prediction.strength in Package fpc - r

I am using the function prediction.strength in the r Package fpc with k-medoids algorithms.
here is my code
somehow I get the error message
Error in switch(method, kmeans = kmeans(xdata[indvec[[l]][[i]], ], k, :
EXPR must be a length 1 vector
Does anybody have experience with this r command? There are simple examples like
iriss <- iris[sample(150,20),-5]
but my problem is that I am using dissimilarity matrix instead of the data itself for the k-medoids algorithms. I don't know how should I correct my code in this case.

Please note that in the package help the following is stated for the prediction.strength:
xdats - data (something that can be coerced into a matrix). Note that this can currently
not be a dissimilarity matrix.
I'm afraid you'll have to hack the function to get it to handle a distance matrix. I'm using the following:
pred <- function (distance, Gmin = 2, Gmax = 10, M = 50,
classification = "centroid", cutoff = 0.8, nnk = 1, ...)
xdata <- as.matrix(distance)
n <- nrow(xdata)
nf <- c(floor(n/2), n - floor(n/2))
indvec <- clcenters <- clusterings <- jclusterings <- classifications <- list()
prederr <- list()
dist <- as.matrix(distance)
for (k in Gmin:Gmax) {
prederr[[k]] <- numeric(0)
for (l in 1:M) {
nperm <- sample(n, n)
indvec[[l]] <- list()
indvec[[l]][[1]] <- nperm[1:nf[1]]
indvec[[l]][[2]] <- nperm[(nf[1] + 1):n]
for (i in 1:2) {
clusterings[[i]] <- as.vector(pam(as.dist(dist[indvec[[l]][[i]],indvec[[l]][[i]]]), k, diss=TRUE))
jclusterings[[i]] <- rep(-1, n)
jclusterings[[i]][indvec[[l]][[i]]] <- clusterings[[i]]$clustering
centroids <- clusterings[[i]]$medoids
j <- 3 - i
classifications[[j]] <- classifdist(as.dist(dist), jclusterings[[i]],
method = classification, centroids = centroids,
nnk = nnk)[indvec[[l]][[j]]]
ps <- matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = k)
for (i in 1:2) {
for (kk in 1:k) {
nik <- sum(clusterings[[i]]$clustering == kk)
if (nik > 1) {
for (j1 in (1:(nf[i] - 1))[clusterings[[i]]$clustering[1:(nf[i] -
1)] == kk]) {
for (j2 in (j1 + 1):nf[i]) if (clusterings[[i]]$clustering[j2] ==
ps[i, kk] <- ps[i, kk] + (classifications[[i]][j1] ==
ps[i, kk] <- 2 * ps[i, kk]/(nik * (nik -
prederr[[k]][l] <- mean(c(min(ps[1, ]), min(ps[2,
mean.pred <- numeric(0)
if (Gmin > 1)
mean.pred <- c(1)
if (Gmin > 2)
mean.pred <- c(mean.pred, rep(NA, Gmin - 2))
for (k in Gmin:Gmax) mean.pred <- c(mean.pred, mean(prederr[[k]]))
optimalk <- max(which(mean.pred > cutoff))
out <- list(predcorr = prederr, mean.pred = mean.pred, optimalk = optimalk,
cutoff = cutoff, method = clusterings[[1]]$clustermethod,
Gmax = Gmax, M = M)
class(out) <- "predstr"


Why do I get the error "number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length" when running the sppba function of the WRS2 package?

I would be super grateful for some help. I don't have a coding background and I am confused by the error message I am getting when running the sppb functions of the WRS2 package. These functions perform a robust mixed ANOVA using bootstrapping.
sppba(formula = score ~ my_between_variable * my_within_variable, id = participant_code, data = df_long_T2)
Error in xmat[, k] <- x[[kv]] :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
I get the same error for all three sppb functions. The functions look the same except that instead of sppba the others say sppbb and sppbi. I don't even know what the functions are trying to replace. The functions work for me with other data.
The classes of all the things involved seem fine: score is numeric, order_supplement and time are factors, participant_code is character, df_long_T2 is a dataframe. I have 120 participants, 61 in one group and 59 in the other, with two observations per participant. There are no NAs in the columns involved.
Traceback() just gives me the one line of code above and the error message.
Debug() gives me this and I don't know what to make of it:
"Debug location is approximate because location is not available"
function (formula, id, data, est = "mom", avg = TRUE, nboot = 500,
MDIS = FALSE, ...)
if (missing(data)) {
mf <- model.frame(formula)
else {
mf <- model.frame(formula, data)
cl <-
est <- match.arg(est, c("mom", "onestep", "median"), several.ok = FALSE)
mf1 <-
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "id"), names(mf1), 0L)
mf1 <- mf1[c(1L, m)]
mf1$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf1[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf1 <- eval(mf1, parent.frame())
random1 <- mf1[, "(id)"]
depvar <- colnames(mf)[1]
if (all(length(table(random1)) == table(mf[, 3]))) {
ranvar <- colnames(mf)[3]
fixvar <- colnames(mf)[2]
else {
ranvar <- colnames(mf)[2]
fixvar <- colnames(mf)[3]
K <- length(table(mf[, ranvar]))
J <- length(table(mf[, fixvar]))
p <- J * K
grp <- 1:p
est <- get(est)
fixsplit <- split(mf[, depvar], mf[, fixvar])
indsplit <- split(mf[, ranvar], mf[, fixvar])
dattemp <- mapply(split, fixsplit, indsplit, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
data <-, dattemp)
x <- data
jp <- 1 - K
kv <- 0
kv2 <- 0
for (j in 1:J) {
jp <- jp + K
xmat <- matrix(NA, ncol = K, nrow = length(x[[jp]]))
for (k in 1:K) {
kv <- kv + 1
xmat[, k] <- x[[kv]]
xmat <- elimna(xmat)
for (k in 1:K) {
kv2 <- kv2 + 1
x[[kv2]] <- xmat[, k]
xx <- x
nvec <- NA
jp <- 1 - K
for (j in 1:J) {
jp <- jp + K
nvec[j] <- length(x[[jp]])
bloc <- matrix(NA, nrow = J, ncol = nboot)
mvec <- NA
ik <- 0
for (j in 1:J) {
x <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvec[j], ncol = K)
for (k in 1:K) {
ik <- ik + 1
x[, k] <- xx[[ik]]
if (!avg)
mvec[ik] <- est(xx[[ik]])
tempv <- apply(x, 2, est)
data <- matrix(sample(nvec[j], size = nvec[j] * nboot,
replace = TRUE), nrow = nboot)
bvec <- matrix(NA, ncol = K, nrow = nboot)
for (k in 1:K) {
temp <- x[, k]
bvec[, k] <- apply(data, 1, rmanogsub, temp, est)
if (avg) {
mvec[j] <- mean(tempv)
bloc[j, ] <- apply(bvec, 1, mean)
if (!avg) {
if (j == 1)
bloc <- bvec
if (j > 1)
bloc <- cbind(bloc, bvec)
if (avg) {
d <- (J^2 - J)/2
con <- matrix(0, J, d)
id <- 0
Jm <- J - 1
for (j in 1:Jm) {
jp <- j + 1
for (k in jp:J) {
id <- id + 1
con[j, id] <- 1
con[k, id] <- 0 - 1
if (!avg) {
MJK <- K * (J^2 - J)/2
JK <- J * K
MJ <- (J^2 - J)/2
cont <- matrix(0, nrow = J, ncol = MJ)
ic <- 0
for (j in 1:J) {
for (jj in 1:J) {
if (j < jj) {
ic <- ic + 1
cont[j, ic] <- 1
cont[jj, ic] <- 0 - 1
tempv <- matrix(0, nrow = K - 1, ncol = MJ)
con1 <- rbind(cont[1, ], tempv)
for (j in 2:J) {
con2 <- rbind(cont[j, ], tempv)
con1 <- rbind(con1, con2)
con <- con1
if (K > 1) {
for (k in 2:K) {
con1 <- push(con1)
con <- cbind(con, con1)
if (!avg)
bcon <- t(con) %*% t(bloc)
if (avg)
bcon <- t(con) %*% (bloc)
tvec <- t(con) %*% mvec
tvec <- tvec[, 1]
tempcen <- apply(bcon, 1, mean)
vecz <- rep(0, ncol(con))
bcon <- t(bcon)
temp = bcon
for (ib in 1:nrow(temp)) temp[ib, ] = temp[ib, ] - tempcen +
bcon <- rbind(bcon, vecz)
if (!MDIS) {
if (!MC)
dv = pdis(bcon, center = tvec)
if (MDIS) {
smat <- var(temp)
bcon <- rbind(bcon, vecz)
chkrank <- qr(smat)$rank
if (chkrank == ncol(smat))
dv <- mahalanobis(bcon, tvec, smat)
if (chkrank < ncol(smat)) {
smat <- ginv(smat)
dv <- mahalanobis(bcon, tvec, smat, inverted = T)
bplus <- nboot + 1
sig.level <- 1 - sum(dv[bplus] >= dv[1:nboot])/nboot
tvec1 <- data.frame(Estimate = tvec)
if (avg) {
tnames <- apply(combn(levels(mf[, fixvar]), 2), 2, paste0,
collapse = "-")
rownames(tvec1) <- tnames
else {
fixcomb <- apply(combn(levels(mf[, fixvar]), 2), 2,
paste0, collapse = "-")
rnames <- levels(mf[, ranvar])
tnames <- as.vector(t(outer(rnames, fixcomb, paste)))
rownames(tvec1) <- tnames
result <- list(test = tvec1, p.value = sig.level, contrasts = con,
call = cl)
class(result) <- c("spp")
I expected to get an output like this:
## Test statistics:
## Estimate
## time1-time2 0.3000
## Test whether the corrresponding population parameters are the same:
## p-value: 0.37

How to see the distribution of variables after clustering with gower distance in R. How can i see the distribution of variables accross the clusters?

I have calculated dendrograms of my dataset with the divisive and agglomerative method
gower.dist <- daisy(data.cluster, metric=c("gower"))
divisive.clust <- diana(as.matrix(gower.dist),
diss = TRUE, keep.diss = TRUE)
plot(divisive.clust, main = "Divisive")
aggl.clust.c <- hclust(gower.dist, method = "complete")
main = "Agglomerative, complete linkages")
I also have the results in a table with the amounts of cases in the clusters, etc.
cstats.table <- function(dist, tree, k) {
clust.assess <- c("cluster.number","n","","average.within","average.between",
clust.size <- c("cluster.size")
stats.names <- c()
row.clust <- c()
output.stats <- matrix(ncol = k, nrow = length(clust.assess))
cluster.sizes <- matrix(ncol = k, nrow = k)
for(i in c(1:k)){
row.clust[i] <- paste("Cluster-", i, " size")
for(i in c(2:k)){
stats.names[i] <- paste("Test", i-1)
for(j in seq_along(clust.assess)){
output.stats[j, i] <- unlist(cluster.stats(d = dist, clustering = cutree(tree, k = i))[clust.assess])[j]
for(d in 1:k) {
cluster.sizes[d, i] <- unlist(cluster.stats(d = dist, clustering = cutree(tree, k = i))[clust.size])[d]
dim(cluster.sizes[d, i]) <- c(length(cluster.sizes[i]), 1)
cluster.sizes[d, i]
output.stats.df <- data.frame(output.stats)
cluster.sizes <- data.frame(cluster.sizes)
cluster.sizes[] <- 0
rows.all <- c(clust.assess, row.clust)
# rownames(output.stats.df) <- clust.assess
output <- rbind(output.stats.df, cluster.sizes)[ ,-1]
colnames(output) <- stats.names[2:k]
rownames(output) <- rows.all
is.num <- sapply(output, is.numeric)
output[is.num] <- lapply(output[is.num], round, 2)
stats.df.divisive <- cstats.table(gower.dist, divisive.clust, 7)
stats.df.aggl <-cstats.table(gower.dist, aggl.clust.c, 7)
#complete linkages looks like the most balanced approach

Filling empty vector inside while loop - R

can somebody help me please with my cluster analysis?
I try to put values in an empty vector inside a while loop and are not able to manage it.
I am searching for the minimum value of my distance matrix and then put these values in every step of the while loop into a vector.
You can find the part of the code at variable "meltLevel" in the middle of the code.
Thanks in advance.
standardMatrix <- matrix (runif(25, max = 50, min = 1), nrow = 5, ncol = 5)
dist <- function(x1, x2) sqrt(sum((x1 - x2)^2))
distanceMatrix <- matrix(, nrow=5, ncol=5)
for (x in 1:4) {
for (y in (x+1):5) {
vector1 <- standardMatrix[x,];
vector2 <- standardMatrix[y,];
distanceMatrix[x,y] <- dist(vector1, vector2);
distanceMatrix <- t(distanceMatrix)
while(dim(distanceMatrix)[1] > 2) {
distanceMatrix <- rbind(distanceMatrix, NA)
distanceMatrix <- cbind(distanceMatrix, NA)
newInd <- dim(distanceMatrix)[1]
endInd <- dim(distanceMatrix)[1] - 1
meltLevel <- numeric(0)
meltLevel <- c(meltLevel, min(distanceMatrix, na.rm = TRUE))
minVal <- which(distanceMatrix == min(distanceMatrix, na.rm=TRUE), arr.ind=TRUE)
endInd = dim(distanceMatrix)[1]-1
for(col in 1:endInd){
if(!(col == minVal[1] || col == minVal[2])) {
v <- c(distanceMatrix[minVal[1],col],distanceMatrix[col,minVal[1]],distanceMatrix[col,minVal[2]],distanceMatrix[minVal[2],col])
minV <- min(v, na.rm=TRUE)
distanceMatrix[newInd,col] = minV
maxMinVal <- max(minVal)
minMinVal <- min(minVal)
distanceMatrix <- distanceMatrix[-maxMinVal,]
distanceMatrix <- distanceMatrix[-minMinVal,]
distanceMatrix <- distanceMatrix[, -maxMinVal]
distanceMatrix <- distanceMatrix[, -minMinVal]

R Factor Analysis with factanal() for huge amount of predictors results in a system that is computationally singular

I am trying to run Factor analysis for a dataset with around 150 variables but only have around around 80 observations.
I tried the factanal() function in R and R reported error:
Error in solve.default(cv) :
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 3.0804e-20
Any suggestions on alternative methods / packages?
A demonstration on a dummy dataset would be:
# This will work (dataset with 80 obs and 15 predictors)
fake_df =*15), nrow = 80))
factanal(fake_df, factors = 2, rotation = "varimax")
# This will not (dataset with 80 obs and 150 predictors)
fake_df =*150), nrow = 80))
factanal(fake_df, factors = 2, rotation = "varimax")
So far I've replaced the solve function in the factanal() source code with a numerical solving function one that I created below, but it did not resolve the issue:
solve_G = function(M){
} else{
s = svd(M)
U = s$u
V = s$v
D_Inv = diag(1/s$d)
Num_Inv = V %*% D_Inv %*% t(U)
cat("Singular Matrix! SVD Used.\n")
And after you replace "solve" with "solve_G", a new error occurred:
Error in, factors, start[, i], max(cn$lower, 0), cn$opt) :
could not find function ""
P.S. Here is the new "factanal" function named my_factanal:
The error above occurred when running the line:
nfit <-, factors, start[, i], max(cn$lower, 0), cn$opt)
And to run this, Set x to be a 80* 150 numerical dataframe, set factors = 2, set scores = "regression", rotation = "varimax":
my_factanal = function (x, factors, data = NULL, covmat = NULL, n.obs = NA,
subset, na.action, start = NULL, scores = c("none", "regression",
"Bartlett"), rotation = "varimax", control = NULL, ...)
sortLoadings <- function(Lambda) {
cn <- colnames(Lambda)
Phi <- attr(Lambda, "covariance")
ssq <- apply(Lambda, 2L, function(x) -sum(x^2))
Lambda <- Lambda[, order(ssq), drop = FALSE]
colnames(Lambda) <- cn
neg <- colSums(Lambda) < 0
Lambda[, neg] <- -Lambda[, neg]
if (!is.null(Phi)) {
unit <- ifelse(neg, -1, 1)
attr(Lambda, "covariance") <- unit %*% Phi[order(ssq),
order(ssq)] %*% unit
cl <-
na.act <- NULL
if (is.list(covmat)) {
if (any("cov", "n.obs"), names(covmat)))))
stop("'covmat' is not a valid covariance list")
cv <- covmat$cov
n.obs <- covmat$n.obs
have.x <- FALSE
else if (is.matrix(covmat)) {
cv <- covmat
have.x <- FALSE
else if (is.null(covmat)) {
if (missing(x))
stop("neither 'x' nor 'covmat' supplied")
have.x <- TRUE
if (inherits(x, "formula")) {
mt <- terms(x, data = data)
if (attr(mt, "response") > 0)
stop("response not allowed in formula")
attr(mt, "intercept") <- 0
mf <- = FALSE)
names(mf)[names(mf) == "x"] <- "formula"
mf$factors <- mf$covmat <- mf$scores <- mf$start <- mf$rotation <- mf$control <- mf$... <- NULL
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval.parent(mf)
na.act <- attr(mf, "na.action")
if (.check_vars_numeric(mf))
stop("factor analysis applies only to numerical variables")
z <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
else {
z <- as.matrix(x)
if (!is.numeric(z))
stop("factor analysis applies only to numerical variables")
if (!missing(subset))
z <- z[subset, , drop = FALSE]
covmat <- cov.wt(z)
cv <- covmat$cov
n.obs <- covmat$n.obs
else stop("'covmat' is of unknown type")
scores <- match.arg(scores)
if (scores != "none" && !have.x)
stop("requested scores without an 'x' matrix")
p <- ncol(cv)
if (p < 3)
stop("factor analysis requires at least three variables")
dof <- 0.5 * ((p - factors)^2 - p - factors)
if (dof < 0)
stop(sprintf(ngettext(factors, "%d factor is too many for %d variables",
"%d factors are too many for %d variables"), factors,
p), domain = NA)
sds <- sqrt(diag(cv))
cv <- cv/(sds %o% sds)
cn <- list(nstart = 1, trace = FALSE, lower = 0.005)
cn[names(control)] <- control
more <- list(...)[c("nstart", "trace", "lower", "opt", "rotate")]
if (length(more))
cn[names(more)] <- more
if (is.null(start)) {
start <- (1 - 0.5 * factors/p)/diag(solve_G(cv))
if ((ns <- cn$nstart) > 1)
start <- cbind(start, matrix(runif(ns - 1), p, ns -
1, byrow = TRUE))
start <- as.matrix(start)
if (nrow(start) != p)
stop(sprintf(ngettext(p, "'start' must have %d row",
"'start' must have %d rows"), p), domain = NA)
nc <- ncol(start)
if (nc < 1)
stop("no starting values supplied")
best <- Inf
for (i in 1L:nc) {
nfit <-, factors, start[, i], max(cn$lower, 0), cn$opt)
if (cn$trace)
cat("start", i, "value:", format(nfit$criteria[1L]),
"uniqs:", format(as.vector(round(nfit$uniquenesses,
4))), "\\n")
if (nfit$converged && nfit$criteria[1L] < best) {
fit <- nfit
best <- fit$criteria[1L]
if (best == Inf)
stop(ngettext(nc, "unable to optimize from this starting value",
"unable to optimize from these starting values"),
domain = NA)
load <- fit$loadings
if (rotation != "none") {
rot <-, c(list(load), cn$rotate))
load <- if (is.list(rot)) {
load <- rot$loadings
fit$rotmat <- if (inherits(rot, "GPArotation"))
else rot$rotmat
else rot
fit$loadings <- sortLoadings(load)
class(fit$loadings) <- "loadings"
fit$na.action <- na.act
if (have.x && scores != "none") {
Lambda <- fit$loadings
zz <- scale(z, TRUE, TRUE)
switch(scores, regression = {
sc <- zz %*% solve(cv, Lambda)
if (!is.null(Phi <- attr(Lambda, "covariance"))) sc <- sc %*%
}, Bartlett = {
d <- 1/fit$uniquenesses
tmp <- t(Lambda * d)
sc <- t(solve(tmp %*% Lambda, tmp %*% t(zz)))
rownames(sc) <- rownames(z)
colnames(sc) <- colnames(Lambda)
if (!is.null(na.act))
sc <- napredict(na.act, sc)
fit$scores <- sc
if (! && dof > 0) {
fit$STATISTIC <- (n.obs - 1 - (2 * p + 5)/6 - (2 * factors)/3) *
fit$PVAL <- pchisq(fit$STATISTIC, dof, lower.tail = FALSE)
fit$n.obs <- n.obs
fit$call <- cl

Saving huge model object to file

Say you have a model object of class 'varrest' returned from a VAR() regression operation.
I want to save the model to a file, but not all data which was used to estimate the coefficients.
How can one just save the model specification wihtout the training data?
Because when I save the model it has a file size of over 1GB and therefore loading does take its time.
Can one save objects without some attributes?
The predict.varest function starts out with this code:
K <- object$K
p <- object$p
obs <- object$obs
type <- object$type
data.all <- object$datamat
ynames <- colnames(object$y)
You can then investigate how much pruning you might achieve:
tcan <-
VAR(Canada, p = 2, type = "trend")
# [1] "varresult" "datamat" "y" "type" "p"
# [6] "K" "obs" "totobs" "restrictions" "call"
object.size(tcan[c("K","p", "obs", "type", "datamat", "y")] )
#15080 bytes
#252032 bytes
So the difference is substantial, but just saving those items is not sufficient because the next line in predict.varest is:
B <- Bcoef(object)
You will need to add that object to the list above and then construct a new predict-function that accepts something less than the large 'varresult' node of the model object. Also turned out that there was a downstream call to an internal function that needs to be stored. (You will need to decide in advance what interval you need for prediction.)
tsmall <- c( tcan[c("K","p", "obs", "type", "datamat", "y", "call")] )
tsmall[["Bco"]] <- Bcoef(tcan)
tsmall$sig.y <- vars:::.fecov(x = tcan, n.ahead = 10)
And the modified predict function will be:
sm.predict <- function (object, ..., n.ahead = 10, ci = 0.95, dumvar = NULL)
K <- object$K
p <- object$p
obs <- object$obs
type <- object$type
data.all <- object$datamat
ynames <- colnames(object$y)
n.ahead <- as.integer(n.ahead)
Z <- object$datamat[, -c(1:K)]
# This used to be a call to Bcoef(object)
B <- object$Bco
if (type == "const") {
Zdet <- matrix(rep(1, n.ahead), nrow = n.ahead, ncol = 1)
colnames(Zdet) <- "const"
else if (type == "trend") {
trdstart <- nrow(Z) + 1 + p
Zdet <- matrix(seq(trdstart, length = n.ahead), nrow = n.ahead,
ncol = 1)
colnames(Zdet) <- "trend"
else if (type == "both") {
trdstart <- nrow(Z) + 1 + p
Zdet <- matrix(c(rep(1, n.ahead), seq(trdstart, length = n.ahead)),
nrow = n.ahead, ncol = 2)
colnames(Zdet) <- c("const", "trend")
else if (type == "none") {
Zdet <- NULL
if (!is.null(eval(object$call$season))) {
season <- eval(object$call$season)
seas.names <- paste("sd", 1:(season - 1), sep = "")
cycle <- tail(data.all[, seas.names], season)
seasonal <- as.matrix(cycle, nrow = season, ncol = season -
if (nrow(seasonal) >= n.ahead) {
seasonal <- as.matrix(cycle[1:n.ahead, ], nrow = n.ahead,
ncol = season - 1)
else {
while (nrow(seasonal) < n.ahead) {
seasonal <- rbind(seasonal, cycle)
seasonal <- seasonal[1:n.ahead, ]
rownames(seasonal) <- seq(nrow(data.all) + 1, length = n.ahead)
if (!is.null(Zdet)) {
Zdet <- as.matrix(cbind(Zdet, seasonal))
else {
Zdet <- as.matrix(seasonal)
if (!is.null(eval(object$call$exogen))) {
if (is.null(dumvar)) {
stop("\nNo matrix for dumvar supplied, but object varest contains exogenous variables.\n")
if (!all(colnames(dumvar) %in% colnames(data.all))) {
stop("\nColumn names of dumvar do not coincide with exogen.\n")
if (!identical(nrow(dumvar), n.ahead)) {
stop("\nRow number of dumvar is unequal to n.ahead.\n")
if (!is.null(Zdet)) {
Zdet <- as.matrix(cbind(Zdet, dumvar))
else {
Zdet <- as.matrix(dumvar)
Zy <- as.matrix(object$datamat[, 1:(K * (p + 1))])
yse <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.ahead, ncol = K)
# This used to be a call to vars:::.fecov
sig.y <- object$sig.y
for (i in 1:n.ahead) {
yse[i, ] <- sqrt(diag(sig.y[, , i]))
yse <- -1 * qnorm((1 - ci)/2) * yse
colnames(yse) <- paste(ci, "of", ynames)
forecast <- matrix(NA, ncol = K, nrow = n.ahead)
lasty <- c(Zy[nrow(Zy), ])
for (i in 1:n.ahead) {
lasty <- lasty[1:(K * p)]; print(lasty); print(B)
Z <- c(lasty, Zdet[i, ]) ;print(Z)
forecast[i, ] <- B %*% Z
temp <- forecast[i, ]
lasty <- c(temp, lasty)
colnames(forecast) <- paste(ynames, ".fcst", sep = "")
lower <- forecast - yse
colnames(lower) <- paste(ynames, ".lower", sep = "")
upper <- forecast + yse
colnames(upper) <- paste(ynames, ".upper", sep = "")
forecasts <- list()
for (i in 1:K) {
forecasts[[i]] <- cbind(forecast[, i], lower[, i], upper[,
i], yse[, i])
colnames(forecasts[[i]]) <- c("fcst", "lower", "upper",
names(forecasts) <- ynames
result <- list(fcst = forecasts, endog = object$y, model = object,
exo.fcst = dumvar)
class(result) <- "varprd"
set the attributes you do not want to NULL, or
copy the parts you want to a new object, or
call the save() function with proper indexing.
