can enable MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets) by adding MultipleActiveResultSets=True to the connection string that you are using.
By default you can't have to dataReaders open on the same connection. So you could get one result, stuff it in a DataTable and then get the other result. Or you could turn on MARS
ADO.NET Multiple Active Resut Sets

Writing an update query in asp.net (access database) (visual basic)

I have this code:
Dim pathString As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("Banking.mdb")
Dim odbconBanking As New OleDbConnection _
("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" + pathString)
Dim sql As String
sql = "UPDATE tblAccounts balance = " & CDbl(balance + value) & " WHERE(accountID = " & accountID & ")"
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(sql, odbconBanking)
However, an exception is thrown, when I run it:
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
I tried to run a similar statement in Access and it works fine.
I think the missing is SET.
Try: UPDATE table SET field = newvalue WHERE criteria;
Just modify:
sql = "UPDATE tblAccounts SET balance = " & CDbl(balance + value) & " WHERE(accountID = " & accountID & ")"
The SQL Statement definitely is missing the SET keyword. Also, I suggest you to brush up on parameterized query:
Dim sql As String = "UPDATE tblAccounts " & _
"SET balance = ? " & _
"WHERE(accountID = ?)"
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(sql, odbconBanking)
cmd.Parameters.Add("Balance", CDbl(balance + value))
cmd.Parameters.Add("AccountId", accountID
This way, not only is the SQL Statment is clearer, it help prevents possible SQL injection attacks.
You are missing SET as part of UPDATE.
It should be UPDATE tablename SET fieldname = ... WHERE [criteria].
On a side note, you are using classic asp style code inside asp.net. I will suggest reading some docs on ASP.net and how to design applications in a layered manner.
A good start is here: Enterprise Library's Data Access Application Block
Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20210612110113/https://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/030905-1.aspx
