Postgresql: ERROR: type "citext" does not exist - postgresql-9.1

I have read other posts, when searching, an answer to this question.
I am using PostgreSQL 9.1, and created extension 'citext' using CREATE EXTENSION citext, but when I try to create any columns of type 'citext', it throws this error
ERROR: type "citext" does not exist
I researched but did not find any concrete answers? Any idea why?

Ok figured it out. I have several databases and CREATE EXTENSION citext has to be run for each db to install the extension in that DB. You must do on psql prompt:
psql =# \c db_1
psql =# \c db_2

#NullException is correct that the extension needs to be created in each database. If you want to automatically have an extension created, you can create it in the template1 database which (by default, at least) is the database used as a model for "create database", so with appropriate permissions, in psql:
\c template1
create extension citext;
Then new databases will include citext by default.

To use citext, use the CITextExtension operation to setup the citext extension in PostgreSQL before the first CreateModel migration operation.
from django.contrib.postgres.operations import CITextExtension
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
operations = [
similarly to HStoreField as

If you use Docker, and want to add this extension to your database,
I have done the following,
# Dockerfile
FROM postgres:11.3
# Adds the CIText Extension to our database
COPY ./compose/production/postgres/ /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
And my
# Adds the citext extension to database and test database
"${psql[#]}" <<- 'EOSQL'
\c template1
This applies the extension to test databases that django generates too.


db.create_all() doesn't create a database in a desired directory

I am trying to create a database for my Flask application in the main directory of my project. This is my code for initializing a database:
app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = 'sqlite:///users.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
Flask requires application context, so this is how I create the database:
$ flask shell
>>> db.create_all()
I also tried doing it with:
$ python
>>> from app import app, db
>>> app.app_context().push()
>>> db.create_all()
Both of these options create the database in the /instance directory. Is there any way to get around this and create it in the main directory of the project?
The instance path is the preferred and default location for the database. I recommend you to use this one for security reasons. However, it is also possible to choose an alternative solution in which the full length of the path is specified in the configuration.
The following configuration corresponds to an outdated variant, where the database is created in the current working directory. Please don't use this anymore.
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] ='sqlite:///' + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'users.db')
This corresponds to the current solution.
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] ='sqlite:///' + os.path.join(app.instance_path, 'users.db')

how to add actAs when using symfony doctrine:build-schema

(1) I use mysql workbench to design my database.
(2) Then I use "Synchronize Model" tool in mysql workbench to apply my modification to mysql database.
(3) Finally I use symfony doctrine:build-schema command to generate schema.yml according to database(For some legacy reason, I have to use Symfony 1.4).
Here comes the problem: I wanna add actAs: { Timestampable: ~ } to schema.yml, but symfony doctrine:build-schema command cannot do that.
The solution I can imagine is to write a shell to edit schema.yml. Clearly this is not an elegant solution.
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
1) What errors is given out by command symfony doctrine:build-schema
2) Try such code in schema.yml
I use MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter (an open source PHP library project) to save time and complete all database model definition tasks in modeling process. Review this Installation Tutorial.
With MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter you can use Table Comments to define table behavior. To add a timestampable behavior to table definition put this in your comments:
{MwbExporter:actAs}actAs: [Timestampable]{/MwbExporter:actAs}
Then export your model (*.mwb file) to YAML (*.yml file) using MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter and place it in ./config/schema/ folder in order to create an sql script and then load it to a database already configured with symfony. It's easy! just like this:
Export model to YAML
php bin/mysql-workbench-schema-export your_model.mwb
Copy schema.yml resulting file to ./config/schema folder location
Create an sql script
php symfony doctrine:build-sql
Now build your model physically with:
php symfony doctrine:build-model

Using KeyczarTool to create new keyset

Following the documentation noted in the wiki, I'm trying to use the KeyczarTool to generate new keyset. Anyone else come across this FileNotFoundException? The KeyczarTool.jar has rwx permissions and tried running via sudo.
From docs
Command Usage:
create --location=/path/to/keys --purpose=(crypt|sign) [--name="A name"] [--asymmetric=(dsa|rsa|ec)]
Creates a new, empty key set in the given location.
This key set must have a purpose of either "crypt" or "sign"
and may optionally be given a name. The optional version
flag will generate a public key set of the given algorithm.
The "dsa" and "ec" asymmetric values are valid only for sets
with "sign" purpose.
$ java -jar KeyczarTool-0.71f-060112.jar create --location=/keys --purpose=crypt -name="first key" --asymmetric=rsa
org.keyczar.exceptions.KeyczarException: Unable to write to: /keys/meta
at org.keyczar.KeyczarTool.create(
at org.keyczar.KeyczarTool.main(
Caused by: /keys/meta (No such file or directory)
at Method)
at org.keyczar.KeyczarTool.create(
... 1 more
With the current version of java keyczar the directory "keys" needs to be created first before running the program.
This is a known issue KeyczarTool should create directories automatically.
As #jbtule kindly pointed out you must create the keys dir first. But also include . before the slash.
Correct working command is:
$ java -jar KeyczarTool-0.71f-060112.jar create --location=./keys --purpose=crypt -name="first key" --asymmetric=rsa

Symfony 2 pdo exception

I'm using Symfony 2 and have this row in my parameters.ini:
database_driver = pdo_pgsql
When I was creating database structure with Doctrine everything was good. But if I want to add some doctrine object to my darabase (insert row), I catch an exception:
What I have to do with this?
Are you sure you're using pdo_pgsql? Are you running on localhost? It might be very certain that you are using pdo_mysql driver instead.
However you have to check the following:
or in your case
You can check the phpinfo(); to find out the configured database driver.
In your symfony project you have to check the parameters.ini file in config folder. E.g.
Besides try to avoid this error
'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
First of all, verify your php.ini file: the extensions php_pdo_pgsql and php_pdo must be enabled. Make sure you apply this changes on php.ini file that your symfony project is using, check this on localhost/path_to_your_project/web/config.php. You know if this extensions are enabled executing the function phpinfo().
This command is also helpfull: php -m. It lists on console all the php modules that are loaded.
Tip: check out you Apache error log, there could be something wrong with the load of your extensions. This file is located according to your server configuration.

Is it possible to have test_schema.xml in Propel 1.6?

I am using Symfony-2.0 and Propel 1.6.
For testing purposes I'd like to have separate schema file. The reason is that with my current schema it is impossible to load dumped fixtures, because process fails due PK and autoincrement:
app/console propel:fixtures:load --env=test
Use connection named default in test environment.
No SQL fixtures found.
No XML fixtures found.
[Propel] Exception
Cannot insert a value for auto-increment primary key (article.ID)
If I could define test_schema.xml I'd generate models from it without autoIncrement="true" property and then fixtures would be loaded.
How can I force Propel to use test_schema.xml in test environment?
Or may be there is another way how to load fixtures correctly?
You can use the propel propel.schema.dir and propel.default.schema.basename build properties to specify where the schema file is located and its name:
# app/config/config_test.yml
# The directory where Propel expects to find your `schema.xml` file.
propel.schema.dir = //wherever
# The schema base name
propel.default.schema.basename = schema
