Twitter Bootstrap carousel component controls positioning glitch in firefox - css

I redesigned a website for a friend using twitter bootstrap which i supposed would save me from thinking about cross-browser compatibility.
Now I try to use it with firefox only to notice that the controls of the Carousel component move away when you hover them, thus making it impossible to click them. Not to mention it looks rather unprofessional.
The strange behavior can be seen here and occurs to me on Firefox 18.0.2:
Anybody has a clue to what's going on? Tried looking in the css but the only thing that should happen on hover is an opacity change...

for the selectors .carousel-control:hover, .carousel-control:focus (line 576 of your CSS) add position:absolute


Border-radius not being honored working with bootstrap and angular-material

Some Context
I am playing around with Angular-material and trying to see how well it plays with bootstrap. The Angular-material start project shows off some of the cool things it can do, but it seems like it seems like Angular Material still requires a lot of custom CSS for my non-designer skills. Ergo, why I'm trying to see if it's a good idea to try to use bootstrap and angular-material together.
If this is a terrible idea, please let me know.
My Problem
The icons in the side panel of this codepen should be circles, but they are squares! I can see the border-radius property with Chrome debugger tools but I cannot figure out why it is not being honored.
To add to the mystery, when you click one of the items then all of the icons below that do in fact become circles for a moment.
Can someone with more CSS experience than myself tell me what's going on or how I might debug this more completely?
And any feedback about using angular-material + bootstrap together is also much appreciated.
I also experienced this problem using angular, where the border-radius is not honored, when trying to style an element that is part of a ng-repeat. I found that if you apply the style to the child element of the ng-repeat instead it will honor the border-radius property. This is more of a workaround than a solution, as I also don't understand why this happens.
So in your case you could do:
.avatar svg {
border-radius: 50%;

CSS hover suddenly works on mobile browsers?

This is really odd. I'm not complaining that something works, but it is very surprising ..
On my website I had the usual css :hover for the navigation to reveal sublinks. But on the mobile browsers this needed some js help to make it work (as you can see from those many posts about "css hover not working on mobile browsers")
I made a simple script to fix the hover problem. But today as I was rewriting the code, since I noticed that it was not fully working as intended, I removed the entire mobileDetect.js which was handling the mobile hover. And now it works, without any additional scripts.
I tested it with chrome and safari on my ipad and iphone. It works as intended... did I misse out a big mobile browser update or something?
I use Jquery from google, no framework and standard HTML5.
Here is the site : ( "EVENTS" and "AUSBILDUNG" are the mentioned navigations with sublinks.
I am just wondering if this is some odd anomaly and therefor should put my script back in or just enjoy the good news? :S
as far as i remember it has always been working... is just not needed because there's no cursor and hover happens usually when you click (touch in this case) and you'll leave the page before noticing hover.
on android i can observe it when i touch+slide up or down.
I have fixed this for me by removing :hover selectors/rules at runtime

jQuery.hoverIntent flicker in submenu

I'm seeing some strange flickering in a JS submenu implemented using jQuery.hoverIntent on this page here. The flicker only occurs over images that are further down the page, hidden by the appearing menu in Chrome and Firefox and the whole menu actually renders behind those images in IE7. Weirdly, the previous implementation (here) works without the flicker. I'm fairly certain that it's CSS issue, since we are in the middle of a refactoring in which we're trying to consolidate stylesheets and scripts. Any help is greatly appreciated :)
Although my initial answer below still works to fix the issue, here is the real cause of the issue and a better fix.
The image further down in the page is in a positioned div (which is position relative). When the menu loads, it sets the z-index last. If you specify the z-index in your stylesheet, the fade will work and it will no longer flicker. This worked for me while inspecting:
ul#topMenuJs li.qnav0>div {
OLD ANSWER: You are seeing the flicker because you are fading in the dropdown menu. You can do two things:
Get rid of the fade altogether and just do a .show() on the dropdown
Give the ul#topMenuJs li.qnav0>div an opacity:1 !important; to override the js
The latter I tested and it works.

iOS keyboard moves position of DIVS

I have a mobile chatroom i'm using. Whenever I load it up in safari on an iphone. Clicking in the text area brings up the keyboard, which I want but the keyboard completely ruins the layout of the webpage. How do I fix this? Heres a link to the
From a quick look, it looks like the issue you are having is coming from the div#userContent having a style of float: left, and the div above it having position:absolute. Those two seem to be causing the reflow you're experiencing.
I removed the float and removed the positioning, and that solved the reflow, but it looks like there could still be issues with JavaScript resizing the widths of things on the page.
Unfortunately, I don't have time to look into it, but this should fix the issue your question asked.
Keep digging in to CSS, and especially responsive design, and you might be able to solve this solution with less CSS and JS code.

css sprite button is jumping around

Does anyone know what is causing the sprite rollover to jump around
It is I think more likely a photoshop question, but I am not completely sure.
I hope to get an answer here anyway, since I think most webdesigners/programmers problably worked with photoshop also.
This is what I want the rollover to do example 1
and this is my testpage (see the play button)
I made the sprite with
thanks, Richard
I do not see anything jumping around. However, when I first open the page the Play button is missing (its style is set to display: none;). When I click stop it appears, and then disappears when I click play. This is due to it's inline "display" style being set to block and none.
Is this your problem?
Note: I tested in Chrome and FF. I debugged the CSS states using Firebug.
