Jstree rename issue. inline editor opens above root node - asp.net

Folks I am having an issue with rename and JsTree. I have created a JS Fiddle to highlight the issue. http://jsfiddle.net/KJYrs/. My scenario is that I'd like to validate that the entered name is not a default name or contains special characters. When I try to fire the rename event after the initial failed attempt the inline editor appears above the root node.
<script type="text/javascript" class="source">
$(function () {
"plugins": ["themes", "html_data", "ui", "crrm", "contextmenu"]
}).bind("rename.jstree", function (event, data) {
//let's assume I do some vaidation here and it fails
//so I want to rename until valid
if (event.type === 'rename') {
$("#demo1").jstree("select_node", "#" + data.rslt.obj[0].id);
<div id="demo1" class="demo">
<li id="phtml_1"> Root node 1
<li id="phtml_2"> Child node 1
<li id="phtml_3"> Child node 2
<li id="phtml_4"> Root node 2
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The issue appears because you call the rename, inside the rename - is not crash, but creates other problems. A simple solution is to call after the rename ends, using the setTimeout as:
$(function () {
"plugins": ["themes", "html_data", "ui", "crrm", "contextmenu"]
}).bind("rename.jstree", function (event, data) {
//let's assume I do some vaidation here and it fails
//so I want to rename until valid
if (event.type === 'rename')
$("#demo1").jstree("select_node", "#" + data.rslt.obj[0].id);
And the results:
Now you have other problems that you need to solve, a cancel of the rename, and to disable the menu until this ends.


Zurb Foundation 5 Joyride Restart when cookie_monster true

My Joyride works great. It starts after page load. It stops when one clicks the stop button or finishes the tour. My restart link restarts the joyride tour. Only...
Adding the Joyride setting, cookie_monster: true prevents the tour restarting on every visit. Good! Unfortunately, it also prevents the restart link from working. The behavior makes sense. The start function does not know whether it is called on page load or from the link. The link has to use some other method, or set something to bypass the cookie check.
Do you know the magic to enable a user to start the Joyride after it has been hidden by the cookie_monster show-only-first-time device?
Body markup:
<a href='#', data-joyride-restart>tips</a>
<p id='first-stop'>First stop content</p>
<p id='second-stop'>Second stop content</p>
<ol class='joyride-list' data-joyride data-joyride-name='my_name',
<li data-id='first-stop', data-text='Next'>
<p>First stop tip</p>
<li data-id='second-stop', data-text='Next'>
<p>Second stop tip</p>
<li data-text='End'>
<p>Last stop modal tip</p>
;$(function() {
var tour_root = $('ol[data-joyride]')
if (tour_root !== undefined){
var attr = tour_root.attr('data-joyride-name');
var cookie_name;
if (attr !== undefined){
cookie_name = attr;
} else {
cookie_name = 'joyride';
joyride : {
'cookie_monster': true,
'cookie_domain': 'domain.com',
'cookie_name': cookie_name
attr = tour_root.attr('data-joyride-autostart');
if (attr !== undefined && attr.match(/true/i)) {
$(document).foundation().foundation('joyride', 'start');
$('a[data-joyride-restart]').on('click', function (e){
$(document).foundation().foundation('joyride', 'start');
Writing the question helped me work out the trick. (I'll leave it posted because I didn't find any good examples for this behavior.)
$('a[data-joyride-restart]').on('click', function (e){
joyride : {
'cookie_monster': false
}).foundation().foundation('joyride', 'start');
The code resets the cookie-monster setting before asking Joyride to start.
If there is a better way, please share the love!

Meteor Iron:Router Template not Rendering

I have a main page which lists a few text items ("Ideas"), which are clickable links. Clicking on them should take you to a page where you can edit them. Here's my html:
<template name="Ideas">
{{#each ideas}}
{{> idea}}
<template name="idea">
<template name="ShowIdea">'
<div class="editable" contentEditable="true">{{text}}</div>
I've added Iron:Router to my project to allow for moving between the pages. Here's the javascript:
Ideas = new Mongo.Collection("ideas");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Router.route('/', function() {
Router.route('/idea/:_id', function() {
var idea = Ideas.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
this.render('ShowIdea', {text: idea.text});
ideas: function () {
return Ideas.find({});
I inserted a single idea to my Mongo DB using the Meteor Mongo command line tool. That single item shows up properly on my main page. Here's what the HTML looks like in my debugger for the main page:
The first idea ever
Clicking on that link takes me to a new page with an address of:
But nothing shows up on the page. In the debugger console I see this error message + stack trace, but it means nothing to me since it all seems to be pertaining to iron-router and meteor, not code which I actually wrote:
Exception in callback of async function: http://localhost:3000/Idea.js?2fd83048a1b04d74305beae2ff40f2ea7741d40d:10:44
And then it ends with this warning message:
Route dispatch never rendered. Did you forget to call this.next() in an onBeforeAction?
I don't have an onBeforeAction (I'm not even sure what that is)... so I don't think that message pertains to me?
I just started using Meteor the other day and just added iron-router not 24 hours ago, so I'm a bit lost here. Any pointers on how I can debug and fix this would be great.
Two things need fixing:
When you insert documents from the shell they are assigned _id values which are mongo ObjectIDs, whereas meteor defaults to using strings. This explains the weird URL. To avoid this problem, it's generally best to initialize your data from the server. Here's an example:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function() {
if (Ideas.find().count() === 0) {
Ideas.insert({text: 'feed the cat'});
Now after a $ meteor reset you will always start with one cat-related idea.
If you wish to pass a context to your template, you'll need to use the data attribute like so:
Router.route('/idea/:_id', function() {
this.render('ShowIdea', {
data: function () {return Ideas.findOne({_id: this.params._id})}
See this example from the docs. After making those changes, the code worked correctly for me.

MVC4 Current Link?

<li>#Html.ActionLink("Contact Us", "Contact", "Home")</li>
<li>#Html.ActionLink("IT", "IT", "Home")
<li>#Html.ActionLink("Data Backup", "DataBackup", "Home")</li>
For example this is my menu my css class is "selected" for active link.. I want to use it at the easiest way. Can any one help me for MVC4.. I have looked some solutions but don't have much knowledge to use it..
<ul class="#{booleanForThisIsSelected ? "selected" : "";}">//Dropdown
I use the following technique all the time, using jQuery
<script type="text/javascript">
var currentLocation = window.location;
$(function () {
$('.menu li a').each(function () {
if (this.href == currentLocation) {
This block at first gets the current page url, then it gets all the menu anchors and compares each one with the current page url, once it finds a match, it gives the matching anchor a special class current which should indicate the current page link.
Please note that the selector $('.menu li a') should be changes to match your own structure so it can get the menu items correctly.
Hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else.
I would recommend you to use MvcSiteMapProvider MVC4.
You install the nuget package.
Then you add links according to your site structure to the Mvc.Sitemap-file.
Now you should be able to use the MenuHelperModel.cshtml-file to define the rendering behaviour of all links in your sitemap (including currently selected ones), an example of this could look like this:
#model MvcSiteMapProvider.Web.Html.Models.MenuHelperModel
#using System.Web.Mvc.Html
#using MvcSiteMapProvider.Web.Html.Models
<ul id="menu">
#foreach (var node in Model.Nodes) {
string classes = node.IsCurrentNode | node.IsInCurrentPath | node.Children.Any(n => n.IsCurrentNode)
? "selected" : "";
<li class="#classes">#Html.DisplayFor(m => node)
#if (node.Children.Any()) {
#Html.DisplayFor(m => node.Children)
All you have to do now is ensure your links show up on your page, best location to put it should be your Layout-/Master-Page.
There you could for example add a call to
#Html.MvcSiteMap("MvcSiteMapProvider").Menu(0, true, false, 1)
Which renders only the first level of your sitemap.
If you want a more verbose example using this you can take a look at my question here.
But keep in mind that uses the now obsolete MvcSiteMapProvider-Package, so there is a slight syntax change inside MenuHelperModel.cshtml.

knockout css dynamic binding

I am working on a little project with knockout where i have to simulate the answer to asome questions.
I dynamically build 3 buttons and when i click one i compare the text on it with the correct answer and if it's correct it should become green.., if it's not correct it should become red and the right one should become green..
I was trying to use the binding to css property of knockout, but it seems that the property is not correctly refreshed, even if the computed associated with the css changes
The html:
<ul data-bind="foreach: chosenQuestionAnswers">
<button data-bind="text: answerText, css: $root.answerStatus(), click: $root.selectButton"></button>
The ko part:
selectedAnswer: ko.observable(),
isAnswerCorrect: ko.observable(),
selectButton: function (value) { my.AppViewModel.isAnswerCorrect(my.AppViewModel.checkIfCorrectAnswer(value.answerText));
checkIfCorrectAnswer: function (value) {
return (value == my.AppViewModel.chosenQuestionCorrectAnswer());
my.AppViewModel.answerStatus = ko.computed(function () {
var exit = this.isAnswerCorrect() == true ? "highlightRight" : "highlightWrong";
return exit;
}, my.AppViewModel);
The console.log shows the correct value of the var exit... but the css of the button does not change...
Any idea why?..
Thanks.... I.
you're referencing an old version of KO (2.1), the latest as of today is version is 2.2.1. Your fiddle works when referencing the new version # http://knockoutjs.com/downloads/knockout-2.2.1.js. Here's a fork: http://jsfiddle.net/drdamour/xe2M5/
The dynamic css binding (how you're using it) was only added in 2.2 see http://blog.stevensanderson.com/2012/10/29/knockout-2-2-0-released/
stack won't let me submit without some code so...here some worthless code:
var x = {a:1}
css classes are part of the view, try to keep them out of the ViewModel, it should focus on business logic.
I would do something like
<button data-bind="css: { valid: valid, invalid: invalid }, click: toggle">Toggle</button>
ViewModel = function () {
this.valid = ko.observable(false);
this.invalid = ko.computed(function () {
return !this.valid();
}, this);

Add ScrollTo with Navigation using Isotope datafiltering

Currently I have a Wordpress website that uses Isotope to display all posts in a grid and there is a fixed navigation that is used for filtering the post categories.
I am trying to add some Javascript or Jquery to scroll to the top of the page when a navigation item is clicked - so it filters the category and also scrolls to the top of the page.
I have been trying different examples for a while and cannot figure it out.
I was hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction.
Currently my navigation looks like this:
<div class="menuContainer right">
<ul id="options" class="option-set">
<li> </li>
<li> </li>
<li> </li>
and the current js.
<script type="text/javascript">
var mycontainer = jQuery('#isocontent');
itemSelector: '.postContainer',
// filter items when filter link is clicked
jQuery('#options a').click(function(){
var selector = jQuery(this).attr('data-filter');
mycontainer.isotope({ filter: selector });
return false;
// set selected menu items
var $optionSets = $('.option-set'),
$optionLinks = $optionSets.find('a');
var $this = $(this);
// don't proceed if already selected
if ( $this.hasClass('selected') ) {
return false;
var $optionSet = $this.parents('.option-set');
All help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Ok, seeing is believing :) easier to understand what you want. Basically, all you have to do is to hook up what I commented before on your Editorial, Covers, Advertising, Film links. Since you use Isotope with filtering, you have assigned click functions to your links already...
// stuff
<ul id="filters">
<li>Show all, home, whatever</li>
// more stuff
$('#filters a').click(function() {
var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter');
filter: selector
$('body,html').animate({ // always scrolls to the top when filter link is clicked
scrollTop: 0
}, 800);
return false;
// even more stuff
