sqlite copy values within a table - sqlite

I'm completely new to sqlite, so bear with me. I am updating a database and need to copy values within the same table, named "custom". I used pragma to get the table info, it's:
Using select * from custom where ticket = (some value) I get, among other results,
(some value)|block|
(some value)|required|(another value)
I want to copy (another value) to "block" anywhere this value exists in "required". How do I make that happen? Everything I've tried has failed miserably to this point.
My pseudo code version would be something like
update custom
where required has a value
copy it to block
How do I turn that into actual sqlite commands?

UPDATE custom
SET value = (SELECT value
FROM custom AS c2
WHERE c2.ticket = custom.ticket
AND c2.name = 'required')
WHERE name = 'block'


using an expression as table name in sqlite

I am trying to check if a table exists prior to send a SELECT query on that table.
The table name is composed with a trailing 2 letters language code and when I get the full table name with the user's language in it, I don't know if the user language is actually supported by my database and if the table for that language really exists.
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = 'mytable_zz' OR name = 'mytable_en' ORDER BY ( name = 'mytable_zz' ) DESC LIMIT 1;
and then
SELECT * FROM table_name_returned_by_first_query;
I could have a first query to check the existence of the table like the one above, which returns mytable_zz if that table exists or mytable_en if it doesn't, and then make a second query using the result of the first as table name.
But I would rather have it all in one single query that would return the expected results from either the user's language table or the english one in case his language is not supported, without throwing a "table mytable_zz doesn't exist" error.
Anyone knows how I could handle this ?
Is there a way to use the result of the first query as a table name in the 2nd ?
edit : I don't have the hand of the database itself which is generated automatically, I don't want to get involved in a complex process of manually updating any new database that I get. Plus this query is called multiple times and having to retrieve the result of a first query before launching a second one is too long. I use plain text queries that I send through a SQLite wrapper. I guess the simplest would rather be to check if the user's language is supported once for all in my program and store a string with either the language code of the user or "en" if not supported, and use that string to compose my table name(s). I am going to pick that solution unless someone has a better idea
Here is a simple MRE :
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `lng_en` ( key TEXT, value TEXT );
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `lng_fr` ( key TEXT, value TEXT );
INSERT INTO `lng_en` ( key , value ) VALUES ( 'question1', 'What is your name ?');
INSERT INTO `lng_fr` ( key , value ) VALUES ( 'question1', 'Quel est votre nom ?');
SELECT `value` FROM lng_%s WHERE `key` = 'question1';
where %s is to be replaced by the 2 letters language code. This example will work if the provided code is 'en' or 'fr' but will throw an error if the code is 'zh', in this case I would like to have the same result returned as with 'en' ....
Not in SQL, without executing it dynamically.. But if this is your front end that is running this SQL then it doesn't matter so much. Because your table name came out of the DB there isn't really any opportunity for SQL injection hacking with it:
var tabName = db.ExecuteScalar("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = 'mytable_zz' OR name = 'mytable_en' ORDER BY ( name = 'mytable_zz' ) DESC LIMIT 1;")
var results = db.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM " + tabName);
Yunnosch's comment is quite pertinent; you're essentially storing in a table name information that really should be in a column.. You could consider making a single table and then a bunch of views like mytable_zz the definition of which is SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE lang = 'zz' etc, and make instead-of triggers if you want to cater for a legacy app that you cannot change; the legacy app would select from / insert into the views thinking they are tables, but in reality your data is single table and easier to manage

Find unused labels

Is there any way I can find labels which are not used in D365 FO (labels which dont have references)?
The cross references are stored in database DYNAMICSXREFDB. You can use a sql query to generate a list of labels that have no references.
This query uses two tables in the database:
Names holds an entry for each object in the application that can be referenced.
The Path field of the table holds the name of the object (e.g. /Labels/#FormRunConfiguration:ViewDefaultLabel is the path of the ViewDefaultLabel in the FormRunConfiguration label file.
Field Id is used to reference a record in this table in other tables.
References holds the actual references that connect the objects.
Field SourceId contains the Id of the Names record of the object that references another object identified by field TargetId.
The actual query could look like this:
SELECT LabelObjects.Path AS UnusedLabel
FROM [dbo].[Names] AS LabelObjects
WHERE LabelObjects.Path LIKE '/Labels/%'
FROM [dbo].[References] AS LabelReferences
WHERE LabelReferences.TargetId = LabelObjects.Id)
Make sure to compile the application to update the cross reference data. Otherwise the query might give you wrong results. When I run this query on a version 10.0.3 PU27 environment, it returns one standard label as a result.

Is it okay to use .Query<table_name> when updating SQLite using Xamarin?

I have taken over some code and I see that database updates are performed like this:
dbcon = DependencyService.Get<ISQLite>().GetConnection();
public void UpdateAnswered(string id)
dbcon.Query<Phrase>("UPDATE Phrase SET Answered = Answered + 1 " +
"WHERE Id = ?", id);
I am new to using SQLite with Xamarin but it looks strange to me that this update is handled with a dbcon.Query and that the table name is passed as . Can someone confirm is this the optimal way to handle a table update? Also why is it coded as a query with the table name being passed?
This method allows you to pass in an instance of an object that this stored in the database which has a primary key. SQLite then recognizes the primary key and updates the rest of the object's values.
You would just call connection.Update( phrase ); where the phrase is an instance of the Phrase class with properties you want to set. Be aware that all columns except ID will be updated.
Performs a query and returns the results. The type parameter specifies the type of the items returned. This is most appropriate for SELECT queries.
This returns the number of affected rows by the query as an int. This is probably the best choice for your UPDATE query after the Update<T> method.
Use for queries that return scalar types - like COUNT, etc., where T is the type of the value.
In summary, Update is the most natural way to update a row in the database (with an instance you have), but Query<T> and Execute<T> are very useful if you just want to UPDATE one column like in your example.

Access database UPDATE table with subquery

I never should've expected that knowing mySQL I'd be safe using Access.
I have two tables: users and scores
users table contains: id(auto increment primary key), username, password, etc..
scoers table contains: id(number - foreign key to users.id), highScore
I've previously asked help for INSERT command, which now works as it should. Now I've got issues with a similar UPDATE command.
The non-working command looks like this:
string updateCommand = #"UPDATE scores
id = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = #username),
highScore = #score
WHERE highScore = (SELECT MIN(highScore) FROM scores);";
which throws a: Operation must use an updateable query.
To rationalize what I'm trying to accomplish here: I'm INSERT-ing high scores until I reach 10 scores in the table, afterwards instead of adding any new scores and filling up the database needlessly I decided It'd be more sensible to just "overwrite" the currently lowest score using UPDATE.
I am supplied a username and the high score and since the scores table contains only id I need to reach the id of the current user so that's what the first subquery is doing, the second subquery in the WHERE clause is to specify which score to replace (though there is possibly a bug here if there are multiple people with the lowest score, any ideas how to fix that?)
I've also tried using OUTER RIGHT JOIN like this:
string updateCommand = #"UPDATE scores
OUTER RIGHT JOIN users ON scores.id = users.id
scores.id = users.id,
scores.highScore = #score
WHERE (highScore = (SELECT MIN(highScore) FROM scores)) AND (username = #username);";
With no luck(I get a generic Syntax error in UPDATE statement.).
Browsing the net I've found that I possibly "can't" use subqueries in UPDATE statements but I seem to find conflicting opinions on the matter.
I've also tried using the DLookup function in place of subqueries like:
id = DLookup(""id"", ""users"", ""username = #username""),
WHERE highScore = DLookup(""MIN(highScore)"", ""scores"");";
elipses represent extraneous code which is identical to the code above.
Also as a last resort I've tried dividing into multiple queries however userId query which looks like this:
string userIdQuery = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = #username"
seems to return a null judging by the NullReferenceException i recieve (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.) when trying to use the variable userId after I've done this:
int userId = 0;
userId = (Int32)command.ExecuteScalar();
I'm supposed to get an integer however I get a null I think. The almost identical query for getting the minimum highscore works flawlessly and the int variable is filled with the correct value so I'm assuming that hte problem is in the query itself somehow. I've tried adding single quotes around the #username parameter assuming that it might not be recognizing the string but it seems that's not it.
Phew.. took me a while to write this. Anyone got any ideas on how to make this all work? If you need more info let me know.
So after some messing around I've found out the causes of my troubles. The bad side is that I increased the amount of code so that I'd avoid subqueries as much as possible since, at least from my experience, Access doesn't really like the use of subqueries in UPDATE or INSERT commands.
What I did first is split the command into 3 separate ones:
"SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ?;" - To get the id of the user whose score
I'm putting in the database.
#"SELECT scores.id, scores.highScore, scores.dateTime FROM scores WHERE (((scores.highScore)=DMin(""highScore"",""scores"")));" - which gets the id, high score
and time when the entry was... well entered, of the lowest score currently in the high scores list. Thanks to a suggestion from HansUp I used DMin function instead of a subquery with MIN to avoid the Must use an updateable query error. The extraneous parentheses are due to Access since this command was generated by the Access query designer and I'm too afraid to change anything lest I break it.
#"UPDATE scores SET scores.id = ?, scores.highScore = ?, scores.[dateTime] = Now() WHERE (((scores.id)=?) AND ((scores.highScore)=?) AND ((scores.dateTime)=?));" - The update command itself, not much to say here except that it takes the previously extracted data and uses it as values for the command.
One thing I noticed is that even if I got the command working the .ExecuteNonQuery() would always return 0 rows affected. After poking around I found out that named parameters for commands in ASP.NET / C# don't always work and that instead ? should be used instead. It's kind of inconvenient but I can't complain too much.

ADD COLUMN to sqlite db IF NOT EXISTS - flex/air sqlite?

I've got a flex/air app I've been working on, it uses a local sqlite database that is created on the initial application start.
I've added some features to the application and in the process I had to add a new field to one of the database tables. My questions is how to I go about getting the application to create one new field that is located in a table that already exists?
this is a the line that creates the table
stmt.text = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tbl_status ("+"status_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"+" status_status TEXT)";
And now I'd like to add a status_default field.
Thanks - MPelletier
I've add the code you provided and it does add the field, but now the next time I restart my app I get an error - 'status_default' already exists'.
So how can I go about adding some sort of a IF NOT EXISTS statement to the line you provided?
ALTER TABLE tbl_status ADD COLUMN status_default TEXT;
That being said, adding columns in SQLite is limited. You cannot add a column anywhere but after the last column in your table.
As for checking if the column already exists, PRAGMA table_info(tbl_status); will return a table listing the various columns of your table.
I've been using a strategy in database design that allows me to distinguish which modifications are required. For this, you will need a new table (call it DBInfo), with one field (Integer, call it SchemaVersion). Alternately, there is also an internal value in SQLite called user_version, which can be set with a PRAGMA command. Your code can, on program startup, check for schema version number and apply changes accordingly, one version at a time.
Suppose a function named UpdateDBSchema(). This function will check for your database schema version, handle DBInfo not being there, and determine that the database is in version 0. The rest of this function could be just a large switch with different versions, nested in a loop (or other structure available to your platform of choice).
So for this first version, have an UpgradeDBVersion0To1() function, which will create this new table (DBInfo), add your status_default field, and set SchemaVersion to 1. In your code, add a constant that indicates the latest schema version, say LATEST_DB_VERSION, and set it to 1. In that way, your code and your database have a schema version, and you know you need to synch them if they are not equal.
When you need to make another change to your schema, set the LATEST_DB_VERSION constant to 2 and make a new UpgradeDBVersion1To2() function that will perform the required changes.
That way, your program can be ported easily, can connect to and upgrade an old database, etc.
I know this is an old question... however.
I've hit this precise problem in the SQLite implementation in Adobe AIR. I thought it would be possible to use the PRAGMA command to resolve, but since adobe air's implementation does not support the PRAGMA command, we need an alternative.
What I did, that I thought would be worth while sharing here, is this:
var sql:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
sql.sqlConnection = pp_db.dbConn;
sql.text = "SELECT NewField FROM TheTable";
sql.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, function(evt:SQLEvent):void {
sql.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, function(err:SQLErrorEvent):void {
var sql:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
sql.sqlConnection = pp_db.dbConn;
sql.text = "ALTER TABLE TheTable ADD COLUMN NewField NUMERIC;";
sql.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, function (evt:SQLEvent):void {
Hope it helps someone.
I solved a similar problem using the answer from this question:
Use built in user_version parameter to keep track of your updates. You set it using:
PRAGMA user_version = 1
and you retrieve it using
PRAGMA user_version
So basically retrieve user_version (it's 0 by default), check if it's 0. If yes, perform your updates and set it to 1. If you have more updates in the future, check if it's 1, perform updates and set it to 0. And so on...
In some cases I execute the command and get the exception for "duplicate column". Just a quick solution, not the perfect.
