I have a contract/UIBuilder class for a SSRS report. I want to use the same Contaract/UIBuilder class to generate data in excel.
I have came across http://www.artofcreation.be/2011/08/22/ax2012-sysoperation-part-1-data-contracts-and-service-operations/ post. Where i found that services class is used.
I have found examples where some uses services class and a few dont.
Is it really important to use services?
Also what is the advantage of using it?
How to Use a Report Data Provider Class in a Report?
The same contract can be used in several reports by specifying it with the SRSReportParameterAttribute attribute in the reports:
public class SrsRdpSampleClass extends SRSReportDataProviderBase
TmpCustTableSample tmpCust;
I'm going to skip the 1st question because you should just try and you will have your answer as to whether it works...
the second question, you have a good blog post already--but also check out:
and of course the ms links:
high points include:
server side operation
separating ui elements from contract and logic
Flash builder lets me insert metadata for events fired by a class, example:
[Event("myEvent", "flash.events.Event")]
public class MyClass() {
Is there any way to do the same for Exceptions?
Currently I have checked here, and can't see it documented. Perhaps it's not even worthwhile, what are your thoughts.
There are ways to create your own metadata; and add that into your app at compile time. Use the keep-as3-metadata compiler argument.
It will be up to you to write code to do something with it at runtime; or to build IDE extensions to make use of the code while writing the code.
To access such metadata at runtime, you'll need to perform some type of introspection. Here are some docs and another StackOverflow Question about this.
Many Flex Frameworks make use of custom metadata.
I am having trouble understand a key concept of Symfony 2.
I am working on a website where users can create content which then can be sent to other people, using a secret url. Something like www.yoursite.com/{secret-identifier-string}.
I plan on doing this as follows:
Persist the user's content.
Create the identifier string containing the content id and the creation timestamp (or any other content which will never change again, as extra safety feature) with a two-way encryption method (like mcrypt_encrypt).
Create the link and display it to the user to give it away
Whenever a url is called, the identifier string will be decrypted. If the provided timestamp matches the corresponding value of the content id row, the page will be displayed.
My questions are:
Would you consider this a good procedure in general?
Outside Symfony2 I would create helper methods like getIdentifierString() and getContentPageLink(). Where do I put the corresponding code in Symfony2? Does it belong inside the entity class? If so I am having problems because I am using a service class for encryption. The service is only available in the controller.
Thanks a lot!
With all due respect to DI and service oriented design, namespacing and all the good stuff we benefit from,
I still refuse to type or read:
where a simple
is all I need on 150 instances across my project, where do is something everyone working on the project will know about.
That is what helper is meant for - readability and simplicity. As long as it doesn't depend on other services though.
My solution for that is in basic Composer feature:
"autoload": {
"files": [ "src/helper/functions.php" ]
I put a very limited number of extremely useful functions in src/helper/functions.php file, and add it to project like that.
In order for the function to become available project-wide, it is required to run:
composer dump-autoload
The general idea is that you create "helper classes" rather than "helper functions". Those classes may have dependencies on other classes in which case you'll define them as a service.
It sounds like your methods do have dependencies (on encryption) so you can make a new service that is responsible for generating links. In it's constructor it would take the encryptor and the methods would be passed the entity to generate a link/string for.
for example, your service:
<service id="app_core.linkifier" class="App\CoreBundle\Linkifier">
<argument type="service" id="the.id.for.encryptor"/>
and class:
class Linkifier
private $encryptor;
public function __construct(Encryptor $encryptor)
$this->encryptor = $encryptor;
public function generateContentPageLink(Entity $the_entity)
return $this->encryptor->encrypt($the_entity);
Do anyone knows about the class which has the common function which we generally use while developing web application. I have no idea what you may call it, it may be the utility class or common function class. Just for reference, this class can have some common function like:
Generate Random number
Get the file path
Get the concatinated string
To check the string null or empty
Find controls
The idea is to have the collection of function which we generally use while developing asp.net application.
No idea what you are really asking, but there already are ready-made methods for the tasks you write in various library classes:
Random.Next() or RNGCryptoServiceProvider.GetBytes()
String.Concat() or simply x + y
Gotta love the intarwebs - An endless stream of people eager to criticize your style while completely failing to address the obvious "toy" question. ;)
Chris, you want to inherit all your individual page classes from a common base class, which itself inherits from Page. That will let you put all your shared functionality in a single place, without needing to duplicate it in every page.
In your example it looks like utility class - it is set of static functions.
But I think that you should group it in few different classes rather than put all methods in one class - you shouldn't mix UI functions(6) with string functions(3,4), IO functions (2) and math(1).
As Mormegil said - those functions exists in framework, but if you want to create your own implementations then I think that for part of your function the best solution is to create extension method.
I have a class called Comments for articles which implements a base class of BaseArticle that class has a protected object called settings.
The settings object is a web.config section just for articles and I also have one also for blogs.
My problem is that I want to make Comments usable for blog Comments, but the class Comments inherits BaseArticle, which I want it to inhereit it's own base class BaseBlog with it's own settings.
I need to make it universal how do I do that. An example would be appreciated.
class Comments : BaseArticle {}
class Comments : BaseBlog { inheritance problem}
From my experience, starting with inheritance and base classes from the early start can cause you some trouble as you already have seen. I've learned, it is better to go from a bottom up, which means-creating classes and methods that you need, and then when you've noticed similar functionality or duplicated code, you extract it to base type or interface. Anyway, for your example code I would first go and read about Liskov Substitution Principle(LSP).
More info:
LSP in OO programming?
What is the Liskov Substitution Principle?
In my project many tables are linked to aspnet_Application table by ApplicationId foreign key. I don't want the users to view or edit it, so I'm looking for way to preset this sql table field value before the insert query is executed. I still have scaffolding enabled for this column (in order for DD to generate the right sql script) but I'm hiding this column/field in all my edit/list/insert pages.
Ideally I'm looking for a place to inject my code right before DynamicInsert is executed for any table in my LinqToSql class.
So after some digging around I came up with an acceptable solution. I've created a partial class for my data context and added a partial Insert_ method for every table that's linked to the aspnet_Applications. In every method I set the ApplicationId field to current application id.
It looks like this:
public partial class MyDataContext
partial void InsertMyTable(MyTable instance)
instance.ApplicationId = HttpContext.Current.Session["ApplicationId"] as Guid?;
Note that you can't execute other LINQ statements while in this method. In particular I had to store the application id in session rather than querying the aspnet_Applications table.
While this is acceptable solution it isn't perfect (a lot of repetitive code) so if anyone knows better throw me a bone here :)
In the future the best solution would be to use DomainService part of .Net RIA Services preview just released at MIX09 see there videos here:
.NET RIA Services - Building Data-Driven Applications with Microsoft Silverlight and Microsoft ASP.NET
Microsoft ASP.NET 4.0 Data Access: Patterns for Success with Web Forms
The first is an introl to .net RIA Services from the point of view od Silverlight but more of it applied to DD the second is David Ebbo's presentation at MIX and shows how DomainService works with DD I think this is the way forward as you can do all your business logic here in the DomainService.