Custom font doesn't work in IE8 in Zope/Plone - css

I'm making a Web Portal using Zope/Plone4 CMS.
Well, I used #font-face to declare the typography for headings.
The code and font are from Font-squirrel.
I made the website in local machine (without install the font in my PC) and everything works fine.
But in Plone, IE8 doesn't render the font at all. ONLY IE8, when IE7 and IE9 renders perfectly (?)
I made a test using Google Fonts. Everything works fine, all browsers.
I think it's possible that the error come from read/write permissions or something, because the font doesn't render at all in any IE if I was logged out.
This explains why Google Fonts render correctly (font is hosted outside Plone). But doesn't explain the only-IE8 issue...
I post the code here, well, I think is irrelevant, but if it helps...
#font-face {
font-family: 'TeXGyreAdventorRegular';
src: url('../font/texgyreadventor-regular-webfont.eot');
src: url('../font/texgyreadventor-regular-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('../font/texgyreadventor-regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('../font/texgyreadventor-regular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('../font/texgyreadventor-regular-webfont.svg#TeXGyreAdventorRegular') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
h1 {font-family:'TeXGyreAdventorRegular'}
I'm not Zope developer and don't have programming skills, Don't know if I'm looking for a solution in right way. I mean, I think CSS is correct and the problem comes from other side. But want to exploit all posibilities in my hand before definitely abandoned custom fonts from this site.
Note: Google Fonts works right, but all the fonts I have tested render very awful in Windows, and the site must be very accesible (and perfect legible). I prefer to avoid it.

You have to add an .eot (Embedded Open Type) file. This format was created by Microsoft over 15 years ago. It’s the only format that IE8 and below will recognize when using #font-face.
You can make one easily by using the free converter ttf2oet


arial font face issue with mozilla

I need your help in solving a very strange issue.
We need to make "Arial" to be 100% similar in all browsers. To do that we used #font-face and used a different file name for Arial.
It works fine in all browsers (pixel by pixel similar), however in some machines it is behaving different .... all systems have same configuration and browser versions.
issue seems to be with Mozilla so far.
I have tried everything but no result.
I used 'font squirrel' to convert fonts (basic/optimal/expert).
here is my CSS.
#font-face {
font-family: 'conduit_arial';
src: url('../Helper/Fonts/conduit_arial.eot');
src: url('../Helper/Fonts/conduit_arial.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('../Helper/Fonts/conduit_arial.woff2') format('woff2'),
url('../Helper/Fonts/conduit_arial.woff') format('woff'),
url('../Helper/Fonts/conduit_arial.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('../Helper/Fonts/conduit_arial.svg#conduit_arial') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
we used different name in font face and different file name also so that browser do not load Arial from system fonts.
Friends kindly help me to identify the issue.
I'm afraid that this is not posible at 100%. Let me explain you why:
Arial could be probably the most wide spread font. Let's say that this doesn't make us feel safe.
As you've done, you can be sure to load the same font by using font-face and a diferent name for the font. Can you be sure now? not completly, as there are browsers that may not support font-face...
Let's say you don't need to support browsers older than ie9. Now you must be sure... No again! Different browsers and different OS's have diferent ways of dealing with fonts. Windows has the ClearType engine for rendering and is different from OS X's engine (more info here:
Let's say you only need to support Windows 7 and 8. Now you must be sure... No again! Different browsers may render the fonts in different ways. For example, older versions of Chrome didn't have a very good antialiasing on windows. Their fonts were sharper but uglier!
My advice: As you can see, there are many things you can't control... Still, there are some good-practices that you could follow so as to diminish problems. Try to give exact pixel dimensions to your fonts, even when you are using em's and specially for smaller font sizes. For example, use 0.875em rather than 0.9em, avoid fonts designed for printing, specially in content (like the commonly used Helvetica) and make wise use of font fallbacking.

Custom web font not working in IE9

I downloaded a custom font (Gotham-Light.eot), but it doesn't work on Internet Explorer 9.
#font-face {
font-family: Gotham-Light;
src: url('Gotham-Light.eot');
This doesn't work. I'm using ASP MVC3 rebuilt, used custom tool, still nothing.
First, the goods:
#font-face {
font-family: 'ludger_duvernayregular';
src: url('');
src: url('') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('') format('woff'),
url('') format('truetype'),
url('') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
p.test {
font-family: 'ludger_duvernayregular', Arial, serif;
font-weight: 400;
color: blue;
Note, I used a font face that was purposefully easy to see as working. (And I don't have access to Gotham in a web font, so... I'm not even sure Gotham is licensed to use in web font form. If you do not have a license or the license does not allow for it, please respect that.) So you will have to do a little thinking about the paths to your font files.
What I've done is consult the blog post AlienWebGuy linked to, which is good. It's not long, so I'd read it. It boils down to:
Possibly a misconfigured MIME type for the font file. See below for more info. There's also a note that Apache may have this problem, it seems to be more of an IIS issue (according to the article).
You can trick (?) IE9 to use the EOT file instead of the WOFF, which apparently fixes the issue (according to the article).
Additionally, and as an aside, IE9 had a problem displaying the font with a jsFiddle demo using the same exact CSS. Very weird. IE7 and 8 worked fine, so I know it was working in some ways. I did not figure out what that was about, but I saved the same markup and CSS to a file on my site and it works fine.
Let me explain what's going on in the above CSS. I'll go through each line. However, keep in mind I have the web font in the following file formats:
You really probably only need eot, ttf and woff if you don't care to support legacy iOS. SVG translations are hard to obtain, though.
Now, first name your font so you can reference it:
font-family: 'ludger_duvernayregular';
IE9 Compat Modes:
src: url('');
Remember to verify the URLs you're using here actually lead to a real file. Put it in the address bar and see what happens (does it download? 404?).
On the following, though, I'm going to remove the full URL so you can see the entire statement, including the end.
IE6, 7 and 8:
src: url('http://../ludgerduvernay.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
Note this part:
.eot?#iefix <<< See below for an explanation.
Further IE CSS Fix
In some rare cases, IE will fail because the #font-face declaration
has too many characters. This can be solved in most instances by
adding a ‘#’ hash mark after the ‘?’ question mark. This buys you a
bit of extra room.
- From the Font Spring article
I have no idea why this works, so I'm taking their word for it.
Modern Browsers:
url('http://../ludgerduvernay.woff') format('woff'),
Safari, Android, iOS:
url('http://../ludgerduvernay.ttf') format('truetype'),
Legacy iOS:
url('http://../ludgerduvernay.svg#ludger_duvernayregular') format('svg');
Then use it:
p {
font-family: 'ludger_duvernayregular', Arial, serif;
I was actually surprised this works back to IE6. Anyways, notice that I use a full path to the file, not a relative one. That's usually a good place to start; check to make sure the link downloads. I'm making a big deal of this because it's basic and easy to screw up.
So if the file is downloading with the url and you've got it working in other browsers, and in IE6, 7 and/or 8, you can look at another possibility:
Fix IE9 on the Server Side (IIS)
Microsoft’s IIS server will refuse to send resources that it does not
have a MIME type for. The syntax we developed forces IE9 to take the
WOFF over the EOT, but if it is served on IIS, it will fail. This is
because IE9 requests the WOFF file, but since WOFF is not a defined
MIME type in IIS, a 404 Not Found error is returned. To solve this,
you must add ‘.woff’ with MIME type ‘application/x-font-woff’ to your
IIS installation.
- From the Font Spring article
So you may have to check your server isn't borking it. You can also use Chrome Console or Firebug NET tab to view the headers sent with the file.
Now I had a little help here, and I think you should think about the following options:
Google Web Fonts. Don't be a hero. They host the font, give you the include stylesheet markup, and presto whammo, you're in business. They also have some pretty cool fonts. There are other web font services, such as Typekit, Webtype, Fontdeck, and Fonts Live.
Font Squirrel has a #Font-Face Generator, which can give you all of the files you need (Warning: Only submit fonts you know to be licensed for web use.). Use the Expert mode, and it will give you a ZIP file with lots of great stuff, including a demo. The one I received you can download here. The interesting thing is, the generated CSS is identical to the Font Spring one, minus the comments. That's probably not a coincidence.
I found that awesome tool on this Opera Dev page. That is also worth reading.
And of course, that blog post AlienWebGuy linked to at Font Spring.
This stuff isn't hard, but you need to know how to troubleshoot. Always check that the file is downloading; you can use Chrome Console Resources tab or Firefox's Firebug add-on and watch the NET tab to see if it downloads. It if just literally won't work, post the page or code somewhere where we can get to it and we can review it.
Happy coding. :)
The super awesomely cool font used in the demo is Ludger Duvernay Regular. For more information, see Steve Cloutier/Cloutierfontes site. Thank you for making it free for personal use. :)
If you're following the instructions layed out here -- -- then it's most likely how your calling the fonts.
Make sure you are pointing to the right location from your stylesheet - the code you have above will only work if the font file is in the same directory as the stylesheet.
Hope this helps.
Gotham is a commercial product, and if you have just downloaded it from somewhere, it’s probably an illegal copy or a fake, and may well be technically broken too.
Consider using a free font of similar design, such as Cicle.
For googlers: I had a problem with either long font name or conflict with already installed font. Anyway IE were the only browser having problems.
I changed
font-family: 'HelveticaLTUltraCompressedRegular';
font-family: 'HelveticaLTUCR';
which solved my issue.

Firefox not recognizing custom font

I am using the following CSS to define a custom font on a webpage:
Next, I am defining an id that uses it:
I've tested the page on Safari and Chrome and it works fine. However, in firefox the font is not showing up, it is reverting to a default. Sorry if this is a repost but I have searched on StackOverflow and cannot find the answer! Does anyone know why this is happening? see it here: (its still under construction! please pardon the mess!)
Each browser only reads one file type for webfonts. Unfortunately, they are all different file formats. In order for the font to display correctly in all browsers, you will need 4 different types of font file- TTF, WOFF, SVG & EOT. Your code will look something like this:
#font-face {
font-family: 'Zapfino';
src: url('Zapfino.eot');
src: url('Zapfino.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('Zapfino.woff') format('woff'),
url('Zapfino.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('Zapfino.svg#SansumiRegular') format('svg');
That code is based of the stylesheet included with FontSquirell fonts.
FontSquirell has a converter, but you do need to check your license. Zapfino is a commercial font owned by Adobe(?) and as far as I know using their fonts with #font-face is a violation of the fonts EULAs.
TypeKit offers commercial fonts for use with #font-face for a fee that complies with the foundries EULAs.
jlego is right - you should check out the FontSquirrel site - they have an excellent tool for building your kit and converting your files for you, AND you must always be sure that the font is legal to use on your site.
However Firefox and Chrome should both support TTF, which is the format you are using.
In researching your problem on your site, what I've found is that the font is not rendering properly in any browser I check in. What I've found is while the stylesheet is referencing the right file location, but the font file appears to be corrupted. I would suggest getting a new font file new replace the one you are using.
I had the same problem.... the answer by jlego was usefull to me.
My font was recognized in Chrome and IE.
In FF my TTF wasn't recognized untill I added the format('truetype') in my css file.

#font-face not displaying on Internet Explorer

I am currently using the bulletproof syntax and converted fonts from Font-Squirrel for the fonts on (fonts inline css in the html - working) (fonts in css file - not working)
The both methods display fontes fine on browsers other than IE which sometimes will display some or all the fonts and other times not at all (but usually not at all).
I have tried playing around with the htaccess file, using the 'smiley' syntax but neither worked.
However I did manage to fix it but putting the font css inline in the html file.
This is ok but I was wondering why I seem to be unable to get it working as many other people have the #font-face declarations in the css file which would be much cleaner and it used to work fine for me but doesn't.
Any suggestions on how to get this working would be great, considering no other existing help has worked.
One of the #font-face declarations used
#font-face {
font-family: 'Aller-Regular';
src: url('assets/fonts/aller-regular.eot');
src: url('assets/fonts/aller-regular.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('assets/fonts/aller-regular.woff') format('woff'),
url('assets/fonts/aller-regular.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('assets/fonts/aller-regular.svg#Aller-Regular') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
Have you tried using Google webfont instead ?, I used to used fontface but found that Google font are a million times easier to implement, plus the user doesn't have to download the font off your server each time, it just comes straight from Google.
As stated in my question I was able to fix it at the time by putting the #font-face declarations inline in the html.
But now IE seems to have decided to fix itself and let me declare #font-faces in the CSS.

Web fonts in Internet Explorer revert after page finishes loading

I'm running into a small issue with a site I'm working on. I'm using the font services from to serve up the CSS and web fonts I use on the site, and everything works well except in Internet. The page appears to render with the fonts correctly in place, but when the loading is complete, IE reverts back to the default font.
Here's a sample of the CSS:
src:url("/d/0b3a3fca-0fad-402b-bd38-fdcbad1ef776.eot?d44f19a684109620e484167aa390e81872e11b421ef14b20f5dda8683b7716e34431bd7031a61bffb8b38558710357d5ed49d8a7dcd4f490bf2bc9922040a50d670eaafb6e334fcf61c48a10483015d48bd9b9cb074a09c71c211940cb0c60886a2d42510bad7eced9195baae7bedb11ccbdb0d618032faccca0c925a83db7aac01d0bae4b090b6680179034630a36491101451eadad15f77b41f406d48f0f3592bf2731964d594bed634b405df69863674a8be20883212f56ec396a14e1cc983ae5cf8a554298e7314350fa96b78a363d2b4ccfc8ff090d5c8ce49e47d02bc317e0334f5b6efa484026&projectId=215db553-2cf6-4cbb-a5fd-6a4b7d7b8bac") format("eot");
src:url("/d/d5af76d8-a90b-4527-b3a3-182207cc3250.woff?d44f19a684109620e484167aa390e81872e11b421ef14b20f5dda8683b7716e34431bd7031a61bffb8b38558710357d5ed49d8a7dcd4f490bf2bc9922040a50d670eaafb6e334fcf61c48a10483015d48bd9b9cb074a09c71c211940cb0c60886a2d42510bad7eced9195baae7bedb11ccbdb0d618032faccca0c925a83db7aac01d0bae4b090b6680179034630a36491101451eadad15f77b41f406d48f0f3592bf2731964d594bed634b405df69863674a8be20883212f56ec396a14e1cc983ae5cf8a554298e7314350fa96b78a363d2b4ccfc8ff090d5c8ce49e47d02bc317e0334f5b6efa484026&projectId=215db553-2cf6-4cbb-a5fd-6a4b7d7b8bac") format("woff"),url("/d/1d238354-d156-4dde-89ea-4770ef04b9f9.ttf?d44f19a684109620e484167aa390e81872e11b421ef14b20f5dda8683b7716e34431bd7031a61bffb8b38558710357d5ed49d8a7dcd4f490bf2bc9922040a50d670eaafb6e334fcf61c48a10483015d48bd9b9cb074a09c71c211940cb0c60886a2d42510bad7eced9195baae7bedb11ccbdb0d618032faccca0c925a83db7aac01d0bae4b090b6680179034630a36491101451eadad15f77b41f406d48f0f3592bf2731964d594bed634b405df69863674a8be20883212f56ec396a14e1cc983ae5cf8a554298e7314350fa96b78a363d2b4ccfc8ff090d5c8ce49e47d02bc317e0334f5b6efa484026&projectId=215db553-2cf6-4cbb-a5fd-6a4b7d7b8bac") format("truetype"),url("/d/b68875cb-14a9-472e-8177-0247605124d7.svg?d44f19a684109620e484167aa390e81872e11b421ef14b20f5dda8683b7716e34431bd7031a61bffb8b38558710357d5ed49d8a7dcd4f490bf2bc9922040a50d670eaafb6e334fcf61c48a10483015d48bd9b9cb074a09c71c211940cb0c60886a2d42510bad7eced9195baae7bedb11ccbdb0d618032faccca0c925a83db7aac01d0bae4b090b6680179034630a36491101451eadad15f77b41f406d48f0f3592bf2731964d594bed634b405df69863674a8be20883212f56ec396a14e1cc983ae5cf8a554298e7314350fa96b78a363d2b4ccfc8ff090d5c8ce49e47d02bc317e0334f5b6efa484026&projectId=215db553-2cf6-4cbb-a5fd-6a4b7d7b8bac#b68875cb-14a9-472e-8177-0247605124d7") format("svg");
and typical use cases:
body {
font-family: "DIN Next W02 Cond";
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: normal;
p {
font-family: "HelveticaNeueW02-55Roma";
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1.5;
The wide font is what displays after the page finishes loading, while the narrow font (the correct font) is displayed during page load.
Is there an easy fix? provides a web portal to specify the fonts in the CSS, which they serve from their servers - so I can't easily edit that. I can edit the font-family property for elements using the web fonts, though. If any more information is needed, I'll provide it where possible.
Edit: this is not a flash of unstyled content, it renders properly from what is presumably the cache, then (upon re-downloading the file) discards the custom font and replaces it with a default font when the page is done loading. It's the reverse of what I and others are expecting, hence posting here for a fix.
the flicker you see is fouc or fout, im assuming your using IE9, it'll will display text in a default font while the web font loads — even in compatibility mode.
#font-face {
font-family: 'OpenSansLight';
src: url('OpenSans-Light-webfont.eot');
src: url('OpenSans-Light-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('OpenSans-Light-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('OpenSans-Light-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('OpenSans-Light-webfont.svg#OpenSansLight') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
that's the best way to get #font-face cross-browser. if you need those files created, head over to
font loader is used by typekit and google fonts to fix the flash; i'm not sure if you'll have to tweak it for your code, but you can snag it on github
So for me, it was a local issue.
When we deployed to our staging server, the fonts displayed correctly in IE 7 and 8 .
Still don't know why they're not showing up locally, but at least it works in production.
My fonts display properly in IE8 locally. Also works in chrome and FF.
The fonts fail in production. I'm using fontawesome for bootstrap twitter.
I find that once the page is loaded, If I select the entire page then all the loaded fonts appear. So they are there, but IE8 disregards once the page is loaded.
I've checked quirks mode and all other combinations.
It's definitely a "when loaded" to "speed of load" in "relation to other CSS" issue.
Re-positioning the CSS link higher or lower in the code has effects - though no clear fix.
It would be nice if I could "re-instate" the loaded fonts once the page was complete.
On our project we identified that web fonts would revert after page load in Internet Explorer when we had the developer tools open. We still have to remind ourselves of this from time to time, but this is why you might see this odd behavior occur locally but not in production.
It definitely does not happen on every page load, but is more frequent when we manually refresh pages. We have not found documentation for this behavior but have experienced it on multiple computers when running IE 10 and especially IE 11.
I had the same problem of flash of styled content and for me, the cause was two-fold:
I had the font installed locally
I was using the wrong URL for the web-font
So before the webfont loaded, Explorer served up the local version. It then tried to load the font with an incorrect URL, which didn't work, which caused it to fall back to a standard sans-serif font.
