Displaying Save File Dialog in Asp.net web page - asp.net

I have a ASP.net page which writes a file to the local disk.
I want to present the user a Save File dialog box and allow him to set the path to the folder.
I know code like below can be used;
Response.ContentType = "text/csv";
Response.AddHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"report.csv\"" );
// write your CSV data to Response.OutputStream here
But it fixes filepath.
I need to capture the filepath that the user selects.
Is that possible in ASP.net?

it does not work like that from a web page, you have to initiate the download suggestiong a target file name then the user can override your suggested file name and select any folder or filename he likes and your content will be saved in that location.
you do nothing with a local path which only makes sense on the client machine on the server side of ASP.NET application.

I need to capture the filepath that the user selects. Is that possible
No. Your web server presents a file to the client, where the client has the option to save this file.
In what way would the path the client saves this file be interesting to the server?


Download a file on the client macine using asp.net

I want to download a text file from my website to the users pc without prompting him for the location to save the file.
I have tried it using code below :
Response.TransmitFile("G:\Medical Reporting\Medical\Users\Vishal\Uploaded\Key.txt")
But every time I am just redirected to the new page and all the contents of the file is written there. I don't want to display the contents of the file, but I want to download the file.
Not possible - it's a security issue, otherwise the world would be trying to save all sorts of files on a users machine.
If it's an intranet each user could have a shared drive on a network accessible to the web app and simply copy the file using IO.File.Copy method.
To Prompt a user to download a file you can use the following code which will be fired after clicking something like a button:
this example is for an image, though you can just change the ContentType filename to suit your needs.
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
// this is the important bit that gives the user the prompt to save
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=yourfile.jpg");

ASP.NET - FileUplaod filename shows different path

I've put a FileUpload control onto my form. When client browses for a file and selects one I want to use that file as an attachment to my mail message. For this purpose I write:
Attachment attachment = new Attachment(fileUpload1.FileName);
I get an error that says:"Could not find file 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\Water lilies.jpg'." The thing is the path to the file is different from the path in the client. How can I attach a file that is on the client's machine to a mail message?
Have a look at this http://imar.spaanjaars.com/412/sending-attachments-directly-from-a-fileupload-control
Server.MapPath should fix your problem.
Attachment attachment = new Attachment(Server.MapPath(fileUpload1.FileName));
The FileName property gives you just that - the name of the file, no path included. You're seeing inetsrv in the path because that's IIS' working directory. You will probably want to utilize the PostedFile property, which will handle saving for you:

Asp.net - Prevent file (PDF, Word) download from a particular folder

I am creating a recruitment site and have a folder called /CV/ where I am storing resume files uploaded by the member.
Lets say a user saves their resume and its called 123.pdf and is stored in cv/123.pdf.
How can I prevent the pdf file from loading in the browser window or downloading to the users machine if they type in 'http://mydomain.com/cv/123.pdf'?
I am using forms Authentication, Asp.Net Membership and Roles Providers, Asp.net 4 on an IIS6 server.
Create a folder that is outside of the hierarchy of the main www folder used by the site (so it cannot be directly accessed through url)
Use an ashx handler to provide access to download the file. The logic within the ashx file can validate whether the user is authorized to download the file or not.
ASHX references: 1, 2, 3
The best way would be to put the files somewhere else, and write some code to access them -- then that code can verify whether the caller has the necessary rights.
For instance, you may store files in your /uploads/xyz123/ directory. Then in order to download a file, say myresume.pdf, the user would have to surf to http://yourserver/download.aspx?file=myresume.pdf.
That page then does the necessary validations, loads the file and outputs it as a binary to the browser, like so:
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename);
Response.AddHeader("content-length", binaryStream.Length.ToString);
No user will ever find out where the files are actually stored.
You can simple save the file in a directory that is not part of your web application.
If you want to store a file that should not be reached via http, do it this way.

download option window in jsp

I need to give an option to user in jsp to choose a folder where he can save/download a file. Please help me on the same.
the text input="file" will give the file chooser but i need the directory chooser
HTTP doesn't allow you to specify (server side) where a file is downloaded to - this is not a jsp specific thing.
If you need to this then you'd need to provide an embedable application (javascript, java, flash, vbscript...) which is allowed to operate outside the browser sandbox and implements its own network client for retrieving the file. Which is far from an ideal solution.
You can force the download to use a specific name via the content disposition header.
the text input="file" will give the file chooser
..but that's for uploads - not downloads.
You can't set folder location at client machine of downloaded file using JSP/Servlet. If you want to add folder chooser feature then you have to develop an applet. You may use JFileChooser to allow user to select a folder and java.net.URL and java.net.URLConnection to download a file.
Most browsers will automatically download a file that the browser doesn't render, so it's just a link...! For example, if it's a zip file, just add it as any old "a link" in your code. When the user clicks , the download/save dialog will be launched ....
The "save/download" feature is a client issue -remember the web developers job is to provide content- it's the browser that decides how to deal with the content.
The key is the Content-Disposition header. Its value has to be set to attachment to force a Save As dialogue. You can do this job in a servlet. Just let your link URL point to a file servlet like so
download filename.ext
Then, in the file servlet, which is for the above example to be mapped on an URL pattern of /fileservlet/*, do the following:
String filename = URLDecoder.decode(request.getPathInfo().substring(1), "UTF-8");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", getServletContext().getMimeType(filename));
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + filename + "\"");
// Now get an InputStream of the file and write it to OutputStream of response.
See also:
Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application

How to get a file from a Database and put it in an FTP?

I have an aspx page that gets a list of documents available in a database through a DataGridview and I want that when the users clicks on the link of the document he want's to sent it as an FTP or HTTP document, like if it was on a drive on the server.
The problema I have is that I know that when the file is on a drive it is easy but if it is on the database I do not know how to serve it to the web page user.
I thougth maybe that when de user clicks on the link to save the file to a temp directory, and then redirect the page to that page with the name of the file, but I do not know if it is to much of a touble and there is a better way. Of course if I do this I will have to delete the file from the drive after it has been downloaded.
I get the way to do this, is just a matter of use
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=SailBig.jpg");
Response.OutputStream.Write(foto, 0, foto.Length);
The file, is in binary.
