ASP.NET Client Validation -

I have a modal popup in my aspx file. i am doing a code validation in Javascript on click of a button inside the Javascript. When the validation is successful, the popup should close and when unsuccessful, it should display an alert message and retain the popup. How do I do this in Javascript?


prevent modalpopup closing on postback

I have a textbox, button and gridview inside jquery modal popup. On page load I display the modal popup and enter a value in textbox then click button. In code-behind I wrote some functionality to calculate something and displayed it in the gridview but the modal popup should not close. In my case, while post back the modal popup closed. I'am not using modalpopupextender and update panel, without using modalpopup extender and update panel how to prevent modal popup closing while post back?

Asp.Net Ajax Update Panel ScriptManager.RegisterStartUpScript

I have a web page which consist of field and validator that is wrapped in Updatepanel. the validators messages display by the validation summary that is poped up by the jquery dialog on save button as usual.
Here Is Sample Code
my stuff here
there is also some validators that are validated at server side through update panel and send back some javascript if validation fail to display validation summary using jquery dialog.
when i click save button if any server side validator fails the failure message display through jquery dialog in validation summary and updatepanel append a div for jquery dialog to the body tag.
now the problem occure when i again click on the save button if any server side validator fails then udpate panel again append another div with the body tag and this time the jquery dialog display two time, and if i click again on save button this time jquery dialog display three times and it increases every time i click to save button.
here is the server side line that register the script.
ScriptManager.RegisterStartUpScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), 'javscriptkey', 'my javascript to display jquerydialog', true);
how can i display the validation message that is display by jquery dialog only once on save button click

Clear Validation Error Messages in modalpopup extender

I have ajax modal popup extender in which I have placed text boxes. The text boxes are validated and the validation error messages are shown.
There is a scenario where I need to clear the validation error messages.
When I save the modal popup without entering values, validation error messages appear. Now I close the modal popup clicking on cancel button.
Next time when I open the modal popup I see the same error messages. How could I clear just the validation error messages through jquery. I don't want to disable the validators but I only need to clear the error.
Via user10725000, who really deserves the credit:
I tried the bellow code and then it worked. Cheers!
$.each(Page_Validators, function (index, validator) {

Invoke client side button click from server event (

I'am building an application that have a gridview inside an update pannel.
In this grid, I added a command field that raise a server event to fill fields on my modal popup hiden div section.
Off course, once filled, I want to display the modal popup to the user.
my issue is : how do I make that popup visible?
I use
the same way it work in the sample, the modal work well when I click on a client side link, but how may I invoke the show event from a server side even with (VB or C#)?
I am totally new to JQuery and AJAX, thanks for your help
Add this code to command button's click handler method:
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript((Control)sender, sender.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
string.Format("$('#{0}').modal();", modalDiv.ClientID ), true);

RegularExpressionValidator firing too early

I have an ASP.NET web application that is using RegularExpressionValidator controls inside of a user control. The user control is placed inside of a panel with an ajax:modal popup. When I click the link, it will open the popup displaying the user control.
What is happening is when I click the link to open the popup, it is throwing a postback and activating the validators before the user has any opportunity to type anything into the boxes. I need to be able to click the link, open the popup, fill out the text boxes, and submit. The validators should only run when the submit button is clicked. Any ideas?
setting the validators parameters on the load in the code behind of the popupbox might fix your problem
